04: I'm Famous Now I guess.

Thirty minutes in after publishing, my web novel received six hundred views. Six hundred. That's like.. a lot of people. How did this happen.

I don't know if it's a regular thing for six hundred random people to press on a random book from an author that no one knows about.

Six hundred.

That's insane.

A day has passed and damn, 1.14k views. I am an internet celebrity. Worship me HAHA.

I'm honestly shocked. A thousand people have seen my web novel. I DON'T REALLY KNOW IF THIS IS LIKE A REGULAR THING.

IS IT NORMAL TO GET A THOUSAND VIEWS ON YOUR FIRST DAY? Honestly, all of this feels very rigged.

I don't believe it. I can't believe it. THEY HAVE TO BE BOTS OR SOMETHING. They can't be real people. It can't be.

I've read a couple of forum posts about the issue I'm going through right now. Why did I call it an issue. It's more like a blessing from God LMFAO. Anyways, They all thought the view count was fishy and that there was something wrong. Some people said that it's normal to get a huge amount of views for the first time. According to them, it's guaranteed to have at least eight hundred up to a thousand views on their first day.

Another group of people said that the views must've been bots. A way to encourage new authors to keep writing is by feeding their view count with bots. This explains why there are very few and most of the time, no comments or reviews at all. Bots can't make comments nor reviews. However, other people have explained that most readers often read without commenting or reviewing at all. You can check other users. It's not that rare to see people who view and read novels without commenting or reviewing.

Some say that you simply just got lucky.

All of what they said equally made sense and all are very credible, but they're all just speculation. I actually didn't find any information from the website itself. Every one of them was from the forum. I guess they really just want to keep the view counting a mystery LOL. Maybe they did talk about it. I was just too dumb to see it. *sob*

Who cares though? I have a thousand viewers (almost 1.5k at the time of this writing). I'M FREAKING FAMOUS. Damn, soon enough news reporters/bloggers/vloggers? whatever, soon enough they'll all flock to me wherever I go. I'll be buying toothpaste and they'll be asking what is the secret to my power. I can see it happening already.

Soon enough, Lebron James would finally play basketball with me. HECK, I'M GOING ON A COOKING SHOW WITH GORDON RAMSEY. I'm gonna have a tea party with the queen of England. Just watch.

But let's not forget Newton's third law of motion, for every force applied to another body, is another force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. MEANING BEING FAMOUS HAS ITS CONSEQUENCES AS WELL. Oh my gosh, I can imagine my DMS (direct messages) being filled with single ladies asking me out. That is so annoying. That is totally, definitely, precisely the last thing I would ever want. PFFFF, disgusting. Yeah, women? disgusting 100%. WAIT I'M KIDDING. PLEASE DON'T CANCEL ME. WOMEN ARE GREAT. THEY'RE AMAZING <3. IM SINGLE BY THE WAY- *ahem* I am fifteen years old. I should not be dating.

Anyways, I guess these views are just the fruit of my labor. I actually worked really hard on these chapters. On my first day (which is by the time this was published, it was four days ago, for me it was yesterday), I had written four separate chapters, even though only 1 of those chapters hit the eight hundred words goal, If my memory is good, I typed 2.2k words. Around that number. On the second day (which for you is 3 days ago, for me it's today) I wrote another two chapters (03 and 04 which is the chapter you are reading right now) and that totaled around 1.6k words. This web novel thing is pretty difficult and I really am happy that I got a lot of views haha. My friends even left reviews and contributed haha (totally not because I asked them to or anything). It really motivates me a lot and I'm very grateful. Thank you.