Bahamut, this old fellow, lied to outsiders that I escaped for refuge?

After I left, I dont know what happened to the city of tomorrow...

Zhan Shiqi, Teddy and others, and Cusk, should all be dead, right?

There is no **** to increase their life, they don't have that long life.

After all, it is not an ultra-long-lived race like lava giants.

To be honest, when I met Suffron before, I was really surprised to see the two lava giants.

But then when I thought of the average life span of the opponent's race of 100,000 years, I had no idea.

However, both of the abyss race, the three-headed demon dog of hell, seemingly because they are flesh and blood creatures, although they are considered long-term species, their average life span is only about 1,000.

Orcs, not to mention, they are not even longevity species.

There are also those female dragons, either dead or in the realm of Tiamat.

But Shillong felt that he might be dead.

Ask why?

Shillon still knows a little bit about Tiamat's God Realm.

Most of them are male dragons!

It is the harem of Tiamat!

There are really few female dragons!

As Sillon thought about it, Arman opened his eyes.

A portal appeared from the side.

An elf quickly rushed out of the portal.

Her appearance was very similar to that of Arman. It was Viola. The moment she saw Shillong, her eyes turned red, and she quickly ran towards Shillong and hugged Shillong.

But because of his height, he could only hug Shillong's waist, which looked a little strange.

In the next moment, Viola's figure suddenly became larger and became three meters tall. Then he hugged Shillong in his arms and shouted: "My dear Shillong! You are finally back!

Mom wants to kill you! "

While speaking, he hugged Shillong, who was more than two meters away, and kissed his cheek fiercely.

A mouthful is not enough, Mu Mu Mu keeps kissing.

There was a strange feeling in Shillong, who was holding him and kissing his cheek.

Obviously he has been an old guy for more than 50,000 years, and he was kissed like this by his mother...

This feeling made his face a little red.

But thinking of not seeing each other for fifty thousand years, my mother would seem to understand it.

Just this time, let her kiss slowly.

Silom sighed helplessly, and glanced at Arman. This kid was no longer jealous as before, instead he showed a smirk with malicious intent.

Saffron still did not leave behind him, watching this scene with a complicated expression.

Big sister!

You kissed so hard, do you know how terrifying the guy in your arms is?

After appearing true, a scale may be able to crush a true dragon.

Several other people and dogs appeared in the portal.

Shillon saw Orom, Kama, Andre, Neferu, James and Teddy.

Orom, Kama, Andre, and Neferu are followers of Bahamut and their relationship with Shillong, so it is not surprising that Bahamut used the power of faith to extend his life.

But what the **** are these two dog things?

In fact, Shillon didn't know that this was what Bahamut had given him to prolong the life of the two dogs.

Because these two dogs have always claimed that they are Shillong's most loyal subordinates, Yunyun will definitely be heartbroken and go crazy if the owner will not see them in the future.

So Bahamut extended their lives.

This treatment is not enjoyed by ordinary metal dragons.

After all, Old Baha was a poor god, and he had little power of faith, and he couldn't extend the life of every believer. It would be fine if it was a special life form that subdued the kingdom of God.

But for these real life forms that can enter and exit the kingdom of God, each life extension can cost a lot of money...

"My lord! You can count back!" Zhan Shiqi tears into his eyes.

He rushed to Shillong's side and began to lick at Shillong's feet.

"Ah! This is the familiar smell of my lord! Without my lord by my side, I can live like a year!

Next time you have to leave, you must remember to take me, your most faithful servant, can't live without you! "

"My lord...uuuuuu...Finally see you again!

My Teddy is dead now!

You don't know how I spent these fifty thousand years!

I can't lick my lord's shoes, my sense of taste is problematic! Ah ah ah ah ah! This familiar taste is great! Great! Great! "Teddy burst into tears and licked Shillong's shoes.

Shillon shook his foot impatiently and drove the two dogs away: "Okay! Don't lick it! I'm glad to see you again."

"Uuuuu...With the words of my lord, it's worth it for me, Zhan Shiqi (Teddy), to die immediately!"

"Welcome back, Shillon." Orom, Neferu, and Andre looked at him with a smile.

Kama stared at Shillong and sighed: "Child...you shouldn't have come back. The paranoia and absolute justice of the Lord of Dawn will not let you go...you violated justice."


As soon as Karma said this, everyone present was taken aback, and the atmosphere was momentarily cold.

"Oh my God! I almost forgot about it! Baby Shillong, you should run!

If the madness of the Lord of Dawn knows that you are here, he might go crazy! Viola exclaimed, and then took a ring from her hand and said: "This is part of the treasure I have collected for fifty thousand years!" You take it! Save some flowers outside! "

"...Mom, I appreciate your kindness, but it doesn't need to be." Shillong smiled and shook his head, then said: "He will go crazy? More than 50,000 years ago, after I left, that guy was not right. What are you doing?"

"My lord! After you left, that **** united with other **** kingdoms and launched an attack on our city of tomorrow.

Although our city of tomorrow is powerful, it can't hold up their crowds!

After resisting for more than a year, the death of the war, the death of the fleeing, if it were not for the protection of our Majesty Bahamut, I am afraid that we would have died in the war..." Zhan Shiqi sighed.

"Kusk, what about the five colored dragons, and those radiators and ordinary people?"

"Kusk and the radiation people have already died in battle, and everyone was scattered and fleeing, but the radiation people left you too much a master.

After being chased to death, several female dragons fled shortly after the start of the war...

As for ordinary humans, there was not much casualties, and that hypocritical fellow did not harm ordinary people. "Zhan Shiqi said.

"Is that so..." Silom was silent, looking up to the sky and said: "Lord of the dawn, Luoshanda, it is not 50,000 years ago now, I am looking forward to meeting you."

"Child! You! How can you directly call his name and the name of God?" Kama on one side was suddenly shocked.

"The gods with powerful divine power have all-knowing magical powers.

As long as they are on the same plane, chanting the name and the name of God together will be perceived! Did you forget what I taught you before? "

"!!!" Alman and Viola on one side were equally surprised. They didn't know these secrets yet, and now their hands began to shake even more urgently: "Shillong big baby! Go! Go! Go! Get out of this plane. !"

"No need to go, the little golden man has noticed here." Silom said silently.

Above the sky and in the cosmic stars, a huge gap had already been cracked at some point, and a huge golden eye with a diameter of more than ten kilometers stared at Silom.

His eyes were extremely majestic, cold and merciless.

At the same time, the brilliance of Shillong's side flashed, and an old man with white beard and white hair and cat-like pale blue eyes suddenly appeared next to Shillong.

"Your Majesty Bahamut!" Kama immediately said with luggage when he saw the old man.

Several other dragons also carry luggage at the same time.

"Yeah." Baham headed his head, his expression was a little serious, and said to Kama: "Child, you should inform me earlier that Shillong has returned."

"Sorry." Kama apologized.

When he first saw Shillong, he forgot to notify Bahamut, and he didn't notify him until the Lord of Dawn appeared.

If you had His Majesty Bahamut by your side at the beginning, things wouldn't develop to where they are now?

After seeing Bahamut, the majestic golden eyes above the sky condensed slightly: "Your Majesty Bahamut, I hope you don't make mistakes again this time! Protect the dragon of sin by your side!

today! He must accept a just trial! Atonement for your sins! "

The golden light illuminates the entire sky, and the magnificent sound penetrates the defensive barrier of the planet and spreads inward.

"Hmph!" Silom snorted disdainfully.

Out of Viola's arms, he wanted to fly into the sky.

But Bahamut on one side stopped him and said: "Child, don't be impulsive, this is not the main material planet, without the barrier protection of the **** of the gods, the lord of dawn has unimaginable power.

Even if it's just an incarnation. "

"Bahamut... Grandpa... For your protection of my mother, brother, teacher, uncle, and subordinates, I won't care about exileting me with you.

You may be right, but I am still a little angry.

Let me not see my relatives and friends for fifty thousand years. Shillon sighed.

Then he glanced at the huge eyes in the sky again: "Fifty thousand years have passed, what point does Grandpa Bahamut think my strength has reached? I...I am very strong now! I have enough. The strength to protect yourself."

He rose to the sky with great confidence.

Almost instantly came to the universe starry sky.

Viola and the dragon wanted to follow along, but they were all stopped by Bahamut.

"You guys are here, don't go up and add chaos, the power of the gods, outside the main material world, is not what you can imagine.

I went up and watched. If there is an accident, I will save Shillong. "

Bahamut said, a few quick flashes disappeared in place.

Viola and the other dragons also listened to Bahamut's words, just wandering in place anxiously, looking up at the sky.

On the other side, Sulfuron's flames are indeterminate. He knows that Shillon is absolutely very strong now, not worse than the higher Cthulhu!

Now this powerful guy and the Lord of Dawn with great divine power came up.

Maybe there are unexpected good scenes to watch!

The giant golden eyes in the sky looked at Shillong who had rushed out of the planet with some surprise.

Said: "Oh? You evil creature, it really surprised me. I don't think that after fifty thousand years, I have the power to rival the true god, right?"

"This question, you will know soon." Silom said lightly.

As his voice fell, the giant golden eyes in the starry sky burst open with a sudden bang!

The golden energy is like pieces of broken sand, flying all over the sky!

It seems to be forcibly squeezed by invisible force!

In this abrupt scene, Arman and other dragons didn't even know what happened.

Only Bahamut's face became extremely serious.

And somewhere in an alien plane.

This ectopic plane is huge, with an area comparable to a star system.

On the earth, towering giant trees stand in the sky, and humans are diligent in planting the land, reaping the joy of harvest.

And the bard, singing freely...

The holy golden light cast down from the small sun in the sky.

The whole world is peaceful and peaceful.

This is the realm of Mother Earth, and the Lord of Dawn lives here.

He sat upright on the sun.

At this moment, above the dazzling golden face, with a little confusion, he muttered to himself: "What happened... just now? Why did my avatar die in an instant? This is not right..."

"No matter what happens, I must destroy the evil plutonium dragon!

It is my duty to punish the evil!

Only me! To punish evil! "

Luoshanda thought so, and lowered his incarnation again.

On the distant planet, the golden light shining all over the sky, the golden light that was blasted into Hengsha gathered again!

A golden figure full of holiness appeared again.

"Evil plutonium..."


There was another roar.

Before the golden figure had finished speaking, his body burst open again.

The entire starry sky was plunged into weirdness.

Arman waited for the dragon to see from the ground, confused.

What's all this? How could the imposing incarnation of the Lord of Dawn explode again?

The Lord of Dawn above the sun on the alien plane took a deep breath of the heat from the sun and soothed the restless mind.

"What the hell...what's going on? No matter what! Come again!"

The avatar descended again.


Incarnate death.

"...No! This is wrong! Someone must be protecting that dragon!

Is it Bahamut?

Probably not, Bahamut's power nature is not like that. "

"Damn! I can't go on like this, I must punish the evil!

Never let that evil dragon continue to survive, even if it lives an extra second! It is a sin for the world! "

Luo Shanda looked firm.

"But at this time, even if I lower my clone, I am afraid that it will not have much effect. I will still be harmed by the **** hiding in the dark and lose my strength.

That being the case! Then the real body must be dispatched!

The **** who shelters the dragon! You cannot defeat justice! "


In the distant starry sky ~wuxiaworld.online~ With the third unexplained death of the incarnation of Luoshanda, Arman and the dragon fell into contemplation.

Why is this atmosphere getting more and more wrong?

Shouldn't the two sides fight for a while, the star sea cracked, and then Shillon defeated the gods?

Or lose, and then Bahamut saves it?

What is the situation now?

Just while they were still thinking about this issue.

The endless golden holy light burst out!

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