4 || ʙᴀᴛʜᴛᴜʙ ||

The sky was dipped in bright orange and yellow hues as the sun arose from beneath the tall buildings of Seoul. Birds chirping could be heard from outside as the fresh morning dew listened to its music juxtaposing the silent breathing of everyone still sleeping soundly, tucked under their blankets to keep them from the cold that made its way in through the smallest gaps of their closed windows.

Pigeons were on top of electric wires as they cooed of hunger, searching for early breakfast from high above, on the low grounds that humans must've dropped. Bigger birds that had webbed feet and green coloured heads were seen migrating, flying higher, forming a triangle shape with their flock. The—

"—DUCK!" a groggy voice shrieked that came from a short man who was still in his pyjamas that were way too big for his height. Another man who was slightly taller from the older yelped in response as he did duck down, cowering in slight surprise with both of his hands over his head to protect him from whatever object it was that was coming for him to who knows what intention.

"NO! I MEAN DUCK!" at that very moment a loud smack was heard that came from the wide window of the bathroom that the both stood in. There a duck was seen splat straight onto the glass as it slowly slid down only to fly once again back to its flock, with a few feathers falling out from the accident, as soon as it shook its head, almost human-like and regained its proper consciousness.

"Aw, poor duck. I hope he's okay." Yoongi pouted before landing his eyes on Hoseok who was still crouched down on the ground with his head turned all the way to his back to look at what just happened.

"Jesus Christ! Yoongi don't fucking scare me like that. It's six in the morning for goodness sake!" Hoseok grumbled and stood up from his position, ruffling his fluffy raven locks and stood beside the shorter male with both pair of eyes looking straight at the bath tub that contained nothing but two eighteen year old adults, messy hair, drooling and clothes all wrinkled up "So how are we supposed to wake these airbags up?" Hoseok added.

"Easy." Yoongi did not hesitate to step closer, turning the shower on and dragged Hoseok for their dear lives, downstairs, laughing and screaming.

It wasn't long till both of the ones that slept inside the tub joined in screaming but ten times louder that the eight people downstairs could hear their fret and asking the duo who just arrived what have they done.

"THERE'S A STORM INSIDE THE HOUSE!" a deeper voice exclaimed as he felt all his clothes soak up but the water preventing his eyes to open.

"IT'S GOING TO FLOOD!" The latter added, her hands jerking towards her face to sweep away the hair. It didn't take long for Taehyung to realize who that voice was. Even through the annoying splashes of the water hitting his embodiment, his eyes snapped wide in petrification and saw the wicked the woman whose face was drowning from not only the water but also the mascara dripping down her cheeks and smudged lipstick around the rim of her swollen lips. Taehyung screamed louder than ever. His voice becoming high pitched that even topped off Beyonce's amazingly high notes. But his was not amazing, it was like hearing a banshee on top of your roof at midnight.

"What animal in Noah's ark are you?!" He backed off with a horrified face, away from the girl who was trying to reach for the lever to turn off the pestilent gush of water. After doing so, her gaze shifted rapidly to the man beside him who had his hand on his chest in a feminine manner with breathing patterns turned irregularly faster.

Oh he wasn't afraid of what just happened but because of what might've happened.

"Why the hell are we in here together?!" Y/N questioned for him with aggravation evident in her voice as she struggled to get out of the small area that Taehyung made even smaller with his large physique. Y/N darted herself downstairs, not giving a single damn about the dripping wet trail she made that ruined the carpets, probably costing more than her miserable life. Taehyung followed not long after taking a towel from a cabinet it the bathroom and dampening himself a little bit and directing himself to another room first.

Snickers were then heard once Y/N set foot on the kitchen floors. Everyone was doing their own thing early in the morning. Her eyes roamed around to look at what she is seeing— seeing everyone stop what they were doing to laugh at her. Jin and Haera are standing in front of the stove, cooking pancakes, Anya was near the sink wiping the bubbling foam of toothpaste from her mouth while laughing, Jimin was sitting on Jungkook's lap on top of a counter stool, Namjoon was peeling some potatoes— well, kind of, and lastly Hoseok and Yoongi were the ones dying, out of breath, their arms clasped around their stomachs as they were bending down close to the floor.

Y/N suspected them for being the culprits to get her this wet— NOT in that context!

When Taehyung soon arrived, much properly dressed after he had stolen slash borrowed some clothes from Namjoon's closet, he was so confused to why everyone was laughing but he then gazed at the woman beside him, only to let out that banshee shriek once again. "What animal in Noah's ark are you?!" he earned countless smacks and punches from Y/N which soon lead both of them to chase each other around the house "I've heard enough from you already, bimbo headed troll!" she growled and continued on chasing the squealing man.

"You're ruining the goddamn house!" Namjoon was whining while he jumped from one feet to another while watching the children still having fun with their game of chase and kill. "I spoke too soon" he sighed and facepalmed his face too hard when a loud sound of glass crashing erupted from the living room

"Jinxed it" Jin snorted

"Just send me the bill! I'll pay for that!" Y/N yelled, anger still evident in her voice, obviously, then continued chasing Taehyung all the way outside to the front lawn. Of course, the audience didn't want to miss the fight and like a bee line, they also went outside.

"Ooh" they all winced at the same time when Y/N got on top of Taehyung and scratching his face while trying to grab his hair. Taehyung on the other hand was helplessly slapping the wild feline's actions "Fucking get off me!" He kept repeating.

"Okay, I think that's enough entertainment for today." Anya prolonged her words and dashed towards the cat fight, pulling Y/N away who still kept on fighting to reach out for Taehyung's redden marked face. When he finally stood up, he pounced on Y/N without hesitance and did the same to her and her slapping his hands away.


"What'd you do that for?!" Y/N hissed as Teahyung forcefully pressed the ice bag onto her face. He scowled at her and sarcastically winced a smile.

Namjoon was in front of them, tapping his foot as he stood there with arms crossed. He made them do this as a punishment for breaking the centre table in the living room earlier. He was staring intensely at them like his life depended on it or maybe their life.

Y/N sighed, pushed away Taehyung's hand and turned to face the death defying gaze of Namjoon. "How the heck did we actually end up in the bath tub together?"

"You both refused to go on the bed and wanted to sleep next to each other, cuddling" Yoongi plainly answered, sticking in the fork with a piece of pancake stuck onto it into his mouth. Shocking the both of them, they snapped their heads to look at each other and screamed.


"Come on Jimin just one kissy kiss kiss, please" Y/N puckered her lips, hands clutching Jimin's collar. They were both in a room where Y/N dragged him to have seven minutes in heaven.

"No, Y/N you're drunk. I can't to that, okay?" he slowly took her hands away and letting her sit down on the bed as she swayed and chuckled.

"Okay." Y/N stood up and ran down the stairs with Jimin trying to catch up with her, worrying about her safety. He saw her in the backyard where the pool was located, humping and kissing a girl from one of their class then pulling Y/N inside to a room wherein who knows what's going to happen. He just sighed and ruffled his hair and went back to the the circle where everyone was.

"What happened to Y/N?" Haera worriedly asked once she didn't spot her friend walking beside the man.

"In a room. With Kang Seulgi" he huffed and sat down, grabbing a bottle and chugging it down in one go

"Aw don't worry, Jiminie! We can make out instead!" Hoseok rushed beside him, wrapping both of his hands around the blonde, puckering his lips, closing his eyes and making kissy noises. Jimin rolled his eyes, giving him a quick peck and laughed while shoving his friend away who pouted after that.

"Where's Taehyung anyway?" Jimin question like how Haera was worrying for her friend.

"Got drunk and decided to go hoe around with some guy" Jungkook answered and pointed towards a direction where Taehyung was seen to rub his being on Baekhyun on the dance floor "Oh Chanyeol hyung ain't gonna be happy about this" Jungkook giggled and took a sip of his beer. Soon enough the couple were seen to enter a room just near by

"Yes! Y/N right there!" The girl's moan was cut short when the once dark room was lit from the bright light that came outside when the door went wide open, seeing two males smooching each other. Y/N got up from the bed bringing the sheet with her but making sure to leave some for Seulgi to cover herself up as well. She was still drunk and wobbly as she made her way to Taehyung. "How dare you interupt my sexy time, Kim?" She pointed at him with slurring words, trying to steady herself and gagged a little bit but contained it, covering her mouth with another hand.

"I- I think Chanyeol is calling me. What? Yeah, c-coming dear!" Baekhyun rushed and Seulgi followed him once she was done wearing her dress back, escaping the tension that the two had just created. Y/N couldn't hold it anymore and ran towards the bathroom in that bedroom and let it all out on the toilet. Taehyung felt nauseous too and went in suit with Y/N, using the sink instead.

When the group saw the door that Baekhyun and Taehyung went in was still open, they decided to check on it "Uh hello?" Hoseok peeped into the room looking for any sign of human specie with the seven behind him waiting for his signal. His brows furrowed when he heard something from the closed bathroom. He slowly tip toed and reached the door knob, quickly opening the door to find both of their friends were puking.

"Oh my gosh Y/N!" Anya rushed towards her and held her hair back while gently rubbing her sheet covered back. As for Jimin who helped Taehyung clean himself up. "Oh you poor thing. Let's get you dressed for bed, shall we? Can someone get these two some warm water to drink?" Anya slowly let Y/N up from the ground and lead her upstairs with the help of the guys covering her to prevent anyone from seeing.

She helped dress Y/N up with the clothes of Namjoon's mother that he lent. Anya also helped her brush her teeth and after doing so she whined and said she was sleepy. Tripping her clumsy ass, she landed inside the bath tub not even feeling the pain but instead she snorted and muttered her "Good night"

"Y/N the bed is this way"


"Come on stand up—"

"Out of the way please" Suddenly a still drunk Taehyung passed through the door and situated himself also inside the bath tub.

"Idiots, that is not the bed"

"Okay. What the hell?!" Yoongi was surprised to see them in that state and called for the others to be witnesses. Being the typical friends, of course they took pictures and videos to use as either an embarrassment in the future or blackmail.

"And that's how you guy ended up in there" All eight of them showed their lock screens that were the same photo, in different angles of the two of them cuddled up with each other and that caused yet another banshee shriek not only from Taehyung but also from Y/N too.