Chapter 30

"*Huff Huff Huff*

The entire crowd was cheering and shouting as the man slowly took a red cloth and looked at a huge black bull. The bull seemed terrifying and annoyed.

As the music began, the man flapped the red cloth and the bull ran towards him at full speed, the man dodged the bull gracefully and turned back at the bull again.

"Hiya!! Come get me!!!" He shouted in Spanish. The crowd cheered louder and louder and louder until...


"Why is your TV at such a high volume??!!" Mrs. Roberts shouted as she barged into Kate's room.

Kate was sitting in a corner of his room, the TV was at full volume and showing a Spanish bull fight while Kate's head was covered with bandages.

"W-What happened to you??!!" Mrs. Roberts shouted as she looked at Kate.

Kate gave a dirty look to his mother and turned towards the wall again.

"I banged my head on the wall." Kate said.

"Why would you do that?" Mrs. Roberts said.

"I...I said something which I think I shouldn't have said."



"What if....I say I like you, though just a little?-"

"UGH!!!!" Kate growled as he banged his head on the wall.

"What are you doing??!!" Mrs.Roberts shouted as she pulled Kate away from the wall.

"WAHHH! !! I'm so sick of my shitty life!! I'm seriously gonna suicide now!!" Kate said.

"Stop throwing a tantrum, you are not Anna that you'll cry on every little thing! What the hell happened anyways?" Mrs. Roberts said.

" ...nothing" Kate said.

"Are you telling me or not?" Mrs Roberts said as she glared at Kate.

"....Say you meet dad?" Kate said.

"Oliver? Oh well, we met at a bar." Mrs. Roberts said with a smile.

"How exactly?" Kate said as Mrs. Roberts sat next to him.

"At that time, my father used to run a bar which was one of the best bars of its time. One day, out of the blue, a small man came to our bar and sat at the corner. He looked so meek as if he would blow away with just a whistle." Mrs. Roberts said.

"That was dad, right?" Kate said, excitedly.

"Yes, your father looked like a teenager but later I found out he was 23 years old. And at that young age, he was already a head chef at a 5 star hotel." Mrs. Roberts said.

"Then, why did he come to your bar?" Kate said.

"Just for a change of taste. No matter how successful he gets, he is still like a child who finds pleasure in mundane things, he always cracked lame jokes while I accompanied him in the bar and his talks were endless." Mrs. Roberts said as she chuckled.

"So...when did you realize that you like him?" Kate said.

"Hmm....I don't know...I just….fell in love with him without any reason."

"But, there must be some reason to like him, right?" Kate said, curiously.

"Kate, you don't need a reason to like someone, you just like them for who they are."

"....Is" Kate said.

"Yes, remember Kate, there will be a lot of people who will take your breath away, but those who remind you to breathe again are the ones you should keep."


"Now tell me." Mrs Roberts said as she leaned towards Kate "Who is that beauty to whom Kate has given his heart?"

"Huh?" Kate said.

"Don't 'huh' me! I know you like someone, just spill the beans already!!" She said.

"H-h-how can you say that??!!!" Kate said as he blushed.

"*Sigh* Kate, I'm the woman who gave birth to you. Do you really think you can hide something from me? Now, tell me, is she hot?"

"Oh come on mom!!! GET lost!!!" Kate shouted as he dragged away Mrs. Roberts and slammed the door on her face.

"Hmph! He's just like me when I was his age" She said and moved towards kitchen.

"Yeah!!!" A man dressed up in tattered jeans and a ripped shirt shouted from the stage to the audience "Now sing along guys!! Girl I like you!!!"

"Girl I like you!!" The audience shouted.

"But if you don't!!!" The man shouted.

"But if you don't!!!" The audience shouted.

"Then b*tch there's plenty of fish in the sea, yeah!!!!" He growled as he played his rock guitar while sticking out his tongue.

"YEAH!!!!!" Kate shouted as he took his pillow and took the same pose as the man inside the television.

"Girls are-"

"What the fu*k is wrong with you???!!!!" Anna shouted as she slammed open the door to Kate's room.

"Now when you come back running to me" the man said in the background.

"Shut up!! Your ex has destroyed my life!" Kate said.

"Shut up! Don't tell me about your s*x life!!" She shouted back.

"Shut up!! It's not my s*x life! I don't have a s*x life!!" Kate shouted back.

"Oh no you lier!!!!" The man shouted.

"LIER LIER LIER!!" The audience shouted.

"What are you both shouting about??" Mrs. Roberts said as she entered Kate's room "Why are you always fighting??!! Aren't you twins??!!"

"I hate him/her!" Kate and Anna said together.

"You both.…I know how to bring you both together." Mrs Roberts said.




"...Mom....what are we doing?" Kate said as he and Anna held a badminton racquet in their hands while they stood outside their house.

"Why don't you both play a friendly game? Sports bring hearts together." Mrs. Roberts said with a camera in her hand.

"Why are you recording us??!!" Kate shouted.

"It brings back memories. Really, children grow up so quickly. It feels like yesterday when you both used to be so close to each other that Anna was never ready to leave your side Kate." Mrs. Roberts said.

"...Mom" Kate said, softly as he got flowed in sentiments "I feel your must be so sad that your only mentally retarded." Kate said.


"Tsk! Now she's just a big b*tch with a pound of make up on her face 24/7!" Kate said with a disgusted face.

"What did you say you jerk?? And how did your mood change so quickly?? Are you on your periods?"

"No, but I'm happy I ain't dumped like someone."

"NOW you'll regret it, GO!!" Anna shouted as she threw the cork in the air. She swung her racquet in the air, started spinning and fell on the ground.

"Ha ha you're still shit at badminton." Kate said as he started laughing.

"You!! Don't you dare make fun of the queen." She said as she got up and picked up the cork.

As Kate continued laughing, Anna again threw the cork in the air and smashed it hard. The cork dashed with full speed at Kate and hit him on his crotch without giving him a chance to defend himself.

He shouted in pain and fell on the ground.

"Aggghhh!!!! MOM!!!!!!" Kate shouted as he scratched his nails on the road.

Mrs. Roberts threw the camera aside and ran towards Kate.

"Are you okay dear?" She said as she held Kate's hand. Then she turned towards Anna and said "Anna!! What a terrible sister you are!!! Go to your room, now!!" She said.

"But mom-"


"UGH! Whatever!" Anna said "I hope your d*ck rots and falls off!" she said.

"I hope you get raped by a monkey!!" Kate shouted back.

"Both of you, stop it!!" Mrs. Roberts said and all of them went back inside the house.

"Ugh! What a bad day!" Kate said as he took a sip of coffee while sitting on his bed.

"It's just been 3 months since school started and I'm already suffering so much. I hope things get better till the end of the year" Kate said to himself.

*Beep Beep*

"Hm? A message? Who the hell would message me?" Kate said as he picked up his phone.



I have done the assignments. Are you ready with the project?

"What the hell is this? OH SHIT I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT GROUP ASSIGNMENT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO THIS WEEKEND!" Kate shouted as he pulled out his hair.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! W-What should I reply?"


"Un....I have not done it yet..."


"Meet me before school tomorrow. Come early"

"....HOLY SHIT!" Kate said with his eyes wide open. Then he scrolled through his phone "I'm sure he'll beat me to death. Ugh!!! What should I do???? Somebody kill me already!!!"

-To be continued