Back to earth 5 thousand years later.

After 5 thousand years I flew back to earth and landed in Ocean and made my way to Atlantis . When I arrived I noticed that the place looked a nicer and futuristic and more advance than most of krypton.

Sir can you identify yourself? Atlantian soldier

I'm a relative of the gods and guardian of Atlantis.

Impudence die stranger. Atlantian soldier

When they tried to attack me I pushed them away and flew to an old temple and managed to found the hidden area where my relatives stayed at .

When I stepped inside I heard the sword clashing when I took a look I saw two young man who look almost like twins . One of them looked like a general while the other was shirtless and looked free with a handsome smile on his face .

I decided to approach and waved at them when Tyr saw me he bowed down and welcomed me but Charles vanished from the area with tears in his eyes .

Son wait I can explain.

Father you took to long Charles is gonna be fine but he won't get along with you like I do .

Thanks but how's Athena and Annabel doing Tyr?

Athena got the throne a thousand years ago with the help of Annabel but Ares massacre all the gods. Athena and Annabel are still alive but they are traumatized with the destruction of Mount Olympus and the deaths of all the gods.

Where are they now ?

They live in Themyscira with the Amazons. Tyr

Son I will try to make it up to Charles I will see you later.

I tried to sense Charles and I found him on an island above Atlantis throwing rocks around.

Son I'm sorry 😞 I know I didn't raise you at all but I was in a dark place your mother kind of broke our relationship because of a cursed throne . When she gave birth to you and your sister I wasn't mentally ready to raise you I loved your mother very much and I love you to son . Can you forgive me son?

Father no you don't deserve that title . Uranus I hate you but your the one that gave me life so I will give you a second chance. Charles

Thanks Charles since you are willing to give me a second chance take these gifts.

I gave him a lot of kryptonian armors and weapons and a spaceship .

Wow 👏 how did you get all this stuff Old man . Charles

I got all this stuff on Krypton a planet filled with Demigod or minor God human like aliens.

Wow interesting 🤔 can you help me with something Old man I am stuck at Upper Greater God I can't reach peak on my own. Charles.

Son your a really talented God . since you need my help I will help you do it .

I scanned his Body and saw his two divinities growing stronger every seconds but they are not truly fused with his godhead.

I touched his forhead and fused them together and showed him a vision of the realm of OverGod .When he saw the vision and saw my experience as an OverGod he achieved enlightenment and became a Pseudo OverGod like his brother and uncles.

I saw his godhead forming a small crown and I congratulated him.

Son congratulations on becoming the Prince of Freedom and Wind .

Thanks Old man . Charles with a smile 😃😊 on his face .

Let's go visit your sister and mother .

We flew to Themyscira in 15 seconds and landed in the throne room and I shouted .

Athena show yourself or I will destroy this 😤place you should know I don't grant second chances.

Charles stood behind me nervous he tried to escape but I told him to stay and to trust me .

In 10 seconds over 55 ladies entered the room one of them walked past us and sat on the throne and started laughing.

Hippolyta you have changed a lot since the last time I saw you .

Uranus you also look different older , wiser, and stronger. Hippolyta

How long has been since I saw you Hippolyta?

Uranus it's been over 6 thousand years since the fight against the foreign God.

So it's been this long already where is Athena and my daughter I miss them .

I'm already here Ulf why are you here ? Athena

I turned around and saw the Amazons bowing down to the Goddess of War.

Why can't I see the mother of kids 😫 fine I'm here to take my daughter.

I'm not gonna let you get anywhere near her Ulf she is mine . Athena

Athena even when you fail you are still thinking about that place and it's cursed people . Athena you have disappointed 😞me a lot you could have been the Goddess by my side, but you chose to sacrifice out love for another, our friendship, rivalry ,and you spat on all that.

I never wanted this Ulf . It's all your fault I became like this if you stayed by my side when I needed you the most you chose to step aside and vanished from the world . Athena

Athena I called her name with rage which reached all the edges of the earth right now everyone who where sleeping, fishing, working , worshipping their gods , and fighting the second world War stopped and looked at the sky .

Athena you wanted me to join you and become one of those worms you called your family never . I said with anger

Ulf do you want to make fun of me and look down on me . Athena yelled back

I Do your the woman I fell in love with and the woman I hate for making me feel like a bad parent. We could have been happy together Athena but you ended it when you make me pick one of the kids and broke my heart .

Ulf I didn't think you would become this soft after all this time you haven't change one bit little godling . Athena

Aahahahaha Athena you don't get to call me that anymore I was a foolish young God who got used by you in the end .Trusting an Olympian is the greatest mistake I've ever made .

Ulf shut up . Athena cried

Ulf you weren't like this in the past I don't like in the past I miss the old you . Athena

Your lying I fell for your lies since you asked me for the fruit and to train me .

Athena give me my daughter or I will destroy this place and everyone in it .

No stop father . Charles

Charles son meet your mother don't be friendly with her she is an Olympian.

But she is my mother are you telling me not to trust my mother . Charles

Charles if you go to her you won't see me again and I won't protect you when Darkseid comes back to this world .

Darkseid I tough I killed him . Athena

The one you killed was but a clone sorry to break it to you by the way he is a Speudo OverGod but he is stronger than all of you combined only I'm able to stop him .

Why don't you kill him before he comes here Ulf ? Athena

Why should I do that whatever happens to this planet isn't my responsibility.

Ulf you really are a monster you are gonna let a foreign God come back to kill your woman , brothers and kids .

I already helped everyone out already I'm an OverGod I don't have time for such a small nuisance.

I saw Charles walk to his mother's direction and gave me an angry look I felt like I was stabbed by a knife in my heart. I got really pissed 😤I released all of my powers and grew to the size of the planet and place a shield that would protect the world against being who are stronger than any of my kids .

I shrunk and flew to the sun and went into a God hibernation only to wake up 200 years later and I saw How Diana saved the world killed ares with my daughter and son Charles .

I landed next to them and started to talk to them .

Since you guys can defeat Ares I won't protect you anymore I will let you guys face Darkseid alone good luck .

My kids gave me a confused and angry look Diana asked them who I was .

They answered our father together.
