Chapter 31

I'm sure this has happened to you- you forgot to do your homework given to you on your weekend.

But I'm sure this has never happened to you- the reason why you didn't do your homework was because you were kidnapped by a prince, he took you to his friend's place, you made hot dogs, had a food war, later got beaten by his elder brother, cleaned up everything, took a bath with the prince where he jumped on you because you 'aroused' him by standing there naked.

Then, you snatched the prince's friend's towel and in this process, you humiliated yourself in front of an outsider, then the elder brother took you outside, confessed his love for the prince while beating up delinquents, you reached home and something gets inside of you resulting in you saying embarrassing stuff to the prince and he proposes to do something naughty but you ignore him and sleep, later you end up having a super weird dream, you get up in the morning, feed on burnt toast made by the elder brother, almost dying from its taste, reach home.

Bang your head on the wall until your mom notices your TV'S loud volume. She doesn't care if you kill yourself while banging your head on the wall, all she cares about is your TV volume, later you have a deep conversation with her, you play badminton with your twin sister, ALMOST, note that I said almost, get your d*ck broken, and risk your future generations, finally realising that it's Monday the next day and you have done absolutely NOTHING!!!!

Literally, TOO MUCH USELESS STUFF happened this weekend!! And finally I'm back to school at 7 in the morning, because Ralf Kaise, a half German pretty boy, asked me to come to school.

But I never expected to meet this pair...

"So, what are we doing today?" Brandon Johnson said to his friend, Jeremy Weaste, while he walked in the corridors with his football jersey on while I hid behind a wall.

"We're gonna do the warm up for half an hour today." Jeremy said.

"Oh man! This sucks! !" Brandon said, "I need to go and take a leak, you head on."

"Wait! I'm coming too." Jeremy said and both of them headed towards the wall behind which I was hiding.

"Oh shit!" I said and ran inside the bathroom behind me.

Brandon Johnson and Jeremy entered the bathroom.

I crawled on the floor like a cockroach and finally entered a stall.

I took a sigh of relief as I pressed my head the stall door

"Oi… what are you doing here?"

I turned back in surprise and found that...

…it was Ralf Kaise....

And he was doing some business which every human does but I hope none of you ever witness it in your life....

"Why didn't you lock the door??!!" I whisper shouted.

"The lock was broken- wait- GET OUT!!!!" He shouted.

"Shhhh" I covered his mouth as I looked at the door.

"Who was that?" Jeremy said "Get out he says..."

"...Maybe, he's suffering from constipation- get out he says to his poop." Brandon said.

Wow! What a logic Mr. Brandon Johnson!

"Oh... poor guy, don't give up!! Make it happen!!" Jeremy said.

"Hey, what's that?" Brandon said.

"Where?? Wah!!! It broke." Jeremy said.

"Can you fix it?" Brandon said.

"Yes, I've done a masters plumber degree, of course I can't!!" Jeremy shouted.

"Give it to me, this is how we do it." Brandon said.

"Ah ah ooh!! It's cold and wet!!! Brandon stop, where are you touching??!!" Jeremy shouted.

"Don't be so loud." Brandon said.

"What are they both doing??" I said as my face turned pale and my stomach felt weird.

All sorts of scenarios were going inside my head to give a video to that 'audio only' I was hearing.


The dirtiest thought hit me…

And the next thing I did was….

I slammed open the door of the stall and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU BOTH DOING??!!!"

That ass (Brandon=that ass) and Jeremy stared at me while holding the tap. It was fixed there properly.

"Un…we're fixing the tap which we broke...." Jeremy said.

"Oh- oh...." I said.

What was I thinking???!!! I have such a dirty mind, I must bring my thoughts in control.

"Hey, is there someone inside that stall?" Brandon said as he narrowed his eyes.

"N-NO…NO ONE! !!" I shouted.

"Ha ha how is that possible Brandon?" Jeremy said.

"No, I think I saw someone in there..." Brandon said as he moved past me and held the door.

"There's no one in there!!!!" I shouted. Sweat dripped down my chin and fell on the floor. I had to think of something quickly!


"You're right." Brandon said as he looked at his watch.

"B-brandy?" I said inside my head.

Wait…I didn't know that even Brandon has a nickname...are they close? What is this? Isn't Harry your best friend??!!!

Jeremy marched out of the bathroom and said "Brandon, we both are really so shamelessly bunking our practice. But no fret darling, I can see, we have a long way to go and we will move ahead up there."

"....Up where? All I can see is the girls bathroom ahead of us. What are you planning so early in the morning, Jeremy darling?" Brandon said.

Did he just call him 'darling'? Well. . . . They are pretty close...

I tagged along with them as they walked towards the field.

"Forget it." Jeremy said, trying his best to hide his embarrassment from that awkward moment.

"Anyways, Katty, what are you doing so early at the school?" Brandon said.

"I have some project work." I said.

"Seems boring, boooo" that ass said.

"Well sorry for being so boring!!" I said.

"So, are you coming to my place tonight? I brought that new HP 365 game, with glasses." Jeremy said to Brandon.

To his place???!!!

"Seems amazing to me, hey do you have *etflix?" Brandon said.

"I do, you wanna watch something?" Jeremy said.

"There is a movie I wanna watch but I can't watch it in front of my dad, can I watch it at your place?" Brandon said.

Which movie is this pervert gonna watch??!!!

"YEAH!! I'm home alone tonight, don't worry baby." Jeremy said as he hung his hand around Brandon's shoulder.

Stop touching him so much.

"Hey did you just get taller?" Jeremy asked.

"Really did I?" Brandon said as he smiled.

Don't you dare smile at him, you idiot!! Aren't you in love with me and me only?

"What do you think Kate?" Jeremy said as he turned towards me.

"What?" I said.

"Brandon's hot, right?" He said.

Well, duh! He spends more time with me so I know it better than you, you personified shit!

"...I....I need to go for the project work, see ya." I said and left the halls. In the end, I was not able to say it...nevermind, next time.

I went back to the class, where Ralf was waiting for me, he shouted at me for invading his privacy and violating his basic human rights, then he helped me complete the project…it went something like this-

"Alright, now imagine you're in a completely closed room and the room is suddenly on fire."

"Is that even a maths question??" I asked.

"Shut up, it's a reasoning question, it is very much there in the book, now listen. ...imagine you're in a completely isolated room and the room catches fire...what will you do?"

"The answer is obvious." I said.

"And it is?" He said.

"I will simply stop imagining it. Why will I ever imagine something so negative and bad?" I said.

"*Sigh* This is gonna take some time." He said.

Finally we were done with the project just 2 minutes before the class started. I was saved, thanks to Ralf.

The rest of the day was not so special so it's not worth mentioning. Jaden and I had different classes so I didn't meet him many times. We just chatted near my locker in the morning and like always, he was energetic.

After the lunch break, the second half started, we had a combined class with class 1B- 'The class of the Prince'. I know, lame!

I was so not happy about seeing his face two times a day, but surprisingly, he did not attend the class.

I found Jeremy, hitting on some girls of our class... just.…I don't have words for describing this dude!!! I am in a confusion between dips*it or personified s*it!

Resistantly, I went towards him and asked "Un... Jeremy, where's Brando- I mean Brandy?"

Yes!! I finally called his nickname!!

"He was called by a girl at the terrace." Jeremy said.


"I'm sure it's a confession, finally, he'll have a girlfriend again and then I'll be at peace." Jeremy said.

"She forcefully took him to the terrace, right?" I said, my heart was not ready for what he replied...

"No, he looked pretty happy as she held his hand and both of them climbed the stairs. I saw them while I was coming to the field. But damn she was hot!! They looked perfect together."

Dear God,

What wrong did I do this time?

Am I gonna lose...Someone?

Are you up on us?

-To be continued