Kathy's POV
After all the outburst of emotions from Alice we had in my office, she finally calmed down and went straight back to her office and grab herself a cup of coffee.
And as for me...
I feel so nervous talking to Jack alone. I know this is supposed to be a meeting between him, his other clients and me but I can't handle this with a lot of people who I don't know and I don't like it when people see me helpless and weak. I know for sure that they'll take advantage of my weakness and use it against me.
Pacing back and forth, trying my very best to stay calm.
How will I tell that stone cold bloke that I need his help again, I abhor asking for help because it makes me feel hopeless.
"Ugh!" A displeased tone left my mouth, "I don't like asking for help." I whined and close my eyes and massage my temple, trying to think some other way to fix this.
He helped me before and that was it, I swore to myself that I'll never ask anyone's help again. I caused a lot of trouble with Jack and I'm not gonna give him another trouble this time.
I heard a door open and Eros came running towards me.
"Mommy!" He exclaimed, opening his arms to hug me.
I gave him my very best smile and hug him back. "Hello baby. How are you? How was school?"
Eros climbed onto my lap and look at me in the eyes, "We were painting and I enjoyed it very much Mommy." A giggle escape his lips, "And I made one for you."
My heart melted on that very moment, What did I do to deserve this loving child of mine.
I place a hand on my chest, "Really? Did you really make a painting for Mommy?"
He climbed down on my lap and unzip his bag and grab a piece of paper. "I really don't call this painting, Mom but here ya go!" He covered his mouth while chuckling. "I hope you like it."
I grabbed the paper and there was a drawing and a quote that says "To the greatest mommy, I know. I love you so much." And there was a drawing of a stick man with a long hair and skirt and baby boy holding her hands beside her. I suppose it was me and Eros together and there was a cute little house behind the stick figures.
"The stick man makes me laugh." Eros laugh making me laugh with him too.
"It's okay and I love it. I can't wait to go home and place this in fridge." I carefully folded the paper, making sure that I won't destroy his masterpiece. "If you like painting don't hesitate to tell me, okay? We'll buy lots of paints, brushes and other things for you."
"Really?" His eyes beamed with glee.
"Of course, if painting is what you like then why not?"
"Maybe I can give it a try, if it doesn't work out then I'll try another hobby. Since I'm only fond of books, I don't want you to spend a lot of money on useless things."
Okay... Why in the freaking hell my son is so smart for his age. He's 5 for freak sake.
"Exactly, I like your mindset boy." A stern voice came in and disturb me and Eros' conversation.
I look at the door and it was the stone cold bloke who never expresses feelings and doesn't even know that facial expressions existed from the first day I meet him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him, a little quiet shock seeing him here.
In fact... What is he doing here?
He raised his left eyebrow, unamused he straighten himself, "I came to ask you something related to the manufacturing company you have in China. Your secretary called me and told me that there was a little complications."
I groaned inaudibly, hoping that Eros' didn't see my tired and stress face. "Yes. I was about to call you regarding to this problem."
I feel a little tap on my legs and Eros looked at me with his big blue eyes, it was so full of concern but I gave him a reassuring smile and it somehow help vanished his worries.
"Excuse me, Mommy and Mr. Toy artist sir. I'll go and play with Ms. Alice."
I look at Eros who walk silently to the door, trying not to make any noises. Then my eyes suddenly travelled to Jack who was also looking at Eros', his eyes filled with desire as he look at him but somehow lost at the same time, there was something in it that is making it spark but not enough to make it light and I couldn't tell why.
He slowly looked at me and I can feel a soft cold wind travel down to my body just from his stare. This man is walking air-conditioner.
"You should have knock Mr. Bonneville, don't you have any manners?"
Of course he didn't answers my stupid question, Jack wouldn't waste his time arguing about manners.
"Such a strange smart kid you got Ms. Hutton, how old is he again?" He asked.
"It's not really your business, Mr. Bonneville." I gulped, "And it is clearly not my son you came here for."
His stone blue eyes stared at me and silence fell into the room. And I stared at him too.
I'm gonna win this staring contest so I'll feel a little less defeated after asking him for help.
Oh... I'm gonna ask him for help. The thought of me asking help made the insides of my stomach do a weird swirls.
Is he going to say anything? Because I'm not.
"What is the problem, Ms. Hutton?"
I made an unnoticeable sigh of relief, I have won the staring contest and that really made me feel a little less hopeless and embarrass.
"There's a little complications..."
"And here I thought that your manufacturing company barely makes mistake Ms. Hutton."