Kathy's POV
"Asceva Huko."
"I know."
"— I'm sure this is the company name. I couldn't be wrong, the memory's still fresh as daisy in my brain and–" I paused, "You know?"
"Yes, I know."
"How did you know Mr. Bonneville?" I looked at him questionably.
I huffed, "Why didn't you told me days ago? I was like a mad man looking at the company name."
"I thought the memory of their name still fresh like daisy in your brain?" He raised his right brow and looked at me. "I couldn't afford to tell you then, I was having... Second thoughts."
"You should have just told me right away." I said in return, "How well did you know them?"
Jack let his frustration go by exhaling, he straighten his back and said, "They were once our company partner. Since they wanted a collaboration, I trusted them with my new project. I knew my instincts were right but I was too naive and fell for their sweet words."
I gulped and listen to his story attentively.
"And when I showed them my new project," Jack gave me a devilish smirk, sending dangerous shivers down to my spine. He can surely kill someone with that look. "I was the devil's prey." He inhaled and continued, "When it was time to show the press of my project, Asceva Huko... They took all the credits to themselves. All of my business dreams went away, all because of them."
I feel so sorry for Jack he must have put an effort to make his project and Asceva Huko just took it all away. "I'm so sorry. You should have file a case report for robbery and... And..."
"There was nothing I can do, they burned all of the evidences from me and to my company." He said.
That's just horrible! How can they do such a thing. When did this happened? I don't think this has happened recently.
A scowl form on my face, I look at him, started to get a little angry of the people behind Asceva Huko company, "When did this happened?" I asked.
"5 years ago." He said.
A gasped escaped my lips and I immediately said, "Were we together...?"
He shook his head, "No not yet. It was actually my fault, I was too comfortable that I let them come to my humble world, especially to Mr. Kinoshita."
"Mr. Kinoshita?" I asked.
Jack cocked his head and looked at me, "I supposed you haven't meet him." I shook my head and he continued, "He's not the one you meet when you went to Japan?"
I shook my head again and said, "No, when we got there the man we spoke to and introduce us to the machine was a white man. I believe his name was Gregory."
He leaned back on his chair and looked at my white painted ceiling, reminiscing of the days of how he got betrayed by them. "Ah... Gregory. Such a sales talker." He chuckled and looked at me, "I'll help you."
I widen my eyes in shock. It feels like a rain of gold and sunshine just showered on me. Did I hear it right? "You will?"
I did a little jump on my leathered chair, I don't mind that he's here. I just want someone to help me with my company. "Thank you so much, Mr. Bonneville."
"In one condition." He said. I stopped my little dance and looked at him. "I want this company under me."
"What? No!" I exclaimed, "I won't sell my company to you! I work my heart and soul for this company."
He didn't listen and he just continued speaking, "I want the company under me while your working for me as a secretary. We'll go to China and see the issue of your second hand machine that you bought and we'll fly to Japan to confront Asceva Huko company. This company —He pointed at the my desk— won't run without you, how can you pay your workers wages knowing you have a million worth machine to fix or to buy, The company bank has zero money inside, your company has no savings and most of all the company will deal bankruptcy in the future." Jack looked at me straight in the eye and said, "I want you to be my secretary while we deal with Asceva Huko, I'll take care of your company and your workers wages while you're with me."
"But who's going to... Who's going to manage the company while I'm gone?" I asked feeling like a puppy under his death stares.
"It's not my problem anymore," He said, "I just want you to be secretary and you don't have to worry a single thing about your company."
"How can I trust you that you won't do a single thing to my company?" I said, trying to be braver than I should be.
Sure, the condition was great but what if he's a rat in my company too? We have history together but that doesn't mean I should trust him again especially trusting him company.
"Have I ever betrayed you?" His tone of voice change, making me look at him.
"You did lied to me before." I stated.
"That was all before." He said in return, "And it was not a company related topic."
It made my cheeks warm, I looked away and said inaudibly, "But you still and did lied to me."
There was a couple of minute silence.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that...
But I just couldn't help it you know?
"So..." Jack exclaimed making me jump and looked at him. "Do we have a deal Ms. Hutton?"
I look at him hesitantly, If I agree, I won't be able to see Eros in a few months and I won't be able to accept other company meetings, partnership and more.
"My company meetings who's going to handle them?"
"You don't have to worry, just don't accept meetings from this day forth." He said, "I'm sure you secretary will be okay handling your company for a couple of months. I can see her fitted for the Job as a CEO on this company more than you, Honestly."
Well... That was such a nice slap to my face. F*ck you, Jack Bonneville who hasn't change since the day I left.
I can't say rude things to him, I'm in need of him help, He might withdraw it.
Oh, the perks of being Hopeless. It's just wonderful. Honestly wonderful.
"For my company and to the future if my company, I'll take the condition and offer Mr. Bonneville."