03: The day I became a wattpad author. I MEAN WEBNOVEL.

After long hours of thinking (I actually thought and thought about becoming a web novelist for hours), I had finally decided. I'M GONNA BECOME A WEB NOVELIST.

There are just a teensy tiny bit of problems though. Yeah, just a teensy tiny bit. I'm kidding. There's a lot of problems.

Firstly, I've already mentioned this before, but I'm gonna say it again. I have zero experience in writing. None at all. There's no experience whatsoever. I wouldn't know what I would be doing.

Secondly, I don't even know what a web novel is. LIKE I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW. How a web novel is made, heck, I didn't even know how to read them. I've always known about Wattpad, but I never really knew what you do there. As far as I know, that's where my friends read sm**. Sorry I had to censor that. This is a family-friendly web novel.

Thirdly, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT. Too indecisive to pick a genre and I'm too dumb to make a story with that genre and anything I think of either turns out cringe or simply just not interesting.

(None of the chapters I've written so far were planned by the way.)

People, authors, work hard every single day, making chapters with highly sophisticated plots while I'm just here "I made a web novel because I got bored."

It didn't matter though. I was bored. I needed something to do. While shounen (action-anime) protagonists are driven by their desire to save people and get stronger, isekai (another genre of anime) protagonists are driven by their desire to get back to their own world, h****i (unholy anime genre) protagonists are driven by women, I'm driven because I'm bored.

I remember watching this anime that literally just has me as their main character. You've probably seen it before. (I'm gonna get killed by copyright issues) is the title. (yes) is an anime adaptation of a manga that shows a story of a young man who's bored. He's literally just bored. He saves people and entire cities from getting destroyed by extremely dangerous monsters because he's bored. He's just bored; what else is there to say.

As the title says, Mr. Protagonist, the main character of (yes), can kill anyone and anybody with a single punch. It's boring really. Just imagine watching a show where the hero always wins. No matter what circumstances and no matter how powerful the villains are, the hero will always prevail. Now, other people find entertainment and joy from these shows, but to be honest, I consider shows with unbeatable, overpowered protagonists as terrible.

What's the point in going through the entire show. In the end, the main character will just end up victorious. It's predictable and shows like that are a waste of time.

Sometimes, the show tries to put the main character in a pinch by raising the stakes, making it seem like the main character is about to lose, but ninety-nine percent of the time, the main character suddenly gets a new power, or maybe they had a secret ultimate move all this time and they end up inevitably winning. These are called plot shields. As the name implies they are shields for the main character. The main character is the good guy and good always wins, so for good to win against evil, the main character must win. No matter what and it gets incredibly boring and it completely drains interest since the main character always wins.

I have no idea why I started talking about all that crap. I BROUGHT UP Mr. Protagonist from an anime I can't mention BECAUSE WE ARE ALIKE. WE DO WHAT WE DO BECAUSE WE'RE BORED. I DIDN'T BRING UP (yes) SO THAT I CAN SH*T ON THE SHOW. sorry HAHA.

Anyways, back to our story. I didn't really have anything to do in the day. It's my summer vacation and there is currently a global pandemic. I am not kidding. There's literally a global pandemic right now and millions upon millions of people are plagued by a virus and I'm here in the middle of it writing a web novel. I'm not gonna talk much about the pandemic though since I've already wasted so much time talking about Mr. Protagonist, gosh. *visible disappointment*

As I said, I didn't really have anything to do during the day. I am at home, all day, every day with nothing to do. So I took it upon myself to sign up at this website (webnovel.com). That's where I was to write my novel. When I had made the novel, it asked me for a title. A TITLE. A FREAKING TITLE. I didn't know what to name it. I didn't even know what to put inside it, heck, do you expect me to know what to name it?

Well, one thing I did know is that I was bored. I was really bored and I don't know. I honestly don't know. So that's what I named my web novel, "Bored: The novel- idk I honestly don't know". HAHA, that was how my novel (the one you are reading right now) was born.