Visiting Mount Olympus.

When everyone saw Athena killing Darkseid they cheered up but i noticed something wrong I saw a future where Darkseid sucking her energy dry and Zeus shooting a lightning bolt killing them both with tears in eyes.

Athena get away from him now he will try to suck your energy.

Too late she can't escape I will recover and become stronger thanks to you foolish gods . Darkseid

Sorry daughter I have to get rid of this threat no matter what . Zeus with tears in his eyes

Everyone in the war saw Zeus powering up a giant lightning bolt ,which he launched at Athena and Darkseid.

I saw this future and it was not pretty I stopped time and teleported in front of Athena and let the golden lightning bolt hit me instead. This lightning bolt caused no damage to me at all.

After that I grabbed Athena and put her behind me and stepped on Darkseid body .

Darkseid you are not worthy for me to kill even if you bring your real body but you tried to kill a woman that I love and for that you will experience a Tribulation with all your clones all over the universe .

I tapped his forhead and left a mark that would let the Tribulation attack him for eternity and he would be able to get rid of it when he begs me and Athena.

I watch as Darkseid left the battle field Zeus destroying the boxes and everyone cheering about this amazing victory.

Aahahahaha I'm not impressed at all Athena let's go I can't stand the sight of the gods .

Uranus thanks for saving me.

Athena hugged me and started caressing my face and ignored everyone and her family who where looking at us.

Athena I could you break you oath you have become an embarrassment to the gods stop this foolishness at once. Zeus

Father no Zeus why should I listen to you when I'm more powerful than you and the pantheon combined.

Athena used he peak Greater God to suppress everyone in the area and ignored Zeus, Ares, and Artemis who couldn't stand up with the rest of the mortals .

Daughter release us I'm sorry about before I didn't have a choice in that matter. Zeus

Zeus father let me tell you something that my partner Uranus here told me a thousand years ago. We mortals and gods always have a choice only those with a weak mindset or they are to weak to face a challenge will always make decisions under pressure.

Ulf join me in my temple in Mount Olympus I got a surprise for you. Athena

Athena don't trust that Stranger when don't know who he is and what he can do yet. Artemis

Sister this man I the one I've been spending time with and helped me get thus powerful. Athena

What than we should capture and find the secrets of this man father. Ares

Ares stop being so foolish this man is on a realm way above us and right now we don't want to piss off Athena. Zeus

Yes Father I was wrong but won't this make the mortals see us as weak gods who relied on a single man to the job done.

It doesn't matter right now I need you to check on Poseidon he has been quiet for 2 thousand years and I've heard the Atlantians worshipping 3 new gods. Zeus

What that's impossible uncle is a Greater God like me Father . Ares

I saw Ares teleporting away after Athena grabbed my hand and we teleport to mount Olympus.

When we teleported to mount Olympus I saw a beautiful temple and female servants who happened to be minor Goddesses. When they saw Athena they bowed and gave me a confused look .

Everyone this is lord Uranus threat him like just like me . Athena

With time I started to get used to the environment it looked even better than Asguard it even had legendary monsters in it.


Today I was sitting down reading a note that Athena told me to read while she practices with her sword.

She moved the sword like she was a sword Goddess . When I finished the note she dropped her sword and jumped in my arms and asked what I tough about the note.

I think you should not get involved with the Olympians anymore.

Why I'm stronger than all the gods I could improve the world situation and make the gods behave like true gods and not children with powers.

Athena I understand where your coming from but you are forgetting about the time we spent together for a throne that is cursed Athena.

Ulf we spent 2 thousand years together but your forgetting that I'm over 500 thousand years old I'm not a kid anymore.

My point exactly your a woman you can make your own choices than why are you asking for my advice when you know that I'm not gonna to see you on that throne Athena.

Ulf I love the time we spend together I'm already yours love but can you support me and become my king and help me rule mount Olympus .

I didn't want to agree but the next moment I saw Athena running to a bush and started throwing up I checked her vitals and saw a new life inside of her.

I was so shocked that I fell on the ground


Athena why did you hide the fact that you are with child from me .

I was angry at Athena for hiding such an important matter from me .

Ulf I'm sorry but not gonna let a kid stop my goal of becoming a queen so don't try to stop me . Athena

Sorry Athena you can rule mount Olympus but I'm not gonna let my child be raised in this place .

Fine in 3 months the little godling will be born you can have him but you have to let me see the child whenever I want ulf.


Fine I will allow it but are you sure you don't want to stay with me and watch our child grow up and explore the muliverse together.

No I'm happy with everything I have here ulf I'm sorry but I have to kill my father and take the throne .

After that Athena and I stopped seeing each other and I felt a strong breakthrough someone managed to become a Peak Greater God it must be Zeus.

I felt something off I sent one of my avatars to the mortal world I started hearing stories about how Zeus , Ares, Artemis, Athena,and a strange God managed to save the world I also saw a lot of temples being built around the region which later on would be called Greece.

3 months later Athena showed up to a house that I build in the wilderness of Mount Olympus she showed up with 2 babies when I scanned them I show that their powers was actually Low Greater.

I took the first child who happened to be a boy I started into his eyes and saw wind and Freedom I called him Charles the God of wind and Freedom.

I picked up the next child who happened to be a girl I looked at her face and said , Annabel that's gonna be your name daughter and you happened to be a Goddess of Wisdom and Prosperity .

Athena thank you for giving life to my kids I love you.

I tried to kiss her but she walked back and said , Ulf take the boy Annabel will stay with me.

Fine but you most promise me that you will keep her safe or mount Olympus will be history.

I took Charles with me and teleported to Atlantis and saw 3 statues of my brothers and son . I called their names I didn't even have to wait for a minute and the three of them showed up and saw Charles in my hand .

Brother it's good to see you again . Magni

Brother I can't even look into your eyes just how powerful are you now ? Modi

Father who is that child with you by the way why is he a Greater God explain please. Tyr

Tyr my son this is your younger brother Charles can you take good care of him for me I will be leaving this world for a while .

What who is the mother is it that woman Athena father? Tyr

That's right she also has your sister Annabel you can't make contact with them without my permission do you hear me Tyr.

Yes Father by the way what kind of God is my brother ? Tyr

Wind and Freedom like me so give him a lot of freedom but keep an eye on him will you .

Yes Father. Tyr

After that I flew to space I don't remember for how long but I flew to random planets . O made contact with different lifeforms I made contact with the green Martians later the Branx who challenged me than started to worship me I told some of them to go to earth and lay low.

I made contact while the durlans, the Alstairians, Daxamites who didn't pose much of a challenge, Argoans who tried to kill me with their numbers but I subdued them by making the gravity of the planet 5 times heavier than before.

Last group was the kryptonians where the toughest mortal race I had to face and try to leave . During my time on krypton I felt like I was on a futuristic like earth the only difference is that the people there where strong enough to make the Demigods on earth look like look like weak warriors.

I challenged the head of every house with my power sealed to Demigod and being them all because they lacked combat experience.

After I defeated all the house leaders I left a legacy and told them they the yellow sun will help them a lot and to not destroy their planet.

Years later I trained by myself on a planet surrounded by 5 stars I was unsealed my powers and started a new technique that would take me a very long time. This was just the start .

I spend 3 thousand years trying to make back hole off my own and tried to control them which took me 2 thousand years I destroyed a lots of planet but luckily they didn't have any living organism.

Today I finally was able to create a black hole with my divine energy and could destroyed it with a flick of my hand and now it was time to go home.