The evil Leviathan, that is the horrible existence when the world is in chaos!

It is the strongest deity, such as Corellon and Mystra, even with such great powers as it is difficult to deal with alone. How old are you idiots?

There is a rare cannon fodder, you can go there if you want it!

"Hahaha!" Hextow laughed. He glanced at the talking god, and then said: "I didn't expect that although you guy is just a weak supernatural power, your vision is actually good!

Wait and see! Watch my God Hextus go to Leviathan to screw off the forehead! Use it as a toilet for you! Hahahaha! "

"..." The gods were slightly silent.

Even Shillon glanced at this guy in surprise.

"It is urgent to enter the sea of the universe. I propose that the fifteen strongest gods among us go there. There are Corylon, Mystra, Bahamut, Tiamat, Hexto Under the crown...

And Shillong.... Go together under Mianxia.

Those who are not in their turn are mainly responsible for dealing with the powerful evils that may appear in the star realm at any time and sealing the bonds of illusory reality. What do you think? "Pei Luo said.

"We have no opinion, but it is a pity that Luoshan, the lord of the dawn, has closed the divine realm under the crown, and under the crown of the earth mother **** Sangtia...this makes it impossible for us to find them at all. If we all act together, This battle should be easier and faster." A deity sighed.

Several other gods cast their eyes on Shillong.

Silom raised his eyebrows: "Don't look at me like that! Loshanda is an idiot! I didn't offend him when I was a child, so he yelled and killed me and destroyed me in the main material world. Power! I cant ignore this kind of enmity!"

"Humhhhhh~ that's right! Luoshanda is arrogant as a good god! To do such a thing to Silom's crown, only to be beaten to close the country, is already a favor to him!

And we have Silom's crown, so what's the point of Luoshanda?

We can see the power under Silom's crown! "Tiamat's quintet sounded.

He had been staring at Shillong with scorching eyes for a long time!

Five heads sticking out their tongues from time to time, constantly licking their own mouths. A group of people who understand Tiamat's virtues naturally know what the other party is thinking.

Among them, Bahamut coughed: "Tiamat! Look at yourself as a multi-billion-year-old dragon! Can you have a face? The harem dragon in the kingdom of God must not be satisfied??

Actually want to attack a dragon that is only fifty thousand years old? Really shameless!

You still die this heart! Shillong will never have any relationship with a female dragon like you! "

Old Baha scolded angrily.

"Bahamut! You old fellow! Don't be nosy!

Your Majesty Shillong and I, the male dragon is not married, and the female dragon is not married. What can't you do?" Tiamat retorted.

"The mother dragon is not married???" Bahamut's eyes stared at the boss.

In human form, he pointed at Tiamat with a trembling hand: "I have never seen a female dragon as shameless as you!"

Even Shillon was muttering in his heart.

Your uncle!

Ten million gods! Are you still unmarried?

If Lao Tzu married you, wouldn't the green light illuminate the entire universe?

Become the number one green dragon **** in the universe?

Shillon did not speak, but looked at Tiamat with contemptuous eyes.

And Tiamat didn't care, but smiled: "I am the strongest female dragon, and Your Majesty Shillong is the strongest male dragon. Our union is destined!" He believed.

"You..." Bahamut wanted to continue cursing the shameless old witch.

But Corellon on one side interrupted them.

"Okay! Now is not the time to discuss this! Our primary goal is Leviathan!"

Corellon said that Bahamut and Tiamat still wanted to give him face, and the two dragons did not continue the previous topic.

Back to the issue of Leviathan.

Each deity, as well as a subordinate god, were assigned their respective positions.

The main battle gods began to prepare for battle.

During this period.

The gods have successively received the fact that millions of planets have erupted into strange invasions.

This speed is still increasing at an extremely rapid rate, but fortunately, the power of the gods is not just watching.

But a war that would affect the entire Xinghai Sea is already inevitable.

Over the fairyland, a circular portal with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers opened in the space.

The black lacquered hole links the coordinates of the Leviathan universe that the gods have pushed back.

Under the black hole, there are a group of gods who have fully manifested their true bodies, and endless divine glory and elemental tides are surging.

"Prepare to enter, this battle will definitely not be a simple battle, but we must also strive to resolve Leviathan as quickly as possible! As long as he completely dies, the bond of invasion of reality will naturally be completely broken."

Pei Luo stroked his white beard and said.

The appearance was exactly the same as before, but from Esillon's eyesight, this body was very different from the previous one.

The previous incarnation was just condensed from divine power.

But now this one is more like a real, forcibly shrunk sun, endless nuclear fusion, sunspots erupt in its body.

Among them, the power is no longer under the real sun.

And Mystra, the whole body represents the magic net, countless spells evolve and collide in her body, giving birth to mysterious energy.

Bahamut and Tiamat both showed their true dragon bodies, a hundred kilometers long body, coexisting majesty and terror.

There are other gods, all of them rushed into the dark portal of the sky.

Space-time transformation.

Shillong and the gods came to a dark world without light.

There are terrifying deep sea pressure all around!

This pressure is strong enough to press a piece of soil to a level comparable to that of Shentie.

To the point of crushing a false **** into meatloaf!

But it is a pity that at least those who came here were deities with medium divine power, and the surging divine power above their bodies easily offset this pressure.

The world without light is pure and extremely dark

Even the vision of the gods is greatly disturbed here.


Pei Luo's voice rang in the minds of the gods.

A huge ball of light with a diameter of the fewest kilometers appeared in pure white.

It perfectly avoided the surrounding pressure and brought the soft light into the darkness.

Everything around hundreds of kilometers is illuminated.

In an instant, they let them see everything around them.

The surroundings are now densely covered with weirdness ranging from tens to hundreds of meters to 100,000 meters.

Each of these weirdness is challenging the optic nerves of the gods, which is extremely ugly and disgusting.

Countless eyes have been on the gods.

At this time, they rushed to the gods with evil eyes!

"Something disgusting and ugly! Not elegant at all!" Keruilong said to himself.

Pull up the divine bow and shoot an arrow!

The sea water rolls back and divides, and the arrow loss is like a sharp blade that cuts through the world, instantly piercing the nearest evil!

The moment the evil exploded and turned into a gray mist, it was completely purified by the magical power of the arrow!

The divine power of belief contained in Corel Long's arrows is absolutely exaggerated!

He is like an explosive household god, squandering his power!

The arrow is like a spiral streamer, revolving around the gods, any evil approaching, all will be shot instantly!

But in a few moments, hundreds of kilometers, all evil and strange things have been cleaned up!

Even the one hundred thousand meters level is no exception!

These evils are undoubtedly very strong, in the eyes of Siro, the strongest may have the strength of the lowest deity level.

That is, the Burning Legion that Shillong encountered before, the three 10,000-meter demon ranks!

But in the face of Corel's loss, they are not much different from the ordinary things!

This made Silom sigh in his heart, as expected to be the strongest lord **** of all elves in the star realm!

The **** who once shot blind the orc master god, one of the powerful divine powers, one-eyed deity in the battle of gods!

Although all the enemies were solved, Silom felt a little pity in his heart, because those gray qi was good food that could boost his energy. After being shot by Corylon, the monster even the gray qi would completely dissipate. It is a pity...

"This is the residence of Leviathan, the sea of illusory universe. Legend has it that this place is big enough to be comparable to the star realm...

If we can't force the evil thing to come to us, we may need a lot of effort to find Him. "A deity said.

Before the other gods could speak, the tyrannical **** Hextor couldn't wait to yell:

"Fuck your mother Leviathan! You idiot! Some kind of come out singles!

Your ancestor Hextuo is waiting for you here! You have no father! Motherless chopsticks! come! Come out heads-up!

You are my grandson if you dare not come! "

The surrounding sea water was tumbling constantly with a terrifying roar.


This silly lack again!

The gods silently glanced at Hextow, this stupid lack, there is a **** for such a roar!

In the seawater under this pressure, the sound cannot be transmitted too far.

It's strange that Leviathan can hear it!

Even if we know it, when we see a group of gods coming to kill him, will he dare to fight with us?

Can't hide?

Hex dragged aside and yelled at him, but he just couldn't wait for a response, not long.

He smiled complacently: "What kind of **** and evil thing, I scolded like this, he didn't respond!

Humph! Was this shocked by my Hextors powerful divine power and terrifying fighting intent? "

The gods on one side were helpless.

"We must find a way to find Leviathan." A **** said.

"It's very simple." Mystra on one side said.

In his eyes, there seemed to be countless magic lights intertwined.

Slightly raised a cloud of gray air in his hand, Mystery Stella said: "Magic is omnipotent. As long as you use infinite tracking, you can easily find the owner of this energy, even if it is countless light years away from here, but as long as Still on this plane!

Then this plane will tell me where He is! "

Mystra's expression was full of confidence, wisps of magic light shrouded the grey air, countless magic net runes were surging.

Countless data reflected in Mystra's eyes.

Everything in the gray gas was broken down in his eyes, looking back.

For a long time, Mistral whispered: "Found it."

The seven constantly flying stars surrounding His hand flashed, and in an instant, a huge portal appeared in front of everyone, and Mystra took the lead and broke into it.

Other deities followed closely behind.

When the gods came to the portal, they finally saw the goal of their trip.

A monster as huge as a star! He is a bloated dark green sphere, on which is densely covered with eyes and a lot of evil.

He is like a community composed of countless evils.

There are countless evil spirits wandering around him, back and forth, but some will be swallowed by snake-head monsters when they pass by him.

Strings of green bubbles continued to rise from his body.

The terrifying evil aura is even more terrifying.

Among the ten deities, the deities with the lowest and medium divine power were slightly affected, their eyes began to flush, and their minds began to be confused.

"Don't wake up soon!" Pei Luo shouted when he saw this, the light containing the sun's divine power dispelled the smog in the god's heart.

"You wait..... finally...come...become...my...servant..." male voice, female voice, old man, child, beast-like The voices of mingled together, resounding in the minds of all the gods.

Just listening, it makes people feel irritable.

"A servant of Qianli Niang! Dog offal! Watch Laozi blast your head!" Hextor was furious and was the first to shoot.

His entire body is divided into six. Each one holds an artifact.

Hextor, holding a sword, axe, knife, hammer, and sickle weapons, rushed directly to Leviathan, while Hextor, holding a meteor hammer, slammed the meteor hammer fiercely. The infinitely extended chain carried the hammer. Head directly towards the center of Leviathan!

"Useless..." With countless murmurs.

From Leviathan's immense body, there were six heads that were enough to swallow a monster like Shillong.

These snake heads directly swallowed five Hextor who dared to rush towards him, and one stretched out a long body, and while swallowing the meteor hammer, continued to rush toward Hextor.

"It's a goddamn! It's so amazing!" Hextor was startled, and just wanted to give up his weapon and escape.

Tiamat growled by his side.

Five faucets of different colors spit out a breath of five colors.

Flame, ice, toxic, thunder, corrosion.

The five powers finally merged into one ~wuxiaworld.online~a multicolored chaotic breath, which fiercely shot on the snake's head with an invincible force that annihilated everything!

The entire snake head was blown to pieces in an instant, and a large amount of gray gas rolled back into Leviathan's body.

"Purify!" Peiluo on one side saw the right time, and directly fell with a holy light, trying to purify the gray gas, but after the holy light and the gray gas intertwined for a while, only a very small part of the gray gas was annihilated, so he let The remaining gray gas rushed back into Leviathan's body.

This made the faces of the gods slightly solemn.

"Leviathan! No matter how strong you are! When you are an enemy of the gods! Your defeat is already doomed!" Ke Ruilong shouted coldly.

Pull up the divine bow, one arrow after another, shooting at the opponent like nine stars in a row.

"Useless..." murmured constantly.

A big head like a toad sticks out and swallows nine arrows directly.

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