Nuclear Dragon Chapter 357

Silom looked at the sacred appearance of the other party, and couldn't help but said solemnly:

"Of course, I will never forget that punishment of treacherous and evil, and justice is my motto!"

Shillon turned into a human body as he spoke, then rolled up his cuffs.

The arms are engraved with eight large golden fonts of punishing rape, eliminating evil, and delivering justice.

With a sacred look on his face, he continued: "And my lifelong wish is to build a perfect world in which peace and tranquility, equality of all things, and the complete disappearance of sinful people."

"I believe in your child. When you hug your mother, I know that you still love your mother and brothers. You have the correct judgment of right and wrong, good and evil! The future just world needs you! "

Bahamut smiled and looked at the planet under his feet, where Arman, Viola and other dragons were still watching them.

"Child, go down, your family is waiting for you. This time it's a real reunion. No one, god, or demon can separate you. Let's enjoy this dragon birth bliss."

"Yes, Grandpa Bahamut." Shillon nodded and flew down.

As soon as he landed, Arman laughed with his arms on his hips and said: "Shillon! You guy is worthy of my brother! You can defeat even a powerful **** like the Lord of Dawn, it's amazing! I didn't shame me! Hahahahaha! "

"Shillon, your power amazes the dragon." Orom exclaimed.

"Child, you have to make good use of your strength, and you will definitely become the pride of the metal dragon race in the future." Kama smiled.

Viola ran over and hugged Silom again and said, "My dear baby! I can stay with my mother in the future!"

A group of dragons began to truly reminisce about the past, and began to talk about their fifty thousand years of experience.

All dragons want to know Shillong's experience and the root cause of his strength.

Shillong did not intend to hide it.

So I told them briefly.

Speaking of being a godhead in a different world, becoming a dragon god.

Speaking of fighting on the endless plane and having countless believers, Kama couldn't help but speak.

Beginning to understand what Shillon did to them, Kama was a little afraid of Shillon's slavery and oppression of these conquered planets.

In response, Shillon directly took Kama and other dragons, and Sulfuron, who had not yet returned to the abyss, licked his face and left to go to the subordinate planes.

Visited in disguise.

The result is undoubtedly good. Although it is not perfect, everything is thriving. The creatures work hard and are full of longing for the future.

After checking dozens of planes, all of them are not bad, which made Kama and Viola very satisfied, and praised that Silon had not forgotten their teachings and was a real good dragon.

And when Sillon told them that he controlled millions of planes and hundreds of millions of planets.

The nature of these dragons who belonged to the dragon is a bit seized.

Mother Viola's eyes lit up and said: "Baby Shillong! You have so many planets, then...there must be a lot of gold coins and jewelry~"

When it comes to the end, Viola can't help but swallows, with a face of misunderstanding.

Even Orom, Kama looked at him with bright eyes, the meaning is self-evident.

The same goes for Zeng's nephew Chi Ming.

And Arman yelled and clapped his hands again and again, "Hahahaha! It's developed! Shillong, my brother! Hurry up! Give me some treasure!"

I dont want too much, just give me millions of tons of gold, silver, and jewelry!


Even Sufron's eyes showed longing, **** it! With trillions of planet resources, how many card packs can I buy?

With this money, I must be the strongest duelist, right?

"Hahaha, do you want my treasure? Of course there is no problem." Silom laughed. He has too much wealth now, so much that he has so many things without concept, and there is no much interest in it.

He took out a bunch of space rings from the space equipment in his hand, and then began to distribute them. A group of dragons praised Shillong again, boasting that there is an invaluable dragon on the ground.

And Suffron also licked his face and wanted to ask for some here in Shillong. At first Shillong wanted to refuse, but when he thought of what the other party said, he also showed him the way. Based on the good quality of the dragon of pure goodness, Shillong gave it His reward with a gold coin...

The treasure is distributed.

Arman's face collapsed.

Because Shillong didn't give him any treasure in the end!

"Hello! Shillong! Where's mine? Where's your brother and my treasure?" He said anxiously.


"Yes indeed!"

"In view of your disrespect to my brother, everything that should have been given to you is gone, besides, you have been in charge of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce for so many years, and have vigorously developed the cards of the mainland hero legend. Can you have less gold coins?"

"Don't! Don't do this! Why don't I disrespect you~ and I don't have many gold coins." Arman changed his accent, holding Shillon's hands actually acting like a woman.

Shillong shuddered directly, shivering all over his body, **** it! When he thought that this was a little male dragon, he was disgusted, and quickly shook off the other's thin hand.

He turned his head to look at Viola, Kama and other dragons, all of them seemed to have not seen them.

It seems that Arman has become accustomed to this situation...

"Don't disgust me! You perverted!" Silom said decisively.

"Cut! Vulgar dragon!"

"Mom, don't you care about Arman's appearance?" Silom couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" Viola was asked with a dazed expression: "Arman...this...seems to be fine, right?"

"No problem? He's a male dragon! If you keep going like this, you won't find a target! Wait!" Silom was stunned when he said this.

He silently looked at Arman and said, "Have you... found the object?"

"!?" Arman was taken aback: "No."

"? No? You are fifty thousand years old, haven't you? If it weren't for Grandpa Bahamut's prolonged life, you have died more than a dozen times, you still haven't?"

"Uh...not really, I'm not interested in female dragons." Arman said.

"Are you interested in male dragons? A little milk dragon is raised outside?" Silom's eyes were indescribably strange.


"...Being single for so long, you are not at all anxious? Not lonely at all?"

"What's the hurry? I don't understand what you are talking about.

The Legend of Dalu Heroes is so fun, how could I be lonely?" Arman wondered.

"So..." Silom breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, but fortunately, he hadn't been abnormal to the extreme.

There is help!

"Hey~" Suddenly, Viola said to Shillon with a look of excitement: "Shillon big baby, you keep asking Arman this question.

Then mother will ask you this question too.

Are you looking for someone for over fifty thousand years?

How many did you find? What race are they?

Please rest assured to tell my mother that she is very enlightened and can accept her as my daughter-in-law regardless of race! "

"...Mom, neither did I." Silom said for a moment in silence.

"Oh! Ooh! Oh?" Viola exclaimed three times in succession: "How could this be? Mom clearly thought that she would be a grandmother, and could hold her grandson and granddaughter..."

"Mom, I think I am still very young compared to those gods who have survived billions of years."

"Little?" Viola suddenly thought of Shillong's real body, that stalwart figure covering the sky, and patted him on the shoulder with emotion: "Not at all! Really! Other dragons Before your fingernails were as big as your fingernails, you had already found the object and gave birth to a dragon."

"Let's talk about yours, mine is almost the same." Silom quickly broke the topic.

Viola, Arman and other dragons, in fact, there is not much to say.

Ever since the city of Tomorrow was broken, it has been wandering in Bahamuts God Realm and now on this planet [Nora].

Live a peaceful life.

Kama and Orom spend most of their time studying spells, and they will also spend a little time playing the legend of mainland heroes to relax.

Viola likes to chat with the newly born young dragons, and also plays the mainland hero legend in his spare time.

Andrei and Neferu, as the vice president of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce, manage the chamber.

Arman spends most of his time in the production of the legend of mainland heroes and the promotion of this game.

He extended the game to all the planets under Bahamut, and with Saffron's influence, most demons in the first fifty layers of the abyss also enjoyed it.

But the original main material world, the legend of mainland heroes still has not been broken.

Although it is no longer possible to continue the Chamber of Commerce in the main material world.

But many mortals often look for dragons that appear and appear, and risk being discovered by a certain church, summon the demon of the bottomless abyss, and trade cards...

That's right, although some of the demons of the bottomless abyss are poor, they are struggling to make use of the mainland hero legend cards to trade with humans at high prices...

This is a new kind of demonic temptation!

Don't want your soul! Just your money!

A group of dragons learned about each other's experiences.

I started chatting casually.

Everyone began to talk about their ideals.

Orom and Kama want to explore the truth of arcane magic.

Viola wants Shillon and Arman to each have a little dragon cub to hug her.

Zhan Shiqi and Teddy want more bitches.

Arman and Andre wanted the legend of mainland heroes to become more popular.

They have invested most of the dragon's life.

I want to make a game that will last thousands of years.

And because this game can gather the power of faith, Arman sees his own way of becoming a god.

Well, to be honest, Arman should be the most powerful of the dragons.

Although his strength was only at the level of a demigod, he already possessed a strange godhead, and he could use the power of faith superficially.

The power of Alman's Godhead is very strange.

Have strange priesthoods such as beauty, women's clothing, and fame.

As long as you wear women's clothing, the more beautiful your appearance and the greater your reputation, the more you can improve your strength.

It is the strongest dragon among all dragons that is closest to the pseudo-god...

After Shillon knew this, he felt blind.

What about Shillong's future wishes? He hasn't thought of it for the time being, but there must be plans for the future.

Luo Shanda, the Green Hat King, did not intend to let it go!

Think its safe to hide in the kingdom of God?

Lao Tzu will never let your believers go!

Although as a good dragon, there are mothers, brothers, Bahamut and other overseers on this plane, and they can't be used to force them, but how could Silom not have a way to deal with the Lord of Dawn?

And he also quickly started using this method, ready to make the Lord of Dawn in the Kingdom of God happy and happy!


A few months later, Shillong and the military of the One Dragon Empire formulated a strategy for combat.

A certain galaxy that the Lord of Dawn belongs to, a certain planet, a certain remote house.

The whole room looked very dark, and only the strands of light could shine into the room.

Sitting inside, these two men, dressed in sackcloth, looked like thieves and acted opposite each other.

One of them was a bearded man who was about 20 years old. He looked solemn and whispered: "Did you bring the goods?"

"Don't worry! It's all inside!" On the other side, a slightly wretched-looking man chuckled and took out a ring from his arms.

This is a spatial ring. The wretched man wiped it directly on the ring, and a suitcase appeared in his hand and then placed it on the tabletop.

He gently opened the box, and inside was a pack of exquisite card packs.

Each card package is printed with a golden sun and a golden figure.

And this golden man is undoubtedly the Lord of Dawn himself.

This is a Dawn Card produced by the Lord of Dawn.

It is the power of the Lord of Dawn, the universal duel card of the galaxy.

It is a powerful magic weapon for the Lord of Dawn to gather faith in the new era!

"Hey hey~ 100 packs per box of card packs, five-legged 20 boxes are prepared for you! Isn't it enough?"

The wretched man smiled.

"Enough? Enough ass!" Husband on the opposite side whispered angrily, his expression a little angry.

"For some reason, a group of rebels who claim to be the Dragon Empire came to the city! These rebels wear a pair of iron armor every day, and they are all extremely powerful. The weakest are all master-level strong.

Among them, the legendary powerhouses of the kingdom are not their opponents.

A large group of rebels directly suppressed the entire kingdom.

You said that they are so powerful, they don't even occupy our kingdom, don't want the emperor's crown, and don't kill us. Why don't we just allow us to trade Dawn Cards? Is it not allowed to play Dawn Card in an upright manner?

As long as we play, they will close us in the small black house, and closing the small black house does not work. They just take off our clothes and pants to show us to the public!

What's in this picture? Are they abnormal?

His Majesty the Lord of Dawn actually doesn't care! I have believed in him for so long!

Being engaged by those weirdos, I haven't been able to play a game on the duel table for a long time! This feeling! Do you understand? Ok? "Huoqi complained angrily.

"Who knows about this! Although it didn't occupy this kingdom, it actually belongs to them...

Its not easy for me now. The other day I was locked in a small dark room for three days.

Alas~think about the prestige of our previous card makers. There will be like now, selling some cards and eating it like a thief. "The wretched man also complained.

Two people like thieves were speechless and sympathized with each other.

After a long while, the wretched man said: "Okay, let's not say much, we should check the goods as soon as possible. If the transaction is completed, leave as soon as possible. If you are careful, it will change if you are too late! Those rebellious people are just like dogs! The nose is very good! "

The wretched man took out the suitcases in the space ring one by one, opened them, and let his beard check them one by one.

After checking it, Luohu nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with the goods."

After that, Beard took out a gold ticket from his space ring and placed it on the table.

When the wretched man saw the gold ticket, his eyes flashed and he first reached out to pick it up and complete the transaction.

But at this moment...

Peng! A loud noise sounded, the door of the cabin was directly violently blasted open, and an armored man in a personal armor walked in.

The wretched man and beard in the room immediately changed their complexion.

"No! It's the insurgent of the Dragon Empire! Run away!!"

The wretched man yelled, and instantly took out a black ball from his trouser pocket and slammed it at the armored man who had arrived suddenly.


Before the black ball hit the armored man, a big light blue hand appeared out of thin air and blocked the black ball.

The black ball exploded directly, turning into black powder in the sky.

Enveloping the entire cabin, making everything blurred.

Taking this opportunity, the bearded and wretched man rushed towards the window, trying to break the window and escape.

But immediately, their bodies were directly fixed in the air, like two jumping frogs, looking funny.

The two people who wanted to escape turned flushed and looked helpless after looking at each other.

They did not speak either, because they knew that whatever they said could not affect the punishment of these rebels.

"You guys! Do you know how to break the law again and again? Do you really like board games like Dawn Card?"

The armored rebels suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" The wretched man and Luo Hu looked at each other, both surprised, the other party would actually ask this.

"Of course, this Dawn Card has a history of 10,000 years in our country. It is a symbol of wisdom and a manifestation of faith in His Majesty the Lord of Dawn. We can't live without it!" said Beard boldly.

He is a veteran card lover, and he feels uncomfortable without playing a few cards a day!

"The card game is indeed a great game, but do you know?

Lord of the dawn of your faith, Roshanda is just a thief who likes to plagiarize the creativity of other countries. He plagiarized the great dragon empire, the card game of the legend of the mainland heroes invented by the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce! "

"This... how is this possible?" The wretched man and Husband were surprised when he heard the words.

"Wait! You~ You just... actually call the name of His Majesty the Lord of Dawn?

You who are so disrespectful, why haven't you been punished by your majesty?" The wretched man said in disbelief.

"Punishment? The Lord of Dawn, Luoshanda, has long been defeated by my lord, and fled into his kingdom of God, shivering, licking his wounds, how dare to appear in front of my Dragon Empire?" The armored man said lightly.

When it comes to the word "our lord", he is very respectful.

"This... how is it possible?" The wretched man and Luo Chihu didn't believe each other's words at all.

These two people grew up in the world ruled by the Lord of Dawn.

Although in the world ruled by the good gods, not all creatures believe in them.

And there will be some evil gods and evil gods.

But because of the doctrine of good gods, they are always the unique state religion in their own world.

In fact, most of the teachings of evil gods and evil gods are not suitable for independent development. Most of them are parasitic in the world of good gods like strange creatures.

Give hope to those creatures that can't be eliminated anyway, and contain negative emotions such as despair, laziness, arrogance, and ferocity!

But in any case, the dominance of Sanhedrin is beyond doubt.

The wretched man and the beard live on this planet dominated by the Lord of Dawn.

Since childhood, he was taught to believe in the Lord of Dawn. This is their Lord, a **** with infinite power.

Although the two of them are no longer as simple as they were when they were young, they purely believe in the Lord of Dawn.

Even if these rebellious people appeared, the prestige of the Lord of Dawn was greatly compromised.

Even if the two of them can't believe in their Lord like those in the Church of Dawn.

But they also agree with the Lord of Dawn's ability and status.

Never doubt.

No one who is disrespectful to the Lord of Dawn dared to call his name.

That will be punished by God!

This is the real punishment!

Every year before this world, there will be so many who are not afraid of death!

Then, the brilliance of the sun hanging high in the sky will shed, melting the filthy body of the disrespectful...

This is a consensus that many people know.

But what is going on now?

Why is this person who says that the Lord of Dawn is a thief, nothing has happened?

Could it be true that what he said was true? The **** they believed in was defeated?

"That thief steals the **** made by my master's wisdom, naturally, it is not allowed to be popular in this world. This is disrespect for my master! Disrespect for wisdom!

But my lord knows that you are obsessed with card games, this kind of game has completely merged everyone's lives.

My lord will not completely remove it. My lord is great and kind. He will give you a chance to accept the real card. Ten days later, the Rand Central Plaza.

There, you will see the charm of real cards. If you really love card games, come over! "

After the troublemaker finished speaking, he took away all Dawn's cards, put down his beard, and carried the wretched man and prepared to leave.

But at this time the wretched man yelled, pointing at the already put down cheeks and said nonsense: "Wait! Why are you only arresting me and not him? It's not fair!"

"Huh?" The Dragon Empire soldier froze slightly: "You guys who make pirated cards are the original sin!

And those who like cards, they have a pure love for cards.

This kind of person... won't be a bad person! "

The Dragon Empire soldier said lightly ~wuxiaworld.online~Why...how could it be like this...didn't you also arrest them before?" the wretched man said unwillingly.

Why are we all sinners and have been arrested, but you let the other side go?

"Before was before, now is now." The soldier of the Dragon Empire replied.

Before they were Liwei, we must let them know the power, rules and discipline of our empire.

At this time, immediately implement the next step to promote the new card.

Isnt it a pitfall in your brain to catch these people who like to play cards?

The soldiers of the Dragon Empire curled their lips secretly, raising their hands was a shock, and stunned the wretched man.

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