Shadow Hunter

The sound of the alarm clock alarm sounds at the point of 5:50 a.m. The cool morning breeze enters the room, bringing with it the scent of wet grass from the mansion's garden. Yukino tries to get up but is imprisoned by an affectionate Kaoru who refuses to get out of bed.

The summer break has ended up giving way to the last school year, just three more months before the start of the pre-studies to enter Hokkaido University and six months that for Yukino's perspective, they were longer than he would like them to be.

Contemplating the last cigarette in her pack, she came to her mind the memories that she formed in the last days of summer with Kaoru, especially that night on the Sumida River. When she admired the fireworks in the night sky while shaking hands.

With a knowing smile, she stroked Kaoru's hair trying to ruffle it while she took a puff on her cigarette, annoying her to the point of throwing a pillow against her head. Causing Yukino to go on top of her in a rough romp causing both of them to fall to the floor of the room.

The routine hadn't changed much since they came to live at the mansion, breakfast in the kitchen was still miso soup with white rice and grilled fish. But the words spoken that afternoon under the cherry tree made a simple meal seem like a luxurious feast as their gazes met. Being careful not to raise any suspicions with the housekeeper, who apparently showed great dissatisfaction with the presence of both.

In order to avoid meeting Akane or her entourage as much as possible, Yukino tried to avoid the stairs that led to the third floor; concentrating on protecting Kaoru, with the help of a more approachable Hanabi.

Thus the days passed with an apparent normality in the midst of a tense calm, until the agreed day for the student council meeting arrived. During the meeting Akane did not take her eyes off Yukino, wondering to herself if this change in appearance was due to a new look or a phase of rebellion against the Yamaguchi house.

Trying to keep his tension at bay, he fiddles with a pen between his fingers as he presides over the note taking to fine-tune the final preparations for the school trip. For her the night she was so coldly rejected by Yukino, it was something that she still did not overlook despite the humiliation he subjected her to in her bathrooms. Her heart felt unsatisfied and that feeling became more overwhelming as she watched as she smiled at Kaoru.

"I want to rip that smile off your face and drive you to despair" - It was the thought that wavered in the mind of Akane, who in an outburst of her temper whipped the palm of her hand, attracting the attention of all present.

The atmosphere in the student council room became heavy and uncomfortable until the meeting ended. Yukino, reading the situation between the lines, discreetly took Kaoru's hand and hurried to get out of it.

The remaining hours of class passed without incident, it seemed that everything had calmed down after that awkward moment in the meeting. As agreed, the Yamaguchi family provided their mansion in Nagoya to house the third grade students. On the condition that a trusted member of the clan be allowed to be present to ensure order within the property grounds.

"Yukino, I must go with Hanabi to collect a report for our mission. Please go ahead a bit" - Despite being a school trip, Freyja considered that it was necessary for Yukino's powers to be put to the test in a field exercise . Hanabi still felt insecure about it from the traumatic experience she received from her during her last encounter, so she proceeded to do things cautiously for Yukino's well-being, gathering all the necessary information to avoid over-demanding of him.

Taking things from her, Yukino headed for the front door of the school. She being intercepted by Akane and her friends, who pushed her into a gap under the stairs.

"It seems that you have become a shameless whore Yukino, with that aspect and holding the hand of your little pet. It is as if you were another person, I honestly do not know you anymore. Where was that demure and shy young woman, eh?" - In a violent way, Akane pulled Yukino's hair forcing her to lift her face hitting her in the stomach, while the rest of her held her arms and legs.

Despite being a Loa, his body was still that of an ordinary human being. Without physical training, she could barely put up any resistance to her assailants. And even if the channel was close to her, she couldn't make use of her spirit energy without Freyja's permission.

That situation became more uncomfortable and dangerous, when from among her clothes Akane took out a retractable knife with a thin gold handle and a pearly handle. In a subtle way, she began to run the tip of the razor pinkish Yukino's skin. Passing it first by the neck of her until arriving at the breasts of her.

"I think we should adapt your clothes a bit to your new personality, what do you think?" - Saying this in a defiant way, she cut one of the buttons on her blouse exposing part of her chest. That ignited Akane's pent-up lust, who, unable to control his impulses, lowered the razor at her thigh, making a slight cut that let a thin trickle of blood flow.

"What the hell is happening here!?" - Hanabi appeared behind them accompanied by Kaoru, who was watching with fear the situation in which Yukino was. Angered, the director firmly grasped Akane's wrist causing her to drop the knife.

"Bringing a gun to this school is reason enough to expel you, no matter who it is" - Hearing these words, Akane smiled as she pointed the handle of the knife to Hanabi. On it, the symbol of the Yamaguchi clan was engraved. Claiming that it had been Yukino who had attacked him and her friends acted by stopping her.

Hanabi immediately rebuked him, pointing out that there was not a single wound on her, but instead Yukino had injured her right thigh. The discussion became heated for a few minutes, being suddenly interrupted by a man with a serene countenance and a fake smile. Akane's father this time had personally gone for her daughter to accompany him to a meal with his promoters; But he had gotten tired of waiting in the car and went looking for her daughter. When he saw that situation, he thought of intervening to calm her spirits by approaching Principal Hanabi and then removing her from her group and talking to her in private.

"Father, Yukino attacked me. You have to do something about it" - The sound of a slap echoed off the walls of the school hall. Akane fell to the floor with her face visibly marked and throbbing from that blow before the stunned gaze of her friends.

"The Yamaguchi family has always been very close to us Akane, I think you should know perfectly what your position is if you make me choose between you and Miss Yukino" - Those words echoed in Akane's ears, who was covering her cheekbone He stood up while shedding tears of rage as he watched Yukino.

Reverently apologizing, father and daughter left the place leaving behind Akane's friends, who left the place pushing Kaoru and Yukino while muttering that it would not stay that way.

"You can pretend to be weak by being strong, but you can never pretend to be strong by being weak" - Hanabi reprimanded Yukino while hugging her shoulder. She reminding him with that phrase that she should train her body in order to be able to measure up to her spiritual strength.

Yukino nodded and took Kaoru's hand as they walked towards the entrance where Taeki was already waiting for them with the limousine. Who was alarmed to see her wound on the thigh of the young mistress of hers, but was immediately calmed by her in order not to make a show about it.

At night, Yukino was in her room reading a book while having a cup of coffee while tasting a candy with too much energy. As she ran out of cigarettes, she began to experience the first symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Struggling with the desire for a puff, she began to eat sweets as she did not yet have a vending machine taspo because she was less than 20 years old.

"You are very anxious right?" - Kaoru approached Yukino's back, hugging her tenderly around her neck getting a kiss on the cheek in response. The clock read 11 p.m. and the fatigue was already felt in the eyelids of both young women, who took turns entering the room's shower and shortly after lying in bed.

Struggling to contain their desires, they spent the night barely hugging each other a bit in order to keep the facade within the domain of the mansion. The hours seemed eternal as they thought about the group trip and how they could manage to escape the gaze of both teachers and classmates.

Morning came and with it the ravages of a bad night's sleep, Yukino's headache was unbearable to the point of not tolerating even the slightest noise. In three hours they were due to be present on the Tokaido Shinkansen line and their luggage was not yet ready.

Buying time from time, the two young women fixed themselves as quickly as they could while Kaoru struggled with the suitcases to put her clothes grumbling because they came off as soon as she tried to close the zipper.

"I'm going to go ahead and take the suitcases to the car!" - Kaoruo warned Yukino, who was touching her head with both hands while she begged him not to speak so loudly. When she was about to pick up her cell phone and her wallet, I heard a few steps from her approaching her. Thinking it was Kaoru, she asked him in a loving way if she had forgotten something in her room.

"I think I have forgotten how your soft skin smelled Yukino" - The sound of that voice of hers made him paralyze completely, feeling her throat go dry from the fear that was growing inside her. Her body had already experienced that sensation in the presence of a particular man in the mansion: Hiroki.

Hiro's father placed his hands at the level of Yukino's belly while he brought her body closer to hers, starting to kiss her neck, running up to her ear to blow into her ear. The young woman's legs began to tremble, while Adam's soul felt revulsion at that situation.

Suddenly Hiroki began to move his hands looking for the chest and crotch of Yukino, who trying to remove his hands from her, was thrown violently on the bed face down.

"You know, since I brought you to this house, your eyes reminded me a lot of your mother's. I honestly came to hate that expression of innocence of yours, but now that you've grown up your face makes me remember Shizu a lot. And honestly you turn me on a lot What if you are good to your uncle who has taken care of you for so long "- Crying with rage, Adam could not make Yukino's body react. It seemed as if her body was plunged into a deep terror making it impossible for her to act before this miserable subject.

In that struggle, Hiroki held both of his hands against the bed as he tried to unzip his pants. It was then that Adam saw on his right hand the ring that Yukino's father was wearing, the same ring that he saw as he threw Yoshino that afternoon where he took away his dignity and life.

"Will you also give me a gun with a bullet in the bedroom, like you gave it to my mother at that hotel, Ojisan?" - As a last resort, Adam appealed to the psychological game against Hiroki. Who knew perfectly that only he and Yoshino could know about that event that occurred several years ago in the hotel room.

"Who told you that!? Who damn slut? Answer me" - Seeing himself completely exposed, Hiroki became more violent and more violent, while he yelled in an outrageous way punching Yukino's face. That scandal made Kaoru run towards the room, trying to take Yukino to the car.

"Taeki, please start the car" - Completely sore, Yukino leaned back on the passenger seat while Kaoru cried stroking his head while she rested on her lap trying to mitigate the pain she felt on her face. she. Seeing that heartbreaking image through the rearview mirror, Taeki was squeezing the steering wheel, cursing Hiroki from the bottom of her heart.

"Young mistress, I have seen how the previous ladies of this family have suffered so many humiliations. And I have only kept silent because of the desire of mistress Shizu, but seeing her face I cannot help thinking of her and I do not want to allow that accursed man to destroy him. life as it did with my lady "- Stopping the car, Taeki turns around and extends his hand to Kaoru. In it he held a magnetic key with the number 402 inscribed on it. That card was the key to a safe house that belonged to Mistress Shizu.

That place was once the refuge of love for Taeki and his unattainable mistress, the escape between the shadows of a dark family that forced them to let their love die in oblivion. Yukino understood how the heart of the middle-aged man in the pilot's seat felt. And for this reason, he tried not to ask for unnecessary explanations regarding the nature of that place.

"After your school trip, don't go back to the mansion I beg you. Stay there with your girlfriend while I make the necessary arrangements to cover her with the help of your good friend" - Taeki's words surprised Yukino, not only because of the fact that he knew about her relationship with Kaoru even though they tried to be as discreet as possible. But for the business card he held in her hands, the same card that Hanabi usually carries in her purse.

Smiling but complaining of pain, Yukino thanked Taeki for so much kindness. She feeling guilty for playing with the emotions of that good man, because she knew very well that all that affection was only directed to an empty container.

Already at the bullet train terminal, Yukino went to the station bathroom looking to clean her face and trying to cover the blow marks with makeup. Kaoru gave him a pair of sunglasses that she had gotten from the souvenir shop to hide the bruises on his eyes, which, looking directly in the mirror, revealed blood stains surrounding her iris.

"This is the image of a pathetic guardian" - Tears flowed uncontrollably, lowering his face to stop seeing that pitiful picture while he held onto the sink. Kaoru hugged him from behind trying to give him words of encouragement, trying to hold with her feelings the pieces of Adam's soul, who was powerless without the spiritual power that was unattainable in important moments.

The last call to board the bullet train ended that moment, trying to stay together for as long as possible the 3 hours that the trip to Nagoya lasted. Feeling a bit dizzy from the sensation of movement in the landscape, Yukino took a short nap to control her nerves.

"When we return home I will take Yukino away from that hell" - Kaoru thought to herself as she contemplated the face of the person she loved, with that changing background until she passed through the tea growing fields near Kakegawa. She never thought of falling in love with her, it had never crossed her mind since she was an astral entity. Perhaps by having a human body and experiencing the changes implicit in it, it was how she could come to feel that. But she was grateful in the depths of her heart for the opportunity to experience that wonderful feeling that finally gave meaning to her existence.

After 3 hours of travel, the group arrived in Nagoya, that city that embraced the modern and cosmopolitan without abandoning the rich cultural tradition. Yukino contemplated that place for the first time, feeling a hint of nostalgia as she evoked the memories that she obtained from the flow of life through Yoshino's memories. Despite lacking emotional ties to the memories that fluctuated in his mind, he felt an enveloping peace and joy as he contemplated Kaoru's fresh demeanor. Who marveled at the environment did not stop coming out of her astonishment, like the innocence of an infant who discovers a new world in front of her eyes every day.

Because of this, Yukino felt the desire to take his hand and run away from everyone. But her common sense stopped her as she watched Akane keep her eyes on them since they got off the train.

A tourist truck rented by the school came to pick up the three groups of students, heading directly to the Yamaguchi family's summer home. Although when they reached the grounds of the house, they could appreciate that it was only a mere euphemism before the reality represented by that huge construction that reflected the exquisite architecture of the Edo period.

Once installed in their rooms, the teachers gathered the students in the hall of the mansion to communicate the itineraries and visiting points during the four days of the school trip. Despite being a theoretically pleasant trip, for Yukino and Kaoru the first day of their excursion marked the beginning of the mission assigned by Freyja.

Yukino's group had as the first point of their itinerary the Toganji Temple, an imposing Buddhist shrine that in the vast vegetation and trees houses an imposing copper Buddha, which with the passage of time has acquired a green tone that makes it confused with the rest of the vegetation.

Trying to separate themselves from the rest of the group, they made their way through the trees until they felt that they were far enough away from the others. The report they had received from Hanabi mentioned a series of strange disappearances of tourists who attended the Osu Kannon temple on the 28th of each month, which coincided with the exhibitions of the relics that that Shingon temple houses.

According to some witnesses, people who were admiring the exhibition of the oldest manuscript, suddenly disappeared without a trace among the attendees. Those cases were ignored due to superstition about that sacred place, considering that they were Yurei who wandered mingling with the people and all the disappeared had something in common: young men between 20 and 25 years old who went alone to the exhibition .

That day was September 26, there were two more days before the relics were put on display. They would have to wait patiently until the opportunity came to begin their investigation and verify that these phenomena were due to a vacuum.

Suddenly the sound of hairpins hitting a cane gradually approached them from behind. Turning to visualize who it was, a handsome young man with long silver hair and an azure blue tunic took off his worn straw hat and bowed his face to the young women.

"The heavens have been good to this servant, allowing him to see an Ashura with his own eyes before ascending to nirvana" - Those words left both Yukino and Kaoru surprised and suspicious. Those curious sought to ask his name, without having the slightest opportunity because he had disappeared into the air, leaving only that old straw hat behind.

Upon returning to the stairway path, a light layer of mist adorned the staircase as if it were a carpet. In the air a subtle scent of lavender was felt until a gust of wind dissipated that atmosphere. Right in front of them they were approached by a young maiden who wore the clothes typical of the office of a purifying priestess. What was even more strange to them, since in that temple it was a purely tourist destination without any religious group ministering to it.

That maiden just stared at Yukino without saying a single word, which began to cause a slight shiver in her as if she sensed that something bad was about to happen. The expressionless gaze of that girl was like contemplating a dark night without stars, bringing her to the point of feeling dizzy and falling to her knees on the stairs.

"Yukino, what's wrong with you?" - Her concern in Kaoru made him explode with anger as she rebuked the young maiden who just extended her hand pointing with her index finger at her straw hat.

"Is that all you want? Take it and leave us alone!" - The hat fell at the feet of that expressionless girl, who immediately picked it up from the ground to leave the place. Not without first giving Yukino a red amulet with gold embroidery, while Kaoru threw it at her face in a contemptuous way.

That priestess walked down the steps, while she completely dissolved with the landscape before Yukino's astonished gaze. What had those mysterious beings been? Why did only they have contact with them?

Nagoya seemed to be a place with a strange mysticism, colliding with both Kaoru's and Yukino's knowledge. Those who knew that ghosts, angels or demons were nothing more than the product of the imaginary collective of people. After pondering it calmly, they concluded that there was a possible connection between the missing reports and the recent sighting of the human-shaped creatures that had intercepted them.

When they finally reached the main entrance of the temple, they saw that the group had already left for the next location. Leaving them abandoned in that place without the slightest concern, which did not surprise the two young women in the least, who knew the true nature of the students who studied at the Hoshi Institute.

"We still have time before we go back to the mansion. Would you like to go to the aquarium?" - Looking at her in a smiling way, Yukino winked at Kaoru extending her hand to accept her invitation. Extremely enthusiastic, she agreed to walk him to the bus stop feeling a slight discomfort in her heels.

That afternoon was a wonderful memory for them, walking through the tunnel that simulated a marine environment, the various species of sharks and other beings captivated them to the point of getting lost in that immense sapphire blue jewel. And even enjoying the spectacle of the dolphin show in the front row, even knowing that they would end up wet from that frenzy.

"I wish this would last forever" –Yukino thought in the depths of his being that happiness he felt while buying some key rings in the souvenir shop. She didn't want to lose that feeling for the world.

A few months ago they were only distant beings from each other, related only by the obligation of duty imposed on them by Freyja.

But just like Kaoru, in her heart everything had changed. That smile, her look, everything about her was so comforting that she didn't want him to leave her side. Love or infatuation? That didn't really matter to Yukino, who she wanted to cling tooth and nail to that feeling she conceived of as love.

At the end of the dolphin show, they became hungry and looked for a takoyaki stand that they had seen at the entrance of the aquarium. The sensation of the crisp, fluffy overflow melted in their mouths making them gasp with satisfaction. That meal was for them a delight to their senses, even though it was a humble octopus dish.

Walking to the bus stop, Kaoru dropped to the ground due to the pain she felt in her heel. Looking at it, Yukino saw how he was all blistered and bleeding below average. Complaining to Kaoru why she had not told him that she was hurt, she who she replied with sad eyes that she did not want to spoil her moment with unnecessary complaints.

"Come on, get on" - Squatting in front of Kaoru, Yukino offered to carry her on her back all the way to the bus. Refusing at first, but accepting later that she insisted on him a few more times.

Yukino's graying hair was soft to her touch, making Kaoru feel as if she was resting her face in a sea of ​​fluffy clouds. The warmth of her back making contact with her chest and the feel of her heartbeat, made him grateful to fate for being with the person she loved.

Arriving at the mansion they went directly to her room, the fatigue of that day was enough to have taken away the desire to have dinner. They just wanted to get into the shower and go to sleep soundly.

Searching the drawers for her underwear, Kaoru saw that the magnetic key to the safe house was on the bureau. Thinking that Yukino had taken it out of her purse while she was looking for her phone, she did not care much about it and put it back without saying anything about it.

As the two days passed, the time to go investigate the temple exhibit had come. Arguing that they felt bad for having disliked their food the day before, they both stayed at the mansion waiting for everyone else to come out to their visiting points. Sneaking out so as not to be detected by the guardian assigned by the Yamaguchi family.

Upon reaching Osu Kannon Temple, a sinister aura made them feel bone-deep chill, followed by a foul odor of rotting meat. Intrigued by this event, they felt more impetus to carry out the investigation. Climbing the steps of the temple to the main door and from there they went directly to the library exhibition.

Unlike the Toganji temple, the attendance of visitors to that temple was more abundant in comparison. Being the days 18 and 28 the busiest due to the exhibition of the now famous national treasure. Feeling that they were separating from the crowd, Kaoru tried to hold onto Yukino's hand and just at that moment a very familiar voice exclaimed: "I'm glad you came to see me, beautiful Ashura. Would you like if we go to a more comfortable place and get to know each other?"

The darkness began to envelop Yukino in front of Kaoru's eyes, who screamed for help while people completely ignored her. Everything was dark, Kaoru's voice had stopped being heard and the silence began to become frustrating for Yukino.

This deprivation of her senses made her feel anxious and completely defenseless, unable to move freely in that environment. It was then that a light aroma of sea salt reached her nose causing her eyes to finally see where she was.

A kind of sphere under sea water, the surface of which she felt like a rough and taut medium like that of jellyfish skin. Around her, a countless repertoire of bodies floated as if suspended in midair.

The clothes of these men were of various styles, fashions, and eras. Just by seeing them Yukino came to the conclusion that they were the victims of disappearance that were reported. Suddenly the attention of her gaze was absorbed by a detail that stood out in all of them, a red object with golden sparkles was attached to her necks.

"This damned talisman" - Taking it out of her pocket and holding it firmly, she understood that this was the way that emptiness marked her victims. But such a well-crafted hunting plan couldn't be a vacuum, since these beings had no unintelligible consciousness or decision-making capacity other than those that guided their instincts.

"Yu-ri kago no uta or kana-ri ya ga utau yo, nenneko nenneko nenneko yo" - A young woman holding a baby suddenly appeared singing a lullaby right behind Yukino. She who felt terrified since when she looked at the floor she could see that that woman had no feet. Feeling her whole body cold from her and about to go numb, she tried to escape her by walking backwards but that sinister figure of her kept chasing her.

Regaining her composure, she thought of Kaoru who was nowhere to be seen in that gloomy chamber. Her making him stop abruptly as she adjusted the timer on her watch as she tried to unleash her power.

To her surprise, Apollion's armor appeared enveloping her physical body. Indicating that Kaoru was not far from her due to the distance restriction that her channel had.

"Kaoru where are you!" - Yukino yelled desperately without getting any response. Except for the ghoulish laugh of a man who was still hiding in the shadows. That sent Yukino's fury overflowing, releasing her lumenfang as she threw herself with all of her weight against that spectral female figure. Her striking it through causing her to dissolve like a mist of saline vapor that reacted to the energy of the lumenfang, releasing small arcs like electricity.

"Mmmmm, how interesting Ashura I have here. I honestly did not expect to meet someone of the same species. But to be honest I had already tired of eating simple human beings and a change in diet is not bad" - From the top of the dome a man with silver hair was observed hugging an unconscious woman around the waist.

"Kaoru wake up damn it!" - That man was the same man they had met in the forest of Toganji Temple. Unlike his first encounter, his cloudy aura ripped out the entire environment, decomposing the flesh of every living thing like Kaoru's.

Yukino felt that the world was collapsing, that subject had his beloved Kaoru in his power and little by little he was consuming his life. There was no time to lose, the timer had already passed five minutes of his transformation time limit.

Concentrating his energy, he released the wings of his armor and tried to project himself against that subject. Who with a movement of his hand manipulated the shadows of all the bodies of those men as if they were macabre puppets. Making them pounce on Yukino, who was cutting each one in half until she was imprisoned to the point of crushing her.

Feeling that she was being suffocated, she reached out her hand in order to climb over that sea of ​​body without consciousness. When she was finally able to reach the top of her, the figure of the temple priestess appeared in front of her extending her arm as if an angel descended from heaven to deliver him from the torment of hell.

When she was about to touch her hand with her fingers, that woman gave a sinister smile, revealing behind her a giant nether fish that with one bite broke part of Yukino's armor, causing lacerations on her skin to the point of leaving exposed part of his bones.

The pain was excruciating from the profuse blood loss that made Yukino dizzy, struggling to maintain consciousness in the heat of battle. Making the decision to create a poultice with what little energy he had left, he ran towards the membrane wall of that bedroom, realizing that ten minutes had already passed on the timer.

Suddenly his body froze to the point of not being able to move a muscle, when trying to look at the reason for that, he saw how his shadow was connected to the fingers of that miserable subject. Who forced her to get down on her knees barely holding her humanity with what little strength she had left.

"It's fun to see how you resist dying my dear Ashura, let yourself be carried away by nirvana and let this be your beautiful grave in the ocean" - A spark crossed Yukino's mind when hearing those words. The smell of saltpeter a few moments ago had been completely strange to her, but the revelation of her by her enemy was like an epiphany from on high.

"Hey stupid, I would like to know your name at least to curse you in the afterlife" - Yukino's defiant attitude seemed to please that sinister subject, who in an act of bragging confessed to him was Leviathan, the Shadowhunter.

"Well Shadowhunter, today you are going to learn a little fluid mechanics. Do you know what happens to a body that obstructs the passage of a fluid in a high pressure channel?" - Smiling, Yukino projected her lumenfang piercing the surface of the membrane that enveloped the camera. As he did this, the pressure of the water hit him squarely, fracturing her armor. The parts that were projected like splinters pierced the upper part of the membrane, weakening it completely, causing Leviatan to lose his composure and drop Kaoru.

Being caught by Yukino in her vertiginous race driven by the pressure of the water, she took advantage of the opening in the villain's defense to deliver a cut from the groin that went through the insides until splitting him in half.

Desperately trying to get her intestines inside her, Leviatan cursed Yukino as she made her way through the dome, leaving behind a dying Loa who sank into the depths as he was crushed by the pressure of the water.

A gleaming green racing car flashed in the middle of a night sky as it shot out of the ocean's surface. Following a parabolic trajectory until it hits the coast, knocking Kaoru and Yukino down in the sand.

The timer alarm sounded two minutes before the time limit for his transformation was met. Making Yukino crawl completely injured to Kaoru's body, who showed considerable progress in cellular decomposition, but still had vital signs.

Taking the small rabbit-shaped stuffed animal, Yukino pressed it against Kaoru's hand as she unleashed her spiritual power with all her strength, causing the corruption to give ground until it disappeared completely.

With barely 30 seconds remaining, Yukino's armor dematerialized due to the superhuman effort she made to resist the pressure of the ocean while she generated that force field. Leaving exposed the skin of her right arm that she left evident the marks of combat, no longer posing a risk to her life.

"Yukino, what happened?" - Still coughing up some salty water, Kaoru contemplated Yukino who made an effort not to laugh at her joy, since she felt that she hurt every cell of her body. Both remained lying on the beach until dawn bathed the horizon with its light revealing a beautiful view on that Nagoya beach.

As soon as they woke up, they took a free taxi that would take them directly to the mansion. Where they were strongly reprimanded by the teachers who, ignorant of what happened, only thought that they had gone out on a wild spree when they contemplated how their clothes were mistreated and dirty.

So, the last day of the school trip arrived. Having accomplished the mission and having free time for recreation, Kaoru asked Yukino to take her to a flea market that she had seen in the tour guide at the train station.

That last travel experience Yukino thought would be ideal to create a pleasant memory that would replace the battle to the death that they had experienced. Walking through the colorful flea stalls, Yukino watched as Kaoru happily amused herself looking at all kinds of things for sale. Thinking that fate had been kind to them by allowing them to return once more to an ordinary life.

"Miss, miss. Come here and I will read her fortune" - In an alley on one side of the main street, an old woman who made a living reading the luck to tourists insisted that she come closer to earn some money.

Yukino reached out her hand and the fortune teller began to examine her lines on it with a magnifying glass while exclaiming that she would be lucky in money and love. That made Yukino laugh a little, who thought that this was something the old woman had made up when she saw her clothes and how she got along with Kaoru.

"That laugh will soon turn to tears, for these lines do not correspond to you at all. You are an unnatural soul, an Ashura who only brings destruction to all those who have the misfortune to cross your path." - Yukino struggled with the old woman to let go of her hand, while she yelled outrageously that he was a demon, a being against nature that should not exist.

When she was finally able to free herself from her, the words of that old woman made him break into a sea of ​​tears as she covered her face running through the crowd. She being followed by Kaoru who did not give credit to that situation.

When she was short of breath, she went into a public bathroom closing the door while she continued crying sitting on a toilet.

"I know I'm a monster, but I didn't ask to be. Because this existence has to be like this" - Tears continued to flow from his eyes without stopping as he felt his insides convulse with those words that were repeated over and over again in your mind.

Kaoru leaned against the bathroom door, silently pleading that her lover, Adam, could regain her humanity. She was aware that Yukino was just an empty container, a reanimated corpse that had no life of its own. She did not love the mirage on the surface of the lake, but the wounded interior that lurked deep within it.

"If you accept the words of that senile old woman and you think you are a monster, what does she make of my Adam?" - That phrase penetrated the armor of flesh and blood that was lamenting in that bath, reaching the depth where the pieces of Adam's soul were hidden.

Who, regaining her composure, opened the door and hugged the woman he loved with all his strength, trying to smile once more for her.

The time to leave had finally arrived, all the students were at the train station waiting to board with their passes. A call came to Yukino's phone, who, moving a bit to answer, heard the voice of Hanabi who told her that she had communicated with Taeki and made the arrangements to cover her and Kaoru's backs.

That was good news for Yukino, who received it with great joy after the bitter awakening she suffered at the hands of the street fortune teller. She just hung up, went to Kaoru and whispered the following into her ear in Spanish: "Soon we will belong to each other in body and soul"

That phrase made Kaoru's face completely blush, causing some boys from the other groups to start teasing her with kissing sounds. To which Yukino ended up blushing as well, while she was looked down upon by Akane who turned her face away from him.

Only a few hours separated them from finally expressing their love without ties or fears, that was what the two young women thought as they entered to take their seats on the bullet train.