"Evil thing?" The eyes of the dragons flickered.

Especially Arman, his complexion changed drastically. More than 50,000 years ago, the experience of being surrounded by evil things made him unforgettable forever!

But fortunately, the evil thing has long since disappeared in his world.

And Sillon couldn't help but turn his eyes to Arman.

Now he wouldn't be so naive to think that creatures ridden by evil things can get rid of evil things so easily.

The most basic situation is that 50,000 years ago, when Siro left the main material world, the evil things that had been haunting him never left.

Every once in a while, he kept brushing the sense of existence in his mind.

Even if he had killed thousands, tens of thousands of times, he couldn't completely eliminate this stuff.

To completely eliminate the evil things, it was hundreds of years after Siro left the living material world, and his strength reached a certain level before the evil things were completely discharged.

Arman, who was also seeded by the evil species before, was unable to clear the consciousness left by the evil things on his body.

So how did he live a stable life until now? Did Bahamut clear it for him?

"Take us to see... After all, it is a child with the blood of Shillong... It won't work if you keep doing evil all the time." Viola thought for a while and said.

"Yes! The creatures that are manipulated by evil things and exist for the purpose of destroying the world, we must not sit idly by!" Kama also said.

"I don't believe that my Bing Qing Yujie brother will have a dragon with your shameless female dragon!

go! I also want to go with you! Break through your tricks! "Arman said angrily.

Shillong was slightly silent. This lich and female dragon seemed to have no problem in their mental state.

There is no excess unstable energy on the body.

The possibility of being manipulated can be ruled out.

There is no possibility of being controlled by someone and trying to lure me into the game.

Then accompany them on a trip, a child with my blood?

What will it be like?

Shillong's mood is really complicated.

All the dragons wanted to see the little dragon with Shillong blood in the opponent's mouth.

So the portal was carved and a group of dragons entered.


The star realm, an unknown galaxy, has developed war spirits and witchcraft, just like on a western medieval planet.

Hundreds of millions of mortals originally lived here.

These mortals are fighting for survival or ideals in life.

But at this moment, the number of mortals is no more than tens of millions.

They divided into batches, evading and fleeing.

The originally gray earth, green grass, dense jungle, and blue sky have all disappeared.

The sky became red as blood.

The green forest burned with raging flames and billowing black smoke.

The town collapsed, leaving only endless ruins.

Large numbers of mortals are running in this desperate world!

Escape from behind the monster that brings destruction to the world and chaos!

A young knight dressed in light armor and covered in gray and black fled with a large number of people.

While running away, he looked behind him with horrified eyes from time to time.

On the dark red and black smoke-filled sky, there is a huge dragon that reaches the limit and is thousands of meters long!

The whole body of the magic dragon was dark red, with bright red light gleaming between the scales, and the evil red eyes were full of violence and mockery.

The surrounding space was slightly twisted around the dragon.

And in the whole body of the magic dragon, there are several figures fighting against it, as small as ants.

That was the strongest legendary warrior in the entire kingdom, the legendary mage.

They wielded their swords and used magic to do the final battle with the dragon.

This was the last futile struggle. The magic dragon just opened its huge mouth and gushed out endless flames, driving these world's top powerhouses like they were driving flies everywhere.

But no matter how they flee, there are times when the flames are gushing out, the young knight saw a legendary warrior who had been idolized by the flames.

Then I watched the legendary warrior fall from the sky wailing, and was burnt to ashes after struggling for a while!

This flame is not an ordinary flame at all, it is an indelible and eternal burning flame of hell.

All contaminated creatures have only a dead end!

The only one who dares to stand in front of the dragon is dead!

With the death of the last few powerful men, the dragon screamed wildly: "Everything in the world! Everything will be reduced to ashes under my flame!

Wings of my name burned out!

The destroyer of destiny, the terminator of all things. Unstoppable, unbreakable, I am catastrophe! Roar! "

With this roar, the flames in the mouth of the dragon began to surge like magma.

When the fleeing young knights and other mortals saw the flames surging in the mouth of the dragon, they shouted in horror and despair:

"Ah ah ah ah! Help! Help! God! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Save me! Save me!"

But how can these stop the magic dragon?

Seeing the flame in the mouth of the magic dragon become brighter, the young knight gradually lost the power to escape.

He clearly knew that at the speed of everyone present, he would never escape the flames that could cover hundreds of kilometers!

Their deaths are here!

At this moment, a sweet drink came from afar: "Stop! Sisolis!"


After the magic dragon heard this sound, it only gave a slight pause, and the flame continued to surge. When the flame in the mouth was as dazzling as the sun in the sky, it was about to spray.

boom! ! !

The thousand-meter-long dragon seemed to be hit by something from top to bottom.

In a roar, he was slapped into the ground fiercely!

The whole earth rumbling, set off dust in the sky.

The impact of the magic dragon directly overturned the young knight and others who were still on the run.

This incident stunned the young knight and some mortals who had fled.

They looked at the ground where the dragon fell in disbelief.

Did God hear our prayers? He came to save us?

Everyone couldn't help but cast their gazes in the direction of the previous sound, and a small figure suddenly appeared in the northwest sky.

Is that... the God who saves the world?

At this moment, people knelt to the ground, praying for these gods to destroy the dragon.


"Roar!!" The dark red devil dragon that was smashed into the ground roared, shaking away the stones scattered on its body, flapping its wings and slowly flying into the sky.

He stared at the figures that appeared in midair with his eyes full of evil and tyranny.

Especially the female figure in red, his eyes flickered with anger:

"Julia, my mother! Vyckoff's teacher! Do you want to stop me again?

Stop my destiny to destroy the world? Stop my sacred mission to destroy the world?

Do you want to be cleared too?"

In Sisolis's huge nostrils, sparks were flowing.

"Child! You have been manipulated by evil things! You are very abnormal now, do you know?

Our dragon is not a messy fool! How can you be proud of destroying the world?" Julia shouted.

"My mother! The weak you are not qualified to preach to me! Get out of here!"

The dark red dragon glanced at the other people around Julia with his dragon eyes, disdain all over the dragon's face.

"And your friends! Dare to stand in front of me! I will kill you!"

"This child... there is a strong scent of evil..." Kama said solemnly.

"The evil degree of this breath is far more than any five-color evil dragon I have ever seen.

No, the evil of those five-color dragons can't be compared with him at all. "Orom also said.

"Is this the dragon whose mind is controlled by evil things? It is evil and terrifying..." Andre couldn't help taking a breath.

"Huh! That bastard! Will it be my brother's seed?"

Doesn't it look good at all?

Not only the personality is different, but also so ugly!

Look at his red body! I can hardly look directly at it!

I who opened my mouth and closed my mouth, what are you, crazy? Will you speak well? How old is the dragon, why is it still a second-in-two? "Arman said with contempt.

As a silver dragon, he instinctively hated the red dragon and hated the red color. Seeing Sisolian's red skin and his tone of voice, he couldn't stand it immediately.

"Huh?" Sisolian, who was still storing fire, suddenly heard Arman's words and expression, and instantly became angry.

"Wait! Looking for death!"

He roared.

The power of the flame is also not stored, the flames flowing between the scales skyrocketed instantly, and the flames in his mouth burst out instantly.

The dark red demon flame that covered the sky rushed to all the dragons beside Julia!

This is a killer move! Want to kill all dragons in one blow! No mercy!

In the face of such a terrifying flame, none of the dragons showed panic, they just watched silently until...


The invisible wall appeared, and the space seemed to have a fault. All the magic flames completely stopped a few meters before the dragons, and they were not allowed to advance.

The surging flames were completely isolated from even the temperature, and everyone inside looked calm.

"Hey! Julia look at this dragon! You actually said he is your son?

He actually attacked you directly! What is this? Is mother kind and filial? I can not believe it! You will give birth to such a stupid son! "Arman sneered a few times.

"Sisolian was only manipulated by evil things, he was not like this before..." Julia said in a bit uncomfortable.

"This dragon...I really felt some blood connections on his body." Silom, who had not made a sound, suddenly spoke, his expression a bit solemn.

"Wh...what?" Arman was shocked: "How is this possible! Then he is really your son?"

"Of course he is the child of my Majesty Shillong! There is no doubt about this!" Julia said firmly on the side.

"He is a miracle, a miraculous life that cannot be copied, but tens of thousands of years, has grown to such a point, among the strong men I have seen and heard, only Your Majesty can surpass him.

This kind of talent must undoubtedly inherit the blood of His Majesty's invincible. "Wickev exclaimed.

As long as it continues to grow, this must be another dragon that rivals the gods!

"Don't worry about whose child he is! Shillon is going to beat him! This **** thing! How dare to do it to his mother! And we can do it! Just one thing, you can't be merciless!" Arman shouted .

For this kind of **** dragon that even his mother had to fight and kill, Arman this pure metal good dragon, naturally disgusted to the extreme.

"Yeah." Silom nodded slightly, and wanted to make a move, but Julia on one side was a little reluctant:

"Your Majesty! Do it lightly! He is our child after all! He is still young! Just being manipulated!"

"Small?" Silom glanced at the thousand-meter-long dragon in front of him, shook his head and said: "It's not too young anymore! Besides the bear kid thing, as long as you fight hard, everything will be fine!"

As he said, his body flashed and he appeared behind Sisolian, his arm was directly dragonized and turned into a dragon claw about three meters long, grabbing the end of Sisolian's tail.

Then the whole person flew to the distant earth!

When Sisolian felt his tail pinched, his face suddenly became annoyed. He flicked his tail and wanted to throw the little reptile of Shillon away directly.

But the next moment, he felt a magnificent force that he could not resist pulling him, and flew towards the rear quickly!

the speed is very fast! The powerful wind blade cut his scales madly!

Sisolian had no doubt that if it were replaced by his mother's weak chicken dragon, this wind blade alone would be enough to slice her!

"Roar!!!" Sisolian roared, struggling frantically, but he found that he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was thrown upwards, and then...

boom! ! ! ! ! !

He felt a sharp pain spread all over his body!

His whole body was heavily poured on the ground!

The gravel and dust flying all over the sky made the entire sky invisible.

He cried out in pain.

The anger in the heart was ignited, and the scales all over his body became hot and red! This is a sign of his complete anger!

He screamed frantically, twisted his neck, and instantly saw the murderer who grabbed his tail and beat him!

The human who has been with his mother before?

damn it! Is there such a strong one among human beings?

Sisolian couldn't see through Shillong's real body, only thought it was an extremely powerful human.

This made Sisolian's heart even more angry, and being beaten by humans has always been a shame to the dragon!

The evil red glow flashed in his eyes, and in the next moment, two terrifying heat rays that could burn through the void fiercely shot the human being!

But that human being did not evade, and after being shot, he raised his arm again.

Sisolian's body was lifted again, and the heat rays shot straight towards the sky!

The clouds are pierced layer by layer!

Then Sisolian's body was severely swallowed again!

boom! ! ! ! !

The earth roared again!

Roar! ! !

Sisolian pain screams again~wuxiaworld.online~ even the heat rays can't sustain it!

boom! boom! boom! ....

Sisolian was being beaten constantly.

The anger in his heart has completely exhausted his reason!

"Damn ants! You are looking for a dead end! The great and ancient **** of the universe and chaos! Please grant me! The destiny dragon! Destroy all the power of the gods!!"

Sisolian roared, and his whole body began to swell in the next instant!

The evil gray mist made his body more than half bigger, and his scales turned grayish brown!

On top of each of the scales, even huge eyes grew out of them. These eyes were like the eyes of death. After they appeared, they all stared at the humans who kept beating him!

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