8 || sᴏʀʀʏ ||

Namjoon didn't think for a second before he landed a punch on Mingyu's stomach causing the younger to wince in pain as he slowly crumpled onto the ground, coughing at the harsh impact.

"That was for hurting Jungkook in the past. I should've done that a long time ago." Namjoon made sure to send him cold daggers, enough to make him feel uncomfortable. Hoseok and Yoongi stood on either side, doing nothing but giving the same look to Mingyu. The poor guy was still trying to regain his composure.

"Tell me what your deal with Jungkook?" Namjoon asked

"I— I don't have any deal with him. I genuinely like Jungkook. There's no hidden shit or something. That was in the past, okay. I've realised my mistakes and god, do I regret them everyday. Jungkook already forgave me before we started going out and I wanna ask for your forgiveness too. I know he means a lot to you guys so I'm really sorry..." Mingyu was chasing his breath with hissed because every time he had to speak he could feel the pain jolt through his abdomen. Namjoon hit him too hard.

The three were still looking at him unacceptably but they thought that the poor guy looked and sounded sincere. He was finally on his feet but his gaze remained on the ground. Too scared that if he looked again, another punch was going to land.

"Jungkook can be naive sometimes. We'll tell you when we'll forgive you. Just not today." Namjoon said sternly, turning around to get to his class before the second bell rings.

"Oh you're fucked up bad, man." Hoseok giggled at Mingyu who jumped in surprise that the chestnut haired man managed to creep behind him. He watched as the three of them walked further away with hands in their pockets. He was left there, thinking to himself how fucked indeed he was.

"I'm sorry— what?!" Y/N yelled in disbelief after hearing the news that Taehyung had to be in the shoot with her. "My email clearly stated that I would be the only one to be the cover for this issue! They never mentioned a bimbo headed troll to come with!" She whined, her manager desperately trying to hush her down.

Not long after the said man marched in with confidence before he abruptly stopped to look at Y/N from head to toe. "Gosh, you make red look so ugly" Taehyung sassed as his eyes twitched at the sight of his most despised human being— scratch that, "You look like a stone fish with a bloated stomach that can be mistaken for pregnancy."

Y/N was calming down her nerves, biting the insides of her cheek as she took a step closer to him. It was quite unexpected when she stomped on his feet really hard using the heels of her stilettos. Satisfied with the reaction she got from Taehyung who yelled loudly which caught everyone's attention on set.

"Y/N!" Tanya exclaimed pulling her back. "Can somebody get us some ice please!"

"Fuck you, Kim."

Taehyung was sitting in his dressing room putting ice on his feet, the part where Y/N purposely stepped on that was now turning purple. "What is she doing here?!" He asked his manager who was leaning onto the vanity desk with a worried expression "My email clearly stated that I would be the only one to be the cover for this issue! They never mentioned a crazy chupacabra to come with!" His breathing was getting deeper with every ounce of frustration he was getting each passing second.

He had yet to get his hair and make up done but he didn't want to go out there and work with Y/N whom he despises and certainly despises him as well. Doing one shoot with her was enough but doing another was beyond hell.

"Well... the netizens loved you guys together on that previous issue and both companies are determined to have you guys together again because It increased sales and more brands are willing to take both of you as ambassadors. It's all over social media, didn't you see?" His manager showed him his phone scrolling past articles, posts and retweets of them

Does this mean we would have to work together more often?!

"As much as I would love to accept all of these offers, can we please just get me another model to be paired with?! Like seriously, there are hundreds out there!"

"But they want Y/N. We can't do anything if the people have spoken."

Their little chat came to an end when his stylist barged in the room and did her work. It didn't take long till he had to face his nightmare again. For a whole hour the two were posing for the camera giving menacing scowls to each other in between. But beyond the lenses, they're just two teenagers who frustrate everyone because they never get along, even for the sake of professionalism when they're working together.

"Can you not step on my dress? Jesus Christ, get off!" Y/N snarled. Tugging the red silk that was currently under Taehyung's polished shoes. Her efforts of trying to retrieve back her clothing was useless when Taehyung didn't acknowledge her complaint, but instead added his other foot. Y/N, obviously did not like this at all and it ended up as a game of tug of war. The staff especially the stylist were close to biting their nails in anxiety at the thought of the dress ripping apart. Even the photographer stood there with a horrified face. Everyone just stood there watching their feud

"I said get off!"

"Why don't you get off?"


At that moment, hell went down.

Like how it would usually turn out, Y/N jumped onto Teahyung, tackling him onto the ground, sparing no mercy. The poor guy was wailing for help. Trying to protect his face from Y/N sharp nails from scratching it. Everyone on set immediately pulled them away from each other. Y/N didn't seem to stop even with three people holding her back.

Both of them were panting, when Jimin came to see what commotion was going on. He first checked on Y/N who didn't utter a single word when he asked if she was okay, but instead, glared at the man who was being  held five meters away from her.

"Uhm, guys can we take five, please?" Jimin announced as he went by his best friend's side to pull him away from the scene while patting his back to calm down.

"For goodness sake, Y/N! What did I tell you about being professional? Their company could sue you! And it'll put a horrible label on ours!" Tanya began "Were you not thinking at all? Do you have no shame with all these people watching you?" she walked back and forth, palm on her forehead as if a headache was starting.

"But he did it first—"

"You still should've not done that! Tackling an international model that helped you boost your career and popularity? My god, Y/N! Now I have to beg to everyone who witnessed not to sell this to the media! Do you know what'll happen to you if this goes out?! How much of a scandal this could be?!" Y/N stood their, silent as she listened to every word that came out of Tanya's mouth. She was right. "I want you, when we go back on set, to apologise to Kim Taehyung. Make sure everyone sees and hears you. Be sincere." Tanya walked off leaving Y/N contemplating to herself if she should up hold her pride or salvage her reputation.

The five minutes were over in a flash and and both models were done with retouching their make up and outfits unwrinkled. The photographer stood there still feeling anxious seeing as the two models went close to each other, afraid that they might tackle one another once again.

"Sorry" they both said simultaneously. Surprising themselves and everyone on set who all let out a sigh of relief. And from there on the shooting went out smoothly.

"That was embarrassing" Y/N chuckled as she strapped the seatbelt across her body once she sat on the passenger seat of Jimin's car. The man beside her just gave her a weak smile as the car engine roared and his hands wrapping around the gearstick to shift it to drive.

"Well it isn't something new that happens between you guys" he replied "By the way, I've never heard about you two working together..." Jimin trailed off glancing at Y/N who was checking her face on the rear view mirror.

"Oh, really? Our first shoot together blew up and It's all over Twitter and Naver though." Y/N plainly answered "All of the others have mentioned it to us last week and even teased us. Were you not there?" It was Y/N's turn to glance at Jimin, going back to lean on the seat.

"Actually no. That's a little bit odd but I'll look it up once I get home" Jimin gave her a grin and she returned the gesture.

"I just don't like talking about it, you know..."

"Of course. That fine Y/N" he chuckled glancing once more at Y/N who was looking at him fondly.

She found his laugh beautiful. It was a beautiful melody to her ears. And the way his nose crinkles and his eyes disappearing and the subtle sway of his hair. She looked at him as if he was the most precious being she has ever encountered. Jimin noticed this and felt the burning feeling on his cheeks rise.


"You just look very pretty"

The car screeched to a stop, thankfully to the side of the road, catching Y/N off guard because her compliment took Jimin off guard! 

"Jimin what the hell?!"

"Don't say stuff like that! You don't know what it does to me!"

"We're on the road, Jimin! Wait— what does it do to you?" Y/N wiggled her brows and inched closer to him.

"Uh, you know... stu-stuff" he backed up until he was completed pressed onto the car door, his face completely pressed onto the window and his eyes shut tightly. He could feel her really close to him. All of a sudden he felt something warm pressed on his cheeks for a quick second. This left Jimin melting on his seat as his posture relaxed and stared at Y/N who gave him a toothy grin.

"What was that for?" He giggled at her actions and shook his head to stop himself from floating on cloud nine then started the car once again.

Soon enough, they've arrived at the street where every top brand shop is located. They hung out together like how friends normally would. Going from shop to shop. Trying on different clothes, testing out perfumes, picking some jewellery and entertaining conversations. As the evening fell, Jimin suggested to go and eat dinner together and so here they are. Sitting across of each other in the open at a five star cuisine restaurant, waiting for their food to arrive. The weather wasn't too cold nor too hot and with light wind blowing past their faces, all the warm lights that brightened the place even more, soft music playing in the background, and with other people who're eating and talking, it gave them a nice feeling to eat their dinner at this place.

Y/N looked around the astonishing view of the night before settling her gaze at Jimin "This feels like a date" she chuckled

"A-a date?" Jimin's eyes widen.

"What's up with you lately? Just weeks ago you were persistently flirting with me but now that I've acknowledged it, you keep stumbling over your words" she finally confronted him. He was taken a back. Feeling hesitant and confused with what answer he should give her.

"I honestly don't know... Maybe because I didn't expect for you to reciprocate those actions? And I know how you are, Y/N."

"Know how I am? What do you mean?"

"How do I put this...I know how you are when it comes to relationships. You would think I would just flirt with you for fun or just to get into your pants and that goes the same for you. You flirt just to hook up. But that isn't what I want. Those aren't my intentions"

"Are you saying you want a..." Y/N didn't finish off her sentence, knowing what Jimin was coming to.

"A relationship? Yes and no." Jimin was serious out of the blue and this slightly scared Y/N she has never seen this side of him. Although she was quite confused with his answer.


"I like you, Y/N. Not as a friend anymore. I think you've already figured that out but I'm here to officially confirm that now. But also no because I respect that you're a lesbian and that you'll never see me in that light" Jimin sighed. Not breaking eye contact for one bit. It was like he was staring into her soul to find out what Y/N was thinking.

But, Y/N sat there speechless. Not knowing what to say and not even knowing what to think. She bit her lip, her brows creasing as her eyes looked down to avoid his. She didn't know that he would be saying this to her too soon. I mean, she knew that Jimin had some type of feelings for her and so did she for him. But to dive into something more than those mutual feelings would be something she should be wary of. With Jimin's answer, she couldn't really decide and use her sexuality as an escape from her unwanted desire for a relationship even though she'd always think about the day he would finally ask her out.

That was another thing. She was getting confused. She was getting confused with her sexuality. Sexual identity can change throughout an individual's life and that's what's getting to Y/N right now and with that joke she said about being straight for only these six boys who she now consider as her friends, would she actually be up to live by that statement? But also, she doesn't want to lose her freedom just yet. It feels good to be single with no one holding you back, no one you should say sorry to whenever you forget to text them good morning messages, no one to ask permission from, literally no one who has to know your every move. Being in a relationship limits your fun. She really doesn't want to hurt him and she would love to be with Jimin especially with all the scenarios that she had been making up. But...

"I'm sorry"