A Request

---Kingslanding, Red Keep---

---Jon Arryn's Pov---

Today was another day in this shithole. Sometimes I forget why I still serve as Hand of the King. To clean up Robert's mess? Robert... He is no longer the man he used to be. Yes, he used to drink and sleep with prostitutes before too, but he didn't base his whole life on these two things. The more I think about his situation, the more I want to leave this place and go back to Vale, but then I realize that I can't leave him alone. I cannot leave the kingdom in the hands of the Lannisters and other greedy sharks as Robert ceases to be a true king with each passing day.

"More wine!" While I was thinking, I heard Robert shout.

Today, again, a new feast is taking place, which only makes us more indebted.

I wonder if I didn't raise Robert well? Is all this my fault? Sometimes these thoughts come to my mind. At least one of my adopted sons became a good lord. Ned is doing very well in the North. His honor and justice are known by all Westeros. He is a very good lord, even though he is only the regent and not the true lord of the North. In fact, even this shows what an honorable and good man he was. Any other man is been in Ned's place, they would have usurped Torrhen Stark's lordship long ago.

Speaking of Torrhen Stark, the boy never gets tired of surprising people. He will be a very good lord in the future. I wish I had a daughter, if Torrhen had married my daughter, it would have strengthened our relations with the North. Moreover, an intelligent groom like this young man is something that is hard to find. But this is an empty dream. The probability of me having another child with Lysa is almost zero. My relationship with Lysa was already bad, but she's been avoiding me since Robin was born. I understand the age difference between us makes it very difficult, but I wish she'd at least act like a decent lady.

While I was lost in my thoughts, a guard came.

"Lord Hand, there's a man who says he's from Winterfell, my lord. He brought with him a letter from Lord Regent Stark and gifts from Winterfell."

I was surprised to hear what the guard said. We didn't expect anyone from the North.

"hmm, go and bring them here, I'll tell the king."

When the guard left, I got up from the table and went over to Robert.

"Your grace, a man came from the north who said he had brought a letter and gifts. He wanted to meet you." I said.

Robert was surprised at first when he heard me. Then he said, "So it's a letter from Ned, huh. Get that man over here now."

A little later, 5 men came along with the guards. One of them was walking ahead carrying a letter in his hand. The other four were carrying 2 large chests.

As they approached the table, they all knelt down to greet the royal family. Afterwards, the man who appeared to be the leader gave the letter in his hand to one of the kingsguard and began to speak.

Your grace, Lord regent Stark has sent me to deliver his letter to you. As you'll see in the letter, House Stark will begin building a canal that will connect Salt Spear to The Bite. Thanks to this canal, the sea route between the west coast of Westeros and Essos will be shortened. In addition, maritime trade in the Seven Kingdoms will be much easier and ships wishing to go to Essos from the west coast will be freed from the pirate danger in Stepstone.

I was very surprised by the man's words. How can I not? The project he is talking about is not something that can be done simply. What House Stark is going to try to do is a huge project. If they manage to do it, it will greatly benefit the Seven Kingdoms. But can it be done? When I look into the Banquet Hall, I see that I am not the only one who was surprised. When the whispers of the people in the hall had calmed down, the man spoke again.

"Lord Regent Stark has sent us to make a request of you, your grace. A lot of workers will be needed to complete this construction. The North currently has a limited number of workers who can work in this construction. That's why House Stark is asking your permission to take the workers from Kingslanding to the North, your grace. Of course, the need for shelter of these people who will be taken to the North will be provided by House Stark. Also, everyone who works will be given a certain amount of salary per month. If these workers have families, they will also be allowed to stay in the north."

Robert was silent for a while as he read the letter. Then he spoke "You're right, the letter is really from Ned, but tell me, how are you going to select these workers and get them to the North?"

I'm surprised Robert bothered so much with any request. He usually either immediately accepts or rejects it. Still, I guess his attention makes sense when who is made the request is Ned. Then I heard he answer Robert's question.

"Your grace, if you accept Lord Stark's request, we will evaluate the volunteers in the city square and select those who are suitable to work. Later, we will take these volunteers north with the ships from White Harbor."

"Well, I wouldn't turn down a request from Ned anyway, but it helps us too. You were saying that unemployment and poverty are increasing in the city, right, Jon."

I looked at Robert and said, "Yes your grace, that way the number of hungry people in Kingslanding will also be reduced."

"So okay, I accept Ned's request. You can hire as many workers as you want." said Robert.

"Thank you your grace, I will report this to Lord Regent Stark. Also, I didn't come just for this today, your grace, I brought gifts to the royal family."

The northern man then told the men behind him to open the chests. He went to the first of the chests and bought 2 glass bottles. Inside one of the bottles was something clear, water-like. I could see "VODKA" written on the bottle. The other bottle contained an orangeish liquid. On the top of this bottle was written "WHISKEY".

"Your grace, these are two new types of alcohol found in the north. Vodka and whiskey. They were found by Lord Torrhen Stark."

It's that boy again. Is he really a kid? How can he find so many things?

"A new drink? Bring me these bottles. Let's see how good they are." said Robert.

The northerners pulled out other gifts as Robert took the one named whiskey and started drinking it. The gifts were beautiful glass deer and lion figurines, goblets. There were also other gifts, such as certain silk fabrics from Essos. I'm sure the Queen will be delighted with these gifts.

"Hahaha! this is perfect! give more. Where has this thing been all my life?" I heard Robert say it out loud.

While everyone was thinking about what it would be like for the king to love so much, I had only one thing in mind.

'great, more alcohol for Robert.' What am I going to do with a Robert drunker than he already is? Seven bless us.