"Looking for death!" Keruilong sneered, but the next moment, his complexion changed.

The head of the toad that swallowed the nine arrows rose slightly, but immediately it calmed down.

After a while, Toad spit out a white smoke ring from his head, and then retracted back again.

"How come! My continuous arrow didn't explode him! Nine arrows, all of which are attached to my different divine powers, and when they detonate together, the power will increase exponentially.

Is this monster's body so strong? Or is his body linked to different spaces? "

Before he could think about it, a gray mirror appeared on Leviathan's huge spherical body.

A figure flew out of this mirror, and each of them made the gods very familiar. It was another self, with a gray body and red eyes, one after another, as if laying eggs, grey counterfeit goods constantly appeared. .

After these counterfeit goods appeared, they quickly rushed towards the gods.

"A boring trick! Break it down!" Mystra frowned slightly, the seven stars in her hand danced, and inexplicable ripples swept across these counterfeit goods.

The bodies of the fakes instantly disintegrated into a gray mist, when they wanted to regroup.

Mystra waved again: "Disperse!"

The colorless energy exploded, and the gray mist was prevented from condensing again.

But at this time, in the distant Leviathan's body, countless weird heads opened their mouths and began to exhale a large amount of gray mist.

After all the counterfeit goods bathed in the gray evil spirit power, they began to quickly resurrect.

After these counterfeit goods approached their respective bodies, they began to attack.

Shillong watched his own counterfeit spit out gray energy spheres blasting towards him. These energy **** were very similar to his own fusion breath, but Shillong felt that it was far less powerful than his own.

Should it be said that counterfeit goods are indeed counterfeit goods?

The corner of his eye swept toward the other deities.

Corylons counterfeit goods shoot arrows, Mystras uses various spells, and Tiamat and Bahamuts counterfeit goods use Breath.

Looks powerful, but after contacting the real body, they are constantly blown up.

Then resurrected under the gray fog, the combat power of these counterfeit goods is not enough, but their immortality is indeed extraordinary.

Silom didn't know what this evil thing called out a group of weak chickens that looked like it wanted to do, just because it was hard to kill, did you want to disgust them?

He watched the gray energy **** sprayed by the counterfeiters getting closer, opened his mouth and swallowed them all.

After these energy **** entered his stomach, they were directly digested and his body moved.

Shillong rushed to the counterfeit closest to him with unmatched momentum, and the dragon claw holding the plutonium star slammed on the opponent!

Peng! ! !

The force of terror directly evacuated all the thousands of kilometers of sea water, and the counterfeit goods were exploded on the spot.

Before it recovered, Shillong opened his mouth and sucked the counterfeit into his mouth.

Then the remaining eleven plutonium stars swept away, and there was no counterfeit that could stop them. They were bombarded one by one and absorbed by him. The appearance of understatement was much more relaxed than other gods.

Shillon's relaxed look was naturally seen by other gods.

Especially Hextor, his own combat power is actually weaker among the gods.

It is impossible to reach other powerful divine powers with ease.

After quickly destroying a circle of counterfeit goods, you can still take time to continue attacking Leviathan. Although the attack will be swallowed by Leviathan's toad head, they really have no pressure.

But Hextow couldn't do it. He was troubled by counterfeits who kept resurrecting one by one, and the strength was close to the weakest deity.


He used his only stick and chain meteor hammer to explode a counterfeit like a whip.

Occasionally, I saw Shillong sucking and devouring the dust.

Hextow suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha! It turned out to be like this! I didn't expect it! Hahaha! Look at I eat you!"

He screamed and dashed forward and came to the place where the gray gas began to gather. He opened his mouth and inhaled, and a large amount of gray gas mixed with sea water was directly drawn into his body by Hex.

But before he was happy, he felt his head start to get confused.

Everything in front of me began to look strange.

The gods disappeared from him, and the evil hatched in Leviathan flooded the world.

"Ah!!!" Hextow was shocked, and yelled wildly: "Ahhhhh! You bastards! Don't come near me!!!

Corey Long! Mystra! Bahamut! Tiamat! You brave bastards! Why run away! ! "

Hextor fell into delusion, crazy.

Furiously dancing the meteor chain in his hand, the tornado of the deep sea rolled up from him.

Bang bang bang...

A series of explosions sounded, and all the counterfeit goods approaching him were torn apart.

The tornado formed by the long iron chain extends for tens of thousands of kilometers, covering all other deities.

"This idiot!" A **** discovered Hextober's anomaly and cursed in his heart.

Who can't learn from Shillong?

Please! They are plutonium dragons! He is the most powerful dragon of God!

It's evil dragon! What can I do if I absorb a little bit of heresy power? Which green onion are you special?

Why follow along?

Do you think your IQ is too high or why are you dripping?

Bahamut grabbed the iron chain that was blasting at him, and stabilized after a slight shock.

The white light beam in his mouth instantly blasted all the approaching counterfeit goods away.

On the other side, Peiro's soft holy light slammed into Hextuo's forehead, and this fellow recovered.

After seeing that the gods were still there, he was taken aback for a moment: "You...you cowards didn't run away?"

"Idiot!" Mistral cursed inwardly.

A telepathic communication containing a lot of information passed away.

Hextow was taken aback for a moment, and shouted: "Damn Leviathan! You can't beat you to death! You can't eat and eat! What should I do?"

"give it to me!"

Shillong's voice sounded, he had already killed Hextow, swallowing the counterfeit that Hex dragged and a large amount of seawater.

Then rushed to the other gods to help them eliminate the counterfeit goods one by one.

Soon, these counterfeit goods were all eliminated.

"Your Majesty Shillong, you are unexpectedly reliable." A **** exclaimed.


Leviathan stared at Shillon with countless eyes.

The fakes he had just summoned were all copies of the dream world, possessing strange laws and powers.

The more you fight with the body, the more it can absorb the energy leaked when the body fights with it, and the stronger it can become.

Until it is almost the same as the body.

This was originally a very powerful sorcery, but now it has been disintegrated by these acquired inferior creatures...

This made Leviathan a little angry, his eyes fixed on Shillong.

"My...servant...return to chaos...I will...give you immortality...

Belong to me..."

"It's your stench! Everyone, do it!" Hextor breathed out fragrantly.

Another chain was drawn.

The rest of the gods all performed their stunts.

The divine breath of Tiamat and Bahamut.

Corellons arrow, Mystras endless magic, Peiros billions of rays of sun...

And Shillong's three-phase breath.

The endless horror even made the sea water boil and shook with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers!

"He... Ga... Huh..." Numerous disturbing and insane voices came from Leviathan's body.

Leviathan's whole body exposed countless holes.

The ultimate moves that the gods blasted past were all swallowed by the cave entrance.

jump! jump! jump!

Several muffled noises came from Leviathan, and his body returned to its original state after swelling for a while.

"Hamm... Ga... Ah..."

Leviathan neighed again.

Above the body, whether it is the eyes, the mouth, or the skin, all chaotic rays shoot out.

The entire sea area is filled with chaotic rays.

There are many kinds of these rays, and their power is extremely shocking.

All the seawater within hundreds of thousands of kilometers nearby was drained away!

All the gods seem to have entered the vacuum of chaos.

It looked terrifying, but these gods still didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, they continued to use their own attacks and went back!

As gods who have lived for billions of years, they never fear any enemy! They also have enough proud capital.

The terrifying explosion roared in the forced vacuum.

The powerful gods and the three dragons can be said to have the advantage in this kind of confrontation.

The cosmic rays pressing on Leviathan quickly reversed and blasted on the opponent.

The massive evil flesh group was blasted into dust and quickly recovered.

The dispersal and purification of the gods has little effect...

"Oh ah ah ah!" Hexto and other medium supernatural powers, not Bahamut, the dragon **** like Tiamat is directly unlucky.

They couldn't resist Leviathan's bombardment at all, their bodies were frozen, melted, pierced, cut and shattered.

All parts of the body are disappearing quickly, just when they want to use their omnipotent divine power to restore their bodies.

Some of the cosmic rays that were still attacking them turned into gray evil divine powers and merged into their bodies extremely suddenly.

An evil and chaotic will came, and they began to compete for control of the body!

Some deities screamed in place, while others directly attacked other deities.

"It seems a little underestimated the difficulty of evil things." Mystra looked at the gods with medium power, and said in her heart.

I originally thought that although their strength is not very good, but in the way it is a help, they should be able to fight.

It seemed that I was thinking too much now, all of which were directly manipulated to **** oneself.

Mystra hurriedly blasted them away, and then left a message to let them go.

Only some powerful supernatural powers and three dragon gods remained in the entire scene.

And after seeing that the gray energy of the medium divine power transformed by the cosmic rays took control of the body.

It turned out that these rays were turned into gray gas.

Now he didn't resist anymore, he just started to inhale with his mouth open.

Large swaths of cosmic rays were all shot into his mouth.

The horrible chaotic turbulence burst in his mouth.

But Sillon didn't care at all. His was notoriously hard, Leviathan's scattered attacks, the strength was not cohesive, strong enough to cause much harm to him.

These rays became the energy in his mouth.

"..." Leviathan stared at Shillong again with countless eyes.

It was this dragon again, not only ignoring his attack, but also directly swallowing his power!

This is really enough to make him hate! At this moment, Leviathan no longer wanted to subdue Shillon, but wanted to kill him completely!

He protruded octopus tentacles from the flesh ball. These tentacles are extremely long, and each one is over a million kilometers! Like a Tianzhu, he drew towards Xilong fiercely!

The entire vacuum belt was roaring, and the space shattered around under the tentacles.

If this blow is drawn, even the star may be in danger of being destroyed!

Shillong roared, and a plutonium star blasted out fiercely.

boom! The high-speed plutonium star was fiercely embedded in Leviathan's tentacles, causing the tentacles to tremble slightly for a moment, and Sillon saw the tentacles continue to press against him.

The remaining eleven plutonium stars of Shillong shot out at the same time, aiming at the target before hitting again!

The terrifying explosion continued to roar, and every time the tentacle inlaid with the plutonium star was bombarded, the openings and cracks of the tentacle would increase greatly.

Until the seventh roar, the entire tentacles were cut off and burst into pieces!

The gray air that turned into the sky wanted to return again, and Siro wanted to rush up to swallow the energy.

But the other tentacles were getting closer and closer to him.

The dragon wings behind Shillong shook, and the scarlet golden flames surged, and the whole dragon turned into a stream of light to hide away.

boom! ! !

The terrifying tentacles rubbed his body, and the huge wind almost overturned Shillong, a big man weighing more than a trillion tons!

Shillon quickly stabilized his body, but at this time another tentacle even reached him.

boom! The indescribable force of terror smashed down at Shillong.

Just when Leviathan thought he could shoot the hateful dragon Shillon flying, a dragon roar came out.

The golden light burst under the tentacles!

A crimson-gold stream of tens of thousands of kilometers long appeared!

Shillong broke out with all his strength! He actually used brute force to directly withstand the tentacle above his head that was hundreds of times thicker than his body!


There was another roar.

Shillon used his sharp claws to poke into the tentacles and tore them hard, and a huge gap appeared.

It's not ordinary meat~wuxiaworld.online~ but densely packed monsters like insects are wriggling and roaring!

It looks disgusting to the extreme and makes the scalp numb.

However, Silom didn't feel much about it. As a mutant plutonium dragon, he was born without much awe of fear. This emotion had already disappeared when he lost his body.

Facing these disgusting things, Sillon immediately ignited layers of flames far more terrifying than the fire of stars.

The neighing disgusting worm was instantly vaporized into a gray mist, Xilong opened his mouth and sucked, and then, his entire dragon went directly into the tentacles! Started to rush towards Leviathan's body along the tentacles!

All the disgusting monsters along the way were gasified and absorbed by Shillong.

In the battle between Shillong and Leviathan, not only did he not lose the slightest physical strength, he even started to get stronger!

He found that he seemed to naturally restrain the evil things like Leviathan!

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