Chapter 11 - Cramps

Kathy's Pov

"Alice, I'm having a dysmenorrhea." I said and held my abdomen tightly when I felt the sharp pain.

"Hold it in, we are almost done." She whispered beside me. "I'll get you medicines after the meeting."

"Why are we always having a meeting with Toy Bucks company, Alice?" I whispered but almost said it out loud. I'm tired of seeing Jack on his chair sitting like an idiot with his shiny hair.

"We always have a meeting with our business partners not just the Toy bucks company." She raised her eyebrows at me and look back at the front where the speaker was talking. "I'm taking a lot of notes you know, all you have to do is sit pretty and listen."

I frowned, "Well, I don't look like I'm sitting pretty, now am I?" I said a little bit louder.

"Is there something you want to say Ms. Kathy?" The speaker ask, making me look at him."Is there a problem with the plan?" He pointed at the white board with a marker on his hand.

I let out an awkward laugh, "Ehe... No, I'm sorry. I just had a little conversation with my secretary, sorry if I'm a bit too loud." And everyone laughed a little with me except for Jack, who was scowling in his seat.

The dude never smile.

I gave him a sarcastic smile but he didn't responded, a scowled spread to my face and I rolled my eyes at him.

Such a douchebag.

Every meeting is weird to me, we're like highschool students listening to the discussion of the teacher. After few minutes, I feel another million stab inside my abdomen again. I held my breath and slowly inhaled and exhaled to lessen the pain, it was kind of weird but at least it was working.

"Is it really that painful?" Alice whispered in my ears, "Because you look like you're about to explode."

"Yes," I hissed, "It is really painful but I'm trying my best to held it in."

"If we were in our Company building it would be easier for me to get out and grab some meds for you but since you accept their request to attend the meeting on their building," Alice glared at me, "And that sh*t is not my fault anymore." She's clearly tired of my sh*t. I can't blame her, I would be too if I was her.

"Shut up or I'll fire you."

"You can't." She said, didn't even bother to look at me. She was just writing letters in her notes. I want to tackle her right here and right now but I have to remind myself that we're not in our place to do it.

"... And that would be all, thank you. Ms. Kathy, do you have any opinions or whatsoever with our budgeting plan?"

Budgeting plan? I thought we were done with this meeting. "No, I don't and thank you for the meeting." I said, Still trying my best to ease up the pain. I tried to stand up and congratulate everyone for the successful meeting but I can't, my abdomen is so painful I can feel it in my back.

Alice must have notice the pain on my face she stood up for me and congratulate each of them for me, After that she looked at me and said, "Stay here, I'll get some meds for you." And she left.

I look over at Jack who's eyes were glued to me. It was just me and him inside the room, I didn't even notice that he hadn't left yet. He stood up from his chair and slowly walk towards me.

And I'm really trying my very best not to show the discomfort on my face.

"Why do I feel like your uncomfortable inside my building Ms. Hutton?" He said, looking at me up and down.

"Pshhh, W-what me?" I snorted and it made a sharp pain inside my abdomen, I let out a gasp and quickly manage to laugh it out. "I f-feel f-fine." I said. I hope and prayed that my dear friend Alice is running for her dear life because I'm in deep pain right now.

And I don't wanna look like I'm about to take a sh*t with Mr. Bonneville!

"You don't look fine to me Ms. Hutton." He put his hands in his pockets, leaned a bit closer and looked at me again carefully, scanning me up and down and finally notice that were my hand rested. "Stomach pain?"

I shook my head quickly. Period conversations is embarrassing not unless you're talking about it with another women but a man? Hell no! And especially that man is Jack, god forbid.

"Then what is it?" He asked and I glared at him. "Yes, your face is telling me that's it is painful and you need help right now..."

"You can't read faces."

He looked at my poor self and said, "Yes, I don't but your face is not that hard to read Ms. Kathy."

No. Not a chance. Not in a million years. No period conversations, not with him. No.


Hell no!




I held my abdomen a little bit tighter, hoping that It'll ease the pain. "I'm having period cramps, I just had my period, it's my first day and it's very heavy and I just want some meds that's all." I whined that it made my chin quivered. My cramps are going nuts and I've been holding it for 30 minutes because of the meeting.

Jack blink two times and slightly opened his mouth, "Oh, I'm sorry." His ears slowly turning red. "I thought it was just a stomach ache. I didn't mean to be rude about... that." His eyes pointed down to my stomach and his ears was fuming red while his face was calm and emotionless. He's still the same old Jack Bonneville, the stone-face-walks-and-talk-like-a-brick I meet 5 years ago. "Is there anything, I can do to help you?"

Maybe a d*mn sofa? My back is killing me!

"My secretary is already buying meds for me, I'll just wait here." I smiled bitterly.

"I have a sofa inside my office you can rest there for a bit."

Without any hesitation, I quickly stood up and pushed the door open, literally dragging him out of the meeting room.

"Where's your office?"

"Ms. Hutton!" He exclaimed making me stopped, I look around and everyone was looking at us. I didn't even realize that I was grasping his necktie. "How unprofessional." He said, I slowly let go of his necktie and gave him an apologetic smile, everyone started to whisper and looked at me, it made me feel self conscious so I lowered my head and stood beside Jack. He quickly fixed his tie and said,"This way."

He's so cold... I mean, He was before but I really thought he change a little bit. Physically he change but I don't know about his personality because it seem like he didn't change at all. Maybe he was mad because I said No? He could have just ask it normally! You can't just barged into people's houses or offices and ask them on a date like it's just a casual thing to say.

"Ms. Hutton?" He called. I looked up, sill feeling a little embarrassed, I hummed in answer. "You can rest here." He pointed at the soft sofa.

The white juicy sofa makes me wanna sleep in there 24/7 but I'm really trying my best not to jump on it.


Why does the sofa have to white?!

"Thank you so much and I'm very sorry for my unexplained behavior."

His lips forms a thin line and look at my abdomen and to my eyes like I was a deformed bacteria and said, "Understandable." He turn his back to me and slowly walk towards the door.

I was about to kill and stab him on the neck when the pain in my abdomen started to hurt again. "Goddamn it!" I groaned in pain and clutch my abdomen. I carefully lay myself on the sofa, I swear to god if I leave stains in this sofa I'm going to kill myself right away.

"Do you need a heating pad?" The freaking brick wall talked, I didn't answer the brick wall's question because he can read faces. He went out anyway and left his office.

I grabbed my phone to my back pocket and dialed Alice's number but it was out of reach. It's been 30 minutes and she's still not here, what kind of medicine did she bought? 1000k?

"Curse you, Alice." I whispered under my breath still crunching in pain, "F*ck you red blood that courses me every month!"

The door creaked open, making me jump. It was Mr. Stone face. "Put this on your stomach or back, wherever you feel comfortable. Your secretary will be here soon, I saw her in the hallway lurking." He said and handed me the heating pad and left without saying another word.

I didn't even get the chance to say thank you. I laid on my back and put the heating pad on my abdomen, it somehow help my cramps and then I remember how Alice betrayed me and left me in this situation. She's probably laughing at me down the hallway right now.

"Damn you, Alice."

Even though this experience is a bit embarrassing and it never really crossed my mind until today but will Jack act this way too if he knew I was pregnant with his baby? If he was there on the hospital with me when I delivered Eros?...