My Fire and Iron

"Dismiss your desire and open yourself up to all that gives sweetness under the fire,"

It's been a few days, day and night, and the rain hasn't stopped pouring. The sun was shrouded in gloomy clouds above the sky. Even at night, the stars are nowhere to be seen. Hei Bao has been extremely busy since the conference one week ago. And it's been a week since Hei Bao has seen Bai Lianhua since their first meeting at Hao Mingyu's house.

Hei Bao was on his way to his house at this point. They were supposed to be on their way to see the company in which he had made an investment. His schedule was so tight that he couldn't leave until after midnight. Today was the day he finally finished his work.

Hei Bao took a seat in the back. His left leg was resting on top of his right. He was leaning back in his seat, looking out the window. The time was 4 p.m. Monday was the day. Outside the car, he noticed people walking on the sidewalk, clutching umbrellas to avoid getting wet from the rain. The majority of them were students, but some were office workers, teachers, or regular people.

Because the light was red, the driver came to a complete stop. Secretary Wen, who was settling into the shotgun seat and holding his folder, looked at Hei Bao in the mirror.

"Director, I already contacted Mr. Han about the cancellation for today's agenda, and he said we can set another time and that it's better if the weather is good and that, if you aren't busy," Secretary Wen informed Hei Bao.

"Perhaps next week will be fine," Hei Bao replied, his gaze fixed on the window.

"Err... next week? I think you have an arrangement for next week," Secretary Wen said, looking at his folder with a critical facade.

Hei Bao knitted his brows, as if he was speculating. Still staring out the window. The car hadn't moved yet, but the rain kept soaking it, pelting it with every droplet of water-like tears from the clouds.

"I don't think I have an appointment next week," Hei Bao finally responded after a brief pause.

"Well, you have; Sir Cheung Qi said you told him to tell me to make a plan for next week," Secretary Wen was perplexed.

"What kind of arrangement is it?" Secretary Wen inquired, closing his folder and focusing his gaze on the front.

"I don't even know; why the hell are you asking me? Aren't you supposed to be my Secretary?" Hei Bao retorted, his voice low and irritated.

Secretary Wen's newly purchased glasses cracked slightly as a result of what his Boss said. Hei Bao was retorted with a forceful grin, and he adjusted his glasses while looking straight in the mirror.

"Right," Secretary When said, nodding.

"But your ostensible right-hand man hasn't even told this ostensible Secretary anything about that ostensible arrangement next week," Secretary Wen resumed.

"Shut the hell up," Hei Bao replied, already enraged, and abruptly dropped the entire conversation.

Secretary Wen felt as if his newly purchased glasses had shattered into a million pieces. He suppressed his irritated mood by focusing his gaze on the road and eventually remaining silent.

Because the road was wet, the light had turned green by this point, and the car resumed its leisurely stride. Hei Bao hasn't taken his gaze away from the window, and it's because of this that he sees someone he recognizes. It was Lianhua.

Lianhua dashed into the rain, his backpack atop his head. His clothes were a little damp, and he appeared to be about to cry. He ran outside the school gate and then to the bus stop area, which was only a meter away from the gate, to find shelter. He sat down and placed his backpack beside him once he arrived.

"Stop the car," hei bao said, and the driver came to a halt in front of Lianhua, near the bus stop.

Lianhua was the only one there. He paused for a moment before pulling his phone from his pocket. He frantically tapped his phone a few times, but it wouldn't turn on. Lianhua's battery had died. He sighed, put down his phone, and leaned back against the bench. Hei Bao followed him every movement.

"Is there a problem—Huh? Isn't that a'Lian?" Secretary Wen exclaimed loudly. Secretary Wen catches a glimpse outside Hei Bao's window by chance. Hei Bao's gaze was as quick as lightning. It wasn't because Secretary Wen irritated him. It's because he was intrigued and a little taken aback.

"How did you get to know him?" Hei Bao inquired.

"He's a friend of my sister; do you know him by any chance, Director Bao?" Secretary Wen inquired, cautiously.

"I don't know, but I met him once," Hei Bao admitted.

"Oh... Err... Director Bao... It appears he cannot go home in this weather; can he ride with us and take him with me? It appears his brother is busy with the cafe again; poor him," Secretary Wen said.

'What makes you think you'd bring him to your house, bastard?

'Hei Bao pondered.

'As if I would let you be alone with him,' Hei Bao thought to himself swearing at Secretary Wen inside his head.

"Let's give him a lift; he can't stay with you," Hei Bao said sternly.

"But there's nothing wrong with me being with another guy tho," Secretary Wen mumbled.

Lianhua appears to have missed the car that had stopped in front of him because he was closing his eyes and leaning his head on the bench.

After what Secretary Wen said, Hei Bao frowned.

"OK, let's just send him home, and I'll go talk to him," Secretary Wen said, clutching an umbrella and unlocking the door after informing Hei Bao. He stood up, opened his umbrella, and closed the door behind him.

Hei Bao looked at Secretary Wen as he walked towards Lianhua. Secretary Wen gently patted Lianhua's shoulder and leaned in slightly. Hei Bao scowled at Secretary Wen as he watched him pat Lianhua.

Lianhua awoke, rubbed his eyes, and yawned slightly. As he stared at Lianhua, who looked like a puppy, Hei Bao's lips lifted for a tiny smile.

"What are you doing here, Cheng-ge?" Lianhua inquired.

"We were passing by and I saw you; why are you still here?" Chenglei returned to Lianhua.

"My phone was dead, and Ming-ge had told me earlier that he wouldn't be able to pick me up from school today because he had unexpectedly become occupied; I tried to call Wencheng, but I couldn't," Lianhua explains.

"She probably won't answer it anyway because she was working the night shift, and Mingyu must be busy as well because people these days really need something warm, like coffee," Secretary Wen predicted.

"Oh, she's working? By the way, you said you're not alone earlier; where are the others?" Lianhua inquired.

"They're in the car, waiting," Secretary Wen explained.

Suddenly, Lianhua looked at the car, a little curious, and he didn't take his gaze away from it even as Secretary Wen and he were talking.

"You are welcome to come with us; we will drive you home; I have already informed my boss," Secretary Wen said.

"Are you serious? You want me to ride with your boss?" Lianhua's eyes widened, alarmed.

"He already said yes— Actually, he didn't, but silence means yes, okay?" Secretary Wen explained.

"I don't even know your Boss. We're not even close, for God's sake! Why would he let a stranger ride in his shiny-twinkling-fabulous-and-extremely-expensive car?" Lianhua exclaimed half-heartedly while silently peering inside.

"I thought you knew him?" Secretary Wen inquired, perplexed.

"What? How would I know someone who can buy the entire planet? Are you kidding me?" Lianhua's thoughts were making him dizzy.

"Well, he said he knew you," Secretary Wen said.

"That's ridiculous! I don't recall meeting anyone as wealthy as this!" Lianhua half-shouted, looking ChengLei in the eyes.

Their conversation was taking longer, and Hei Bao was becoming impatient and irritated. Something amusing flashed through Hei Bao's mind. Secretary Wen felt his phone vibrate from his pocket as their conversation progressed. Linhua just nodded when he said something to him. When Secretary Wen lifted his phone, Lianhua noticed how his face changed from puzzled to perplexed.

"Get out," finally said Hei Bao to the driver.

"Tell him not to ask any more questions, and just find your way to your own home," Hei Bao added.

The driver did not ask any further questions and exited the car after a brief bow. The driver approached Secretary Wen and whispered into his ear. Secretary Wen nodded and turned back to face Lianhua.

"Is there a problem, Cheng-ge?" Lianhua asked as he stood up and looked up at ChengLei.

The attractive young driver, who was taller than Secretary Wen, moved back behind her and stood there.

"Uh...Uhm. Something came up and I needed to get back to the company as soon as possible. You can go home, my Boss will send you," Secretary Wen said as he opened his umbrella again and call Lianhua.

"Let me take you to the car," Secretary Wen said, and they started walking towards the car.

"No, wait. It'll be too awkward for me to ride with someone I don't know. Cheng-ge, can't I just hail a cab?" mumbled Lianhua anxiously.

"No, taxis are dangerous; just keep your money; it's hard to earn money these days, you know? (if y'all remember) Just get in," Secretary Wen said, as they stood outside the car. Secretary Wen's hand was on Lianhua's shoulder, and Hei Bao glared at him again.

Lianhua could do nothing, so Secretary Wen opened the door, and Lianhua could only get in with his head bowed low. Secretary Wen slammed the door shut without saying goodbye. Lianhua is afraid to raise his head and look at the person in the driver's seat. As a result, even though the car was already running, he remained silent. The car was moving normally, but Lianhua's heart wasn't.

'Soooooo awkward,' Lianhua thought to himself. His fingers were twitching and he couldn't move an inch. As if he was afraid that if he moved, he would die.

'Cheng-ge! How can you be so cold-hearted? 'Lianhua sobbed in his head.

'Why do I get the impression you just sold me to some random guy?' Lianhua howled once more inside his head.

'How on earth did I get in?!' What a stupid move, Bai Lianhua!' He howled inside his head once more.

He was startled to hear a low, husky chuckle. He became paralyzed. He recognizes this tone. He had previously heard it. A wave of nervousness and relief washed over him. His heart began to pound like a drum.

"Would you rather look at your feet than talk to me?" Lianhua was certain. He is acquainted with this individual.

"Mr-Mr. Bao?" Lianhua finally looked him in the eyes. His pupils were dilated. Hei Bao smirked, a smirk that almost resembled a teasing smile.

"It's good to see you again, a'Lian," Hei Bao said, making Lianhua blush a tomato red.

To be continued.