Nuclear Dragon Chapter 356

The huge figure instantly radiated thousands of miles, golden ripples in the void, one after another huge golden giants exactly like the Lord of Dawn appeared!

Twelve giants!

Every one holds the artifact Dawn tells!

Under the golden light, the giants turned into golden lightning, and appeared in Xilong's body like a teleport between the roars.

Surround him in twelve directions! Holding the hammer, hit it down!

The space around Xilong was distorted under the power of the hammer, like a cloud of nebulae!

Shillons mind was extremely agile. Almost at the same time, holding a plutonium star in one claw, he blasted the hammer of a golden giant, and the other eleven plutonium stars greeted the other eleven giants under the influence of gravity. The hammer!

Orbit! Orbit! Orbit! Orbit! ...

Twelve consecutive horrible shocks! Within the kingdom of God, with the most terrifying roar, the entire space was once again shaken out of twelve terrifying space caves!

The turbulent flow of space rushed down, making the entire kingdom of God even more chaotic!

The bang bang bang~ the banging sound kept exploding.

The twelve golden giants were like mad dogs, slamming the hammer frantically, while the eleven plutonium stars of Shillong also turned into streamers, forming an absolute defense on the body surface, resisting the attack at an invisible speed.

However, as time went by, the defensive circle formed by the plutonium stars around Shillong continued to shrink.

Every fight will cause Shillong's body to be shaken, and the horrible remaining energy will spread in his body!

This kind of extra energy, if it explodes on a planet, is enough to set off an earthquake with a magnitude of more than ten or twenty! Destroy the entire planet!

The Lord of Dawn in God's country, Silom had to admit that the opponent's power had surpassed him at this time!

Fortunately, his defensive power is equally invincible, and he was able to persevere under this crazy attack.

If you change to any other **** to face the Lord of Dawn at this time, you will definitely be instantly hammered and then greet the opponent's endless hammering! Until the soul, godhead, and body are completely annihilated! dissipate!

Time passed quietly in the battle between the two, the plutonium star defensive circle was beaten to the limit, and Shillong let out a terrifying roar.


The black scales on his body all turned into the color of red gold.

The red blood in the body began to boil! A lot of heat waves gushing out of his body, and the space begins to heat up!

Baidu! Thousand degrees! Wandu! ..... million degrees! Ten million degrees! Billion degrees!

Within tens of thousands of kilometers, all of Xilong's body became the color of red gold!

Just like a red golden star.

His entire dragon body swelled a few times! From a fitness dragon to a muscle dragon!

Gravity, the four fundamental forces of the universe, surged in him.

The breath of inexplicable terror is surging!

The claws holding the plutonium star once again fought with the hammer of the Lord of Dawn.


The power of horror directly exploded the golden hammer, following the exploding sacred dust, the plutonium star fiercely poured into the Lord of Dawn!

bump! Like a watermelon hit by a cannonball, the golden rain splashed out! The Lord of Dawn's body strengthened by the Kingdom of God was exploded again!

The other eleven plutonium stars in the surrounding area were immediately involved in a greater gravitational force, and the speed was more than doubled!

The frantically rotating plutonium star has become a terrifying spiral of stars! Crazy bombardment on the remaining eleven golden giants!

On average every second, every golden giant will be hit hundreds of thousands of times by the plutonium star!

In the eyes of those gods, their gods were all blasted away at the same instant.

"Hateful evil dragon! You can never defeat justice!"

The Lord of Dawn's angry roar echoed in the divine kingdom space.

"The power of the kingdom of God! It belongs to my body! The real body of the sun!"

boom! ! !

All the golden particles burst out with warm golden light again, and endless runes emerged from the void.

A golden giant 1000 kilometers high appeared out of thin air!

A big sun is burning behind it, and around the big sun, there are twelve looming openings. During this period, there are endless believers with vague faces chanting the morning bible.

The combination of sacred sound and magical talisman makes everything in the kingdom of God appear otherworldly.

This giant seems to have become the only one in the kingdom of God. It is so bright that there are endless flames of the sun burning in the eyes of the gods!

He stared at Shillong, who was extremely weak compared to Him.

"Evil Dragon! Trial!"

The sound of gods in the void exploded like thunder.

The golden giant was holding a giant hammer in both hands, and smashed against Shillon under him in an extinct posture.

"Loshanda!!!" Silom roared wildly, and the other eleven plutonium stars all gathered towards the plutonium star in the paw!

In an instant, as if water and milk were mingling, the remaining eleven plutonium stars directly merged together, and the density and volume of the only plutonium star also increased greatly.

The crazy autobiographical large plutonium star caused a tornado hurricane around tens of thousands of kilometers!

Blast towards the golden giant's hammer with the momentum of destroying the sky!

Rumble! ! ! ! ! !

That can almost destroy a star of one million kilometers. The energy bursts out!

The bodies of the dragons and giants shook wildly!

Within the scales of the dragon, the scarlet golden blood spilt crazily, and the body of the giant god's pure gold was directly torn apart, almost bursting!

Ripples of endless destruction!

Spatial cracks spread outward like a spider web!

The shock of destruction is on the earth! Those surviving slave gods burst directly into shape under this impact! Turn light into the earth!

Rumble! ! Did not stay at all!

The dragon repairs itself with its own super recovery power and the power of faith.

The giant also used the power of the kingdom of God and the power of faith to instantly heal the divided body.

Holding their own weapons, the two sides collided again fiercely!

The entire kingdom of God seems to have entered the era of recklessness.

The roar of the sky, like a wild thunder, emits an endless roar!

Both sides in the war were simmering in their hearts, and they were unwilling to show weakness, and blasted each other in the craziest and most violent posture!

The aftermath of the battle became more and more terrifying, even if the Lord of Dawn had slowly led Shillong to a space tens of thousands of kilometers above the earth in the subsequent battle.

But the aftermath continued to invade the earth.

Batch after batch of poor believers died.

The fighting lasted for several months.

The two sides used most of the methods in the battle, but no one could do anything about it.

This is mainly because most of Shillong's tricks take time to accumulate energy.

He is an extremely powerful individual with physical attacks, defense capabilities, and speed.

Of course, the strongest attack undoubtedly belongs to the spell system and requires some reading time.

Originally dealing with ordinary enemies, Shillong had enough speed to open a distance to use various attacks.

But in the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn, it is not possible, because the Lord of Dawn can use the full range of teleport without limitation in the kingdom of God.

The entire plane is His territory! A lot of laws exist because of him! The power and abilities that cannot be used in the astral world can be perfectly displayed here!

It is precisely because of this that Shillong has no time to get rid of the opponent and use his stunts.

But the Lord of Dawn also had nothing to do with Nasiron.

Why did Shillon's skin be hard enough? Pure power could not overwhelm the opponent, and the power of the sun, the main source of power, could not work.

His battle with Shillong was actually restrained.

Although Shillong is a plutonium dragon, the flame power is also the main combat power, but it is obviously not so dependent on it.

His strength, defense, and gravity are all invincible powers that make him proud!

At the end of the fight between the two sides, the Lord of Dawn silently discovered that the believers on the entire plane had all been extinct, and the land of the kingdom of God, which was originally comparable to the solar system, had split into hundreds of unrelated land.

The death of the believer greatly reduced his strength and ability to continue fighting.

You must know that the believers here are all loyal believers out of a thousand.

Without the faith supply of these believers, the Lord of Dawn will have half the source of faith.

And because of the continuous high-intensity fighting and the constant repair of physical wounds, the original power of faith has been rapidly reduced at this moment.

This is a panic he has not experienced in billions of years in his life of God!

The Lord of Dawn is still afraid in the end, and his power of faith can't be exhausted here! His long-cherished wish of billions of years has not yet been realized!

With an angry roar, the Lord of Dawn suddenly and incomparably forcibly opened a huge space door behind Xilong, and then exploded with immeasurable light, smashing Xilong into the space door with a hammer, and the kingdom of God silently closed.

Some unknown world.

A huge portal appeared in the starry sky, and a head of Silom was blasted out fiercely, flying out tens of thousands of kilometers before he stopped flying backwards, and then wanted to reconnect with the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn. War.

But the next moment, a look of stunned expression appeared on Silom's face, and he found that the Lord of Dawns God Kingdom coordinates had disappeared!

What does that **** mean? Didn't he say he wants to judge my evil dragon? Dont you want to kill me? This bullshit! waste! Now she is scared?

Full of scarlet blood, he was furious and couldn't help but roar.

The terrifying sound waves shattered everything!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"...After a few minutes of roaring, the meteorites with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers have turned into fly ash.

Shillon's anger only calmed down a bit, when he was calm and suddenly thought of something wrong.

Why didnt Sangtia, the concubine of the Lord of Dawn, appear to help the Lord of Dawn?

Why didn't this **** who is far older and more powerful than the Lord of Dawn show up from beginning to end?

If I met two gods in the kingdom of God before, can I stand it?

He couldn't help but ponder, but immediately thought that he should not be able to resist it. It seemed that he still underestimated the combat power of these gods.

In the future, you really need to be more cautious, and don't go to the enemy's hometown by arguing with the gods, this is a bit irrational.

After thinking about this, Shillon glanced around again. The entire galaxy was not a galaxy he was familiar with. It seemed that it had been thrown into an unknown space galaxy.

He also didn't want to explore the plane, opened the portal and returned to the star realm, where he had chased and killed the Lord of Dawn.

In the Star Sea of the main material realm, the gods looked at the reappearing Shillong, all of them were shocked. Although this evil dragon looked bloody, its breath was not weak at all, and it was more exuberant than it was a few months ago.

As exuberant as the stars hanging in the sky.

This guy actually came out of the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn?

It makes no sense! According to the attitude that the Lord of Dawn will kill the opponent, after the evil dragon enters the kingdom of God, he will definitely lock the kingdom of God to death for the first time until it is killed. Now that the evil dragon appears, does it mean that even in the kingdom of God, This evil dragon is not weaker than the Lord of Dawn?

Let the Lord of Dawn have nothing to do with him, and finally let him go?

Is this evil dragon actually so powerful in only fifty thousand years?

No way! I have to go to the Kingdom of the Lord of Dawn to find out the situation!

Some good gods began to communicate with the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn, and they suddenly discovered that the right kingdom was still blocked!

The gods can't reach the Lord of Dawn at all!

What does this show? Is Luo Shanda, Lord of the Morning Light, afraid of this evil dragon?

Bahamut realized this and directly lowered his incarnation.

An old man with white beard appeared beside Shillong and asked, "My child, what are you?"

Silom frowned and replied: "I have been fighting with him so far, and the outcome has not been divided. In the end, he took advantage of my unpreparedness to blast me out of the kingdom of God. Now I can't find a way back."

"Oh?" Bahamut's eyes showed a sudden look, and then he explained: "The Lord of Dawn should have closed the kingdom of God by now. In this case, as long as the other party does not actively connect to the material star realm, we will never find each other. of.

You... actually defeated the powerful **** in the kingdom of God...

My child, your power has surpassed me. Bahamut sighed slightly at the end.

"Although I defeated the Lord of Dawn, it is strange that Mother Earth did not appear.

From the very beginning, he asked Peiro and Mistral for help, to the final battle in the kingdom of God, from the beginning to the end, the mother goddess did not appear... Could it be that Luoshanda was abandoned? Shillon couldn't help asking.

"No, the relationship between the Mother Earth God and Roshanda is still the same, but every thousand years, the Mother Earth God will go into deep sleep and separate a part of the soul into a certain plane to experience the various forms of life in the world. At that time."

"Experience life?" Shillong was startled, his thoughts diverged, and he couldn't help saying: "Will you find a mortal partner again?"

Bahamut was stunned by these words, and silently glanced at Shillong and said: "Yes, mortal partners will eventually enter the kingdom of Mother Earth and become her loyal believers..."

"..." Silom was stunned~wuxiaworld.online~ Isn't this an honest looking for a concubine to open the harem?

Lord of Dawn, Roshanda! Really so miserable!

Have been so openly green for billions of years?

It's no wonder that although he is a good god, he is paranoid in character, so no one can stand being green for billions of years!

Although his Loshanda is the cub that Mother Earth loves most...

"Tsk!" Thinking of these things, Shillon's huge dragon's face looked strange.

And Bahamut, as an old dragon who has also survived for a long time, can naturally understand what sordid things Shillong is thinking about. He quickly changed the subject and said with a sacred look:

"Child, I hope you don't lose yourself because of your own power. Do you remember the teachings of your mother Viola and teacher Kama?"

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