
""Winterfell, 287 A.C.""

---Torrhen's Pov---

"Pay more attention, my lord." I heard ser Rodrik say while I was thinking.

We are doing sword training now. I think I've improved a lot in 2 years. Of course, I'm still a child swinging a wooden sword, but at least I know how to hold a sword and make simple moves. Also, now I'm strong enough to use a small bow, so I started archery training. I think I like archery more than swordmanship. Maybe it's because my skill in archery is better than swordsmanship.

We continued training with ser Rodrik until today's training period was over.

"I think that's enough for today, my lord. You are getting better day by day."

"Thank you ser Rodrik. I will continue to training."

Then I left the training ground and went to my Solar in the tower. Ser Rodrik went to my men in training who were working in another field. It's been almost 3 years since I took these kids with me. They had come here in the first month of 285. We are now in the 9th month of 287. They have improved a lot during these years. I would say that each of them is as well educated as the son of a noble house. In a few years they will become excellent subordinates.

On the way, I heard Jon and Robb calling me. I think they just finished their training.

"Hey Torrhen, we're going to see Arya. Would you like to come with us?" Robb spoke happily.

Yes, Arya was born about 2 months ago. She is a little ball of energy even as a baby. I wonder if she'll be like in the show when she grows up. Most of the people I've met so far look like the ones on the show. So it's quite possible that she will be similar to the one in the series.

"I would love this, guys. You can go to her first. There are a few things I have to do. How about I join you in a little while?"

"Okay Torrhen, we're going first." They said and went together.

When they left, I went to the tower. I sat in my solar and looked at a few reports on my desk. These were related to the progress of canal construction. Our current progress continues at a rapid pace. If we continue like this, the construction should be finished in 4 months. Of course, the construction of military posts and canal gates, which are made at regular intervals along the canal, will continue for a while.

We build military posts so we can protect the canal from bandits and pirates. Thanks to Canal Gates, we will be able to stop ships trying to pass without permission or without paying. Of course, we will tax the ships passing through the canal. House Stark didn't make this investment just for charity. The total cost of all these constructions is more than 2 million golden dragons.

There is also the strengthening of the Moat cailin and the construction of a bridge over the canal. Fortunately, we have already started the construction of these before. Otherwise it would have taken too long to complete the construction.

The bridge will be completed in 2 months. Construction of the bridge was one of the first projects to be started as it was a mandatory requirement. Thus, the overland connection between the North and the South was not broken. The repair of Moat Cailin was important to the defense of the North and the canal. Therefore, its construction had recently started with the bridge. There are also about 3 months until the Moat Cailin repair is completed.

Bringing workers from Kingslanding was a very good idea. A total of 60,000 workers came to the North. More than 100,000 people, including their families. This number was even higher than we anticipated. The total population of Kingslanding was around 500,000. With this migration, the population of Kingslanding was greatly reduced. Even the ships were not enough to bring them all, as the number of immigrants was so great. Fortunately, the king ordered to the royal fleet to assist us. Otherwise it would be very difficult to bring all the immigrants to the North.

Of course, these immigrants were not chosen at randomly. All of them were evaluated in detail. Besides, we're not so stupid to assume that there won't be any agents among these immigrants. Actually we don't care for now because these people will do nothing but work in simple construction jobs. They can't learn anything important. Of course, we will eliminate these agents over time.

We also had plans for the families of the workers they brought with them. For now, they stay in temporary towns. When the constructions are finished, we will disperse these people to different parts of the North.

During this period, House Stark continued to sell other products besides developing the maritime trade. Selling the products we bring from Essos in Westeros makes a good profit. We also started selling ice. Our liquor sales increased even more as we started selling ice. As I guessed, people like their drinks cold.

Our trade and production continues to grow. Because of this, even though the canal and other constructions spend a lot of money, our safe is still full.

The Greyjoy rebellion will take place in 289. Until then, I must be prepared. This will give me enough time to carry out my plans. But I need to make sure I'm prepared for this. I must be carried out to tthe next stage of the plan. I have to talk with my uncle.

Then I left the tower and went to my uncle. I knocked on the door and went inside. He's dealing with paperwork as usual.

"Torrhen, welcome boy. How can I help you." Uncle Ned said with that smile on his face that he only showed for his family.

"Uncle, I was looking at the trade reports I got from you and I saw that, our ships were still inadequate. Our production is sufficient for consumption demand, but our ships are insufficient for transportation. I came to talk with you about this."

"That caught my attention too, Torrhen. However, there is a problem. White Harbor dockyard and harbor are not enough for more ships."

"I know, uncle, so I have another idea. I propose that we build a shipyard and a harbor on the lake, near Torrhens Square. Ships can cross the river to Saltspear. With the completion of the canal construction, ships can easily cross to the east side of Westeros. Also, the lake can serve as a natural defense for our fleet. The fleet can stay in the lake without fear of enemy attack or storm."

My uncle nodded, confirming that what I said was true.

"What you're saying makes a lot of sense, Torrhen. You, me and maester Luwin should talk about this again later. I see no reason not to execute your plan, if it can be done." uncle Ned said.

"All right, uncle, then I'll see you again at our meeting. Now I have to go see Arya, Jon and Robb are waiting for me there."

A warm smile appeared on his face again when I mentioned Arya. "Okay Torrhen, see you later"

Then I left my uncle's solar and went to see Arya.

On the way, I was passing Sansa's room when I heard her voice. "Towhen! Towhen!"

I stood in front of the door and looked inside. The little red head was running towards me with a maid behind her.

"Hello Princess." I said as I spread my arms and bowed.

When she saw me like that, she immediately jumped on me and hugged me.

"Whew awe you going Towhen? take me too."

Is it normal to love a baby's speech so much? But I can't help myself! she is so cute!

"I was on my way to see your little sister now, princess. Do you want to come too?" I said as I hugged her.

When I mentioned her sister, she immediately shook her head and hugged me tighter. So she wants me to take her there in my arms. She is so cute!

Okay, I wasn't going to let that happen anyway, but it's certain now. That fucking bastard Joffrey can't be allowed near my princess. If they insist on this betrothal, I'll shove that fucking bastard's head up his whore mother's ass.