On the planet Shillong is on.

The endless tide of elements begins to explode!

The azure arcane aura flickered, and a female figure shrouded by the elemental and arcane aura appeared beside Shillong.

With endless dignity and grace, He seems to represent endless mystery.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light of the sun descended, and at the same time that a large area of evil was wiped out, an old man with white clothes, white hair, white beard, and a wooden staff with gleaming golden light descended from the light!

Then the elegant music sounded in the sky, and an arrow to destroy the evil fell, evaporating a lot of evil!

A handsome elf wearing a sky blue cloak, holding a longbow and a long sword, and both male and female, walked out of the void...

Endless energy exploded, and the gods appeared one after another, but within a minute, dozens of gods appeared around Shillong!

The gods here are not only the good camp, but also the neutral and some evil camps!

Now! They are unexpectedly rare to appear together! Become a teammate!

Because of the evil in front of you! It is the mortal enemy of all living beings and gods! He who is keen to destroy and destroy, and attempts to return the universe to chaos, few gods can not be hostile to them!

Although there are few, there are still some, such as Tarros, the **** of storms and natural disasters, which is synonymous with destruction and will naturally not come forward to stop it.

There is also the goddess of the night, Sha'er, who is a **** who desperately desires to return to the original chaos, tranquility and nothingness, and naturally will not appear to deal with evil things, and even the gods must be careful whether he will destroy them behind!

There are even more powerful and incomparable gods of the four elements, the ancient death **** Jaeger, who ignore all the good and evil in the world, just like the passers-by outside the world, they also ignore the danger of evil things.

But gods such as the **** of evil dragons, the five-headed dragon Tiamat, and the **** of tyranny Bann have also appeared. After all, they depend on believers for food.

The destruction of the world has countless deaths and injuries among believers, and it is also not a good thing for them.

Of course there are some timid evil gods, such as Cyric, the prince of lies, this cunning **** is still watching everything in the kingdom of God.

A small planet, but dozens of gods gathered in just over a minute!

Although those who are coming now are just incarnations.

But this was entirely because the evil creatures did not descend on their real bodies, and Siro had no doubt that once the evil creatures descended on their real bodies, these gods would definitely come all instantly!

At that time, there will really be a battle of true gods that will affect countless galaxies!

With so many gods around him, Shillong's sense of security has risen!

The ancient evil of Dog Day!

Are you very special?

Now give me awesome?

Lao Tzu shook so many gods in a word! Are you going to be awesome?

At the same time, Shillong felt fortunate that he was leaning on Old Baha behind his back!

Had it not been for the support of this old dragon, he might have been besieged by dozens of gods when he first returned!

I feel terrible just thinking about it! If this kind of thing happens, I will definitely be beaten into a pig dragon!

When the time comes, fleeing may be the only choice.

And what are these descending gods thinking?

They looked at the eyes of evil things in the sky, looked at the wicked emptiness and the emptiness of colorful lights, and listened to the scenes of tens of thousands of repeaters and evil things spraying each other in the air. The look fell into weirdness.

Listening to those words in the repeater is so crude that it refreshes the Three Views of God!

How can we stand on the same line as this guy? ? ?

This is a shame!

The faces of a group of gods twitched a little.

"Ahem!" Old Baha frowned and coughed several times, and then said to Silom: "Child! Hurry up and turn off these things!"

"Oh, okay." Shillon quickly recovered all the mechanical balls, and the whole world became quieter in an instant.

Many gods could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

While wearing a blue cloak, the male and female elves looked at the huge eyes of the sea and said: "This evil thing... If I remember correctly, it should be Leviathan?

One of the original chaos, the master of the universe and the master of the dream world.

The creator of evil, giant snake, and evil dragon. "

"That's right, it should be him! Hundreds of millions of years ago, the horrible evil that once allowed reality and illusion to alternate, exterminating the vast majority of civilizations in the entire Xinghai." Mystra looked solemn.

"Evil Dragon Creator? Huh, heh..." The Five Dao's accents echoed in the space.

After the huge five-color dragon queen, the evil dragon **** kept sneering: "I can't take this name as if I didn't hear it!

The **** he created and bewitched is not worthy of the title of dragon! "

"The world... is coming to an end... You and others will... return to the original chaos... embrace the void... feel the chaos..." The murmur in the void continued to echo.

"I hug your mother!" A weird man with light gray skin, six arms and a different weapon in each hand yelled.

He is the **** of tyranny, Hextor.

Belongs to the evil camp, advocating the evil **** of destruction and war.

But although he advocates destruction and war, he believes that everything must have a limit.

Fighting, and truce training, one of which must be mastered.

Only then can there be endless battles for Him to enjoy.

And the evil thing's act of destroying everything naturally disgusts him, and all people are destroyed by you.

That Lao Tzu still fart?

Because of this, the grumpy Hextor cursed directly.

The arm holding the meteor hammer suddenly shook, and the meteor hammer, which was originally only a few hundred meters long, was wrapped in black light and stretched out indefinitely.

call out!

The infinitely extended meteor hammer passes directly through the eye of the illusory evil thing, and blasts straight into the sea!

boom! ! !

The huge power attached to it instantly shatters a large piece of evil, and set off a terrifying wave thousands of meters high!

"This evil eye is fake, and it's useless for you to attack him." Mystra on one side reminded.

"Then kill him in his lair! His lair must be in the sea! So many of our gods are afraid that he will not succeed!" Hextor shouted, turning into a black light and rushed out.

But when he immediately rushed into the sea under the eyes of evil things, he stopped suddenly and looked back.

Seeing that none of the gods had followed, he shouted:

"What are you doing? Don't keep up! Go and kill that stupid thing together?"

"Your Lord of Tyranny, evil things are extraordinary. We need to take a long-term plan and discuss countermeasures!"

Pei Luo stroked his gray beard.

"The evil thing is a big event that affects the entire star sea, but it's not as simple as you think!

We not only want to kill evil creatures, but also prevent the evil he brings!

The resurrection of this end, on other planets, the link between reality and illusion must have appeared, that is the invasion point of endless monsters!

We must arrange the deities and subordinates to destroy and seal the invasion point, otherwise the tragedy of billions of years will be repeated. "

Bahamut also said.

"A bunch of bullies!" Hextow cursed, but he didn't dare to kill a **** directly.

Although he likes war and destruction, he is not a fool.

The gods ignored the evil things that were still whispering.

Instead, he looked carefully at the sea covered with gray gas under the eyes of evil things.

The evil things there are constantly roaring, growing out of the sea.

"This planet is over." Bahamut sighed.

"I have let Arman and my imperial soldiers rescue the remaining humans on this planet." Sillon said.

"Child! You did a good job! I am proud of you!" Bahamut laughed.

As early as when the gods first came, they saw everything on this planet in their eyes.

When they saw those tin cans that were constantly busy, they knew what Shillong did.

This is undoubtedly a kind act that an excellent metal dragon can do!

"Thank you, this is what I should do! After all, I have accepted the good metal dragon taught by Grandpa Bahamut, Teacher Kama, and my mother!

Humility, kindness, helping the weak, punishing traitors and eliminating evil have been deeply imprinted in my soul!

Inseparable from me! "

Shillong replied seriously.

Seeing a large number of evil spirits reappearing in the ocean.

He stuck out the dragon's head, and then took a breath!

Those evil things mixed with sea water just like dumplings, all flying into his mouth.

He used to hate sea water, but now he can basically ignore it. When sea water enters his stomach, it can also be transformed into the energy he needs!

The sea water and evil things were decreasing. After ten minutes, the whole sea was evacuated, and there was no sea bed at the bottom of the seabed.

There is only a mysterious gray abyss!

Sea water and grey gas are constantly emerging.

"That entrance should be a channel leading directly to the universe of reality and illusion." Mistra said.

"There is a space no smaller than the star realm, and countless weirdness."

"The entrance is too big to be sealed again.

Obviously, Leviathan has been linked to this world for a long time, and I don't know how many worlds in the entire Xinghai are linked to become the link between reality and illusion..." Pei Luo sighed.

Immediately, he scanned the entire planet with his spiritual mind and found that the rescue team had all been evacuated, he said: "Well, we should leave this planet too."

After Pei Luo finished speaking, he opened a portal.

Some deities walked directly in, and some remained.

"Finally, let this beautiful planet rest forever, they are crying as the link between illusion and reality..."

Pei Luo sighed, if this planet is not destroyed in time, there will be more than just the evil monsters on the entire planet!

In the end, the entire planet will be polluted by evil things, and the planet will will be born!

Become a lower evil creature and bring endless disasters to the entire Xinghai!

This kind of thing happened hundreds of millions of years ago, and no deity will continue to make the same mistakes!

Above the sky, a huge gap was opened, that was Pei Luo's passage of the kingdom of God, and Pei Luo, who was not enough to destroy the stars, opened the kingdom of God directly.

By the real body, one by one mysterious runes and one after another fiery red spheres flew out of the kingdom of God.

They are spinning, reflecting the stars in the sky.

"Divine Art! Eternal Fire!"


The rotating flaming red sphere flashed with runes around it, and the tiny gates that communicated the plane of fire were opened.

The endless flame elements madly poured into the fiery red sphere.

After all the spheres were absorbed by the huge energy, they all began to flicker and disappear, like tiny suns that are extremely irritable.

The terrifying energy in it has become extremely unstable, but at this time Peiro is matching his divine power to soothe the unstable energy.

This tyrannical force is raging, making people tremble.

They are all tied to the top of Peiro's staff.

"Go!" Peiro's wand spun a flame sphere.


More than a dozen flaming red spheres all shot into the earth.

When a fireball hits the ground, it explodes directly!

Endless light and heat burst out, like a small sun being detonated.

In the beginning, the power only destroyed everything within a thousand kilometers, but then dozens of flame **** were detonated together.

The entire explosion had a chain reaction.

Every second, the explosion began to increase exponentially.

But a few seconds later, the entire crust was blown up, and the planet entered the final countdown.

The earth split in pieces, volcanoes erupted throughout the world, and the red light of extinction flickered.

With a loud roar and shaking, the entire planet exploded completely!

Buried together with the planet is endless evil...

Before the impact of the destruction of the planet reached the front of the gods, Peiro and his other gods entered the portal one by one, and Shillong also shrank and followed in.

Sparks bursting from the entire planet gleamed behind him until the portal disappeared completely.

Stepping into the portal, Shillong found himself entering a beautiful and peaceful world like a fairyland.

This place is like a garden. The whole garden is covered by rattan-like plants. The sun in the sky shines through the rattan, and the light spots are scattered in this space.

The birds are singing and the butterflies are flying.

As soon as Pei Luo set his sleeves, tables and chairs appeared in front of the gods: "Everyone, I think everyone should have notified the believers under their hands and dealt with evil things from the gods?

Now lets talk about our gods. "

"What's more to say! Let the believers deal with evil! We rushed directly into Leviathan's home! Just do his mother's shot!" Hexor, the **** of tyranny, was the first to speak.

"Hexto! Speak more civilized! We are gods! No matter good or evil~wuxiaworld.online~, we should have the spirit of God!" a good **** reminded.

"Civilized ass! I just want to kill Leviathan this disgusting thing quickly! I'm the **** of war! I just want to **** him now!" Hextow cursed, his six arms holding weapons and screaming. The crashing.

"It's impossible to kill all of them directly. The power released by the sea of universe where Leviathan has accumulated billions of years of power is not a joke. There are also those crazy things that have been corrupted by him. If there are not a large number of deities suppressed, Those planets in the star realm that begin to alternate with dreams will definitely have big problems."

A deity said.

"Then who will stay? Who will go in? I tell you! I'm going in anyway to do his mother's shot!" Hextor cursed.

"Of course you can go in. The tyrannical **** who is in charge of tyranny and war is beyond doubt." A good **** said with a smile.

The heart is contemptuous of the other party. This brain-dead thing is just a **** of medium power, so he can't wait to die?

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