Meeting Kaguya and she is already pregnant.

Katsuyu calm down by the way using sage mode should help you guys become more powerful than you can imagine.

Yes!!! so now we can surpass spiritual animals and become sages..Toad

It doesn't matter because a powerful frog will always remain a frog . Snake

Guys calm down now can you tell me about Kaguyas location and what she likes.

Yes I know her location she lives in small village in the land of ancestors. Frog

Thanks now what about the thing s that she likes.

Boss we don't know but be careful of her . Snake

Guys don't worry she is a Minor Goddess while I'm a Peak Main god it's like an ant trying to kill an eater.

Wow so she really is a Goddess I guess you can meet someone from your homeland my lord. Katsuyu.

She isn't from my homeland but she is a God like me and I want to get to know her I'm tired of hanging out with my brothers those stupid brutes.

My Lord you have other siblings in this world with you ? Katsuya

Yes I do but don't worry about them they will of kill people if they are provoked.

For now let's travel to the land of Ancestors I want to meet Kaguya.

Yes sir . Snake

I'm with you sir. Frog

3 months later I finally reached the small village when I got there I didn't try to make contact with anyone.

During the night I noticed the God tree it looked magnificent but I sensed it ducking the energy of the land around it.

I flew to the god tree during my flight i didn't sensed anyone following me but I knew that I would get Kaguyas attention if I tried to make contact with the tree.

When I got near the top of the tree I saw people wrapped around the tree branches I tried to freeze them but the tree wouldn't stop sending more branches to capture them back so I created a lightning bolt that was big enough to destroy the tree.

The moment I tried to cut the tree a heard a voice coming near me .

Hey stop this at once this tree is mine leave this place or die. Unknown person

I don't know who you are but I don't like to be told what to do so reveal yourself or feel my wrath stranger.

Fine . Unknown Person

The person flew in front of me and took of their giant cloak and I saw Kaguya she looked more amazing in real than I tough but I looked at her stomach and sensed two small foreign life inside of her.

Congratulations Madame you will have twins .

What how do you know about that die you pervert. Kaguya

Before she could use any hidden techniques to try to kill I quickly apologized.

Sorry I didn't to pry but you happen to be a Goddess why are you staying in this world.

Pervert How do you know I'm a Goddess and who are you ?

Goddess I'm a God just like you I go by the name Son of Thunder but my birth name is Ulf.

What about you madame what's your name?

Kaguya Otsutsuki. Kaguya

Miss Kaguya that's a very beautiful name.

Thank you and just so you know those mortals didn't give me a choice I didn't want to do this but they forced my hand. Kaguya

Hey I totally understand sometimes in life when one tries to do good it hurts them in the end.

You !!! Why do I sense so much hatred coming from your gaze? Kaguya

Sorry I just had a beautiful which I tough was real but the whole time I was an illusion.

I'm sorry about the way I approached you would you like to be my guest and join me for some tea I know it's late but you are someone I think will change the way I see everything in life.