Nuclear Dragon Chapter 355

All the onlookers looked silly.

Why is a supreme **** with powerful divine power being hung and beaten by other creatures?

Is there something wrong in this world?

Why did it become so strange all at once?

"Justice never allows failure! Evil is bound to die!!"

For a long time, accompanied by the roar of the Lord of Morning Light, all the golden light and rain actually fell to the stars in the gods, above the sun.

Endless divine glory erupted.

Pieces of law runes emerged from the void.

Endless energy is changing, elements are changing.

Hundreds of stars in God's Domain, and the entangled sun began to burst out with unimaginable brilliance!

All kinds of energies, the elemental light rain is hundreds of thousands of times denser than rain, and it blasts toward Xilong with hundreds of billions of energy per second!

The starry sky is unpredictable at this moment!

"Huh! Fancy bells and whistles!" Xilong snorted coldly, summoning twelve plutonium stars at once.

With the brilliance of the star ring, a total of twelve plutonium stars are erected and arranged into a round shield, and their magical powers are mutually related and resonant.

The twelve plutonium stars began to rotate, and the entire round shield began to rotate!

Its speed can no longer be observed with the naked eye, or even predicted!

If this horrible rotating force is directly placed on the material planet, the hurricane created by its rotation is enough to slowly tear a planet apart!

This is the shield of the star ring that can withstand everything!

The endless ripples of light radiate to the void in the rotating star ring shield!

All the micro-elements and energy are all discharged!

The endless rain of light falls on the shield of the star ring like a colorful tide army!

Silently, all the tide forces are slowly annihilating.

Under the protection of the star-ring shield, it became an absolute pure land, all attacks and roars were completely isolated!

Silom even watched the terrifying bombing outside with ease inside.

Not only didn't feel scared, but even wanted to laugh a little.

too weak! The so-called Lord of Dawn? too weak!

Definitely far weaker than Sacras, who was printed by one of his strongest stunts before, even compared to those two light balls, it seems that there is not a small gap!

Is the mighty power of this world so unbearable?

When Shillon was thinking about this question, the rain of light outside the star ring shield finally slowly disappeared.

In the entire Golden God Realm, those possessed stars and big suns, nearby space particles began to surging, the void of the whole body began to twist, and the space vortices seemed to swallow the stars and big sun.

The Lord of Dawn! Actually want to escape!

Shillong roared.

The body directly turned into a red golden meteor, rushing towards the stars and the sun!

The red-gold firelight above the body shone.

With a hum, the endless fire of fusion was detonated within his body!

A red golden fireball spread from Shillong's body! He suddenly became a super fast flying super sun!

The terrifying heat wave is twisting and burning everything nearby!

This heat wave is tens of millions of degrees!

It cannot cause any substantial damage to the Lord of Dawn, but it can repel other element particles!

Including space element particles!

The space vortex that was affected was washed away!

The stars and the big sun that had been sucked in most of them were vomited out!

The Lord of Dawn failed to escape!

"Roar!" Shillong's roar greeted him!

The twelve plutonium stars surrounding his body once again turned into a rotating storm!

The difference between and is that the previous one was the defensive starring shield, but this time the attacking starring cut!

The spinning plutonium star began to madly hit all the stars, Da Sun!

In front of the plutonium star, all the stars and the sun are fragile, touched and cracked!

Touched and broken!

The Lord of Dawn was hit hard again!

His heart is extremely frustrated! I never thought that one day I would be beaten like this by an evil dragon!

Can't even escape!

His recovery requires faith. In the constant rubbing, the power of his faith is like a pool that has opened a valve. It can't stop!

Let him have more power of faith! Can't stand such consumption!

This is a belief accumulated over billions of years!

The Lord of Dawn is distressed, knowing that this is no way to fight.

So he shouted: "My allies! Come and help me! Let's destroy the evil dragon!"

"..." There was no response in the void.

Silent weird.

All the gods are silent.

They just offended Bahamut, hoping that Roshanda could quickly eliminate Shillong, but now their wish has come to nothing.

Things are not so easy to handle. Are you really going to help a loser to offend the dragon **** Bahamut and the new evil dragon **** again?

Because of thinking, so silent.

The silence, however, shocked the Lord of Dawn, and said anxiously: "Peiro! Mystra, save me!"

This voice resounded throughout the galaxy, but Peiro and Mystra, who had been observing secretly, were shocked!

This bastard! Actually named directly! This makes them unable to even pretend to be dead!

While being annoyed in their hearts, they also had to take action!


Dozens or hundreds of huge golden light curtains suddenly appeared, blocking in front of the rotating star ring. Although they were touched and broken, they managed to stop them slightly.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The light curtain was constantly bombarded, but new light curtains reappeared. The Lord of Dawn took this opportunity to urge all to deify into streamers thousands of kilometers away. At this time, Xilong's eyes shrank, and again Huacheng Chijin beam chased it.

But in front of Shillong, a black material surged, and a strange metal wall suddenly appeared!


In the collision with Shillong, the black wall was pierced, but the next moment, another black wall appeared, touch!

Shillon smashed one side after another, and his speed slowly decreased until he smashed through hundreds of dark walls.

The Lord of Dawn has already been wrapped in the space vortex and disappeared into this world!

He fled back!

Seeing this, Shillong's expression changed slightly, he couldn't care about negotiating with Peiro and Mystra who helped the Lord of Dawn escape, quickly remembering the coordinates just now, tearing the space and wanting to follow it!

However, Bahamuts spiritual voice rang in his ears at this time: "Dont chase the child! The gods in the kingdom of God will be several times or even ten times stronger than the outside world! So enter the enemy kingdom of God. It is really not a wise move!"

Silom heard the words, but his movements did not stop at all.

Quickly followed after tearing the space.

The starry sky of the entire universe finally became quiet.

Quiet is a little weird.

Especially Arman and other dragons, one by one seemed to be dreaming.

"I... my brother Silom... is this the Lord of Dawn who defeated one of the strongest gods?" Alman murmured.

"This kid Shillong... didn't expect to have such strength after only fifty thousand years?

The plutonium...what a terrifying race this is...and how terrible are those plutonium dragons that have survived dozens, hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of millions of years?" Kama also said to himself.

At this time, they already knew Shillong's race, and they knew it.

At this time, seeing Shillong's combat power, Karma, was a little worried.

If all the plutonium dragons have such combat power, coupled with their evil nature, if they come to this universe, can there really be gods that can stop them?

"Oh... this is really great news. The powerful Lord of Dawn was beaten away." Saffron also said to himself, his fiery red eyes flashing constantly, it split a divine mind, and possessed it. On Little Flame, he returned to the abyss.

What do you want to ask him to do?

Big news, of course need to be broadcast! It Saffron is the great demon lord of capitalism!

In addition to selling soul demons, the sub-industry naturally has something else!

That is the newspaper industry. As the demon lord who has close contact with the star realm, he can naturally sell some of the faith in the star realm! Many demons who have been thinking about where to hook up with humans are always particularly interested in this!

No matter what these people think.

In the kingdom of God at this time.

As the Lord of Dawn suddenly appeared, the believers on the plane suddenly cheered.

Even in the kingdom of God, the Lord of Dawn as a **** rarely appears in front of believers.

Most of He lives on the sun, watching everything in the kingdom of God, and sustaining it. Every time he appears, there are at least dozens or hundreds of years. And seeing the gods is naturally a supreme honor and celebration.

At this time, the believers called out one by one, prayed, and chanted loudly the name and glorious deeds of the Lord of Dawn, praying to their Lord to surrender their eyes! Even if it's just a glance, it's a supreme honor!

But the next moment, the space cracks wide open, and a huge dragon with strands of gold in the darkness drilled out of the space cracks, inclining like a landslide and a tsunami!

Shillong didn't suppress his breath this time!

The space of the entire Divine Kingdom made an unknown sound.

The heaven and the earth seem to be frozen, and the space becomes discolored.

The believers within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers were crushed to the ground by the surging momentum.

In just an instant, hundreds of millions of believers exploded and died!

"Luoshanda! Don't want to escape!!" The dragon roared, like the universe exploded!

The terrifying thunder sound rolled down, the earth cracked, and the believers couldn't receive this horrible message and began to bleed from the seven holes! Dead death, wounded wound!

"Evil Dragon! How dare to be arrogant in the House of Nature!" Among the believers who were still alive below, hundreds of them were immediately surrounded by divine light, and their horrible figures rose into the sky!

Some of them are believers of the Lord of Morning Light, and some of them are believers of Mother Earth.

All saints who have survived countless years!

Once fought the heavens for their respective masters, leaving behind the immortal legends of the gods!

The lowest combat power will not be lower than the false gods, the strongest, even comparable to some gods who have left the kingdom of God!

They flew towards the sky angrily, wanting to teach the evil dragon that came suddenly a lesson.

But the evil dragon didn't seem to care about them at all.

Instead, let one by one surround the body, and the white spheres like planets explode towards their Lord!

boom! boom! boom!

Several explosions blasted the atmosphere.

Hundreds of layers of air wave raised around the evil dragon.

Several white spheres surrounding the evil dragon disappeared from the eyes of believers.

And these charges from the gods were also stopped abruptly at this moment!

Because of the distance, when these spheres flew by them, the terrifying air wave slapped them like a huge wave of destruction!

Most of these were thrown out directly from the gods, and only a small part could resist this terrifying storm!

This is a tornado beyond their understanding!

All from the gods have no doubt if it descends on the general planet! Enough to destroy everything on the surface of the planet!

In the distance, a terrible roar came again.

I saw one of the masters of the kingdom of God, the Lord of Dawn holding a divine tool [Dawn Narration] and blasted several spheres towards his sphere one by one.

The terrifying impact between the sphere and the heavy hammer broke out instantly.

Large expanses of space burst open!

The chaotic space turbulence rages across the kingdom of God!

Hundreds of Congshens were shocked. They were shocked to discover that the usual complacency, under this impact, was like a small boat in a huge wave.

The weaker ones were directly shaken into powder by the impact!

But the stronger ones were also shocked to death and their control over the body was penetrated into the earth fiercely!

The earth began to shatter with the impact! roar!


The cracks spreading for tens of thousands of kilometers began to criss-cross the earth!


Silom looked at the plutonium star being hammered by Luo Shanda, with a little surprise in his eyes.

This guy, the previously shattered vertical, actually recovered again!

And in the kingdom of God, his power has increased dramatically!

The plutonium ball bombing with full force can no longer help the opponent.

"Huh!" The Lord of Dawn snorted coldly when he felt Shillong's surprise.

He glanced at the believers on the ground who were still alive but panicked and said:

"My believers! Don't fear death! Pain! My divine power will be with you! When I destroy evil, everyone will be reborn under the light of justice!"

After all, He also held up the hammer, and the soft golden light radiated across the earth.

The panic-stricken believers suddenly showed softness and tranquility on their faces, and all their fears were eliminated.

That's right! They have the protection of the Lord!

Death and pain are just a test, there is no need to be afraid!

The believers were bathed in the holy light and began to recite the name of the Lord of Dawn!

Seeing that the believers below are stable, Luoshanda calmly said to Silom: "Stupid and arrogant plutonium dragon! Your power in the star realm is indeed strong!

But here is in my kingdom ~wuxiaworld.online~ I will show my true power! Let you know how much the gap between you and me is!

Today, in front of the trillions of believers in the kingdom of God!

My Lord of Dawn! Los Angeles! Will surely destroy you on behalf of justice! "

"Hahaha! The guy who used to be like a stinky rat suddenly became so confident now? I don't want to think about who was beaten to call your father Peiro and Mister Mistra to help?"

Shillon grinned and smiled sarcastically.

"...Peiro and Mistral are my best friends! You evil dragon, stop talking nonsense!" The corner of the Lord of Dawn's mouth twitched.

For the previous failure, it is already an unwashable stain in His divine life!

all of these! It was all caused by the evil dragon in front of you!

The Lord of Dawn was extremely annoyed and roared: "Justice!!! Trial!!!"

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