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The exemption is over, it's time to pretend to be a grandson!

I don't want to be imaginary and make any excuses.

I'm here to ask all readers to subscribe!

After all, subscription is the main source of the author's income, a way for readers to support the author, and the motivation for the author to update, and the title hanging in front of the reader is naturally also the level of the reader.

The apprentice is a cousin? Is the disciple a cousin? Is the deacon a real brother? ....? ? Is it your father?

A very realistic thing, it represents many things.

Of course, there are also prostitutes or pirated readers who say, I gave you a recommendation vote, and I clicked on your work to read your novel. This is a kind of support.

Then I will tell you now that voting for recommendation will actually not increase the author's income, just a little bit of exposure, but in my current appearance, it has little effect.

As for clicking, I saw a screenshot of an author posted in a certain author group, and one who saw the piracy just clicked to say something and said that he supported the author...

I can only say, brother! Sorry, this was not a few years ago, and there is a click list. Now the clicks are worthless! No use at all!

The only thing that can bring author income is subscription and reward...

So brazenly ask for subscription!

I am shameless! Can the face be eaten?


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