"This kid is wild and strong now. We dragons, Sylung can control this little dragon, and other dragons can't control it anymore. So Sirong, this kid will be handed over to you for education in the future. "

Kama thought for a while, stroking her beard and said.

"I care?" Shillon's eyebrows twitched, he glanced at Sisolian, who was obviously shaking, and shook his head: "Teacher Kama, I'm very busy!

Millions of planes under me! The planet is over 100 million, and there are more than tens of trillions of people under my hand. All major decisions must be guided by me. Where can I take care of this little dragon? "

Shillong shook his head quickly and refused, he thought about it and said:

"Send him to Grandpa Bahamut later, there should be many old dragons in his kingdom of God who can properly discipline this little dragon."

Just when a group of dragons was discussing the future education of Sisolian in the sky.


The originally dark red sky instantly changed color, and a layer of evil power instantly enveloped the entire world.

The whole world has become gray, with wisps of different lights swimming in the gray space.

The air seemed to become particularly solid.

Let Zhonglong feel a depression and weirdness.

Reality begins to distort at this moment.

The weird, absurd, weird power that seemed like a dream began to converge with reality.

In the sky, a pair of pairs of eyes were opened, and the tentacles danced in the void.

Gray whirlpools filled the sky, and strange and disgusting evil creatures suddenly appeared from various places.

A crow with dozens of wings, dozens of feet, and hundreds of eyes screamed in the sky.

As the clouds twisted, it seemed to have cracked, and countless steel teeth grew out of it.

Mortals on the ground saw a stone suddenly covered with tiny pointed feet and moved towards them!

The whole world has become extremely terrifying! gloomy! Weird!

Jack quack quack ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jiji Jiji strange sounds reverberate in the minds of all creatures.

Just hearing this sound made people feel distraught, and endless negative emotions surged in their hearts, making their hearts full of jealousy, anger, and resentment.

The friends around him all turned into hideous evils at this moment.

Everyone waved their butcher knives at everything around them in horror!

A man who was originally squatting on the ground and terrified suddenly yelled: "Monster!!! Give me all to die!!!"

When he screamed, he directly picked up a stone on the ground and slammed it on the head of a person who had passed out in a coma next to him!


The stone collided with the head of the unconscious person. With a strange sound, the unconscious person was smashed into the head, and he woke up with a scream.

Before he could see the situation clearly, he saw a pair of scarlet eyes and a huge rock hitting him!

This directly horrified awakened man shouted.

But when it hit immediately, the weird man with red eyes was unable to move.

At this time, Kama in the sky waited for the dragon to take action, and they controlled all these crazy humans with magic techniques!

These crazy people just kept roaring like wild beasts.

The whole world seems to be in madness!

Those places that are too far away from Kama and other dragons to take care of, I am afraid that they have already been messed up by this time!

"What the **** is going on?" Kama couldn't help asking.

"It's God! The oldest Chaos Master in the universe has taken action! He has completely awakened from sleep! The entire world! No! It should be said that the entire universe will return to Chaos!

Dirty and stupid creatures will be completely wiped out! Be eliminated! Only our great creatures with the power of chaos can continue to survive!

This is the cosmic will choice! Hahahaha! ! "

Suddenly, Sisolian, who had been educated and persuaded, flashed red in his eyes and laughed wildly again.

"Huh?" Silom hummed dissatisfiedly while listening to Sisolian's words.

Stretch out a palm, pinch it on the opponent's head, then use brute force to straighten the opponent's body so that the opponent's eyes are aimed at his own eyes.

And when Sisolian saw Sillon's golden particle stream converging eyes, it seemed that his body was aching again, and his face showed a little struggling color, and soon his body shrank slightly, not daring to speak.

Seeing this, Xilong's complexion improved slightly. He raised his other arm and waved it lightly, and the atmosphere was directly exploded.

The terrifying invisible force wreaked havoc within thousands of kilometers.

Those terrifying-looking monsters were directly blasted into a gray mist with a scream, and the whole world was clear.

Shillong then continued to face Sisolian and said, "You mean, did the evil thing that manipulated you before awakened?"

"No... Yes," Sisolian said carefully.

"Then do you know the origin of the evil thing that manipulates you?"

"He claims to be the original chaos of the universe, sleeping in the sea of the universe, and the first **** who controls the fundamental power of dreams.

His power is very strong... and very comfortable...

He also said that the existence of this universe is wrong and should return to the original chaos...I know this..." Sisolian replied.

"If you didn't wake up early, if you played, why didn't you wake up as soon as I was beaten up? What is your relationship with that thing now?" Silom asked.

"I.... I am his substitute. He said very early that he would wake up soon. The fear of all creatures in the universe will be turned into his power. Let us substitutes spread the fear to every part of the universe. Corner.

And recently, He has sent us out much more frequently than before..." Sisolian continued.

His voice fell, and the weird evil creatures that had been blasted away by Silom came back to life again.

Chuck chuck chuck...chuck chuck chuck...

The horrible neigh again filled the sky.

Silom glanced at these weird creatures, and it seemed that it was difficult to eliminate this evil with pure shock power and must be dealt with with special power.

He glanced at the ordinary human beings on the ground and opened dozens of portals, and immediately a bunch of Dragon Empire soldiers appeared inside.

They appeared neatly, lined up neatly, waiting for Shillong's order.

At this time, Shillon said to the soldiers of the Dragon Empire, and Arman and other dragons: "Go and save these humans and take them to a safe place. I will destroy these evil creatures."

Upon hearing this, the dragons and soldiers began to act.

And Silom once again showed his true body directly, a hundred kilometers-long sky-shielding dragon, looking at these monsters, the light in his eyes flashed, he suddenly had a very bold idea.

These monsters, although they are very ugly...

But will the taste be special?

Looks like you have never tried it?

Shillong's idea came out. From ancient times to the present, there are many delicious things that are not good-looking, but the taste is extremely delicious!

Well, it is necessary to taste it!

He opened his mouth slowly, then inhaled!

call! ! ! ! !

The wind blows back! The world has changed!

The sky is like a black hole with a diameter of at least ten kilometers, and all the energy around it! element! weird! All fly into the black hole!

Then completely annihilated!

These weird things that cannot be eliminated by ordinary methods, when they enter Shillong's mouth, they directly turn into gray evil spirits and are completely absorbed!

These gray auras gave Shillong a very familiar feeling, the same as the evil aura of the strange world encountered more than 50,000 years ago!

Shillon scanned the evil things that suddenly appeared again, and they became more familiar.

Perhaps the first evil thing I encountered 50,000 years ago was this one now?

It's really lingering! It's been fifty thousand years! Can't get rid of him!

However, compared with 50,000 years ago, although Shillong's strength was not bad at that time, he clearly knew that compared with the opponent, there was no contrast in strength!

But now, everything is hard to say!

The most obvious difference is that when Shillon absorbs the gray qi, he will be disturbed by the negative emotions and will in the gray qi, making himself manic.

But not now! The will in the gray air is nothing but a ridiculous thing for Shillong now.

The energy inside still exists, but for Shillong, it is already a drop in the ocean, dispensable!

However, in line with the shameful notion of waste, Shillong still opened his mouth wide, absorbing the dust non-stop.

He is like a wind tunnel, moving around the entire planet, wherever he flies, the sky will return to its original state and become blue and pure.

The gray gas is rapidly decreasing.

But Shillong found that all the gray gas was still being produced, and they floated out of the sea.

The sea is also the most grey place.

The entire sea is a monster.

There are many kinds, with different body types, the large ones are tens or hundreds of meters, and the small ones may be the size of a bacteria. They are screaming and laughing.

For these things, Shillong let them into his stomach one by one.

I don't know how long I ate, a huge eye pupil appeared above the sea, this eye pupil completely occupied the entire ocean, it was terrifying!

Surrounded by a thick and incomparable gray haze, it revealed a weird feeling that could not be described in words. Seeing it below the legend, it will instantly fall into madness.

"I...the most perfect...the servant..."

A huge and weird voice rang from Xilong's ears. This sound was so familiar. After Xilong heard it, he thought of the evil thing fifty thousand years ago!

It really is Him!

Silom lowered his head and stared at this eye: "Servant? It's such a big deal, shit!"

Silom cursed, he did not try to attack the opponent, because he could see that the eye in the sea was illusory!

The opponent's true body is still on another plane now, Siro can directly find the opponent's lair through his own knowledge, but Siro is still very calm at this time.

As an evil creature, the strength of the opponent is unknown, and his own dragon does not know it too well. Reckless behavior is an act excluded by Shillong after experiencing the incident of the Lord of the Dawn Kingdom.

"The world is about to...return...Dreamland and Chaos...My servant...Embrace the Chaos... Welcome the new life..."

Strange voices kept ringing from all directions, and kept whispering in Silom's ears.

"All the gods will enter dusk...The universe returns to the beginning... Embrace the chaos... Feel the chaos..."

"You dog! What are you forced to talk about? Come out and kill me if you are so powerful! Eliminate this world?

Who wouldn't speak up? Thought I would be afraid of you? "Siron faced the endless whisper in his ear, without any fear.

He directly took out round objects from the space equipment.

These little things flew around Shillong.

Its head will emit colorful rays of light, and Shillong directly took out tens of thousands of them, and then began to link with these spheres with his mind.

Soon, these spheres started flying everywhere. Colorful lights flashed randomly.

Loud voices sounded from inside: "I don't know! What is your name! But I know! You must have grown up eating rice fields!"

"You don't have a father! You don't have a mother! You can't even say a word! Why do you still have the face to live to this day?"

"Embrace Chaos? I embrace your mother! What are you pretending to be?"

"Dog stuff! Come out! Let's go heads-up! I must beat you half to death! Then feed you the dung of the little dog!"


Endless vulgar words like a shrew cursing the street sounded from these little balls, these words faltered, some of them resembled a rap tone.

It sounds weird, these gadgets are the product of the entertainment bar in a certain world of the Dragon Empire.

As long as you enter the language, it will automatically turn you into a rap. The tune, with the colorful light flashing randomly, really feels like you are always dancing...

Its huge sound is superimposed on the maximum volume of tens of thousands, which is enough to make all the evil monsters and evil things within a radius of hundreds of kilometers hear clearly.


Facing this offensive, the evil thing murmured for a moment, and then began to murmur again.

The whole world seems to be only the evil things and the mechanical curses set up by Shillong.

The weird atmosphere continued, after ten minutes.

Seeing that this evil thing was so resistant to scolding, Xilong could only make a secret cry, you are considered awesome! I won't play with you anymore!

I want to shake people to get you!

He once again took out a platinum statue from the space equipment.

This is a statue of Bahamut.

It was the old Baha who gave him to keep in touch. At this time, Shillong directly began to communicate with the statue with his consciousness.

But in an instant, Bahamut's voice came from the other side: "Son, have you encountered anything?"

"Grandpa Bahamut! I'm on the planet with coordinates XXXXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXXX! I have encountered an ancient evil! He wants to destroy the world! There is no time to explain! You hurry up and help!" Silom said.

"What! Ancient evil????" Bahamut was shocked: "Child! You wait for me for 10 seconds! I'll go ask the other god!"

Then ~wuxiaworld.online~ Bahamut quickly cut off contact and began to contact the gods he was familiar with one by one!

"Under Mystra's crown! It's me! Bahamut! Evil creatures appear at coordinates XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXX! You hurry over! I'll be there soon!"

"Your Majesty Peiro! It's me! Bahamut! I didn't want to settle accounts with you! Evil things appeared at the coordinates XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXX! That's right! I didn't lie to you! The situation is in crisis! No time to explain! !"

"Your Majesty Corylon! It's me! Baha! Coordinates XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXX are haunted by evil things! We must go to save the world immediately!"


But in just ten seconds, Bahamut contacted a dozen deities he was familiar with, and then...

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