The brilliance of the entire galaxy was suppressed by the golden holy light, and the vast golden light made people feel the immeasurable grandeur coming.

The golden light, with kindness, gentleness, and coercion, the hostile will be subject to tremendous physical and mental oppression.

Worshipers will be washed away from worries, sorrows, and physical illnesses!

This light perfectly interprets the grace of God like the sea and the might of God like hell.

Under the light of this light, the flame on Saffron's body was indeterminate, as if there was a violent wind roaring its body, the flame seemed to go out at any time.

Arman waited for Longton to feel breathless, and his entire body was overwhelmed by the tremendous pressure.

Other ordinary creatures on the planet felt the comfort of the body and mind from the inside out, and prayed one by one.

The starry sky was twisted into a huge whirlpool, and a huge golden figure rose from the whirlpool in the sacred light of the sky, which was a hundred kilometers high! Wearing a golden armor and holding a golden warhammer in his hand, boundless holy light entangled his body, his face constantly changing vaguely.

Sometimes it looks like the vigorous face of a young child, sometimes it looks like the vigorous face of a strong youth, and sometimes it looks like a passionate middle-aged face.

His face is always full of vitality and vigor.

It is the Lord of Dawn, the true body of Luoshanda!

"This madman!" Bahamut could not help blowing up his gray beard when he saw this figure.

This stupid lack, as a **** who has lived for billions of years, is still like a second fool.

Can't bear the slightest grievance.

Whenever you encounter something, you will be reckless!

It has been so since the beginning.

Until now, only a few incarnations have been bombarded, and these two stunners can't wait to dispatch their real bodies.

Is he not afraid of accidents?

Hey~ he is really not afraid, after all, it is not the first time...

Bahamut felt that dozens of different spaces linked to this plane were peeping here!

That is the eyes of the gods hiding in the kingdom of God!

No matter what a powerful **** deity comes to the Lord, it is enough to attract the attention of the gods.

"These two stunned sons." Bahamut cursed secretly in his heart, and at the same time had to dispatch his real body.

The other side of the starry sky of the universe was torn apart, and a silver dragon wanted to get out of it.

This giant dragon is equally huge, just looking at half of its body, its whole body is by no means under the golden giant.

But at the moment when he saw the dragon just probed.

The Lord of Dawn snorted coldly, and the right hand holding the golden hammer suddenly slammed into the void!

bump! A weird roar sounded, and the space in front of the hammer seemed to be twisted.

The immeasurable divine light exploded in scattering form, and tens of billions of divine light rushed to Bahamut madly every second!

bump! bump! bump! bump! In countless roars.

Bahamut's body was temporarily stopped, stuck in the crack, unable to advance or retreat!

"Roar!" This caused Bahamut to growl, and the silver halo on his body flickered, increasing his strength when he wanted to get out.

A chain of colorful chains containing various divine powers suddenly appeared, blocking Bahamut temporarily in the cracks.

"Roar!" Bahamut's eyes widened in an instant, and there was deep anger inside. It struggled hard, the chain frame rang, and the universe starry sky was full of ripples.

These ripples seem harmless, but in fact they are terrifying.

Within a few hundred kilometers, all meteorites affected by the ripples were instantly shaken into pieces.

Bahamut knew that it was the gods who were watching the battle! And it is the gods who are also in the good dragon camp.

Precisely because of the gods who are both kind and righteous, they naturally will not sit back and watch the two powerful fighting forces, the Platinum Dragon God and the Lord of Dawn, kill each other!

A supreme **** with great power! Although only a weak god, but possesses an invincible dragon whose physical power is comparable to a powerful god, the battle between the two is too much involved. No matter who is involved, none of the gods of the same camp wants to see of.

Those who originally thought Shillong was evil, if they had to choose one of the two, they would naturally be willing to help the Lord of Dawn, temporarily hold Bahamut, and let the Lord of Dawn slay the evil dragon quickly!

As long as it is killed, the matter is over!

Bahamut, the old dragon, is an extremely kind dragon **** who can distinguish the overall situation. Although he will be unhappy about this, he still takes a stand of justice!

It is precisely because of the character of the old Baja that the gods dare to act like this!

The Lord of Dawn naturally understood that he laughed a few times, then turned his gaze to the side of Silom, who was still calm, and shouted:

"Evil Dragon! No matter who wants to protect you today! My Lord of Dawn! I will also behead you here on behalf of justice!

Under the witness of the Holy Light! Judgement of Light! "

Hum! ! ! ! !

In the starry sky, the fiery red sun rays accumulate.

The endless fire snakes are dancing, and they are dancing happily.

Finally it turned into a golden light, all converging on the surface of the sun.

They turned into a golden spot, and then turned into a beam of gods that penetrates the universe!

All the meteors along the way were instantly vaporized! Become gray foam!

Its speed has already reached the real beam.

Suddenly drowned the Shillong of the human body!

This is a pure heat beam.

Enough to burn any flesh and blood creatures to ashes with a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees!

The more terrifying power immediately appeared in front of all the audience.

After the golden beam of God flooded Shillong, it shot onto a distant planet!

This is a planet with a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers after being shot by the beam of God.

Within 2 or 3 seconds, the entire planet was completely penetrated!

Star core burst! Turn into cosmic fireworks!

"No! Don't!" Viola shouted, who was watching the game below.

The power of this beam is so terrifying, how can his child resist it?

Viola's body twisted for a while, turning into a silver dragon, and she wanted to rise to the sky, desperately fighting the Lord of Dawn.

But Karma on one side had expected it, and he showed his real body almost at the same time and stopped Viola.

"Don't be impulsive, you're only going to die, you can't change anything.

Believe Shillong, he is so confident that he should have a hole card. "

And Arman on one side looked at the scene in disbelief, and muttered with a crying face: "Big black, you won't be forced to be beaten to death without pretending, right? This is nothing like you... Dont die!"

Zhan Shiqi and Teddy also said in their hearts: "This... my lord will not be beaten to death, right?

Without our Lord, Bahamut, the old dragon, would definitely not care about our life and death...

Don't we have a good life in a few years?

How can that be! Our two harem dogs are 30,000! They can't live without us! "

When I thought of this, the two dogs burst into tears and began to cry out: "My lord! My lord! You are invincible! You will never fail!"

On one side, Saffron looked at these guys and curled his lips secretly, but he still said, "You guys, don't need to worry about Shillong at all. He is not as weak as you think."

As soon as Saffrons voice fell, Shillons wild laughter came from the horizon:

"Hahahaha! Luoshanda! Are you an idiot? You actually used a high temperature attack on a plutonium dragon?

For me, this little temperature is no different from ordinary sunlight! "

Shillong was still in the beam and didn't seem to want to escape the beam at all.

"Huh! Since the flame is not effective for you!

Then I will blast you to pieces with my dawn talk! "

The Lord of Dawn lifted his heavy hammer that bloomed with immeasurable brilliance, and Dawn said that thousands of divine lights were lingering, turning into a vortex and rushing to Shillong again!

Excited! Before it got close, the vortex divine light was stopped.

A white sphere that appeared suddenly blocked the divine light from bombarding the target.

The endless bright brilliance is flashing, and the sparks of dozens of hundreds of different powers in the divine light are roaring.

The divine light, which was enough to blow up a moon-level planet, couldn't make progress after encountering the white ball.

This made the Lord of Dawn's eyes condensed, did the existence behind the evil dragon take action?

This idea flashed through my mind and was immediately rejected by Him.

This is because the evil dragon, which was still in human form before, has changed a lot at this time, and a huge dragon that is as dark as a black hole has appeared!

His majestic posture is not under Bahamut, his body length is close to 100 kilometers! The wings spread out are enough to shroud everything under the shadow!

Strands of golden brilliance flowed on the body of the giant dragon, and the horrible aura arbitrarily spread. The starry sky of the universe began to be distorted. All the rules within a radius of hundreds of kilometers began to be chaotic.

Strange sparks are shining, space is roaring, and strange elements appear and disappear.

A huge red-gold star ring slowly rotated outside the dragon's body, and on it were countless complicated and mysterious symbols.

Twelve white spheres are slowly rotating, like planets orbiting stars.

And what blocked the Lord of Dawns attack just now was one of the white planets above the star ring!

Above his huge dragon head, the eyes full of golden particles were filled with joking and disdain: "Lord of the dawn, the great **** who represents the light and the sun, your strength is beyond my expectation!"

The forelegs were slightly lifted, the dragon claws were slightly bent, and then suddenly popped out!

When the dragon claw touched the white planet, endless ripples rippled from the void!

The white planet disappeared before everyone's eyes instantly!

The huge golden eyes of the Lord of Dawn opened instantly: "So fast!"

Don't worry about it.

The white planet has appeared in front of the Lord of Dawn within less than tens of kilometers. For mortals, it may take half a day or even a day to walk.

But for the Lord of Dawn, it is just a stretch of arms! Just touch it! Already here!

His divine power is surging wildly, and hundreds of kilometers of space is slightly solidified at this moment, golden divine light flows on the right arm, as if cutting through the space, the Lord of Dawn raises his weapon, Dawn tells it, and then sends it first. Appear on the only way to the white sphere!

Smashed it with one hammer!

clang! ! ! ! !

The endless divine light exploded at this moment, and the terrifying void ripples shattered all the surrounding stars and meteorites.

But when it waved toward the planet below, an invisible force would resist the ripples.

Let Arman and other dragons on the planet, and all mortals be safe.

The brilliance that was dozens of times brighter than the sun was flashing.

At the center of the explosion, the white ball vie with the heavy hammer.

Between the brilliance and brilliance, endless power rushes towards the Lord of Dawn!

This kind of pressure is like facing a huge material planet!

Click, click~

Sacred tool, Liming said that under such pressure, a series of horrible cracks actually began to appear!

The Lord of Dawn was so shocked in his heart, just 50,000 years!

Can the plutonium dragon grow to this point?

If he doesn't kill now, can he still pay for it when he grows up?

At this moment, the Lord of Dawn thought too much, his expression was full of fighting spirit, and the golden light on his body constantly rushed to the heavy hammer in his hand, unexpectedly gradually resisting the white plutonium star!

Feeling that the transmitted power gradually weakened, the Lord of Dawn felt a joy in his heart, just when he wanted to blast the flying plutonium star.

bump! ! ! !

There was another roar, and the Lord of Dawn felt that the pressure that was about to disappear suddenly became several times greater!

The tiger's mouth he held the heavy hammer split instantly, and the golden blood was flowing between his palms!

The extremely strong arm was bent by this sudden force.

The crack of the heavy hammer can no longer stop!


The hammer broke at this moment!

Two white spheres suddenly fell on the chest of the Lord of Dawn with an unstoppable force!

His bodyguard divine light burst in an instant, and his body was bombarded with a huge circular hole by an incalculable force!

Those two white planets drilled through it!

His body is twisting and spinning! In less than 0.01 second, his body will turn into golden powder!

In another instant, the Lord of Dawn suddenly looked at the evil dragon in the distance, under the evil dragon's smile.

His slightly straightened claws and the void in front of the claws indicate that he! I resorted to the attack just now!

This kind of powerful planet bombing, every time he uses it, it is extremely easy for him!


Seeing this, the entire body of the Lord of Dawn finally burst open, and was blasted into a sky full of golden brilliance!

All over the starry sky of the universe, these brilliance are slowly falling, like the next golden rain.

At this moment, Arman and other dragons on the planet were stunned, as were the peeping gods.

Even Bahamut was stunned, letting the remaining chains of God lock himself, forgetting the struggle.

Is there a problem with my eyes? Is there something wrong with my spirit?

This is everyone who has just arrived at this result, as well as the idea of God!

"Wow bark bark!!! My lord is really invincible!" Zhan Shiqi exclaimed excitedly: "Hahaha! The whole world is mine! All the **** in the abyss are mine! Hahaha!

See it? This is my lord! The invincible power of Silon Soderberg!

but me! It is my lord's favorite three-headed dog! wrong! It should be the greatest dog! Zhan Shiqi!

From now on, whether it is the devil dog of the abyss or hell, or the **** dog of the gods, it will all be mine! ! Hahahaha! "

Zhan Shiqi felt that he was about to go against the sky, and he was about to set foot on the pinnacle of Zhengzhengsheng, barking in place.

On the other side, Saffron was also distressed, watching the golden light and rain in the sky.

It accidentally thought: "The Lord of Dawn... won't really be beaten to death? He is a powerful god!

Easily killed the powerful gods... What level of monster is this? Ancient evil? "

Thinking of this, Suffron couldn't help but shiver, it felt like a small flame, which could be extinguished at any time! This world is crazy!

As for Almanviola and other dragons, they looked at each other.

"This... the big dragon outside... is my son Silom?" Viola couldn't help asking.

"Should be... it's my apprentice Shillon..." Kama said with some uncertainty.

The two dragons each looked at their bodies. Although they were fifty thousand years old, they did not have the rich blood of the ancestor dragon. One was considered a demigod, and the other did not even have a demigod.

The size is not too big at all, maybe even Shillon can't match the tip of a dragon's claw.

This makes them deeply doubt, why are they also dragons, as the elders of Shillong, they are not even as good as the other's claws...

On the other side, Arman laughed: "Hahaha! I knew that the **** Shillon would never let me down! This guy can pretend to be forced!

But I didn't expect him to be really awesome now! ! That's amazing! "

Regardless of the dragons who were close to Shillong, the gods who were observing in the dark were silent.

However, the matter did not end there.

God! It's not so easy to be wiped out!

Especially the **** of powerful divine power with recovery characteristics in the priesthood! Lord of Dawn!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

With a terrifying roar, the entire starry sky seemed to be shaking!

A **** is furious!

The golden light rain in the sky burst out with several times the brightness, they seemed to have life, and they were together quickly, but for a moment.

The tall and incomparable figure of the Lord of Dawn once again appeared in front of everyone, dragons and gods intact!

His original vigorous and constantly changing face, the golden face became pure golden, the color of anger was beyond words.

There was a flame of incomparable heat flashing in his eyes.

Like two stars about to explode, they are extremely threatening!

He looked at Silom and roared: "Hateful evil dragon! But only fifty thousand years! How could you have such power!

This is impossible!

Justice is never..."

Before Luoshanda finished speaking, his complexion changed from pure gold to crimson.

The dragon in the distance took in a white sphere again and bent its claws.


The terrifying white planet blasted towards him again.

"Damn it!" The Lord of Dawn screamed, the starry sky around him solidified at this moment, and his body flashed to the left at an incredible speed, avoiding the bombardment of the white ball dangerously and dangerously.

But the next moment, another white ball blasted towards him!

After the Lord of Dawn dodges again, he roared: "Don't underestimate the power of God! God's domain is unfolding! Let you see my true power!"

call out!

With the Lord of Dawn as the center, the starry sky with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers changed colors instantly.

The endless golden light replaced the dark blue starry sky, and a golden sun appeared strangely at the edge of the space!

Endless stars are dotted around the big sun.

The aura of the Lord of Dawn continues to rise at this time!

The blasted dawn tells that it appeared in his hands again!

"Oh? That's interesting!" Shillon's dragon face showed a look of interest.

With a second flick, a plutonium star was ejected by him!


The big sun in the Lord of Dawn's God Realm is flickering, and his power is greatly strengthened!

With a touch, he used all his strength to smash the plutonium star that was blasting at him!

Om~~~ The endless ripples and light broke out again!

After a stalemate for a while, the plutonium star was suddenly hit by the Lord of Dawn!

"Huh!" Seeing this kind of seeing, the corner of the Lord of Dawn's mouth slightly cocked: "Have you seen it? Evil Dragon! This is the true power possessed by the supreme **** of mighty power! You can never match it!"

"Haha." Silom was not angry at the provocation of the Lord of Dawn, but faintly smiled: "Very well, then I will add some strength slightly, you must take the attack well!"

Shillong was talking, and once again ingested a plutonium star, the strange power on his fingertips flickered and shrank, when he gently pointed it out again!

The eyes of the Lord of Dawn directly shrank into a thin needle, and he instinctively used divine power to confine the surrounding space and time, and wanted to hit the white ball with a weapon again.

But the speed of the white ball is too fast!

Its more than the previous one!

In the end, he could barely use a heavy hammer to resist half of the white ball, and directly matched the power of the white ball!

The increased terrifying power due to the rapid increase in speed instantly disintegrated the power greeted by the Lord of Dawn in a hurry.

The heavy hammer in his hand was directly thrown away fiercely!

The white planet penetrated his body again without any hindrance!


The golden light and rain in the sky reappear!

But the next moment, the golden rain began to gather again.

At the moment when it converged, a plutonium star seemed to have been waiting for a long time, blasting on the golden giant that just converged with lightning speed!

As a result, the golden giant burst again in an instant!

Hum! !

The golden rain of light began to glow, it rushed towards the edge of the golden field, and began to converge, but the next moment, the white sphere felt it again, but this time, the golden rain seemed to have learnt well, it did not directly merge.

But want to wait for the white ball to pass through before fusing.

But this is useless, because the moment the white ball of light hits it, its own terrifying impact will crush those light rains that want to gather again! Boom!

Harm to light rain!

Whether he wants to converge or not, as long as he is within the bombardment range of the white planet, he will be traumatized!

The difference is only the size!

The Lord of Dawn also realized this~wuxiaworld.online~ It began to divide the golden brilliance into dozens or hundreds of parts.

But Shillon was disdainful, the star ring around him began to flip, and the runes began to glow.

The sky full of white spheres began to rush back and forth against the entire Golden God Realm in disorder!

Every time it rushes, it will cause more or less damage to the Lord of Dawn!

In the starry sky of the universe, such a strange picture appeared in front of all the gods, Arman and other dragons.

A huge black dragon with a star ring, with a weird smile, looked forward as if watching a play.

There was a stage of golden light and rain, endless golden light and rain flying randomly in the golden field, like some frightened little fish, avoiding the impact of the white planet behind them.

And every time it hits a large amount of golden light and rain, there will be a roar of the Lord of Dawn!

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