Sins of the Father

The rain falls relentlessly, the wind blows furiously; the cold of the indolent night, that climate was so terrible that even the man with a stone will would tremble as if it were sand that carries the current.

Its 3am. at the general hospital in Tokyo. Some residents try to get some sleep in the rest area, due to the strenuous guards. Nurses review medical records for when the shift change arrives. There is not a single soul in the waiting area, everything rests in a complete calm that contrasted with the weather.

That calm would soon be interrupted by a storm even greater than that manifested by Mother Nature. The sound of an ambulance alerted the doorman who took a sip from his coffee glass, which he suddenly dropped to the ground when his eyes gazed at the dramatic painting.

A mature woman with reddish hair did not stop shaking, the paramedics shouted wildly for the admission team to reach the door of the hospital. On the gurney, a silver-haired young woman with a disfigured face showed no sign of reacting to the efforts of the medical assistants to ventilate her airway.

Yes, that guard who was close to retirement age could not believe what his eyes saw. In all the years that he had been on duty he had never witnessed a woman with so many wounds on her body, the more terrified he felt when he realized that it was not the product of a traffic accident or other coincidence.

"Damn it, we need to admit this patient quickly" - One of the paramedics imprisoned by desperation was trying to attract the attention of the guard personnel who, when contemplating that painting, lost their drowsiness and came to their senses.

"Female patient of approximately 18 years old, blood type AB positive, multiple lacerations in the back by sharp object, possible fracture in vertebrae 5D and 6D. Skull fracture with internal bleeding, trauma to the left eyeball as well as ruptured spleen and perforation right lung. Body temperature of 30 ° and blood pressure of 70/60, pulse of 70 and falling "- The doctor on duty could not believe the report he was receiving from the paramedic. That young woman had the obvious signs of a brutal attack typical of the Japanese mafias.

When trying to take her pulse while she was being transferred to the operating room, she saw with horror that her hand had been amputated with disarticulation of the left wrist. The clean and perfect cut confirmed the doctor's suspicions, who immediately requested that the patient be transferred to another hospital.

"For mercy, do not do that, she will not survive if we take her elsewhere" - With a mortified face and holding the doctor's gown in supplication, Hanabi implored to appeal the human side of that doctor. Who, feeling the stares of the staff on him, chose to enter the operating room for surgery.

The operating room was closed, the medical team was ready for surgery; the red light on the dash indicated that the operation had started. Hanabi was led by a couple of social workers to the waiting area, offering her a blanket and some hot tea to warm her up.

"Are you related to the lady?" - With an entry form in her hand, one of the nurses questioned Hanabi's relationship. Who went on to say that she was only a friend of hers, but that she did not have anyone in the world. Faced with the nurse's refusal, Hanabi was forced to say Yukino's last name, making it clear that the Yamaguchi clan had already left her for dead and would not take responsibility for her.

Hearing this, the nurse was frightened to the point of running to the nurses' bay and picking up the phone to contact the hospital director. Who in the span of an hour had arrived and asked her to accompany him to her office.

The director was very clear in her position, Yukino would be treated as a patient without identification. So all the expenses would be borne by Hanabi and that when she was stabilized, she would be transferred to another hospital. She, well, did not want to deal with a problem involving the Yakuza.

Bowing her head reverently, Hanabi thanked the doctor for his sincerity, promising that she would comply with her request. Leaving her office, she felt as if she was short of breath and in an anxiety attack, she looked for the exit of the emergency area.

Hunched over and clasping her hands to her chest, she desperately tried to suck in air. While still shaking, she searched for her pack of cigarettes trying to light one in the humid air.

In her mind the call she received at 1 a.m. was repeated. from Taeki's phone, who with her trembling voice asked her to go to Odaiba beach, because her young mistress was dying in that place.

Meanwhile in the operating room the doctors fought second by second to stabilize Yukino, who in the span of just one hour, had been unemployed at least five times. "Assistant, prepare the paddles and load in synchronous mode to 200 joules" - Hypovolemic shock had wreaked havoc on Yukino's heart, causing the doctors to do their best to keep her breathing while suturing the damaged organs. Meanwhile in the mind of the young woman, a series of memories came in the form of dreams.

It was the first of October, autumn had finally arrived and the air was charged with a nostalgic atmosphere as the ginko trees dropped their leaves with the sway of their branches. At the train station, Yukino and Kaoru walked hand in hand as they dragged their luggage.

At the front door, a sand-colored car was waiting for them next to a man who wore a polo-type shirt that revealed his marked chest and arms, adorned by a small belly typical of a man close to the third age.

"Welcome back young mistresses" - Taeki greeted the happy couple with respect, who smiled at the faithful butler. Who, making sure that he had not been followed by anyone, opened the door for them to get into the car while putting away their luggage.

The safe house was an hour away on the outskirts of town, with a few nearby convenience stores and a number of small businesses. That place escaped the Yamaguchi clan's sight thanks to the fact that Shizu acquired it in cash thanks to an intermediary, so the property had nothing that related it in any way to the clan's activities.

Upon entering it, Yukino observed that that place was conditioned with the minimum necessary comforts. Very different from what she had become used to during her brief stay in the great mansion, but if she had her faithful Kaoru by her side, any place would be like a palace.

"I have made the necessary arrangements to open a bank account for you under a false name, in which I will be paying you 80,000 yen a month for food expenses and some small luxuries. I know it is not much, but it will allow you to live for the next six months at two until they can leave for Hokkaido. "- Handing Yukino a debit card in his hand, Taeki continued explaining that Mrs. Hanabi had kindly promised to forgive the costs of school tuition. In the same way, I arrange a variable departure schedule that allows them not to be easily located in case the clan looks for them.

Reaching into his pants pocket, Taeki pulled out a set of keys that he proceeded to put on the coffee table in the small living room. They were the keys to that car in which he had escorted the young ladies, which he left at the complete disposal of his mistress so that she would have a way of transporting herself and, if necessary, flee as quickly as possible.

When he looked at Yukino for the last time, on his face he saw again the living image of his beloved Shizu, causing him to let himself be carried away by the warmth of that emotion in his heart, giving her a hug while thanking him for allowing him to be her. useful once more. Inside of her Yukino knew that those words were directed with all her feelings to the noble woman who remained bedridden in a coma in the hospital, corresponding only with a kiss on her forehead while she thanked him for the kindness her.

"By the way, young mistress, it's not that I like that you have acquired that bad habit, but I understand that you can feel anxious. Take it in moderation" - At the doorway, Taeki handed Kaoru a card for Yukino: It was a taspo card so he could use it at the tobacco vending machines. With this last gesture, the faithful butler left, leaving them alone in the safe house.

"Wow, thank goodness. I think I was starting to get a little fat with so many candies" - Laughing a little at her nerves, Yukino contemplated Kaoru as she walked towards her. Putting his arms around her neck as he stared into her eyes completely enraptured by that intimacy of hers.

"I wouldn't mind if you got a little fat, I'd still like every extra part of you" - A couple of laughs echoed off the walls of the room, barely perceptible as a murmur outside thanks to the acoustic silencer design it had the safe house.

Guided by the heat of her passion, Kaoru ended up holding her legs around Yukino's waist, who began to kiss her while they played with her tongues in a passionate French kiss. Taking small steps to her bed while Kaoru was undoing the buttons of her blouse, at the same time caressing her hair running from her with the tips of her fingers to the nape of her neck.

While the two were in bed, they began to undress while staring into each other's eyes. Their breaths raged as they stripped off each garment until they were completely naked.

Yukino gently and tenderly laid Kaoru, who begged, extending her hands to hug him. Being reciprocated with the delicate touch of the hands of her beloved who she began to travel her breasts little by little while she brought her lips to the areolas, giving soft bites while she sucked her nipples.

Kaoru's body began to shake from head to toe of her, those pleasant sensations were indescribable and every touch of Yukino's skin caused her to groan that she tried to silence her by biting the index finger of her hand. she.

"Please wait a bit!" - Kaoru reacted to the sensation caused by the breathing of Yukino who was approaching the lower part of her belly. The nervousness of the moment was growing inside her since she had read in some magazine that she could be painful the first time.

Smiling with a seductive look, Yukino told her that she would be gentle with foreplay so as not to hurt her. Making Kaoru scream in ecstasy as she felt the play of her tongue causing her to tighten the sheets on the bed.

A light crimson red covered the bed sheets with a subtle stain, with a slight tingling and a subtle pain, Yukino took the first time from Kaoru fulfilling her promise. Kissing her lips in a savage way as Kaoru's hips moved intensely in response to the touch of her lover.

The skin-to-skin rose ignited long-held lust, being carried away by that addictive frenzy they felt choked her breath.

It was at least four hours although for them the moment seemed eternal; ending up lying side by side hugging each other with intensity. That night they had consummated their love, finally giving each other body and soul. Corresponding to their feelings in unison as if it were an angelic choir.

Moonlight crept in through one of the room's small windows, bathing Yukino's face, whose skin shone like rose petals bathed in morning dew. Her intense blue eyes sparkled like two sapphires in full view of a stream and her silver hair fell sensually down her shoulder.

For Kaoru, this was like staring into vast infinity; her first feeling blessed, then letting her tears roll as she firmly squeezed Yukino's chest.

"You know, your beauty will be almost eternal. Your youth will not fade like the dust that blows the wind and you will remain here immutable as a rock. But I am going to grow old, my face will be filled with wrinkles and my skin will lose its firmness. It may That I even end up getting fat and my mind starts to falter as I become senile And when my final hour comes, I will have to leave your side.

But tell me Yukino, even knowing all that, will you love me and desire me like you did today? Will I still be pretty to you? Will you be with me to close my eyes when it's all over? Please tell me that you will be with me always, tell me even if it is a lie because I will believe you! "- The tears did not stop coming from the eyes of Kaoru, who trembled with anxiety having completely undressed the fears that she harbored in her heart .

Seeing this, Yukino saddened her gaze at the words that had been spoken. So he held Kaoru's hand firmly and securely, while he brought hers to her lips to place a compassionate kiss on her.

"Lucero, when we met in the corridor of reminiscence I hated you. I hated you because having seen the depth of the abyss of fears that filled my heart, you laughed at them. When you rescued me from death in that cold alley, I I felt indifference towards you. I did not see you as an ally or even as a friend. Just someone else who did a job out of obligation.

The night that Hanabi attacked us and collapsed that building on our bodies, I saw you vulnerable and my heart moved with mercy.

And it was from there that I put aside my hatred for you and a new feeling was germinating like the seed of a flower. Your smile, your way of being so natural, your soul becoming more and more that of a human being day by day, leaving behind the old arrogant astral entity.

I did not know how it happened, but I began to be afraid, afraid of waking up one morning and not having you by my side. Fear of opening my eyes and knowing that you have departed far from me, that fear that a part of my soul will be taken from me.

Because you did not see the surface of the lake, but you immersed yourself in it and reached the broken parts that were in me and began to join them. You saw the monster in the depths and you removed the mask, you saw me: your Adam.

So I will always correspond to that love, loving every imperfection in your skin, every extra kilo and every impertinence. I will love your virtues and defects because you loved me first. "- The words that came from the depths of Adam's cloistered soul, crossed the barrier that stood between those two souls. Uniting them firmly like the rock that stoically resists the waves on the seashore.

With physical fatigue ebbing away, they both gave in to sleep and rested that night more united than ever.

The week began with new courage and hope for the two lovers, who, adhering to the plan, traveled to school leaving the car a few blocks away so as not to attract attention. Each day passed apparently like the previous ones, but deep in their hearts the light of hope shone with intensity. Making them endure the wait for one day at a time, until it was time to leave, hurrying to go home to give each other that love that they did not want to hold back any longer.

But just like the witch in the alley said, the joy of a moment would soon turn to tears of pain. It was a Friday, October 6, with a melancholic and cold morning where the clouds covered the rays of the sun. The humidity in the morning air made the young lovers sit at the table covered by wool sweaters while they raised their legs for a cup of coffee, enjoying a continental breakfast listening to the weather forecast on the 6 a.m. news.

"Kaoru, today I will come to drop you at the house first. I have to go buy supplies downtown and some new clothes for the two of us. It is much colder in Hokkaido than here in winter and I don't want us to get sick when we get to live there. . "- Bringing her face closer to kiss him on the lips, Kaoru nodded while saying that she would be a good girl and she would not open the door for anyone until she arrived. Biting her ear, she whispered that she should make up for him at night for being good; to which Yukino smiled, giving her a spanking saying that she would still reward her even when she misbehaved.

The class hours passed, Yukino drove the car to her safe house leaving Kaoru who said goodbye to her with a kiss, telling her that he would be waiting for her to return. Arriving downtown, Yukino left the car parked in a private parking lot while she went to a warehouse where there was a cheap winter clothes.

She pausing for a moment in front of a jewelry store, she gazing intently at a pair of promise rings. Those jewels that the bride and groom usually give as a gift to reaffirm her desire to be together. Being carried away by the illusion, Yukino entered the jewelry store and bought a pair in the shape of a pair of hands holding a zirconia heart.

Putting it on his finger, he imagined for a moment Kaoru holding his hand firmly in the middle of that Nagoya beach where they gazed at the night sky after the battle. That sentiment made her pay the 20,000 yen it cost immediately, completely forgetting that she would be fair with the expenses of clothes and food at the end of the month.

That move made him take more time in her search for better offers to make the money work, realizing that it had been done after 8 p.m. Feeling sorry for the situation, she dialed Kaoru's cell phone who was not answering her call.

Thinking that she was taking a shower, Yukino continued on his way to her car trying once more to contact her, but this time, the phone seemed to be off. A stabbing pain ran through Yukino's chest, who fell to the parking lot floor feeling like he was gasping for air. Sensing that something bad had happened, she hurriedly started the car and sped off for the safe house.

Just halfway through, an incoming call from a private number came to her phone. When answering, there was the sound of strong static until suddenly the call was cut off. Her heart was beating with great intensity, her hands were sweating to the point of not being able to hold the steering wheel correctly, her throat was drying to the point of feeling that her speech was leaving her at times.

It was a feeling of terror, a terror that pierced her mind with the last thing Kaoru said to her: "I'll be waiting for you"

Upon arriving at the house, she saw that all the lights were off, rushing to open the door only to find that the whole place was a mess. "Kaoru, where are you!" - Submerged in a sea of ​​despair, Yukino shouted the name of her beloved without getting any response.

Once again an incoming call from a private number appeared on the phone screen. "Hello niece, have you stopped playing house with your girlfriend?" - Yukino fell to her knees to the floor while she held the phone firmly against her ear, Hiroki's voice had the same effect on her even when it was a phone call. With her entire body shaking, her tongue began to tangle as she tried to speak. Making that demon laugh when he knew how she Yukino fell apart with her just hearing him.

"I like that attitude. You know, it's time for us to stop playing games and talk like adults. If you want to see your girlfriend alive again, do everything she tells you to" - Stammering, Yukino answered affirmatively to that request. "I'm doing this for Kaoru", was what she thought repeatedly as she followed Hiroki's directions.

On the bed was a box with a strapless see-through black dress, a set of gloves and a set of fine Chanel lingerie, as well as a set of Cartier earrings and necklace. After dressing, a man would wait for her outside to take her to a private dinner with a good friend of hers.

All the way, Yukino kept thinking about Kaoru. She trying to make herself strong by avoiding crying from her anguish, because she did not want those miserable ones to have the pleasure of seeing her like that.

Feeling the sudden movement of the vehicle's suspension, Yukino looked out the window and realized that he was on the grounds of the Kojima mansion. What was going on? Did Akane have something to do with Kaoru's kidnapping?

A sea of ​​doubts assaulted Yukino's mind, who was brought out of her lethargy by the hoarse voice of the driver ordering her to get out of the vehicle. Without realizing it, she found herself in front of a small summer house in the secluded domain of the mansion.

The light of that house contrasted with the perfect darkness offered by the oak trees that surrounded the property. It was like entering the house of the grandmother of Red Riding Hood, but instead of a big bad wolf who greeted her at the door was Mr. Isas Kojima.

Akane's father extended his arm to the incredulous Yukino, who, observing her smile, could only move by inertia accompanying him inside the house. "You know Yukino, since I went to your grandfather's house I always contemplated you when you played with my daughter. You had such a beautiful smile and your black hair fascinated me, although I must admit that this albino look drives me crazy" - Taking her by the shoulders While kissing her neck, Isas forcibly seated Yukino at a table set with a dinner for two.

That man who in the eyes of the public seemed the perfection of what one would look for in a politician, showed his true colors. Without hesitating to make it clear that he was at her complete mercy, since her uncle had given her as a gift of goodwill to seal her alliance with protectionism to her clan, in search of the position of Prime Minister.

The plate in front of her was a juicy medium-sized baby beef, bathed in a plum sauce with fine herbs; A glass of 1960's chateu margaux red wine and foie gras as a closing appetizer. Even though this meal was a delicious gourmet dish, it felt like waste ashes on his palate. She could not taste anything with the anger that she felt in front of that man, she just wanted to end the theater and get out of that situation with Kaoru on foot.

Suddenly her sight began to blur and she felt as if her body was heating up as her mouth went dry. When trying to look directly at Isas, he smiled maliciously as he held her hand, guiding her to one of the rooms in the house.

As soon as she closed the door, she began to suffocate Yukino at intervals, who, unable to move freely due to the drug they had put into her drink, barely held her hands with the strength of a baby. Due to her lack of oxygen, her sphincter relaxed to the point of causing her to urinate on the carpet in the room. Which caused her anger to flare in Isas's eyes, who slapped her hard until she broke her lower lip.

"Go Yukino, there is no doubt that you are a sow that turns on with abuse! Like a vile street prostitute" - That voice in the room was none other than that of Akane, who was watching the scene sitting on a chair while dressed Yukino's was ripped open and vulnerable.

"Come on dad, let me have fun with your new toy first before it breaks" - The grotesque scene before Yukino's eyes revealed the true relationship between father and daughter. A sickly incestuous game that turned her stomach just thinking about it, making her exclaim aloud her contempt for them.

Only causing both of them to beat her to satisfaction, then take turns abusing her for the next few hours. With her dignity trampled on and overflowing with angry tears, she dug her nails into her palms trying to swallow her anger and desire for revenge. The only thing that allowed him to bear those abuses of her was to see again her beloved Kaoru hers, the only balm in the midst of torment.

"You know Yukino, I would like to leave a memory engraved in your mind so that you never forget me. I want you to bring me present every day of your miserable life and that when you see yourself in the mirror you feel how you are torn inside" - Akane turned to reach the drawer from the bureau near the bed, taking from the drawer a letter opener with a silver blade and a gold handle. Which he brought with a maniacal smile to Yukino's left eye, sinking it until it touched the bone of her skull.

That cry of pain echoed up to the trees that surrounded that house. The suffering made Yukino cover himself with his hands and kick as he salivated uncontrollably due to the spasm that ran through his entire nervous system.

"The first thing your eyes saw was me loving you when we were children, the last thing that damn eye of yours saw was my face of satisfaction as I break all memory of you" - Laughing like a deranged witch, Akane remained sitting on the edge of the bed as she gazed captivated at the blood dripping from the silver blade.

Meanwhile, Isas was talking on the phone with Hiroki, who ordered him to put it on speakerphone so that Yukino could hear him.

"Well done my little girl, I am satisfied that you have sacrificed yourself for the family. I have already sent my men for you, do not worry. By the way, I think Kaoru is in the room next to the one you are. Why won't you see her? " - Trying to crawl across the bed until falling to the floor, Yukino moved torpidly trying to get to the door of the other room. His desire to see Kaoru again gave him the strength to continue despite the pain that pierced her face, feeling how the drugs were slowly losing their anesthetic effect.

Opening the door, she saw a gift box with her name written on a card with what looked like red ink. He turned her face to each end of the room looking for Kaoru to no avail, her heart was beating to the point of a heart attack at the anxiety of not knowing where she was.

"Open your gift my dear Kaoru, it is a present from me to you. For having been such a good student regarding your past. Only unlike your mother, I will not give you a gun with a bullet in the bedroom"

Without giving more time, Yukino opened the box that was in front of her. Lightning from the storm approaching the city illuminated the dark room. While she with her only eye gazed into the box with great difficulty.

As he reached into her hands, he lifted from her what he thought was an object. That when illuminated by the lightning, he revealed the stark reality of her before her: that was Kaoru's head.

"Ka-oru, why are you sad? I'm sorry Kaoru, I lost track of time while I was downtown and didn't get home early. Talk to me please, don't be mad at me my love. Kaoru, please answer me. Kaoru! " - That night hell trembled at the cry of a tortured soul, who painfully embraced the inert head of the woman he loved. Tears would not stop flowing from inside Yukino's shattered heart, mixing with the blood that gushed from her lacerated left eye.

Isas, a despotic and self-centered man felt his blood run cold at Yukino's scream. He contemplated that delicate silhouette of silver hair that lay seated in the floor illuminated by the lightning. As if a banshee were singing a macabre trill of agony seeking to snatch her soul away. Only overcome by the surprise that he supposed to see her daughter laughing at her and enjoying that scene while he clasped her hands as if it were a victory for her.

Soon at the door of the house two men knocked, Hiroki's bodyguards entered the room lifting Yukino who was with her underwear torn and completely numb with shock, while she repeatedly muttered a single word: "Forgive me"

"I hope you enjoyed my gift, but now you must return to the mansion to report to Chief Hayate" - The intermittent sound of the phone on the hook rang in the room, Yukino was carried by one of the men while the other took the box to erase all evidence.

The door closed behind them, the rain began to fall, bathing the body of the broken young woman, purifying it a bit as her blood washed from her white skin. The truck started towards the Yamaguchi mansion, Yukino's fate had already been cast.