9 || ᴅʀᴏᴡɴɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ||

With a blink of an eye, it was already the day before prom. Everyone was squealing, rambling, giggling in delight as the day went through. Some have dates that would accompany them and some didn't, choosing only to go for the food and to have a blast with their friends.

People were currently lining up for the last minute ticket buying with the hallways almost painted with the posters for prom with the theme 'Moonlight'. It was perfect. The student council purposely chose tomorrow's Friday because it lands on a full moon at its highest peak and the event would take place in their schools huge football field, under the natural light of the night.

Luckily Y/N found a date at the last minute. Asking Daeyoung out of the blue which completely surprised the girl but nevertheless said yes. Y/N has rejected so many proposals because she only wanted one person to go with and we all no who it is. Sadly, things seemed to falter. She just hoped that their friendship wouldn't. Indeed, it is quite confusing. Y/N still likes him but her denial is strong. For the sake of her wild and free lifestyle, she refused Jimin but a part was also given to her puzzling thoughts about her sexuality. It wasn't that easy to let go and she knew once she opens up about it, it'll be the talk of the town and men would start tolling in, queuing for her hand.

"I'm sorry... but I also feel the same way" Y/N mumbled inaudibly underneath her breath.

"Huh? Pardon?"

"I said I feel the same way"

"Then does that mean you're accepting--"

"No. Let me finish, Jimin" Y/N cuts off making his eyebrows knot together as he slowly leaned back to his chair with growing disappointment. He locked his gaze with hers when she looked up to search in his eyes. Biting her lip in hesitation then taking a deep breath before she opened her mouth to speak. "I feel the same way, although, I want to be honest with you. Tell you how I really feel. Tell you what runs in my mind whenever I think of you... First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you have to go through your self contemplation just because of my preferences to whom I'm attracted to. But Jimin, I do like you too. More than a friend. It surprised me too. Yes, maybe I'm finally trying to open up to liking guys again, but it's kind of hard for me. Especially because I've always loved women. I've always loved being physically and emotionally intimate with them and slowly sharing the idea of

intimacy with men would be a weird step for me. All of it would be new to me again. To others, it may be easy for them to just decide who they choose to be but for me, I find it difficult" she paused, Jimin's face deliberately showing sympathy but he didn't give any remarks, instead he kept quiet indicating Y/N to go on.

"Second, I like who I am right now. Someone who does anything she likes to do. Specifically me being with whoever I wanna be. See, I don't want to hurt you when I'm still going through this 'wild teenage' phase. I'm not yet ready to settle down and commit myself to a relationship. Although it hurts for me to say this but truthfully, I'm rejecting you for the sake of my freedom when I'm not tied down... I like you, I really do. Though, when I realized I do, I got scared. Scared because I shouldn't be feeling this way. I didn't want to like you once again because shit, I love the feeling of liking you. You swoon me every god damn time and maybe because of the attachment I have for you as my childhood best friend. I worried that this day would come. I hoped that it wouldn't so that I wouldn't have to say all of this to you and just keep our open friendship. I'm really, truly sorry, Jimin" at last, she sighed, waiting for the man in front of her to give any sort of reaction but he remained quiet as if drowning from the sudden wave of explanation that came his way.

Agonizingly, he felt his heart clench and crush into bits. He knew Y/N wouldn't accept him but he couldn't help and taste the bitterness this rejection has brought. Jolting from the unanticipated touch on his hand, he glanced to and fro before mustering up the courage and saying "I know"

Two simple words. It took two simple words for Y/N's lips to quiver, only for a tear to slip right after.

Jimin quickly stood up from his seat and bending down in front of her to wipe her tears away. He chuckled but it was strained with pain.

Dragging his seat closer, so that he was now sitting beside her. Not minding the stares from neighboring tables, he pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, why don't we get ice cream instead? Will that make you feel better?" Jimin hummed as Y/N dug her face into the crook of his neck as tears kept slipping down, uncontrollably. She meekly nodded her head. Jimin asking for the bill of their ordered appetizer left untouched. Then guiding Y/N to his car as he drove to the nearest convenience store to buy two whole tubs of chocolate flavored ice cream.

"You know you should be the one crying. I just rejected you" Y/N said, a bit scruffy due to her clogged nose. Digging into the tub with a spoon as they sat inside the car, parked just beside an empty playground ten blocks away from their houses.

Jimin chuckled as he did the same. The chocolate ice cream lingering a taste of bitterness when she said that. "Well, I... I am crying inside. Plus if you see my cry, you might laugh at me" he weakly smiled. Y/N turned to look at him "No. of course not." She huffed.

The car became silent. The tension in the atmosphere so clear and thick that who knows if a knife would be able to cut it.

As Jimin's gaze met hers, he found himself flickering from her swollen lips caused by the ice cream and her crying to her twinkling orbs that the stars made brighter. No. He shook his head before his actions could take the better of him--

"Can I kiss you?" With that asked, his neck never turned back so fast in his life that he thought he broke it. "Sorry, that was probably a bad thing to say and--"

"Yes" he answered mindlessly, shutting Y/N before she could make further more excuses. Placing the tub in the centre compartment, he leaned forward, gently cupping Y/N's cheek, bringing her closer.

Who knew their lips would taste so sweet together. The bitterness leaving for a second. The kiss was slow and soft as if savoring the one time moment. Jimin couldn't help but cry a little. It hurt that he needed this.

Once the kiss broke, he rested his forehead onto hers and placing one last peck onto her lips "Come on, let's take you home"

And that's what happened the last time they spoke. The next few days between them remained unspoken. The only time they'd have to interact with each other was during history lessons. Both them tried to avoid each other's attention.

The flashback was interrupted when Y/N spotted Jimin in the hallway corner with Hoseok. They seemed to be laughing at something. Unfortunately, Jimin caught her stare, making her heart flip and her stomach drop. Striding faster to the exit which lead her to the humongous field. Being part of the student council, she had to check up on the details with how the preparations are going. Taking in the sight, she was very pleased with how smoothly everything's running. Spotting the president, she jogged all her way into the middle as he stood there beside a foldable table with decorations scattered on top of it.

"Hey Joon, how's it going?" She asked, a little breathless

"Everything seems to be fine. All we need is to set up the stage for the dj and just finishing off the last set of tables and chairs." He replied, focused on the clipboard that was clutched into his left hand

"Great, I can help with that!" wasting no time, she bolted her way to the folded set of furnitures and began to set them. This could possibly be a way to get her mind off Jimin.

Later that day when school came to an end. She joined Haera and Anya to go prep themselves at a salon. Of course being her best friends, she had to spill the tea with all that's been happening.

"So that's what happened last week..." Y/N sighed. The three of them sat down in a row in front of a vanity mirror with hair steamers above their wrapped heads.

"Oh dear, I can't imagine how Jimin's keeping his cool after that." Haera frowns.

"I know right! Y/N, I feel bad for him!" Anya huffs as she crosses her arms over her chest "But I do understand your side, babe. It can be hard."

"And we'll be here for you, hun. No matter what, okay?" Haera reached out and placed her palm on top of Y/N's hand "And I'm sure Jimin will be fine, and so will you. Just like what they say; there's plenty of fish in the sea. Heck, tons of varieties too!" She added

"I don't know what I'll do without you guys!" Y/N giggled as her two friends cooed at her. Unfortunately Y/N got back to thinking by herself, the noise of the many blow dryers, snipping and running water blocking her sense of hearing.

She was once again in her own world as if her mother was blocking her ears from the cruel reality, but what if it wasn't the world she was currently living in that brought her torment, instead the world she had created for herself. Where she felt lonely, trying to hide from her problems but didn't know she was carrying them behind her back all the time whilst she was running away. All this worrying just for some boy.

Although Jimin wasn't just some boy. People would say that he's only her childhood friend, so, get over with it. Though they never knew how it felt because it wasn't their story. They didn't start the "once upon a time". They didn't read every word on every chapter. Y/N and Jimin have bond that only they can understand. So nobody really knows how they felt after this. Y/N was selfish to choose herself but was their even a need to be selfless? Did she want to be selfless? To be with Jimin and have the possibility of having the best relationship ever. Nevertheless, she knew she'd grow out of it because that's how she is. I get attracted to them, play with them for a little while, they get clingy, then I leave.

Call it a red flag but that's how she's living her teenage life. Men who are players do this and they don't get discriminated. Then why should they to her? Surely, she'll grow out of this phase, right?

The other six men have also noticed this change of atmosphere between the two like there were metallic chains wrapped around their ankles whenever one sees the other. Gladly letting the pull lead them away. No one questioned it though. It wasn't their business and if the two weren't willing and comfortable to share it with them, they respect that.

Hoseok, being the mood maker that he is, always tries to find a way to etch smiles on everyone's faces whenever he can feel the awkward tension. She should probably bring back the comfortable friendship they once had and not let some dumb rejection get in the way because it's causing discomfort to the group as well.

Shaking away the imaginary bubble that clouded her head, she resumed back to the real world, looking around her, everything just the way it was. Except the fact her usual chestnut brown hair, has now turned completely jet black. Ruffling the curls a little, she looked at herself in the mirror, taking in her new appearance. This hair colour suits her better.

Going back to her house, the car was silent. Going up the stairs, the house was silent. Going to her bedroom, the hallways were silent. She felt dead inside. She had nothing to do with her spare time, so she took out her dress for tomorrow, bringing it to the mirror and looking at herself, checking if it looks gorgeous on her. At least I have a date tomorrow. She sighed hanging it back up inside her closet. Plopping down to her soft mattress, she couldn't help but drown herself in the relaxing feeling it brought to her aching body. Another sigh escaped her lips. Lately, she notices that she'd been doing this a lot, as if every sigh she let out, a weight is lifted from her shoulders.

Aimlessly grabbing her phone from the side table, she saw a new email sent to her. It was the latest shoot her and Taehyung did, saying that it was out now. Below it, were the released and unreleased photos. She had to admit, despite their undying loathe for each other, they do pair up nicely. No wonder the netizens love it. Some even declaring that they'd be Korea's next it couple. She even gained more followers on every social media platform after their first issue. Taehyung benefited her a lot.

However, one particular picture caught her attention.

Standing up, her right knee on top of Taehyung's thigh as he sat down on a white box. The slit of her red dress exposing her skin even further. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest. This made her mind wander to the scent Taehyung had that day. It was dizzyingly satisfying like a fresh apple during a winter day, pinecones buried halfway into the snow, alluring, clean and sexy. Her hand was softly on top of his shoulder while the other around his head that leaned on her flat stomach. The way the looked at the camera reminded Y/N of a partners in crime tale. Mockingly grieving at the murders they've committed. They looked so unapologetic that it made it so sexy. Their red clothes connoting the blood that splattered all over the white silk.

Turns out that this photo is the cover. She scrolled down to the comment section of the article.

Trina865 :

My new favourite mafia couple 😩

Tae's_b!tch :

God, I wish I was Y/N!!

V.vangough :

I'd gladly let them step on me

Sipsometea :

I badly want them as my parents even though I'm older lmfao

bigtiddies.simp :


Grey'sanatomygeek :

Did they put some crack into this photo? It's addicting! Sheesh

Princess_wh0r3 :

What're y'all taking about? She doesn't look half that decent 🙄

Gluckgluck3000 replying to Princess_wh0r3 : You're username clearly doesn't make you close to decent 🙄

Princess_wh0r3 replying to Gluckgluck3000: So does yours

Elena&conner replying to Princess_wh0r3 : fuck off, you're just jealous smh delulu bitch

Seol_binhanbin :


Damsodam :

Yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning


To all u salty people in this comment section, read my username 🌈✨

Crowtititit :

Can they star in a drama soon 🤭🤭

Singsongbird :

Do her hands literally have to be all over Taehyung? 😒

Piedpip3rb@b3 :

New art inspiration!!!

Goodguy18 :

Nooo Y/N, babyyyy 😭😢

Y/N was having too much fun reading the comments that she lost track of time and saw that it was already almost one in the morning. She still had to go to school early tomorrow to finish and finalise the preparations. Lucky for those who aren't in the student council, they'd only be arriving around five in the evening

Anyhow, rather than getting a shut eye, she stared up the blank ceiling. Another guy creeping it's way into her thoughts. That silver haired gay.

What does she actually think of Taehyung? How did they start disliking each other you ask?

Well it all started the first year of high school. P. E. class. Typical. They were playing dodgeball when Y/N got hit by a ball right in the face so hard that she stumbled backwards, falling on her bum. Being the kids that they are everyone in class laughed at her, especially Taehyung who was the reason of her embarrassment. He was laughing to death. I sure do hope he actually dies. Y/N thought.

No one helped her get up because her friends weren't in that class. Shockingly, she saw a hand in front of her, but what shocked her more was that it was Taehyung's. She was happy to know that he wasn't such a jerk after all.

Just about to stand up as she wrapped her hand around his, only to land back down again with more pain than before. The class roared in laughter at her misery. Such a jerk! Standing up by herself she ran away, crying all the way to the infirmary. Of course, Y/N got her revenge during a basketball match when she purposely passed the ball to Taehyung's face instead of his chest.

And from then on, these "revenges" became a never ending fighting saga between the two. It was childish yes. But even more now that they're grown ups. Well, Taehyung is still a jerk but she thinks she can be a bit too aggressive sometimes, leaving him to deal with the scratch marks she leaves.

Speak of the devil, Y/N's phone popped up a notification saying that Taehyung had just tagged her in a post. Opening instagram she saw him promoting their latest magazine issue. Gaining thousands of likes after a minute. Knowing that she had to do the same thing, she saved three photos and posted it as well. And boom, not a second after, notifications came flooding in that she had to turn them off.

It's so unfair that the universe had to put them together on the same line of work. How was she supposed to live a peaceful life when someone like him disrupts it every god damn time. Even now that she's literally thinking about him right now. Mortified, she shook her head like a tree in a storm.

Did she just compare Taehyung with a storm? There is doubt that he is one. He's rude, everywhere, disruptive, unfair, enjoys taking the daylight out of her, but people want him, all except for her. Maybe Taehyung's like the first storm in the longest of droughts. Giving the farmers the chance to regrow their crops and Y/N's like a solar power generator owner. Knowing she'll be out of modern technology in the mean time.

Although, she couldn't deny one thing, Taehyung is indeed an attractive fellow. He isn't a model for nothing. She ever wonders if the both of them will come to amends. Who knows how everything will turn out