Kathy's Pov
"Scammed?!" Alice's high pitched voice ring in my ears, making me wince. "What do you mean scam?!"
"He said, 'Just because it shiny and glossy that doesn't mean it's new.', Does that mean anything to you?" I asked, "When me and Mr. Smith went to Japan to look at the Manufacturing machines they were all in good condition."
"It looks brand new when it got to China, how can that be a scam?" Alice said, "Mr. Smith knows machinery he can't possibly make a mistake."
"Hmm... But it did occur to me when Jack said that I should have listen to the sounds and Mr. Smith did told me that the machine's sound is a bit... I really don't know how to describe it. I don't understand machinery so I told Mr. Smith I didn't hear any necessary sound from the machine." I pressed my lips together, still feeling the little tingles from earlier. "Maybe Mr. Smith was right and I didn't even bother correcting him because of my ignorance, I should have said yes. Alice what if it's all my fault?"
Alice furrowed her eyebrows, "Of course it's not your fault. You're just doing your job as a secretary. If we were scammed... I- I really don't know what to say." She held her forehead trying to think of something she could do. "What else did Jack say?"
"Nothing, that was it. He said that we were scammed, no Machine can easily be damage if it's new especially when it just 3 years old new." I said. Good thing I still remember the place and the company. "He also said, new, good quality machine even last long for five years. He couldn't even believe that we wasted 2 million dollars on a second hand machine."
"But we did gain some of that machine. For 3 years of using it we got 5 million in our savings."
"Yes, 5 million. Now that the machine's are destroyed we are going to spend 2-3 million again to buy another machine. Knowing that we bought a second hand 3 years ago, there's a little to no chance that it's fixable. Don't forget our staff and workers, we have to give them their salaries too."
Alice formed an 'o' on her mouth in realization, "I can't believe how dumb I am."
You always were.
"We can't get another loan using our company." I said, "We still have to pay our loan from 3 years ago. I can't believe Mr. Smith left us without any savings. How am I supposed to do this?" Clutching my hair, the stress is finally taking all over me. I finally feel what Alice has been through and it is not fun at all.
"I'm sorry, Kathy." Alice lowly, "I'm sorry, I should have been more considerate Kathy. I got you in this mess and —"
"Don't you dare say that!" I exclaimed, cutting her off. "Don't you ever say that, Alice. I am who I am today because of you and you help me reach the top and I sit on this d*mn chair because of you and I'm not letting anyone or anybody take me down. This?— I wave my hands in air, gesturing it as the problem we have right now— is just a minor issue and we are going to fix it."
Alice gave me a bitterly sweet smile and looked down on her clasp hands, "Thank you, Kathy. Thank you so much for everything."
"You are very welcome." I sighed, "I think I still have the papers of the company in Japan, like our agreement and such. I really forgot the company name but it did start with an 'A', I'm going to search my oldest drawer and look for them." I stood up from my chair and slowly walk to the right corner of my office were all the old piled up papers were put. "I'm pretty sure it starts with 'A'." I opened the first drawer that literally starts with 'A' but the names are not familiar at all so I opened another one. "Oh, were could it be?"
"Can I help?" Alice suggested.
"Yes, Please." I said, Furrowing my eyebrows on each pile of paper I read hoping to see something very familiar to me.
"Do the company name has two words or...?"
"Two Words, it's a weird name too."
For five whole minutes we scattered all the papers on the floor still searching the paper.
"Woah..." A cute little angel suddenly appeared in my office, "Is this Paper heaven?"
"Don't you dare jump in this paper heaven, Eros." Alice warn, "Because I'm trying myself not to."
Eros giggled and walk towards my desk, "Hi, Mommy. What are you doing with all the papers on the floor?"
"We're searching a very important paper, honey. I'm sorry but Alice and me are a bit busy on this."
Eros put his bag on my chair and walk towards me, "Is it okay if I help? I promise I won't jump on the paper heaven."
"I know he wants to Jump on this paper heaven! I know he wants too!" Alice exclaimed while playfully pointing at Eros like he's some kind of criminal to blame with.
Eros giggled and said, "No I'm not, Alice. I want to help, honest!" Alice just glare at him. Eros just rolled his eyes and raise his right hand, "I promise. I won't jump on the paper heaven like the last time."
"Okay fine! How can I resist those big blue eyes!" Alice exclaimed and continued finding the paper scattered on the floor.
"A mother can't even resist those eyes, Alice." I chuckled.
"Yeah, you can even resist his dad—" Alice was about to say the most hateful word I know. But I immediately gave her a death glare, "Da-Da-dancing!" She said instead.
Eros furrowed his eyebrows and look at Alice. "I don't dance."
"Ha ha ha, you don't?" Alice looked at me and I swear to the almighty above I'm gonna murder this secretary of mine and burry her to an unknown graveyard. She change her mood quickly, hoping it will distract Eros and said, "Oh! Just help us find the paper!"
Eros bend down and started collecting some random papers while Alice and I did the same.
"Statue of —" Alice spoke but I immediately cut her and said.
"Real time —"
"Purple ta—"
"Mommy, mommy! Pillow Ra—"
"I'm sorry, Dear but No."
"Can of beans?—"
"Is that a grocery receipt?"
"Big Boom—"
"No, Dear.
"What are you guys looking for anyway?" Eros said annoyingly and crossed his arms.
"A very important paper Eros." I said, "I hope I didn't throw it anyway because I need it."
Eros didn't utter another word and continued searching some papers. Alice on the other hand was going crazy diving each corner to grab a paper and say each of their company name but all I can say is No. I can't believe I lost it, I'm sure I left the paper here somewhere.
"Asceva Huko?"
"Who said that?" I exclaimed. "Who said that?" I looked at Eros and he was smiling at me, like he just won the game of hide and seek.
"Asceva Huko? Wow that some weird a*s name." Alice pointed. "You were right, it is a weird name."
"Oh shut up will you." I said and grab the paper from Eros, smiling. "Thank you, Eros. Thank you!"