"Seeing you smile like the sun is all I wish to reach eternity,"

Hei Bao tried his hardest to remain calm. Even though he was on the verge of losing his cool, he tried his hardest to remain calm. He can't seem to focus on driving or keep his eyes on the road now that his mate is sitting next to him.

His mate sat next to him, oozing that sweet whiff of strawberry fragrance. His mate is making him dizzy, and the wolf within him is going insane. Hei Bao was on the verge of losing his cool. He grips the steering wheel so tightly that it almost stops working. Fortunately, Lianhua was finally able to speak.

"I—it was also nice to see you, Mr. Bao," Lianhua stammered, making Hei Bao giggle again.

"I never expected us to meet again so soon," Hei Bao exclaimed, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Y-yeah... Me too," Lianhua retorted nervously.

"Is there anywhere else you need to go?" Hei Bao inquired, casting a glance at Lianhua, who was sitting stiff and stuffy in his seat.

"N-no, just drop me off at the train station; I-I can go home myself, Mr. Bao," Lianhua said, feeling uneasy and awkward.

Hei Bao creased his brows and glanced at Lianhua. He stopped the car near an empty road, making the other person uneasy. The street was deafeningly quiet, with only a couple of vehicles passing by.

"M-Mr. Bao? Ah-ahm... This isn't the train station; we're still a hundred meters away f-from it," Lianhua stammered nervously, clutching the seat belt near his chest with both hands and peering out the window.

"Are you that uncomfortable?" Hei Bao inquired, drawing Lianhua's attention to him. They both lock their gazes on each other's eyes.

"N-no!... yes, a little," Lianhua admitted truthfully.

'WHY WOULD I NOT FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IN FRONT OF THE PERSON I JUST MET TWICE?!' 'Lianhua mentally screamed inside his head.


Hei Bao's eyes widened slightly, as if he couldn't believe it. They were enveloped in silence for a brief moment. Hei Bao could not believe it. He felt something inside his chest. He felt like something squeezed it. He became uncomfortably aware of his surroundings, but shrugged it off.

Hei Bao didn't notice, but Lianhua had been staring at him since the moment their eyes met. And Lianhua couldn't take his gaze away from him.

"Please don't be uncomfortable around me; you're hurting my feelings," Hei Bao joked, smiling.

"I...I'll do my best," Lianhua mumbled as he grinned gleefully at Hei Bao.

Hei Bao was taken aback by how bright Lianhua's smile is.

'I'd like to see that smile every day,' Hei Bao reflected.

Lianhua's cheeks flushed. He can't take his gaze away from Hei Bao's. He felt enchanted and was drawn into Hei Bao's lovely golden-yellowish eyes. He couldn't take his gaze away from those wolfish eyes, even though they were flickering brightly in a dimly lit car.

"Do you have any kind of magic?" Lianhua inquired abruptly. Hei Bao chuckled as he stared at him blankly for a second. The air around them lightened and became more comfortable.

"Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?" Hei Bao asked, smiling at Lianhua once more.

"It's just... Your smile was so alluring and attractive; it looks good on you," Lianhua said dazedly, still staring deeply into Hei Bao's eyes.

Hei Bao's smile vanished. His expression had returned to void. That's how Lianhua awoke from his trance. Hei Bao's face shifted, which he noticed. Hei Bao didn't take his gaze away from the other, causing Lianhua's knees to buckle.

"I-I'm sorry! Please just ignore what I said! I- I was just spouting nonsense.. haha," Lianhua said awkwardly, looking away from Hei Bao's intense gaze.

But what he did not foresee was that Hei Bao slipped his left hand on Lianhua's nape, while his right hand was on the steering wheel. Turning Lianhua's face to face him, he drew him closer. Hei Bao wasted no time in gluing their lips together.

Hei Bao closed his eyes, but Lianhua was taken aback by the sudden action. His eyes were wide open, and his face and ears were flushed. He was paralyzed. His thoughts were stuck in the air. And he can hear his heart thumping furiously.

'wH..what! What! WhaaaaT! ' Lianhua shrieked inside his head.

They, too, did not move their lips. It was only a gentle kiss. Hei Bao finally snapped. He may come to regret it later, but he can't take it any longer. He made no movement with his lips or tongue.

He's afraid Lianhua will flee if he does, because he kissed him without his consent. This is considered harassment. Hei Bao was about to pull away. But he had no idea what was going to happen next.

After a split second, Lianhua closed his eyes and began moving his lips on his own. Hei Bao was taken aback. He smirked between kisses and drew Lianhua in closer. Lianhua encircled Hei Bao's nape with both of his hands, deepening their kiss.

The silence of the car was filled with Lianhua's heavy pants, deep breaths, and the sleek sound of their wet tongues slipping and exploring each other's mouths. Groans and moans, they can both hear it. But neither of them cared a little.

Hei Bao knew that he had to stop. But he simply cannot bring himself to do it. Lianhua, too, does not want to stop, but he is unable to breathe. Hei Bao is aware of the danger.

Really, really, dangerous, but he doesn't care. The void inside his heart had finally been filled. After a hundred years of longing and yearning, it was finally filled. He's been looking for it for so long, and now that he's found it, he can't bring himself to let go. But he had no choice.

'Stop,' Hei Bao said.

'It's dangerous,' Hei Bao reflected again.

'Stop' once more.

Lianhua was trying to catch his breath between their wet kisses while Hei Bao was trying to stop and control the last thread of his rationality and restraint. He is aware. He understands how dangerous it is. But he is aware. They eventually came to a halt. There's a chance they'll end up back where it all started. Perhaps they will never meet again. However, this...

'FOR F*CK'S SAKE, THIS IS OUR SECOND MEETING! ' Lianhua yelled again in his head.

Hei Bao came to a halt. Lianhua did as well. They were still closing their eyes and keeping their faces close. As they huff and puff, they can definitely smell each other's breath. Hei Bao was the first to open his eyes, followed by Lianhua. They both locked their gazes on each other. Lianhua was the first to take action. He slowly removed his hands from Hei Bao's nape and sat properly in his seat. Hei Bao followed suit. They are once again surrounded by silence.f

"I... I actually lived nearby, in a condo, because the school was too far away from our village," Lianhua explained after a brief pause.

Hei Bao was not spared a glance as he said this.

"What's the name of the building?" Hei Bao inquired. He understands Lianhua's reluctance to discuss it. He most likely regretted it. It was merely an oversight. A dreadful one.

"It's xxx building," Lianhua replied, turning away from Hei Bao and staring out the window into the dusk.

"OK," Hei Bao said as he restarted the engine and drove away.

Hei Bao stopped the car when they arrived at the building where Lianhua lived. They have now exited the building. Hei Bao parked his car just a few meters from the highway. Lianhua wanted to flee, but he was stymied by the seat belt.

'How come you won't even budge?!' ' Lianhua wailed once more inside his head.

"Let me," Hei Bao said. He moved forward and took hold of Lianhua's seat belt. Lianhua looked up at Hei Bao, then down again.

"Please," mutters Lianhua. Making Hei Bao smile in a low-key way.


The seat belt was unbuckled with a click. Hei Bao just stares at him and watches his every move.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Bao. I hope you had a good night. I.. I'll be going then," Lianhua said, bowing slightly. He turned around and was about to unlock the door when he heard a knock.

"Wait," Hei Bao requested. Lianhua turned around, but his gaze was fixed elsewhere. He is unable to look Hei Bao in the eyes. Making the other person's face gloam.

"Y..yes, Mr. Bao?" Lianhua inquired awkwardly. Without even looking at him.

Hei Bao began, "What happened earlier—"

"Ah!" Lianhua exclaims, his face flushed. They were both taken aback by the unexpected utterance.

Hei Bao thought it was 'cute.'

"I... I'm sorry, Mr. Bao. I-I—I was... It's just... I— I can't. You-you're... Ah... Th—that." Lianhua struggles to find an excuse.

"Why are you pleading for forgiveness when it should be me?" Hei Bao questioned.

"Because..." Lianhua wishes to add...

'Because it was my initiative to move the lips first!' 'Lianhua wishes to say. But he is unable to open his mouth.

'It was me who encircled your neck with my arms and drew you in for a deeper kiss!'

Lianhua would like to add. He was becoming more agitated as his thoughts made him dizzy.

'Really cute,' Hei Bao thought again as he stared at Lianhua's perplexed expression.

"It was just an m—mistake," Lianhua explained. Hei Bao's face darkened even more. He secretly tightened his grip on the steering wheel in an attempt to suppress his rage.

"Calm down, I won't tell anyone," Hei Bao said, slightly smiling at Lianhua, who flushed even more.

'"Sh-should I thank you for that?" Lianhua asks, making Hei Bao laugh.

"I think you should go now because it's getting darker," Hei Bao said with a slight smile to Lianhua.

"Ah... Yeah. Thank you again, Mr. Bao," Lianhua said quietly, smiling at him.

"It's nothing, take care," Hei Bao replied, grinning back.

Lianhua exited the room after unlocking the door. He smiled as he closed the door and waved to Hei Bao. The rain had stopped this time. Hei Bao was left with only the watery grounds and a single memory as he watched the other enter the building and fade from his sight.

Hei Bao shifted his gaze forward and restarted the engine. With his messed-up head and solemn expression. With his icy eyes and devilish grin. The phrase he had heard earlier continued to ring in his ears.

'It was just an m—mistake,'

'It was just an m—mistake,'

'It was just an m—mistake,'

Hei Bao grits his teeth and murmurs,

"Mistake, huh?" He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and accelerated.

He took his phone, turned it on, and dialed Cheung Qi's number. It rang several times before being answered. The other line was silent, but Cheung Qi finally let out his hoarse voice a second later.

"Hello?" says Cheung Qi.

"Where are you?" Hei Bao inquires.

"I'm at a friend's bar," Cheung Qi responds.

"Is it Gou Feng's?" Hei Bao inquired.

"Yeah," Cheung Qi said.

"I'm on my way," Hei Bao replied.

"Yeah... Wait... What?" Cheung Qi asked.

Hei Bao hung up the phone without saying anything else.

To be continued.