5 || ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ||

It was Wednesday once again. Five days after that terrible incident happened causing Y/N to shake from the shiver and disgust she felt travelling down her spine. Slamming her locker shut once both of her history textbook and notebook were in here hands, Y/N was intentionally dragging her feet towards one of the class she despises. Thing is, all members of her friends group— including the seven men being added as well, they were all in this class. Maybe this was the only thing she looked forward about. The only bothersome is that Yoongi is sitting behind her, who loved to annoy the living wits out of her all the time. He was either kicking her chair (typical), or passing her random notes that contained fun facts that were seriously unnecessary to even know.

By the time she reached the classroom, the second bell already rang. Ten minutes after the lesson started.

"Y/N, thank you for joining us this late. That's highly unlikely of you." the man in his late forties stared menacingly at the the girl who stood in the door way with a dead expression. Not only did she despise the subject but also the teacher. He was grumpy and too strict with giving grades.

"You're welcome" she proceeded slump down her seat with a sigh leaving Mr Yeon with twitching eyes and grumbling under his breath.

"As I was saying... deadline is on next week Saturday, twelve am sharp. This presentation will serve as an exam for all of you. No need for studying because we are not gonna have a written exam but a practical one. Remember that this presentation for WWII will affect sixty percent of your final grade. Mainly focus with how it affected Korea but also give at least ten to fifteen points to what happened internationally" Everyone sighed with relief at the thought of not studying and cramming. This was such a big escape and an opportunity to at least feel free from the pressure those lousy tests the department of education gives them. With all the same questions but given to different children built with different capacities and capabilities.

"Once your group has finished sending the power point to me— containing at least twenty to thirty-five slides, I want all of you to be prepared on the next next Monday to present it to the whole class. We will use those lessons from then on to finish everyone's presentation. Be creative and professional at the same time. Make sure not to bore the listeners. That is one main criteria for this presentation. I've already given you your groups and Y/N, you're with Jimin, Eunkyung and Taehyung. That's all. For today you may start planning your layouts"

Mr Yeon sat back on the teacher's desk and began to do some work on his laptop while simultaneously checking papers. Y/N came to his table to oppose with his choice of groupings. With agitated steps, she began to rant out about how this project wouldn't go oh so smoothly "Sir, there's probably a way to kick Kim Taehyung to another group?" She pleaded. Y/N didn't want to change to another group when Jimin is in that group, a student who's really good with entertaining crowds, considering the fact that he is a class president and is also smart and hard working. With him in the group, they would be done in no time. As for Eunkyung, she might be the only one to keep her interested in doing this project.

Taehyung, however, had to go. Not only does his presence annoy her to the guts but—

Yeah... he just annoys her.

She can't actually say that he would be no help because Taehyung is absolutely a clever student. Very smart witted, indeed.

"Y/N you either sit your bottom down with your group or do this presentation all alone." Mr Yeon sternly answered not looking at her and keeping himself busy with the paperwork as he spoke.

About forty slides, all by herself by the end of next week and presenting it all alone?

Hell no.

She cursed under her breath and with no choice, she sat down with the rest of her group. Taehyung glaring at her "You do know Mr Yeon was never a giving teacher, and never will be" he scoffed. Y/N chose to ignore him and waved quite giddily and sat beside Eunkyung who greeted back with a little enthusiasm.

Meanwhile Jimin already started to flip the pages of his textbook and highlighted key points to include in their presentation and in suit, the rest of the group followed in doing their own given topic to analyse and conclude.


Lunch time finally came and the three best friends went down the hallways to the cafeteria. People making way, admiring and showering them compliments as Y/N stood in the centre as always. After picking up their meals they sat down at a much longer table waiting for the rest to arrive.

"Y/N now that we have a tiny bit of time to chat, just the three of us, Anya and I have been wanting to ask you a question for a long time now" Haera spoke bravely but she was fiddling with her fingers. Y/N gave them confusing glances before gulping her juice


"Have... have you been troubling about your sexuality lately?"


"No— no, it's just that this year... you've been spending more with 'the guys' and you never actually tell us why" Anya immediately clarified making Y/N chuckle and hold both their hands.

"I'm certain that I am lesbian but straight for only six men." she proudly stated and the concern faces of her friends turned into amusement.

"Are you sure not seven?"

"Of course. I am proudly a lesbian featuring Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. And look out Haera I might just steal your man!" She earned a loud smack on her nape but Haera knew she was just joking and she wouldn't be able to do it anyway.

"What about Kim Taehyung?" They started teasing her and she gasped

"That thing? Blimey, God forbid!" She dramatically fanned herself and pretended to faint, resulting for the three of them to a fit laughter.

"Oh Y/N, you never know. You might Jinx it if you keep being like that." Haera added with Anya nodding right by her side. "And stop calling him a troll, will ya? He's drop dead gorgeous."

"I know I am" suddenly the boys were settling in their seats in the lunch table. It was Jin who proudly claimed Anya's words who rolled her eyes and continued munching on her sandwich while Haera cooed at his ego and showered him with more compliments.


"Hey, let's go home together." Y/N turned around to see whose voice it was, only to see Jimin endearingly smiling at her.

"Oh you don't have to. Mr Yang is—"

"Tell him you're going with me. Besides we have a project to do with Tae and Eunkyung later at mine" Y/N didn't argue longer and gave him a smile back. He lead her to his car and opened the door for her before starting the engine and off to his house. The ride consisted with small chats that Jimin occasionally started but other than that, nothing else happened.

"They'll be here in about an hour so why don't we eat to kill some time? We have some pies and muffins in the fridge." Jimin suggested once they've entered the Park's residence. Y/N meekly nodded her head as she took off her shoes and wearing the house slippers provided at the door step.

"It's been awhile since I last step foot in here."

"Yeah mom and dad actually kept pestering me with questions about when you will visit again." Jimin chuckled as he prepared their food. Y/N soon came in the kitchen to watch his sweet gestures.

"Really? Wah, I feel a bit guilty now." she giggled and took a bite of the egg pie that tingled in her mouth as the savouring coldness spread when she chewed. "This is really good"

"Mom made it. She always makes the best pies!" Jimin praised his mom with such delight. He then let Y/N go upstairs to his room as he followed behind once they've finished their little snack.

"You've rearranged your room, I see!"

"You do know it's been four years since you last came in here"

"Oh— yeah..." she scratched the back of nape awkwardly and walked around his large room, inspecting everything in awe. One little thing caught her feline eyes though. It was a picture of a girl and Jimin in front of Seoul's cathedral.

Jimin was wearing his cute daisy yellow jumper suit with a red cape that settled on top of his shoulder and cheeky glasses on top of the bridge of his nose as he was bending down on one knee with a cute smile painted on his youthful face, looking up at his best friend who wore a very pretty pink coloured Sunday dress, looking like down at him quite unamused.

Y/N stood there staring at the framed picture for such a long time. Her mind wondered far thoughts that she didn't even realise Jimin was calling her dozens of times already while he was fixing his messy bed. That was when he finally looked up to see her zoning out. He dropped the unfolded blanket and took small strides towards Y/N's direction. Setting his palm on her lower back causing for her to jolt in surprise and look at him inspecting what got her so intrigued.

The same youthful smile then appeared on Jimin's face when he saw the picture. He mimicked the actions and bended down on one knee looking up at her.

"Y/N can I be your boyfriend?" The little boy asked, smiling fondly at the beautiful girl, the same age as he is.

"No!" she shortly replied, giving him squinted eyes and pouty lips with her arms crossed and looking away from the boy in front of her. "You're super nerd boy. Princesses only like princes!"

"B-but I can be your prince too!—" Jimin quickly took of the cape as it flew away in the wind and stood proudly. With his tiny hands on his waist and feet far apart and his chin held high. He timidly peeked at Y/N under his lashes as he held his chin still high up with a straight face

"No!" Y/N began to walk away and to her parents who sat on bench just beside the Parks. "Dad! Jimin is asking to be my b-boyfriend and... and I said no because he called himself super nerd boy i-in the first place but you said, dad that princesses should only like princes. Right, dad? Right?"

"I am your prince, Y/N! Look! I can save you from a magic dragon from a— from a very very tall tower!"


"Why? And then after I will marry you! I will be king and you will be my... my queen!" Jimin giggled then held Y/N's tiny hand in his tiny hand "You see that church! I will marry you there!" He pointed at the large cathedral behind them

"And we will live happily ever after?"



Both their parents just sat there enjoying their kids' dilemma as they both continued endlessly till Jimin started crying and started to hug Y/N who was resisting his affection and once she did break free she ran to her mother's lap who cradled her instantly leaving Jimin to drop himself onto the cemented floor and started whining even more to his parents that Y/N hurt his feelings.

"You were such a crybaby" she laughed and booped The tip of Jimin's nose who was still kneeling down

"Y-you didn't answer my question yet!" He exclaimed, quite panicked when she walked away to the other side of the room.

"Question? What question?"


"Well what?"

"Well... to be your boyfriend"

Y/N laughed— even snorted and vigorously slapped her thighs as she did so till she fell back onto the bed and continued her laughter "That was eleven years ago! Jimin! We were only seven! Oh my—" she continued on laughing whilst the man slowly stood up and scratched his hair as he tried his best to hide his awkward laugh.

Sure she had a playful crush on him right now but she didn't think he was serious, was he?

"Right! We're doing forty slides in total for this project!" Suggested Taehyung— or more like 'declared', in which Jimin agreed on when they saw he nodded his head.

"What?! But Mr Yeon said twenty to thirty five slides!" Eunkyung quickly argued

"Do you honestly think he would give us an A plus if we only did what he asked?" Taehyung replied rather irritated at the woman. Y/N scoffed at his remark and continued typing anyway

"It's alright Eunkyung-ssi, it's only five more slides, yeah?" Jimin softly assured and after getting a doubtful yet confirming nod from Eunkyung, went back to his research.

About two hours later, everyone was still in the living room sitting on the couches with textbooks, notebooks, and a whole bunch of paper scattered all around with a bags of chips and bottles of sodas loitering on the ground.

Y/N was constantly trying to flirt with Eunkyung in hopes to get in her pants for at least one night but she would always answer quite awkwardly and shy giving Y/N the sense of being dismissed. Taehyung snickered at her attempts, obviously joyful of her failure. Although, Y/N had no absolute idea since she was to preoccupied with Eunkyung to give attention.

Finally Y/N gave up— just for a little while. Not completely. She sighed and slumped back on her seat, opening a new tab to do more research. Eunkyung saw her face and felt a little bad for her, nevertheless she didn't worry about it too much. Knowing Y/N, she would probably find another way. Definitely.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get some water. Anyone want anything?" Taehyung suddenly stood up, putting the papers he was reading aside. Everyone shook their heads as a sign of no to which Taehyung gave a low "Okay"

As Taehyung was about to walk, his first step landed on the papers he just read. Might we add the fact that the floors were freshly polished marbles. Making it even more slippery that it should've been. He was ready to brace for impact yet he felt none. Instead, he felt an arm wrapped around him to be the cause of his saving.

Y/N didn't hesitate to catch the careless man in her arms due to her reflexes. She took the time to study his features as if the universe had given her all the time to do so.

She was mostly captivated by the mole that kissed just right under his eye and another much visible one beneath the tip of his structured nose. Taehyung had longer lashes than a man would typically have. She saw it perfectly, the tips caressing his upper cheeks. One double eyelid and one monolid. Giving such unique pair of eyes— although they weren't open, she knew how much his orbs were where God decided to put the galaxies in. His lips were pink and plump with another mole seen on his bottom lip.

Although just like any other human being, Taehyung also had very tiny acne scars. His face was smooth yet textured in someway. Clearly shaved facial hair minimally grew above his lips and on his chin which Y/N seemed to find attractive and appealing. Now she wondered how Taehyung might look if he ever grew a beared.

But one thing's for sure, Taehyung is indeed sculpted like a greek god by every talented artist there is in the planet.

Anya was right this man is drop dead gorgeous... magazines and photos don't do this man justice. White washing his natural melanin colour, smoothening his face too much— when in fact they should know that even his imperfections look perfect.

That momentum was too long that it rather seemed to be. His eyes shot open in less than a second and balanced himself back onto the ground. He was flustered.