Meeting a frog ,a snake ,and a slug.

Giant Whirlwind spinning in a large forest.

Animals running away from the area and bird flying away in fear.

Ouch this way of travel is for savages brother next time can you make it a little more comfortable. Modi

Fine I will make it more comfortable but you guys have to keep your dragons hidden and master your Lightning Divinity in 1000 years because after that I will become a Great God by that time.

What did you already figure out how to surpass a Main god already ? Magni

Kind of but I need to go to a tough trial and combine my divinities in a unique one..

Brother you're about to surpass Thor and reach Odins level I wish you the best of luck .Modi

Thanks and from now on you guys can get some followers and learn how to become the gods you want to be so go ahead travel around this world find a place where you can become a build a sanctuary and become it's divine god .

Thank you brother and we will see you after 1000 years during our travel we will spread our stories and tell the mortals of this world of your greatness. Magni

Here take these I don't want these weapons anymore.

Ulf gave Magni his blade back while he gave the hammer to Modi before they could say anything he vanished like the wind with his Dragon .

Brother thank you I always knew you where the kindness Jotun and was I right brother ? Modi

Yes you where little brother Ulf is what a Jotun God Should be like. Magni

A year after the three brothers separated Ulf travel allround the world looking a a place to train and master his lightning divinity to the extreme. Today makes it a year since he's been looking for a good place to train he couldn't find one but he Meet three funny little guys who followed him because he happens to have a divine like sagw body.

Ulf boss come and join me I will help you become a powerful snake sage.

Boss don't listen to that snake I have the best worm in my mountain for you to eat so join me and become the first human sage.

Lord Ulf I don't mind if you don't want to join me but I will always heal you when you are hurt so always count on me my lord.

Guys calm down it's only been 2 weeks since we've met plus I want to meet someone really interesting she is called Kaguya .

No!!! .Turtle

No!!! don't meet that woman boss.. Snake

My Lord don't go to that place my lord she isn't what she seems to be .Slug

Guys I don't think you guys know who I'm yet so I'm gonna reveal my true identity .

What So your not a wanderer boss than who might you be ? Snake

Boss so your telling me your not a strong warrior then who are you? Turle

My Lord I don't mind if you where a strange beast because you help me when a bird almost eat me 2 weeks ago and for that I will always be grateful. Slug

Fine I'm one of the three travelers from a mysterious land I was raised by a witch I have 2 older brothers you guys probably heard of them One is called Modi the other one is called Magni they are Jotuns with Aesir blood like me.

So what I'm saying is that I'm not a human being I'm a Giant God from a different world and I'm sorry for not telling you guys the true will you guys still be my friends.

Of course boss and I think it's cool that your a God by the way. Snake

Boss so what's a Giant I've heard of gods but I've never heard of Giants.Frog

Jotuns or giants are very tall beings whose height can surpass most of the trees I the world and some of them can surpass the mountains.

That explains why your so tall than my lord .Slug

Sorry to disappoint you guys but this is my Aesir form but this is what I truly am . I kust hid it because I want to fit in with everyone .

Lightning and Wind currents covered my whole body and I growl and turned into my true self .

How scared do you think people would be if there was giant with deer like horn looking at them the moment they wake up.

Well it's not exactly like that but The Turtle Frog and Slug where not terrified they actually said this " My Lord boss can you teach me ".