Sins of the Son

The light on the operating room sign went out, the doctors came out showing symptoms of profound exhaustion on their faces, a reflection of the more than eleven hours of fighting on the edge of death trying to save the life of the patient.

The chief medic put a hand to his face as he leaned against the wall completely crestfallen. Even after seeing it, he could not believe such a massacre to which the poor girl who was still lying on the operating table had been subjected. That broken body was the living reflection of the violence that the human species could reach with its similes, a worthy picture of horrors typical of the darkest perversions that hell itself harbored in its entrails.

"What crime did this poor soul commit to suffer such torment?" - The doctor questioned himself that he could hardly maintain his composure, because even without being a family member or close friend, as a human being he felt disgusted by that infamy.

Hanabi was lying on the benches in the ER, tired of pacing and looking at her watch more times than she could remember. With her feet swollen from her slippers, she was in a fetal position not caring if anyone could see her. She no longer cared about keeping up appearances about her, what she would say about her was indifferent to her. That radical change in her existence was her thanks to having met Yukino, who helped her remove the mask of cynicism and convenience, returning to her that humanity that she thought she had lost.

Staring up at the false ceiling in the waiting room, she conjured up memories of her experience with Yukino. Wishing for the opportunity to return her favor, she prayed to a god she no longer believed in, placing her faith in pleas that would never be heard by any ear other than hers. But in the powerlessness of feeling completely useless, human beings will cling to whatever gives them a ray of hope even in the deepest of darkness.

"Miss Hanabi, could you accompany me to my office for a moment" - The doctor who carried out the emergency operation on Yukino approached the fatigued woman, offering her a cup of hot coffee to help her wake up. Hanabi walked alongside the doctor, trying to overcome the weight of her eyelids by sipping the hot coffee, sniffing the sack that had been completely impregnated with the scent of the hospital.

"It would be better if you get used to that aroma because it may be a few months that her friend will last hospitalized" - The doctor felt a little suspicious about Hanabi's behavior, who felt sorry because it was not her intention to bother him . She but she was also worried because in a few hours she had to go to school.

Once inside the clinical office, the doctor dimmed the light in the room and took some X-rays from an envelope, which he passed over the luminous screen. Hanabi felt annoyed by the reflection of the light as she made an effort to focus on the points the doctor made regarding Yukino.

Her skull showed evidence of severe trauma with a fracture of the external medial frontal region produced by a blunt blunt body. A dislocation of the cervical vertebrae with disc inflammation due to the accumulation of fluid derived from repetitive trauma in the area and an infection resulting from an unidentified fluid. Regarding the legs, the patellae had suffered tibial plateau fractures with dislocation of the metaphysis and shaft. Possibly the patient would require multiple operations to correct her position.

In the case of the internal organs, she had to perform a splenectomy because the spleen was severely damaged as a result of a sharp object. In the case of the left eyeball, the object used to wound it had a length of 15 cm, even damaging part of the skull, because of this damage to the sclera even compromised the optic nerve. So they had to remove it in an emergency.

Those clinical terms were something Hanabi felt completely ignorant of, as if an adult explained things too complex for her mind to explain to a child. Her gaze lost from hers and filled with fear alerted the doctor who helped her take a seat while she gave him a chance to calm down.

"Despite our efforts, the lesions in the womb were severe and because of this we had to perform a hysterectomy. On behalf of the entire team we felt very sorry, but we could not save the product" - Product? What was the doctor trying to tell you at the time?

Bringing her hands to her mouth, Hanabi realized that Yukino's body had gestated a baby inside her. That was not possible, it must be a mistake, she repeated herself in her thoughts. Even though the bodies of the Loa guardians were fully functional despite being mere containers, it was impossible for them to conceive.

Which pointed to the fact that before Yukino died she was already pregnant and very possibly that was the cause for which she was murdered. But for some completely inexplicable reason, that unborn continued with her development when her body was revived.

"Now the patient is in the intensive care area, for the next few days she will not be able to receive visitors but we hope that after the intervention her condition will allow her to regain consciousness" - With those last words in her head, Hanabi left the doctor's office in complete silence. Trying to stay on his feet, he reached the hospital reception where he gave her bank account number so that they could charge her medical expenses and her phone number to contact him in case of an emergency.

It was 12 p.m. and the sun was seen through the storm clouds that were dissipating from the sky. The cold October wind made him shrug as she walked toward her car, trying to rub her hands on her arms to give herself some warmth.

Already seated in the pilot's seat, she searched for her keys in her bag while she tried to light a cigarette; her burning her fingers in that attempt, making her react to the daze she experienced in her mind. She hit the steering wheel with her fists in a frantic way while she screamed inside the car, she could not control herself or stop crying with helplessness and bitterness with all that information she received from the doctor.

Even though her soul was that of a man, at some point because of her body that contained her she felt the natural desire to conceive a life. She cursing the heavens and fate itself for that tragedy, while in her mind she wandered with the image of Kaoru and Yukino raising a baby in a warm home. An image that would never be possible, since everything was taken from them in a single night; a single night bathed in blood and pain.

"I can't be locking myself into this, now Yukino ... no, Adam needs me to be with him to bring him back" - Starting the engine of her vehicle, Hanabi headed towards her apartment to take a bath and return. to school.

Meanwhile, Yukino's humanity rested on a bed in the intensive care ward connected to an artificial respirator. But inside her mind, that dream continued to grow in the bitterness of memories.

The pain was excruciating, his face burned as if he had been dipped into a pot of boiling oil, and a throbbing mass that was once his left eye let blood clots drip onto the floor, leaving a crimson stain on the tatami mats of the floor. a room that was familiar.

The smell of the air in that place had become stale, an obvious sign that she had not received a breath of fresh air for a long time. The leaks in the roof showed how dilapidated that room was, while the inclement wind from the storm hit the paneled windows.

It was Yoshino's room, the one who was once her mother. When she finally fully reacted, she realized that Hiroki's men had brought her back to the Yamaguchi mansion just as he had ordered.

Even with the sensation of numbness in her body, she tried to move her arms without having the slightest opportunity. Looking closely at the situation, she realized that she was practically tied with her arms behind her, suspended from one of the rafters in the old room.

"It seems that you already woke up sleeping beauty" - Hiro, who was behind Yukino's back, gloated at that scene of humiliation. Just seeing her cousin fully exposed made him feel immense pleasure as she got up from the chair and pulled her hair.

That movement caused discomfort in the wound on her left eye, causing her to emit a slight moan that ignited her captor even more. Who in a sadistic way plunged a drink stirrer into it, making the poor girl writhe in pain, completely forgetting the position in which she was suspended.

Causing her shoulders to dislocate completely causing her to give a cry that was soon silenced by Hiro's hands, who in a threatening way placed the blade slightly on the girl's throat. Her while she told him to keep her mouth shut until it was time to speak.

"Although I was very clear when I told you to wait for me with your grandfather in the main hall son" - Hiroki appeared in front of them crossing the door, rebuking the disobedience of his rebellious offspring, yelling at him to withdraw. Not without first cutting a lock of Yukino's hair, which he took making signs to sniff it like a wolf that would soon destroy his prey. On her side, Hiroki cut the rope, dropping the young woman's body, who hit her face on the floor, who made an effort biting her lip to avoid making any complaint.

With a snap of his fingers, Hiroki ordered a couple of maids to enter the room with some cleaning waxes and a white cotton yukata. Proceeding to finish undressing the failing Yukino, who like a helpless baby was manipulated by those women while they removed the traces of blood with water.

Bandaging her eye so that the damage received from Akane at the Kojima mansion would not be visible. "That girl doesn't know how to control her desires, if it weren't for the fact that I have a great interest in her father's political career, she wouldn't allow Hiro to take her for a wife" - Turning his head in disapproval, Hiroki threw a spit on the floor completely frustrated.

Having finished preparing the young lady, the maids helped her up by leading her to the main hall. Where she was already expected by Chief Hayate, who, seeing her from afar, let out a heartrending scream.

"Shizu, my beloved daughter tell me that is not true. Tell me that you did not follow in the footsteps of your despicable sister Yoshino and turned into a vulgar slut." - One of the guards threw an envelope on the floor near Yukino, who, trying to move her hands in an awkward way due to the remaining effect of the drugs, saw its contents with horror.

In it was a series of photographs where she was seen having relations with various men, giving the impression of being in the middle of what seemed to be an orgy. Taking a closer look, Yukino remembered that afternoon in the school bathroom when Akane subdued her to take pictures of her in order to free Kaoru.

The whole thing was a photomontage, a kind of blackmail of which he had no knowledge until that day. She was completely shocked and not knowing for what purpose they had done that, she realized that it was all a trap that Hiro and Akane had set for her.

"Grandpa, this is all a lie. Please you have to believe me!" - Yukino screamed, disfiguring the expression on her face in the midst of despair. Trying to find favor with her grandfather, who was looking at a screen that was in the back of the room behind the girl's back.

The sounds of what was apparently an act of intercourse made him turn to see, taking a heartbreaking surprise as he gazed at the screen. In the safe house there was a closed circuit recording, which was stolen when Hiroki's men kidnapped Kaoru.

On that screen you could see the two lovers in the act of their first night, which caused mixed feelings in Yukino's heart. Who in the grip of rage and pain, she dropped completely to the living room floor. Her as she screamed at the top of her lungs begging for forgiveness.

Those present believed that it was a plea to Master Hayate, but only heaven and she knew that those words were directed to her beloved Kaoru.

Suddenly, Chief Hayate began to feel discomfort in his heart, causing him to put his hands to his chest trying to contain the pain caused by the despair of that scene. He at times regaining clarity in her mind as she cursed Yukino for tainting the honor of the Yamaguchi family. Being escorted by her bodyguard to her room to try to calm him down and give him the medication.

The murmurs in the hall completely awakened Yukino from his lethargy, who due to the rapidity of events and her limited vision did not notice that at the two ends of that room were the members of the Yamaguchi and Takeda clan.

Those who stood up approached Hiroki to kneel to him while in unison they exclaimed that they would be completely at his command. Raising his right hand, the crowd reverently fell silent waiting to hear his verdict as patriarch of the house.

"The members of the clan will never stoop to staining their hands with the blood of a cheap slut like this wretch. But it is necessary that an exemplary punishment should be applied to those who have dared to damage the good name of our brother clans" - The sentence issued by his lips were none other than the banishment of the clan. The punishment that is reserved for those who have committed an act of high treason to good customs and family legacy.

Anzu entered the compound solemnly until he reached where Master Hiroki was. With her two maidens of her entire trust accompanied him with a whip, two ropes and a jug of pure vinegar mixed with cinnamon and cloves.

Bowing his face silently, Hiroki gave him permission to minister the punishment to Yukino. Who was bound by the ends of her, spreading her arms from side to side. The maids began to remove the yukata from her, cutting it into shreds, causing the young woman to panic trying to get rid of her by pushing herself off her with her legs.

Only provoking the ire of one of those present, who struck her with a metal cane directly to her knees, immediately hearing a crunch of bones. Making the poor woman collapse in pain as she begged for mercy.

No one heard the voices of her cry or interceded for her, instead it lit the spirits of Anzu who, seeing the white skin of Yukino's back, struck lash after lash with such force that after several minutes it made the skin open. But still she didn't stop, so much so that the bones in Yukino's spine could be heard creaking as she shook her head as if trying to escape from her.

The punishment seemed to have ended with the sound of the last lash, leaving the frail girl who had been tortured completely exhausted and gasping for air. The men holding her released her ropes, dropping Yukino's crushed humanity to the ground, who struggling to breathe tried to crawl like an animal struggling to escape from her hunter.

It was at that moment that Hiroki stepped on her head, pinning it to the ground, applying pressure little by little until Yukino's screams began to get louder. She came to cry with a high-pitched tone while she begged for mercy, holding her uncle's leg with her hands who, inclement to such a scene, took the jug of vinegar and began to pour the contents of it on Yukino's lacerated back. She who screamed at her until her throat ripped to the point of spitting blood from her, while she dug her nails into Hiroki's calf until she lost consciousness of her.

"Hiro, you and your men take this rubbish away and dump it on the beach where no one can see you" - The torture seemed to have ended for Yukino, who despite the physical agony and the devastated mistress for losing Kaoru, stood firm with the idea in mind to take revenge on all those who had taken everything from him.

Carrying her like a bundle, those animals carried Yukino's naked and lacerated body to a four-by-four truck, throwing her to the rear, closing the door. The rain and lightning made the night look gloomy, as if they were grave robbers.

The road was long for Yukino, who waited for the door to open to be released on the beach. Hoping that someone in the course of the day would find her and ask for help.

But that was a hopeless hope since honoring her rebellious behavior, Hiro did not intend to act according to her father's wishes.

When they reached a secluded part of the beach, the rain had stopped falling. As soon as they opened the back door, one of Hiro's men pulled Yukino by her hair and started dragging her to the edge of the beach.

Completely surrounded by her, they started kicking her in the belly until she started coughing up blood. Those brutalized savages had drunk on the way to the beach, taking drugs, leaving them completely in a state of uncontrolled euphoria.

"Do you know why I call you kitty?" - Hiro brought her face closer to Yukino's, letting a stench of cheap sake and flavored beer smell. As he passed her tongue over the wounded eye of the terrified girl, who already her forces left him completely, being at the complete mercy of her.

"I tell you kitty because you are a damn bitch with more lives than one of those animals. You only had a damn unhappy bitch job, I told you to abort that bastard you had in your womb, but you wanted to have it even though it was the product of that night I raped you and you fled from the mansion "- Those words completely shocked Adam's conscience, who finally knew the reason why Yukino had been murdered that night in his apartment.

That wretched wretch had not only decided to kill his own cousin but had also killed his own son in the womb. That revelation made Adam regain control of Yukino's body a bit, taking from the sand a piece of broken glass with which he cut Hiro's cheek.

Who, completely enraged, took something out of her clothes and cut off the young woman's left hand. Who screamed uncontrollably due to the shock of seeing her severed hand, causing Hiro to stab her in the belly repeatedly increasing the screams, until one of the hitmen struck a forceful blow with an iron bat on the skull, letting out a crack and with it the immobile body of the girl bleeding in the sand.

The rain that had stopped began to fall again with more force than before, drenching all who were present. Among the noise of the torrential downpour, the sound of the sirens of an ambulance could be heard approaching. Making those beasts run to the truck and flee.

"Yukino! Yukino where are you !?" - That voice was familiar to the faint Yukino, who on the verge of completely losing consciousness of her gave one last cry like making the sound of a dejected animal.

Hanabi had arrived with a private ambulance to her thanks to Taeki's call, although due to the impressive painting that horrified the orderlies and Hanabi herself, they lost all hope of saving him. With that image in her sight, Yukino completely lost consciousness of her.

The sun was shining that afternoon, but the cold intensive care room at the hospital looked like a shroud wrapped around Yukino's body. Who suddenly stopped showing brain activity to fall into a deep coma.

At the other end of the city, a general assembly was held at the Hoshi High School called by members of the parents' league from that school. The murmurs could be heard among those present who were shouting inappropriate things about Principal Hanabi.

That assembly was kept in a hermetic state of silence towards the outside, the matter dealt with was concerning the improper and lascivious behavior of two students, who, according to the student council's own words, their activities were known by the school director.

Hanabi was in the middle of the eye of the hurricane, her emotions and feelings were on the surface as she glanced at the malicious faces of Akane and her friends. The evidence received by the school board of directors was overwhelming and reason enough to approve the urgency of said assembly.

Isas, Akane's father took the floor. With eloquent power of oratory he strongly condemned the behavior of the female students in question. Emphasizing that they were not the school's own values, much less the principal's own.

Inviting the members of the board to have mercy on her by ruling her judgment, letting an incisive glance escape on poor Hanabi, who, seeing herself cornered, awaited her fate.

The board of directors took a few minutes in private to deliberate her decision, those moments seemed eternal for Hanabi who even knowing that it would be the end of her as director, she did not stop thinking about Yukino's well-being. "This life is just a sham, I must not cling to it" - she repeated herself trying to convince herself that this was the best.

Time was up and the members of the board of directors returned to the premises with her decision: Ms. Hanabi was fired from her position and removed from the board of directors. But in recognition of her years of service, the same board granted him the possibility of obtaining her share of her actions as long as she knelt in front of everyone begging for forgiveness for her great offense.

Something inside her was completely broken, who always carried her head high with pride since the beginning of the lowest, now she was subjected to the gaze of those present to humiliate herself completely. That could have been the end of her in every way for her being, but she came to her mind unexpectedly the face of Yukino and Kaoru.

"Look at me wherever you are, Lucero, this is something you will not see every day" - Mumbling those words, Hanabi made a dogeza sticking her face completely on the ground while she said aloud an apology to everyone.

The ridicule of the students could not stop being heard in that room, while Hanabi thought that she was only reaping what she sowed for so long. But far from showing a downcast or embarrassed face, her expression had a smile and her gaze was lost in the void.

Many of those present thought that she had been upset by that moment of humiliation, but Yukino was present in her mind, giving her strength.

The assembly ended and Hanabi left the premises to go back to the hospital, being intercepted in the parking lot by Akane and Isas, who told her that the meeting would shortly make a deposit to her account to end her relationship with the school.

Grinning maliciously, Akane said goodbye in mockery of Hanabi who was getting into her car by starting the engine.

"I no longer have anything to do here" - Starting at full speed, the car left for the hospital. With no stability or certainty in the future, Hanabi drove all the way as if she were a living dead. Thinking only of Yukino's well-being.

Upon arriving at the hospital, she collapsed completely into a chair in the waiting room. Her bowing her head as she silently wept bitterly, knowing that the days would get longer from now on.