The brain demon raised his eyebrows and said to his heart, this licking dog is quick to learn, and he actually learns to play word games.

Among them, the strong have the power to kill legends.

Are you one out of a few million, or one out of tens of millions?

To brag about not being taxed is to dare to brag!

The brain demon was disdainful, with a sneer on his face: "Killing the legend? You only killed the unknown legend? Dare to kill the soldiers of my Dragon Empire?

My round! Draw!

I use [Armor Upgrade] of 2 Crystals!

As long as the entourage with the word Dragon Empire in the name can increase the armor level! Gain attack +2 and life +3 effects!

Be stronger! My soldier! [Dragon Empire Armored Guard]! "

Hum! On the grassland [Dragon Empire Armor Guard], blue lines are shining on the armor, and a large number of arcane particles revolve around it, setting off it like a god.

"Hmph! I have been strengthened by [Armor Upgrade]. My [Dragon Empire Armor Guard] has become a super-powered follower with 3 attacks and 6 lives! And your werewolf has gained 1 point of life growth, but this All in vain!

Shoot him! My soldier! "

The brain demon roared, and the armored soldiers raised their mechanical arms and shot them at the female mage representing Zhan Shiqi.

boom! Arcane bombardment covered the female mage solidly.


There was an extremely loud cry.

The man who was watching the game shook his heart and the woman blushed.

This... how did this dubbing be like this?

That's too much!

This is not holy light at all! The Lord of Dawn comes again! I heard nothing! Some believers in the Lord of Dawn confessed in their hearts.

No matter what these people think, the brain demon who succeeded in one blow sneered: "Invisibility? It's only something the weak can do! There is no way to destroy my soldiers, you won't survive the sixth round!

My round is over! [Dragon Empire Armored Guard] The life is increased to 7 points. "

"My turn! Draw cards!" Zhan Shiqi also sneered: "Stupid brain door! Don't underestimate the mighty power of the abyss!

There are all kinds of evil gods and demons that are comparable to gods!

Also has terrifying black magic!

I use spells! [Demon Seal]. "

Hum! The sky over the entire grassland darkened, and a dark mouth of the abyss appeared above the head of [Dragon Empire Armored Guard].

A terrifying goat-headed demon possessed himself with a grinning smile on [Dragon Empire Armored Guard].

"Ooooooo!" The armored soldier snarled in pain while covering his chest.

The blue light of his gorgeous mecha faded away and returned to its original state.

Attack becomes 1 point, and life becomes 1 point of initial data.

"See! This is the horror of the abyss! [Seal of the Abyss] can seal all the enemy's special abilities and status, and cause 1 point of damage to the enemy!

At last! [Blood Stalker] Attack! "

"Roar!" The werewolf-like monster roared and disappeared. When it reappeared, it had come behind the [Dragon Empire Armored Guard], smashed the armor and inserted it into the heart of the guard.

After being mortally fought back by the guards, the werewolf returned to his place.

"Humph!" Zhan Shiqi smiled triumphantly when he saw this.

The round is over.

"Don't be too proud! Stupid dog!" The brain demon snorted to himself: "My turn! The draw!

Come out! Warriors of the Empire!

[Dragon Empire Scientist]! "


A middle-aged mage wearing armor with six mechanical arms and six staffs appeared on the battlefield.

The six staffs pointed at [Blood Stalker] at the same time and shot out six different rays, instantly blasting the werewolf to pieces!

"This is a member of the Dragon Empire Mage Troops, wearing the Empire's latest model XC5454 Mage armor!

And it is equipped with six master-level super staffs!

The spell cast is the legendary spell [Starry Sky Ray] developed by the Empire!

The rays contain various elements and cosmic energy!

Enough to shoot a legendary soldier directly!

And in the game.

He is an epic card with 3 crystals, 3 attacks, 3 lives, special effects, and 2 points of damage to a designated enemy!

Stupid dog! It is an honor for you to die under the rays of the stars! "

The brain demon said proudly.

it is good! Amazing! This dragon empire... this group of rebels is too powerful!

Legendary spells! One blow is enough to kill the legendary warrior!

It's too strong!

The eyes of everyone listening, always feel that this small guy is so cool! I...I will play cards like this in the future!

A group of players secretly said in their hearts.

The corners of Zhan Shiqi's mouth twitched, Ma De, is this guy too good at talking?

I can compare to the legend at every turn, and kill the legend, so I am still a legend now!

Can I save some face for my legend?

Zhan Shiqi's face was solemn: "Damn brain door! Your majesty's first dog-licking position is mine! You are not worthy to fight with me!

See how I beat you asshole!

My round! Draw!

I use"


"I sent the abyss two-headed dragon! It is a legendary overlord-level creature in the abyss, the strongest and comparable to a demigod..."

"I sent the Dragon Empire to fight the **** weapon! I have the power to slaughter a demigod!

Killed the demigod many times in singles! "

"I sent a legendary card! Abyss Demon God-Shuke! It is a super power below the 50th floor of the Abyss! Stronger than the demigod!"

"I use a legendary card! Planetary impactor!

It is a weapon with planets as kinetic energy! Just use it is enough to destroy all people in this world! Even God! It is enough to kill! "


Brain demon and Zhan Shiqi, you come and go. After more than ten rounds, the two will explain and pretend every time they play cards.

I watched all the spectators present in a daze.

That 30-meter-high two-headed giant dragon with a terrifying devilish energy!

That armored giant with a height of more than 40 meters!

And the appearance of the terrifying Demon God of the Abyss changed the heavens and the earth.

In the starry sky, a huge planet fell! Broken picture of the world!

Everything is shocking to the extreme!

In the end, the brain demon had the upper hand, and there were five not weak followers on the battlefield.

But when it was Zhan Shiqi's turn, there was no entourage on the battlefield.

The outcome seems to be doomed.

The corner of the brain demon's mouth sneered: "Stupid dog, it seems you are nothing more than that!

It is impossible to compete with me for the title of your majesty's first subordinate!

On my battlefield, there are five followers! They have dead words and resurrection! You have no hope of turning over! "

"The Brain Gate! Don't be too arrogant! The game is not over yet!"

Zhan Shiqi said coldly: "Let you see! As your majesty's first licking dog, my majesty's gift!

I use mythical magic card! [The plutonium dragon emperor's nuclear respite! !

Feel the grace of your majesty to me!

Then face failure in despair! "


With Zhan Shiqi insert the card into the magic card slot.

The whole sky changed color.

Dark clouds were covered, lightning and thunder resounded across the sky.

The wind screamed the earth.

The breath of horror raged, just looking at it made Anderson feel a little short of breath.


A roar that shocked the soul sounded, and the dark clouds in the sky were lined up one after another!

A huge dragon head protruded from the hole in the clouds.

The two huge eyes were like golden suns, allowing Anderson to instinctively stretch out an arm in the illusory world to block the light.

Squinted his eyes and looked at the giant dragon head.

That is too big. Anderson doesn't know what language to describe. Even if it is several kilometers away, he still feels like an ant.

What exactly is this?

Emperor Plutonium? Who is it?

Isn't the place where we are all the same as the previous duel table, is it fake?

But why is it so realistic?

Everyone was shocked and panicked.

Until the dragon opened its huge mouth, the endless golden light began to converge, which directly prevented Anderson from looking at the light directly and had to close his eyes.

Until ten seconds later, accompanied by the roar and shaking of the earth, and the terrible explosion.

When Anderson opened his eyes again.

He found that he was no longer on the grass before.

But in a blue starry sky, there are gravel and meteorites everywhere.

He just floated quietly in the air, and at the beginning he took off his headgear in fear.

Then he found that most people in the entire square were like him, panting for breath with a look of horror and fear.

But immediately, they put on their headgear again and entered the world of duelists.

The same is true for Anderson. After he entered again, his mentality has calmed down, he is no longer afraid, and he is looking at the two duelists while looking at everything around him.

I saw that dog head laughed and said: "Did you see it? This is the grace of your majesty to me!

[Plutonium Dragon Emperors Nuclear Calming Breath] is a trick to simulate the power of His Majestys breath!

A single blow is enough to smash a world!

No one can survive!

This is a card with 10 crystals!

As long as you play, you can ignore the special effects of all cards! Wipe out of the game directly!

Death language is no exception to your resurrection!

And because of the high heat field left by the nuclear calm, in accordance with your majesty's wishes, 7 fire elements with 1 attack and 1 life will be born to serve me!

just now! The form has been reversed! Brain gate! It is you who should meet despair! "

it is good! Amazing! Emperor Plutonium! Destroy the world in one blow!

This dragon empire! It's too amazing! And this card game! I really want to have fun!

Anderson roared in his heart.

"Very good! This is interesting." The brain demon just smiled, not anxious to be reversed at all: "If you fall down before I use my strength, it would be boring!

It's my turn! Draw! "

"Hmm~" The brain demon smiled slightly at the card in his hand: "Stupid dog! After I got this card, the game was completely over!

I use magic cards! [Secret Code of the Emperor Plutonium]!

Consume two crystals! Draw five cards! The number of crystals consumed per card has been reduced a bit!

Draw a card!

Humph! All my cards have been drawn, and your end has come! Stupid dog!

Come out! My trump card!

Dragon Emperor! "


Whirlpools appeared in the starry sky, endless armored warriors, warships, and mechas appeared on the battlefield.

It seems to occupy the entire starry sky.

This is the Dragon Power!

Its attributes are extremely special, because it is restricted by the rules, it is impossible to have infinite combat units, at most there are only seven battlefields, and the [Dragon Emperor Shi] is divided into seven combat units! Each combat unit has the attributes of 2 attacks and 1 blood.

And everyone watching was shocked again, what kind of army is this?

It's so huge that it can't be counted?

Are the soldiers in armor all legends?

Are all the tall mechas demigods?

What is the strength of the battleship that is larger than the palace?

This kind of army is constantly appearing in all directions, surrounding them, and the number is even more invisible!

Unable to count! That is more than a million! Ten million! Millions of more quantity!

This is the strength of the Dragon Empire insurgents?

Compared with the empire's army, it is almost no different from the **** on the roadside!

At this moment, many people with ulterior motives were desperate and crazy...

"Did you see it! This is the strongest legion to conquer the heavens and the world!" The brain demon roared:

"Next! I continue to use the card! Legendary magic card! [Plutonium Dragon Emperors Attack Command] and [Plutonium Dragon Emperors Roar of Fury]! A total of 3 crystals are consumed, increasing 3 attacks for all soldiers! And has the charge attribute !

Your end is here! Stupid dog! "


Accompanied by a dragon roar from the stars of the universe.

Endless, the [Dragon Emperor Power] occupying the entire starry sky is roaring, the colorful light makes the starry sky change its color!

The attack power of each combat unit has become 5 attacks!

A total of 35 damage in 7x5! The beams, magic, and kinetic energy weapons that occupy the entire starry sky are all shot out!

The dazzling divine light pierced on the mage representing Zhan Shiqi, completely annihilating the mage!

The game is over! One hit kill!

Everything in the picture returned to normal again.

The brain demon said with a sneer: "A stupid dog shrouded in a world! Have you seen it? This is your majesty's army of conquering millions of planes!

As one of its conductors, I am not comparable to yours! "

"Why... how could this... I actually lost to this brain gate?

Obviously my Majesty and I met first! hateful! "Zhan Shiqi was anxious: "When I became your Majesty's most proud subordinate, you still didn't know where to breastfeed!" Bastard!

It's just a card duel, what's so great about winning! "

"Heh~ How about a real duel?" The brain demon sneered.

"Damn it!" Zhan Shiqi's angry ears gradually withered, looking aggrieved.

He tried the real pk at the beginning.

The result was naturally hanged and beaten!

This brain gate looked like a small thing, but its true strength was much stronger than Arman, a guy who relied on card games to increase his strength.

At that time, he dared not move his hands, only his mouth.

It's so fierce, where would you dare to do it?

Seeing Zhan Shiqi turned off, the brain demon nodded in satisfaction.

He slightly perceives mortals watching games in the real world.

Seeing them one by one, both shocked and excited, knowing that it must be done.

He continued: "Have you all seen it? This is the real card game!

The perfect product made by the Dragon Empire!

You-do you want to join the battle?"

The sound is extremely plain, but in the ears of a group of duelists who love card games, it is full of endless temptation.

Anderson murmured: "I want to...I want to play..."

Many people said this subconsciously.

"Then act quickly! From today until the next 10 days, it will be the new birthday of the Dragon Card. During this time, as long as everyone hand in the Dawn Card, every two packs of Dawn Card, plus half of the original card pack Price, you can buy a pack of Dragon Empires Continental Legend of Heroes card pack!

And as long as you buy 100 packs!

Then we will give everyone a duel plate and duel headgear for free! "Speaking of this, the brain demon paused, pointing to the strange device on his right arm and said: "The function of this thing must be known to everyone.

Its function is similar to the duel table, but it is much more comprehensive.

As long as you have it, you can not only duel your friends face to face, but also add game friends to each other and send duel requests to your friends.

At that time, no matter it is the end of the world, you can learn from each other!

Of course, you can also compete with card friends from other planes and other worlds through random matching!

You can also participate in the ladder mode to prove your strength!

As long as you enter the legendary rank on the ladder, our dragon empire will end every quarter and give it generous rewards!

What are the rewards? After you get the duel plate, you can find out for yourself!

All right! I have finished what I have to say. If you want, please act quickly. "

The story is over here.

Anderson took off his headgear and found that someone had rushed over to buy the Dragon Empire card pack without hesitation.

This person took out a lot of Dawn Cards and some gold coins from the Space Ring, and got a hundred packs of cards at once.

This gave him direct access to the cool duel plate and headgear.

Then he went to open a few sets of card packs at random, formed a deck, and played with his headgear. Various exclamations were constantly spit out from his mouth, making other people's hearts even more itchy.

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