Waking up again the kryptonians are here .

After my kids and Diana finished Ares off they started their own superhero team called the Justices Bright side . They defeated a lot of powerful aliens who where hiding on the planet .

After a while of watching them I grew bored of watching them I noticed that my brother's are off world now with Tyr . I didn't waist my time anymore I started to focus on trying to become a Middle OverGod . Right now Amaterasu is a Middle OverGod while the other two are High OverGod.

During the time I was trying to becoming more powerful Darkseid was almost done with the constant lightning Tribulation I put on him . When ever a lightning bolt my laughter would echo around him making him ate me even more.

While I was trying to breakthrough I sensed Darkseid almost overcoming my Tribulation but he was too late I feel really bad for the guys . In 500 years I managed to comprehend something deep . Just because someone is wise it doesn't mean that they know everything 😌.

Punishing others will hurt or kill them but it could also make them become more resistant and extremely powerful.

When I made this discovery I 🤣 remembered how I was having a hard time dealing with my family and Darkseid almost becoming an OverGod thanks to my Tribulation but now 500 years later I breached the gate and became a Middle OverGod and canceled the Tribulation stopping the process.

When I finally came out I was surprised to see the world change so much it looked like similar to the modern earth. When I started to look for my kids I saw them in metropolis watching a fight.

I didn't make any connections with them I flew toward the spaceship and waved in front of it . Everyone who was there and watching the news taught I was a crazy kryptonian alien because I could fly and wasn't wearing a human outfit. I was wearing an old Kryptonian armor .

When the kryptonians on the ship saw me the one in charge told them to kill me. Their subordinates didn't have a choice so they started to fire at me but the bullets didn't hurt me one bit. They Everyone who saw me they said monster in unison.

I started to laugh and had a small tear in my eye.

Kryptonians you guys are always up for a challenge aren't you the last time I met you guys I defeated all the leaders of you houses and now a single ship field with weak kryptonians are trying to kill me when their ancient leader begged me to let them live .

The kryptonians and everyone else gave me a weird look I 😕 was a little disappointed inside but general Zod who saw me from the main ship in outer space was shocked and told the kryptonians to stop .

3 minutes later a small spaceship landed near me . After it landed I saw general Zod his sub commander Foara and Clark Kent in handcuffs walking toward me .

It's an honor for a low ranking General as myself to me Uranus the ancient conqueror of krypton and its absent God and ally .

So you finally managed to remember me interested. Why are you guys here and what happend to krypton ?

Lord Uranus planet Krypton is destroyed we didn't listen to your warning and now we paid the consequences. Zod

Since you guys are the last remaining members of your race you can have another planet in the solar system in the future don't make contact with humans they cannot be trusted.

Thank you my lord for the warning and the gift but we need the codex sir . Zod

You don't need it you guys are gonna have to reproduce with whatever survivors you have left now leave the planet .

General zod we need the Codex sir . Faora

Shut up Faora we need to leave now 😤. Zod

I watched as zod and the last Kryptonians left the planet but the us government didn't seem to want to let them go . They started to open fire on the ships . This resulted in me getting pissed off . I yelled as loud as I could

Humans stop this at once or your entire will be erased from the universe. Everyone including the kryptonians and gods heard me they all panicked and stopped whatever they where doing to see what I would do next .

The human army didn't stop their assault and now I didnt have a choice but to get rid of them for good .

I summoned over 7 billion lightning bolts . When everyone saw the lightning bolts they panicked but Clark Kent flew toward me trying to punch me . I couldn't help it I kicked him and grabbed his cape and ripped it off after that I threw him in the dirt and saw my kids and Diana coming to the rescue.

Father stop this at once please. Charles

Father I'm Annabel your daughter can you please let them go . Annabel

And why would I do that 😕 give me a reason to .