Chapter 13 - Problem

Kathy's POV

"Kathy, we have a problem." A worried Alice burst into my office, "We have a problem with the manufacturing machine in China, Kathy." Alice tried to calm herself and fanned her face using her hands, which look like it didn't help her calm at all.

I, on the other hand was shock, "How can that happened? We don't have this kind of problem for years. Why does it have to happened now?" My head was spinning from the news and my forehead was starting to get damp in sweat. I swallowed my itchy dry throat and said, "Are you sure, Alice?"

"Yes, the manager just called." Alice is starting to get panicked and I'm trying my best to stay calm for her. "Kathy, please tell me you will handle this. Please, Kathy."

I stood up from my desk and ran to her and gently rubbed her shoulders to lessen the trembles in her body. "Stay calm and please breath. I don't like it when you panicked, please Alice try and relax with me and tell me what's the problem with our manufacturing company." I said while looking at her eyes. "What did the manager said?"

"He said five machines went down and we aren't going to be able to make toys for 5 months straight or maybe even a year. How are we going to fix this and we are on schedule with Toy bucks company, Kathy, how are we going to tell them? They're going to find another manufacturer and we'll lose a lot of money for this, in fact we are going to lose a lot of billions because of this."

Alice was throwing tantrum inside my office and  I was sweating tremendously because I really don't know what to do. For years I've been with this company our manufacturing machines never had complications because our machines are brand new, we bought new ones. How can this happened? And it's only been three years, how in hell the machine fail?

I pace back and forth trying to solve the problem but my mind was blank, I have a lot of things in my mind and that involves Jack, Eros and Me. I've never been this stress for 5 years.

Kathy... Calm down.

I have to calm down.

Overthinking won't help me fix this problem and I have my best friend, she'll help me with this.

"Kathy..." Alice sobbed making me look at her worryingly. "I can't fail my Dad. I p-promised him, Kathy. I promised him to do my best job, and I c-can't—" Her chin quivered and started crying even more.

I felt a tug in my heart, seeing her cry makes my chest tighten. The last time I saw her cry was when her father said his final goodbye to this world, Alice is not the typical girl who easily cry in silly things and she's a tough girl to cry.

I stood on my ground and put on my brave face. Hoping that it'll be enough to convince her that I got this under control. I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Alice, calm down." I held her shoulders, gripping it lightly. She immediately stopped her sobs and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I'll go to China and check the machines and fixed this. If our budget doesn't fit and it will cost another million then I'll get another loan."

Alice widen her eyes and gasped: she held her hands up to her mouth, she said, "No, Kathy. We have two more years to pay the other loan how are—"

"It's okay, I'll handle it. I'll find another bank for the loan."

"But Kathy—"

"It's okay, Alice. I'll take the risk for the company and we have to inform Toy Bucks company. I hope Jack doesn't mind a little complications." I said hesitantly.

Alice must have caught the hesitation of my voice and She started panicking again. She fanned her wet face with her hands dramatically when I can clearly see a box of tissue on my desk: open and ready to use.

Heck, If I was this dumb I want to bury myself down deep into the Earth's hot core for being reckless. I love Alice to death but dramatic Alice is way too much to handle.

But I really can't blame her, She did promise her Father.

"Oh—" Alice gasped and fanned her face a bit faster. "Kathy what if Jack will be disappointed, what if he'll withdraw the contract. Kathy we'll lost a lot of billions on this one, The Toy bucks company is the only company that give us more than we ask. Kathy—"

"Alice." I shut her up, my firm voice made her stopped talking. "I know I'm fragile as a stone but you have to trust me. I'll talk to Jack and we will sort this thing out and —"

"But stones aren't fragile—"

"I know!"

"So you're not fragile?"

"Yes! That's the point Alice."

"So does that mean your not weak?"

"Alice..." I warned.

"So I'll trust you on this." She continued.

"Are you done?" I asked her and she nodded, "You really have to trust me on this because he did say that whenever there is a complication with our manufacturing company, he'll help us and that he's just a call away." I said, tapping my index finger on my chin. I mean... He did say that he'll help if anything bad happens, I'll take his offer for the sake of our company.

Alice's eyes beamed with hope, she clasped her hands together and looked at me with adore. "Did he really said that, Kathy?"

"Yes, when we had our business meeting with them about the budget, he talked to me privately and told me." The thought of it made me a little less hopeless. I sat back down to my desk and rest my chin on the palm of my hand. "I just hope that he's true to his words because I have no one to ask for help anymore but him."