Kathy's POV
"Where were you!" I screamed at my very good and understanding secretary and also my so called best friend at work who was peacefully standing to the freaking door. "I almost died because you were too busy lurking in the hallway!"
She covered her mouth, preventing herself from laughing. "First of all, you're not dying, second that is just a freaking dysmenorrhea and third I was just looking for you."
"Looking my a*s," I rolled my eyes and press the heat pad on my abdomen. "You were clearly eavesdropping and you didn't even help me. I knew you were already inside the building after you bought that freaking medicine. You were just lurking and I look like a total fool in front of him. How could you not help me!" I whined and that whine also includes my aching abdomen.
Alice laughed and sat beside me to the sofa, "At least he was being nice, he did offer you to stay in his office and..." She looked at the material in my stomach, "Gave you a heating pad. I mean, he does care for you."
I groaned and held my head, "No, Alice you got it all wrong. He's only doing this because he wants closure, he wants to know what happened between us."
Alice gave me a look and said, "And? Why don't you tell him?"
"It's not that easy."
"It'll be easy if you want it to be easy."
"But it will never be easy."
"Exactly, because you don't want to be easy."
Our conversation gave me a little chuckled and I said, "Why are we having this nonsense conversation?"
She shrugged her shoulders and laughed with me, "I don't know, you started it." And we both laughed inside the office, "Here's the medicine. You don't need that anymore anyway, since loverboy's heating pad fixed your cramps."
I feel my cheeks heat up and I playfully smacked her the shoulder. "Hello, I still have cramps you now."
"Yeah, whatever." She wave her hands and went out to the office.
The little bastard didn't even help me stand up or even give me freaking water in the water dispenser near the door.
I stood up from the soft comfy sofa and grab some water myself. I roamed my eyes at his office and it is indeed bigger than mine.
There were a lot of books, a few newspapers, magazines and planners in his bookshelves. He organized each shelves and it looks cute, he's always been a neat, he doesn't like it when his things aren't organize. I remember that time when I was in his place and was fascinated by his books and I didn't arranged them properly after reading. He literally, took them all out and arranged them all over again. I didn't mean to scatter his bookshelf, I lived in a unhygienic place and I've never learned how to clean a house properly, washing dishes was good enough for me.
The memory made me smile, "Where did the time go." I whispered to myself.
I heard the door opened and it was Jack.
"It looks like your cramps are gone." He said, looking at me up and down.
"Y-yeah," I nervously said.
We stared at each for a few minutes and silence filled to the room until I decide to walk to the sofa and grab the heating pad he gave me.
I gave him the heating pad and said, "Here, thank you for the heating pad. My cramps is starting to settle, Alice came in and gave me a medicine."
"Look, I'm sorry for slamming the door to your face two days ago."
"Hmm-hmm" He nodded, "I don't mind it at all, Ms. Hutton, I apologize it was a litte blunt of me."
Yes you were, you freaking Jerk.
I really don't know what I'm suppose to do next but I just stood there, waiting for him to say something again but nothing came out. The silence just filled through the room and the temperature inside feels like a 100 Celsius. My sweat was dripping on my back and my forehead was damped.
"I'll head out." I said and immediately walk out of office before he could say anything.
What the hell was that? That was so awkward! I know, Jack is a heartless, emotionless, and a cold son of a beach wave but that very disturbing.
I shivered and rubbed my arms. I slowly went to the first floor and search for Alice, she was already sitting on the waiting room waiting for me.
"What took you so long?" She asked.
"I was about to go out but Jack came in and we had an awkward conversation and it was just—ugh!" I gave an exhausted groan and covered my face. "Can we just go home, Alice? I miss my son."
"Sure, I'll drive."
"Is Eros asleep?" I asked my housekeeper who was cleaning in the kitchen.
"Yes, Ms. Hutton." She said, "Don't worry, he's not upset with you."
A relief flood over my veins, "Thank you." I said and went straight to Eros' room. He was dead asleep while his hand holding a book.
He is such a bookworm, he must have got them with his father.
I always get worried when I come home late because Eros' doesn't like it and I'm trying to be a good mother to him by giving him the time that he need and deserves and I don't want him to feel lonely ever again.
I sat on his bed slowly trying not to wake him up and grabbed the book on his hand and put it back in its place. I tucked him in his blanket and he curled into a little ball.
"I'm sorry, Eros. I shouldn't have kept you away from your Father, it hurts me as much as it hurts you and because of my selfishness I didn't even think of what's the best for you. All I ever think was for the best of me and I'm so sorry."