The evil spirits of horror are dancing wildly!

The reality and the illusion alternate, everything becomes distorted!

"Roar!" Sisolian roared again, and he became in his current form, with an indescribable comfort throughout his body, and his strength seemed to have gained unlimited growth!

When he was smashed into the ground again, his tail flicked fiercely, and the person holding his tail was also poured into the ground fiercely!

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the world.

A thousand kilometers away, the dragons who were watching the battle were unable to watch the play leisurely at this time.

They flew to the ground one by one, constantly resisting the terrifying impact and earthquake from thousands of kilometers away, protecting these fleeing mortals.


"Roar!!! Ant! I want you to know! Dare to fight against the great Sisolian! Burning Wings, the world's strongest dragon! I want your soul! Body! All to be burned to ashes!! !"

The evil Sisolian snarled triumphantly.

He turned around, slapped at the figure that beat him before!

The shadow that was huge enough to cover the sky completely enveloped the opponent, and while Sisolian was expecting the opponent to show hopelessness, the human suddenly grinned at him.

Two rows of white teeth are particularly conspicuous in this distorted space.

This made Sisolian even more irritated, and the dragon palm that was shot became more rapid!

The terrifying wind pressure pressed the earth down for tens of meters!

But as soon as he covered the ant-like figure, he found that his dragon claw could no longer press down even one millimeter!

Not only can't it be suppressed! His whole body was thrown out!

Sisolian's expression changed from carefree to stunned. When he looked in the direction of the ant, he suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong.

Where is the human ant before?

What stands there now is a huge black barrier! Like the fortress of the evil **** in myths and legends, it stands between the heaven and the earth.

wrong! Sisolian looked carefully for a while, and found that something was wrong!

Why does this barrier look like a dragon scale? And between the dragon scales, how does the golden streamer flowing between them resemble the lava on the scales?

Sisolian couldn't help but look diagonally upward!

The next moment, Sisolian's chaotic head suddenly became a little sober, and he involuntarily took a breath!

The air under his nose is about to be drained by him!

What did he see?

A huge black dragon head, much larger than his entire body now, is in the distant sky!

wrong! Thats wrong!

It's just the eyeballs of the other party! I am afraid they are bigger than his body!

What kind of eyes are that?

The pitch-black almond pupils are dim and dull, and the stream of golden particles gathered around is more eye-catching than the sun in the sky!

This dragon...so big! So strong!

The clouds only wrapped around his calf.

Strange white spheres larger than his body slowly revolved around the body of the dragon, full of indescribable mystery and beauty!

Sisolian couldn't believe that there would be such a terrifying dragon in this world!

Just watching, all his tyranny and courage were suppressed!

Sisolian looked at the terrifying dragon blankly, watching him stretch out a paw and pinch his tail!

This time Sisolian didn't dare to struggle at all!

With his tail pinched, he was smashed into the ground again! Feeling far more painful than before spread throughout the body!

Make him scream!

But this is of no use. The terrifying dragon just looked at him silently, holding his tail, and beating "softly" and "leisily".


At this time, most of the mortals in the distance were frightened and fainted when they saw this terrifying dragon.

The other half fell to the ground in shock.

The young knight was also weak at this time, and he muttered to himself: "My god! What did I see?

Is there such a big dragon in this world? Compared with this dragon, the previous world exterminating dragon is not much different from the little flea!

What is going on in this world?

There are such monsters in our world. How did I live to be twenty? Why can human beings have a history of tens of thousands of years?

This...what is going on? "

The young knight began to doubt his life.

Is my life all false?


Suddenly, the young knight laughed: "Fake! It's all fake! I must be dreaming! Yes! I am dreaming!"

As he said, the young knight drew out his saber and wiped it off his neck. Andrei, who had been observing the situation, immediately flashed a light in his eyes.

The invisible force immediately suppressed the young knight's sword.

"What are you doing?" Andre shouted.

The young knight looked at the savior who had been protecting them before, and laughed nervously.

"All of this is fake! I am definitely still dreaming now! This dream is really getting more and more outrageous...hahahaha..."

"Be awake, you are not dreaming now!" Andre shook his head helplessly and said.

"No! I must be dreaming!" the young knight said firmly.

"Tsk!" Andre smashed his mouth.

Suddenly, there was a snap.

The young knight was slapped severely.

Until this time, the young knight suddenly stopped laughing. He looked at Andre in silence, then glanced at the terrifying dragon in the distance, and muttered: "This... is actually true... .."

His face suddenly became very frustrated.

"Don't be afraid! That dragon is the **** of salvation! He is here to save you!" Andre comforted.

"Huh!!!" The young knight and the people around him who hadn't fainted, the boss opened his eyes.

"You! Is it true?"

The young knight couldn't help asking again.

"Of course it is true!" Andre confirmed.

"Hahahaha! Great! God! Did you finally hear our prayers? Thank you God! Thank you savior! Thank you!" The young knight was so excited that he kept shouting.

The body also knelt directly on the ground, knocking his head towards the huge dragon in the distance!


boom! boom! boom! boom!

Sisolian was constantly beaten, his consciousness became increasingly blurred, and the evil power of evil creatures had faded from him.

The evil power after the outbreak entered a short sleep and malaise.

This made his thoughts become clearer and clearer.

It was a good situation to get rid of Cthulhu's power search, but now it makes him feel very bad! Because he felt like he was going to die!

That's right! He is really going to be beaten to death!

He felt that every cell in his body was groaning and painful. Since birth, Sisolian had never suffered such a serious injury, and he could not imagine that there would be such a heavy pain!

At this moment, a voice came: "Your Majesty Silom! Don't fight! Please don't fight again!"

This is... the voice of my mother, Julia?

Sisolian gasped heavily, and after his mother's cry, the constant pain finally ceased.

That terrifying dragon...finally stopped!

He felt that he was put down, lying on the ground, the scales of his head being gently stroked.

Sisolian opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw that his mother was crying and stroking him, her expression seemed very sad.

"Mother..." he yelled hard.

"Child!" The mother replied, and then looked at the terrifying dragon and said: "Your Majesty! Sisolian is your child! How could you beat him like this? You think you almost killed him!"

child? Am I the child of that horrible dragon? Is he the father I have never met? Shillon Soderberg?

Sisolian's heart suddenly became confused.

"My child? It's really hard to tell if it counts...oh...it feels too weird. I didn't even kiss you, so I had a baby with you... .." Shillon said with a subtle expression.

"Don't talk about this first, you said I almost beat him to death?

You don't look at it either! This kid is so naive when he is so young! Destroy the world all day long! It's really against my metal Shanlong philosophy!

There is a problem with his current mentality and thinking! Although it is controlled by evil things, in my opinion, it is also the reason why your discipline is disadvantageous!

This is a bear dragon! It must have been lawless since childhood!

Deal with this little dragon! Let me tell you, I just want to fight! Beat them hard! Conquered them! Let them know it hurts!

They will never make mistakes again!

I tell you that I am..."

Siro wanted to continue, but immediately thought that he hadn't been beaten by his mother when he reincarnated as a dragon queen. Well, it was mainly because he was too sensible. Well, yes, that's it.

But this reminded him that before crossing, he was not sensible when he was a child, and was repaired by his father, so he hated his father at that time.

But later when I got older, I looked back when I was young and found that my father's scolds and beatings were not wrong.

Even let him later applaud...

So, its true to have a fight with a bear kid!

"Kill the child?" Julia said bitterly: "Your Majesty! You are not going to hurt him, but kill him?"

"What are you talking nonsense?" Silom retorted, "I'll start, I know it! This little dragon is good at strength! He has a thick skin!

This degree of injury will never be fatal! "

Then, Shillong looked at Sisolian again, and found that the other party had recovered a lot of energy and said: "Boy! Do you recognize your mistakes now? Do you want to destroy the world?"

"..." Sisolian shivered when he saw the terrifying dragon, who might be his father, sweeping his eyes.

This made him scream again, and then said with difficulty: "I...I was wrong...I am here and I don't want to destroy the world..."

"Then you did to your mother before! What about the teacher?"

"I...I was wrong too...greatly wrong..."

"Yeah.. That's right." Silom nodded, seemingly satisfied with this answer, and then said to Julia: "I see it! This is the way to deal with Xionglong! After a love education He immediately calmed down! He deeply realized that he was wrong!!

"This..." Julia was speechless, glanced at her bruised son, then at Shillong, and whispered: "Your Majesty is really smart..."

"Hahahahaha!" Siroon laughed, and then a golden light fell on Sisolian.

Sisolian found that his fleshy body began to slowly recover.

Before long, the injury recovered halfway.

"Little boy! Don't use this look all the time to see people! Do you know how scary you look like this? Frightened flowers and plants, kind children, can you bear the responsibility?

Hurry up and turn me into a human or dragon form! Shillon pointed at Sisolian and shouted.

"..." Sisolian didn't dare to speak, and became a human being very obediently.

His human form is the image of a handsome young man with a height of 1.9 meters, black hair and red eyes, but at this time, there are a lot of blue and purple colors on his face, which looks a bit miserable.

"That's right!" Xilong murmured, shaking his body, also transforming into a human form, and then said to Sisolian: "Go! Follow me! You bastard! Now there is still a problem with thinking! You must Accept the love of the metal dragons!

Only in this way can you become like me! To the dragon! to the society! To the world! To the entire universe! Long talents with useful planes!

Bring happiness and peace to all creatures! "

"..." Sisolian was silent, and silently followed Julia behind Shillong, and flew towards the person with his mother before.

At a kilometer above the young knight and other refugees, Arman, Viola and other dragons that had protected the refugees converged with Shillong.

"Julia.... Is this the child of you and Shillong?" Viola couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Viola...Sister." Julia replied.

In fact, according to actual age, she is older than Viola.

But Julia has always regarded herself as a Shillong woman, who is of the same generation as Shillong!

As early as 50,000 years ago, she called Viola her sister. At this time, although she wanted to change her name to Violas mother because of Sisolians relationship, Shillon did not recognize her status now, so she only I can continue to be called my sister.

"This kid looks very disobedient! Although he was just cleaned up by Shillong, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not commit the crime again in the future. Let's follow us in the future and get an education."

"Okay, sister Viola." Julia agreed.

As long as I can live with Shillong in the future!

But Sisolian on one side heard this ~wuxiaworld.online~ but his body trembled slightly, and he secretly glanced at Shillong beside him.

Want to follow this terrifying dragon who is suspected of his father? He won't continue to beat me in the future, will he?

"Hey! Little bastard!" Arman looked at Sisolian with a nasty look at this time and said: "Isn't it very powerful just now? Actually shot us directly? Want to kill us?

Why are you not talking now? Look at your face, it's blue and swollen, it's really ugly! "

Arman provoked.

Sisolian just lowered his head and said nothing.

"Little bastard! Your mother said that you are my brother's child! I, Arman, was the first to deny it! I dare to deal with my mother and teacher as a bastard! I don't deserve to be a child of my brother Shillong!"

Arman stared at the opponent fiercely.

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