Then he said to the beard on one side: "After ten days, you can call all the people you know together and see what the real card is. I believe you will not be disappointed."

Then he left slowly.

Until the Dragon Empire soldiers left.

The beard exhaled a long breath.

Oh my God! Fortunately, I was not caught in the small black house!

By the way, when have these rebels been so benevolent? It's strange! The real card? How is it different from the current one?

Forget it, you will know the answer in ten days anyway.

Let's go back first, those guys should be anxious.

As I walked and thought, Beard quickly returned home.

It was a fairly good two-story villa area.

Luokhu lives in it, obviously a good family.

He calmly returned home, then opened a floor tile in the utility room, which was an underground passage.

Without hesitation, the beard went straight in.

The underground passage is a bit long, about forty to fifty meters long, and his beard is holding a small flint on fire, holding the wall all the way to an open space.

There are already a dozen people here at this time.

They were playing the dawn card game on the small wooden tables with the help of a fire.

There is no duel tabletop for souls and monsters, no virtual biological images, only a small wooden table, two players, a group of referees, and fascinated playing the oldest tabletop game.

When the beard arrived, the referee facing him was the first to notice.

"Anderson! How about it? Is the card pack available? I can't wait to add some new cards to a duel with Rattle!"

The referee was a young man with gray hair and gray eyes, and his expression was extremely excited at this time.

As soon as these words came out, the others who were still playing immediately stopped and looked at Juan Anderson happily.

"Oh! Anderson! Quickly take out the card holder? I have my gold coins ready!"

"My holy light deck still lacks a light of dawn, this time I will definitely be able to gather it all!"

A group of people talked and talked non-stop, and Anderson watched in silence.

It took a long time to ask: "Brothers! I'm sorry, I didn't buy the Dawn Card."

"Oh! No! Anderson! You liar! You deceived our trust in you!

Remember what you vowed to say before?

Lao Tzu is Anderson! I met many card makers and merchants outside!

You can buy the card pack as long as you have the money!

Are you saying that?"

"When I was trading with the other party, I met an insurgent of the Dragon Empire." Juan Anderson said.

"What? People from the Dragon Empire?" a group of people exclaimed.

"No! Anderson! Don't want to lie to me! If you meet them, can you still stand here and chat with us?

At this time you should be locked in a small dark room and crying.

Or they can be fed a tiger wolf medicine and thrown into the room of a group of big men to enjoy bliss! "A yellow-haired young man scolded.

"What you said is really vicious, Naaru!" His face changed slightly.

"To deal with a liar like you, I will definitely say the most vicious thing!"

"I'm not a liar, everything I say is true! But I can't prove it." Hu said helplessly.

"Then you are a liar!"

"No! I am not!" Bearded Anderson said helplessly.

"I don't want to argue with you about this issue right now. I learned a very interesting piece of information from those insurgents in the Dragon Empire, including the reason why they banned us from playing Dawn Card. Are you not interested? ?"

"?" When everyone heard the words, their eyes widened.

"Then you are talking about, why on earth do those rebels ban us from playing Dawn Card? Where did they come from?"

"Let me ask everyone a question first, you say...Why do we have to play Dawn Card?" Anderson asked.

"Why? The question you asked is too strange, right? This is what we played from childhood to adulthood. Grandpa played, grandma played, father and mother played.

And everyone in the whole kingdom is playing this game. It's fun, but there are rewards from the kingdom and the church of Dawn. "Huang Mao Nalu asked back.

I dont understand why Anderson asked such a stupid question? Isn't this something everyone knows?

"If... if there are other card games, will you play it?" Anderson asked.

"How is that possible! There are only Dawn Cards in this world!"

The existence of other cards is the disrespect and profanity of the Dawn Card! Is disrespect to God! Is not worthy of existence! "

"Not worthy of existence?" Anderson sighed: "That's all before! Do you know?

The information I learned from those insurgents is that they are going to promote other cards! That's why we are forbidden to play Dawn Card! "

"What! How dare they! Are they not afraid of the Lord of Dawn's punishment?" Huang Mao Naru was shocked.

"They are not afraid, really not at all!

Do you know, I heard a rebel in front of me saying that His Majesty the Lord of Dawn is a thief, and he even called his name directly!

What was the result? That guy was not punished at all!

They also said disrespectfully that their Majesty defeated the Lord of Dawn..." Anderson said.

"This... how is this possible!" Everyone was shocked.

"So, if they promote their cards, we have no ability to stop them! Even our gods should not be able to stop them... In this case, would you choose to play?" Anderson asked again .

"No! I definitely won't! Humph! They use force to oppress us and we can't play Dawn Card!

But I, Naaru, will never succumb to their lewdness!

I'm Naaru even if they were locked into a small dark room! They were stripped naked and hung on the banner! Killed by them! Will not succumb! Dawn card is the best card! "Huang Mao Naru slapped the game table in angrily, shaking all the cards on the table to the ground, and roared.

"That's right! Dawn card is the best card! How can those insurgents understand card games? They are just a bunch of brash men who can only use force!"

"Yes! We will never give in! We must take a look at the backbone of our Rands!" everyone yelled.

"...Then we won't have any new cards in the future...and we can never play on a duel table that can simulate monsters...Is that okay?" Anderson asked.

"..." Everyone was silent.

You see me, I see you, you can see the desire and resentment in each other's eyes!

They have not played cards on the duel table for more than two months!

Those **** rebels! Do you know how they feel now?

This is almost like feeding them tiger wolf medicine, tying them hands and feet, and letting them watch passionate scenes when they are immobile!

It makes them worse than death!

They haven't used the gorgeous duel table for two months!

Bear it again! Sooner or later they can't help it!

What horrible things will happen at that time, they don't even know!

"Can't help... right?" Anderson saw everyone's embarrassment.

"Anyway, those who are against the chaos said that in ten days, they will be in the central square in the city, let us see what the real card is... then, let's go and see."

"Go and see? Anderson! Why do you have such an idea? Do you really think they can make a game beyond Dawn Card?" Someone dared not believe it.

"I don't believe it! But look at it and you won't lose a piece of meat." Anderson said.

There was another silence for a long time.

Huang Mao Naru patted the table again and said: "Okay! I'll go see it too! I want to see what garbage they do!

After reading it! I must scold them badly!

Then let them know what a great game the real Dawn Card is!

"That's right! Naaru is right! Let's go and tell those tin cans that are against chaos! Just how awesome the Dawn Card is!

Make them aware of their mistakes! "

A group of people settled to pay attention.

Time began to slowly pass, and underground players like Juan Anderson and Huang Mao Naru often went out.

They found that in the streets and alleys, many signs were inserted in many places.

Written about ten days later, the so-called real card game appreciation meeting.

As long as you go to the central square, you have the opportunity to see truly great cards in person.

Everyone is talking about this.

Some people are dismissive, some want to join in the fun.

But basically no one dared to stand up to death in person, saying that the people of the Dragon Empire are overpowered and do not understand the stupid things of card games.

The fate of those who violated the ban can be vividly remembered by everyone!

Time passed quickly.

When the agreed time arrives.

The cheeky Juan Anderson took his poker friends to the central square.

Although many people disdain it, a large number of people still gathered in the central square.

Huge things called television by the old dragon empire rebels were erected on the streets.

It is showing everything in the middle of the square.

No one has seen this kind of magic item.

There are also a large number of rebels maintaining the gathering of spectators.

There are open-air counters around the square, and a group of rebels sit behind them.

A group of people lined up at the counter to receive the strange headgear. When the beard and card friends all received it, it took a while.

Among the insurgents of the Dragon Empire, one wore armor, was short and had an unusually big head.

The "people" floating in the air flew out of the crowd.

He glanced at the crowded square.

Nodded slightly and said: "Everyone! I welcome you on behalf of our Dragon Empire!

Those who want to come here at this time are all true lovers of card games!

Here, you are about to witness the real card game!

A real miracle!

After seeing them, you will find the Dawn Card before, in front of this card, it is just a pile of shit! Stinks! The "Man" flying in the air slightly opened his mouth.

No matter how far away, everyone in the entire King City heard these words.

Just when everyone was ready to wait to hear his next sentence.

"Huh! You brain door! How do you say it! Why did the **** bother you?

Shit before so many people! Do you look down on our canine family? Be careful, I sue you for discriminating against canines! "

In the central square, a somewhat angry voice came out, interrupting the words of the big-headed man.

The people on the square looked for fame and saw one who was also wearing armor.

But one can vaguely see a dog-headed monster talking inside.

That's right, this is a dog's head monster, the body is wrapped tightly, standing up, only one dog's head can be seen.

This is a monster!

But after everyone saw it, there was no expression change at all.

Because they have long been used to, over 80% of the insurgents in the Dragon Empire are monsters! Cat people, crab people, snake people, scorpion people, all kinds of wonderful works!

Dog head monsters are absolutely normal!

This dog is Zhan Shiqi.

The brain gate is naturally a brain demon.

Although the brain demon was one of the commanders in chief of the Dragon Empire before, but after hearing that his Majesty took his family to visit dozens of worlds, he was ready to come back and pat his family.

Then the brain demon met Zhan Shiqi.

A professed to be the most loyal subordinate of His Majesty Shillong, Dai Shillong controls millions of planes, the Dragon Empire.

A self-proclaimed Shillong dog, under the dragon, above all things.

The two licking dogs went wrong immediately.

After that, I couldn't deal with it everywhere.

This time, Shillong originally wanted the brain demon to come and complete the task.

But Zhan Shiqi was a stalker and asked to come and perform the task together!

That's why there is a scene at hand.

"Huh! Weak dog demon!" The brain demon snorted coldly when he heard Zhan Shiqi's question, and didn't want to pay too much attention to it.

But Zhan Shiqi didn't want to let him go: "You bastard! Are you looking down on our canine family? It must be so! Okay! I'm going to sue you!

underestimate me! Your Majesty's first dog, Master Zhan Shiqi! You committed a serious crime, do you know you! I"

Zhan Shiqi's domineering dog's paw is akimbo, the other is stretched straight, pointing at the brain demon.

"Huh!" The brain demon snorted coldly again: "Quiet! Stupid dog without rank! We are here to complete the task that your Majesty has given us! Not here to fight!"

The brain demon looked at the mortals with different faces below, and his eyes flashed with blue light.

Zhan Shiqi, who still wanted to talk, was immediately bound by an invisible force.

As if something was being stuffed in his mouth, his cheeks bulged, and he couldn't say anything.

Zhan Shiqi wanted to struggle, but even after fifty thousand years, it was nothing but a legend, how could it be the opponent of a pseudo-god-level brain demon.

Suddenly I can only eat the squat in the air um um...

Finished packing Zhan Shiqi.

The brain demon said to everyone again: "Everyone! Put on your headgear! Let us enter a new world!"

The brain demon said that he had taken a special headgear full of technological texture from one side and put it on his head larger than himself.

The others peeped at each other, wondering whether to keep up.

However, soon someone put on their headgear with them, and they shouted in shock.

From fear at the beginning, to surprise, to happiness.

They performed brilliantly! That's right! They are all acting! Ask why? Of course these people are the nurses the Dragon Empire found!

As a dragon empire with advanced technological civilization, naturally knows the importance of childcare in such events!

These nurseries exclaimed: "Oh! What the **** is this? Me! Did I fly? What's under my feet? Unbelievable! It's so beautiful!"

The nurseries were exclaiming, moving wildly.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Dragon Empire separated everyone with mental barriers, allowing them to have enough space to move around.

The scene is a bit weird, which makes the hearts of those who have not yet taken a headgear tickled.

Juan Anderson on the cheeks was a little itchy.

He wanted to know what exactly those people saw to make such a gaffe.

After a little hesitation, he put on the headgear.

Several of his poker friends couldn't help but put on their headgear in the end.

Anderson saw the stars circling in front of him, his whole body seemed to be flying, and the world under his feet was constantly shrinking.

He screamed, hurriedly trying to catch something, but unfortunately nothing could be caught by him.

The surrounding stars are flowing, changing, and everything is blurred.

At the same time, a voice rang in your ears: "Everyone! Don't be nervous, you are in absolute safety now, let everyone know what a real card game is!"

The voice was very familiar, and it was the voice of the brain door who was talking in the square before.

The picture fell with this voice.

Anderson found himself on a green grassland.

The sky is clear here, and the sky is blue and pure.

The breeze was blowing gently.

Anderson felt that his face was stroked by the breeze, and there was an indescribable sense of comfort!

The insurgent of the dragon empire with the big head before appeared in the sight of everyone again.

His body is still the same outfit as before.

A rectangular thing is tied to his right arm, which is not too long.

It looks a bit like a battle slot on a duel table.

Opposite him suddenly appeared the dog-headed monster that had just been **** by the brain door.

The dog-headed monster glared at the brain demon with an ugly face.

"Everyone! Now please take a good look at what is the real card!

[Mainland Legend of Heroes] produced by the Dragon Empire!

What is immediately shown in front of everyone is the exercise of this duel!

It is performed by my dragon empire, the brain demon, and Mr. Zhan Shiqi! "

Hum! As the voice fell again, a data stream and mosaic flashed across the brain magic hand, and a deck of cards appeared in his hand.

At this time, someone took off his headgear and suddenly found that on the arm of the brain gate, a deck of cards was inserted on the mechanical thing that looked like a duel card slot.

This is impressively the card that emerges to the world in the headgear!

On the other side, the dog demon known as Mr. Zhan Shiqi also had a deck of cards on his arm.

One person and one dog looked at each other and shouted: "Duel!"

Hum! With this voice falling.

Anderson saw nine villains appear in front of both sides.

Anderson knew it was a career choice.

Similar to the Dawn Card rules.

Anderson saw that his head had chosen a paladin profession, and the dog demon had chosen a mage profession.

"Holy light gives me strength!"

"My magic will tear you to pieces!" With this opening remark.

The two sides officially entered a duel, and the words 30 lives appeared on their heads.

Everything is so familiar.

"My turn! Draw cards! In the first round, I sent [Dragon Empire Armored Guard]"

When the voice fell, a warrior in armor appeared similar to those insurgents outside, more than two meters tall.

It looks like a real person.

"This is the most basic combat power for our Dragon Empire to conquer the heavens.

Each has the power comparable to the legendary professional!

They have the attributes of attack 1, life 2, and are an epic card that consumes one crystal!

What he is wearing is the secret armor of our Dragon Empire! Integrate millions of planes of the Dragon Empire, the crystallization of thousands of years of technological wisdom! Inside the armor is equipped with No. IV8964 Brain.

Just fight with each other! The intellectual brain can capture the enemy's weaknesses and make up the most suitable combat method for itself! Maximize your combat power!

So he has special effects and grows! At the end of each round, life gain is increased by 1!

My round is over! [Dragon Empire Armored Guardian] 1 attack, 3 lives! "

The brain demon talked endlessly, so that everyone could know the origin of the card and the special effects.

Not only did it make people feel nonsense.

On the contrary, this gave everyone a feeling of being tall!

In particular, his basic combat power is to conquer the heavens and all realms in his mouth.

Although these people like Fighting the Heavens do not understand, it sounds awesome!

There is also that sentence, basic combat power, legendary strength!

They still understand it!

Nima, doesn't it mean that every soldier has legendary strength?


If their troops are as large as our countrys population, they have an army of one million.

Does that mean they have a million legends?

hiss! Can't think about it! so horrible!

A group of people who came to see the cards were terribly shocked. No wonder our country can't do them!

Even the self-proclaimed Zhan Shiqi was shocked.

The high-tech system duel equipment that is being played now has also been popularized in the dumping ground of most mainland Legend of Heroes cards a month ago.

Zhan Shiqi has already played, from the shock at the beginning, to now has been calm.

But this was his first duel with the Brain Demon, and it was the first time he discovered that Nima could be so handsome playing card games! It's so cool!

Look at the arrogant look of the other party, that confident posture when introducing cards!

This...this **** who wants to steal my first dog licking status is too handsome!

No way! I can't lose to him!

Zhan Shiqi's dog face also showed a serious look.

"Huh! That's interesting!

My round! Draw!

Come out! My family! [Blood Stalker]! "

Hum! A half-invisible entourage appeared on the battlefield ~wuxiaworld.online~Blood Stalker] is a super assassin in the abyss! A natural killer with the blood of Void Dog and Man-wolf! Among them, the powerful, even legends, have killed many!

It is a crystal card of epic quality.

Possess 2 attacks and 1 life attribute!

Because of its void blood, it has the ability to stealth with special effects!

And has the growth effect of addiction! As long as the opponent uses a spell card, he can get 1 point of life growth! "

After introducing the cards, Zhan Shiqi smiled proudly: "My round is over!"

The spectators below heard, Ma De Shengguang! This dog's family can actually kill the legend?

This is too great, right?

The audience was amazed.

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