Happy times with Kaguya.

Kaguyas House

Here drink some tea with me don't worry I won't bite. Kaguya

Thanks this is really good it's helping me relax a lot .

Weird I didn't put anything special it's just regular herbs but it looks like you my I really appreciate that a lot you can leave now I have a guest house ready for you .

Thanks it's nice to have a house to sleep after a year of wondering .

What!!! why didn't you get followers to give you land and a big home ? Kaguya

Mortals can't be trusted most of them will bite the hand that feeds them .

I agree with you on that for now you can rest we can talk again tomorrow morning okay 👌.

Thanks see you tomorrow I guess .

After that Ulf slept like a baby while the Frog Snake and Katsuyu where playing in his room.

For the next three days ulf asked Kaguya if he could help with anything at all she said no and but he would become a honorary member of her clan so she gave him and otsutsuki Cloth that looks like her future sons.

She told ulf they fit him quiet good he blushed and said thanks.

For the next six months Kaguyas stomach was growing bigger she only had 3 days before laber during this time i got really close to her to the point to where she let's me sleep in her mansion and was allowed to called her Kaguya.

Everyday I brought her flower and sweets she always had a beautiful smile on her face not the cold one she had when she gets betrayed.

Today she gave me a hug and I kissed her cheeks and told me that she is grateful after that I told her that she is my light in happy moments of my life.

She blushed and told me to touch to listen to her belly I put my head on her laps and heard three heart beats Kaguyas and the boys.

I told her they would become two special boys she blushed and kissed me in the lips and told me to get out.

When I got outside I heard her cheering I felt really happy and came back on a week later. When I visited her that day a servant rushed in front of me and told me Lady Kaguya wants to see me urgently.

I rushed to her chamber and saw her hugging two baby's with pale skin and horns .

Congratulations Kaguya they got their handsome face from you so in the future they will be ladies man .

Why you little don't even think about it I'm gonna raise them to become honorable and handsome like hubby.

Kaguya put the kids down and started kissing after a while I asked her about the kids names.

The oldest one will be Hagoromo the Youngest will be Hamura and I'm gonna need your help to raise this little cute monsters what do you think of that Lord Raijin .

I blushed and cough.

I accept i will become their father we will raise them together but you have to become my wife not just in Name but.

Don't you dare finish that sentence. 😤

But I accept I Kaguya Otsutsuki will become your wife In name ,body ,and soul.

Yes !!! I started doing the moon walk and electric dance then I saw her giving me confused look and shook her head .

The reason she finally gave in is because I've been by her side I helped her take good care of the land I made the people in the Ancestor land worship her like a queen to a Goddess.

Overtime she couldn't help it anymore and gave in and we fell in love .I know she has done some terrible things because if she didn't do those things she would have had been killed.

So from now on I will protect her with my life I think one day I will make her remove herself from her clan and be free from that cursed clan.

4 years later Hagoromo and Hamura are big kids now Kaguya and i tried our best to make them happy and though them to always respect us before anyone else. Over the years the people in the land called me the sky God Amaterasu but I told the Uranus because I was a man, I was would make I rain , snow , change the seasons and fly in the sky beside Kaguya and would offer blessings to the people


The Spiritual beast left 4 years ago now they became powerful sages and opened up their own dimension and had a statue of me outside of their temples they would compete to see who could build the biggest.

The Frog and Snake with their sage powers build statues similar to Madara and Hachirama in the valley of the end.

I like the fact that they tried really hard but lady Katsuyu didn't have anyone to help her build the statue so I told them to help her and they build 10 times bigger with a statue of themselves by my side .

When I saw the statue i was happy I felt special and lucky. Today I decided to take The boys and Kaguya to Lady Katsuyu's dimension to see the statue.

Pops are we there yet? Hagoromo

Dad I'm bored can we go back home I don't like this place. Hamura

Kids quiet or I will make you guys stay in your study halls for 3 weeks you will be allowed to come out until I say so . Kaguya

Kaguya their kids let them enjoy their freedom because in a year I will start training them and help them surpass their limits with my special training

Gulp . Hagoromo

Gulp . Hamura

The boys gave me a funny look and went to hid beside their mom they most have remembered the training I put Kaguya for 2 years with my help she went from a Midminor goddess thanks to the fruit to a Peak minor Goddess.

Those years where terrible for the both of us because she wouldn't let me smash because the didn't hold back during our sparring sessions.

But now that it's over she let's me have all the fun I missed out during that time and now she's pregnant again . Yes!!! That's right you heard me i got Kaguya pregnant .

When the whole family saw Lady Katsuyu's real body their mouths dropped but they reacted differently when they saw my statue they're eyes where glowing and they had a beautiful smile on their face.

I looked at Lady Katsuyu and said " Thank you for doing this I will repay you by help Ling you turn into human ."

Lord Ulf no Uranus thank you . Lady Katsuyu

No thank you brought joy to my family and for that you have my respect .

With that being said I flew to her body and used my divine powers to turn her into a young kid thar came into my mind I made her look similar to kid Kushina .

She walk slowly and stared running around and finally found a small pond and managed to see her reflection.

She ran back to my location and bowed down and said thank you with a beautiful smile.

When she said that I felt my my divinities soul body and spirit cry with joy.

I looked into the sky and said to everyone " Guys get ready to see my real form and then you will see what a God should truly look like in their Greatest momment of existence.