Kathy's Pov
It's been two days since me and Jack decided to do something about my Company and his revenge to Asceva Huko company. I don't know if he's doing this to seek revenge or just want to let them know that he's not someone to be mess with.
And here's me... I literally don't know what I'm supposed to do when I go to China next month and I haven't talk to Alice about our plan and I don't know how to talk to Eros about it. I just can't wave my hands goodbye at him and say "Hey son, I'll be gone for a couple of months. I hope you don't get mad at me about it." Please... Eros is to smart for that sh*t.
"Ugh!" I let a frustrating growl, "How am I supposed to tell, Alice? I know she's going to throw a damn tantrum."
"Tell me about what?" A voice peeked on the door, "What's the matter?"
"Nothing." I immediately said, "N-nothing, Alice. It's just something that me and Jack discuss."
Alice walk towards my desk and sat on the chair in front of me, "Yeah, tell me about your plan."
Alice waited for me to say something but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
I sighed, "Maybe some other time."
"What do you mean?" Alice gave me a disappointing look, "Are you keeping secrets from me? Especially about the company? Because if you do I'm going to cancel our damn friendship."
I let out a chuckled, "Are you serious?" I said, "I'm sorry it's just that me and Jack just discussed it a couple of days ago and I still feel uncomfortable talking about it."
She furrowed her eyebrows, she seem to be a bit worried. "Are there conditions?" My face must have given her a clue that there was indeed a condition, she gasped and said, "What was the condition? Is it a date? Are both of you back together? Is that the reason why you're uncomfortable talking about it? Oh my!" She put a hand on her mouth and whispered, "Is it about Eros?"
"W-what? No of course not." I shook my head, a sweat started to form on my forehead I quickly grab a napkin and wipe my sweat away. "The conditions aren't related to me or to him or even Eros and besides I already agreed on his condition."
Alice rolled her eyes and lazily leaned on the chair, "Then tell me what are the conditions?"
I looked at her hesitantly if I tell her his condition, I'm pretty sure she's going to kill me after.
I had a few little debates to myself and I finally decided to not tell her yet. "Tomorrow, I'll tell you tomorrow."
"Are you for real?" She said disappointingly.
I nodded, "Yes, I'll tell you tomorrow."
Alice groaned and said, "Fine, tomorrow." She exited my office.
"How can I use this?" I whispered to myself, looking at the rectangular form plastic or I don't know... Glass on my hands. "I've never held a phone before." I said.
I trace my phone slowly and there were buttons on each side and at the center too. I pressed the center button and the phone lights up, making me surprised. My room was pretty dark and the light coming from the screen was too bright for me that it made my eye hurts. I don't want my parents to think that I'm playing with a light in my room, They might come in here and see me.
I let out a disappointing sigh and press the right button on the phone and it automatically turned off. "I shouldn't have accepted this tool. If my parents come here and see this, they'll just sell it." I put the phone under my pillow and tuck myself to sleep. I feel a little shook on my head and I stood up. "What was that?" I whispered, "Is that what they call radiation? Sh*t. I knew it, I knew phones where dangerous!"
*Bzz bzz!*
"Ah!" I let a small scream and held my head.
"Shut up!" A voice from downstairs shouted. It was Dad, he must be watching television and drink beer downstairs.
I covered my mouth, "Sh*t." I cursed, "Damn you technology. Stop this radiation at once!" I hissed silently and pointed at the rectangular tool under my pillow.
*Bzz Bzz!*
The buzzing didn't bothered my head anymore. It somehow made me confused, if this isn't radiation then what was that buzzing all about?
*Bzz Bzz!*
Another buzzed came below my pillow, I slowly walk towards my bed and took my pillow. The phone light up when there was another buzz. I picked the phone and read the screen. "No...ti...fi...cation?" I said and tapped at the screen.
"Are you awake?"
"This is Jack. I'm currently texting you."
"In case you didn't know, if I can't call you, I can text you. As you can see I can still message you through the phone."
"You can text me too. Just click the rectangular space below the screen. Tap that and a keyboard will fly out. Type your thoughts away."
I cautiously tap the rectangular space below the screen and a keyboard did pop up. "Woah, I didn't know Keyboard can be used in this small box. I thought keyboard was just supposed to stay intact with a computer." I let out an exciting laugh and tap each letter on the screen but each time I did, the keyboard touch the other letters too. So I just tap the letters slowly so I won't messed up.
"I didn't know Keyboards can be input on a small phone, aren't keyboard supposed to be intact with a computer?" I texted and press send. I sat on my bed silently and a sudden small shake on my hand shook me. I looked at my screen it says "Notification."
"Today is high-tech, anything is possible. Are you comfortable using the phone?" He said.
"A little bit but I'm having a slight problem using the keyboard. They press the wrong letters sometimes."
"It's okay, you'll get used to it someday." He said.
"And the phone sometimes shake, I'm afraid of it. Will it explode? I put the phone under my pillow earlier and it made my head shake."
"No, actually it's on vibration so when you receive a notification it will just vibrate and it won't make a sound."
"Is that what radiation is? I don't want my head to explode Jack."
"Are you done typing?"
"Yes?" I texted.
"No, it's not radiation it's called vibration. I set it already when I still got the phone. I don't want your parents to hear it because you said they might sell it. Please, be careful and let it set on vibrate. And yes there is indeed a radiation on the phone, we just can't feel nor see it, it's there but we can't see it."
How can he type so fast? I'm struggling on tapping each letter one by one and it's kind of annoying. Who invented this devices?
"Well... They shouldn't have invented a device that has radiation on it. It might affect our health."
"Most technologies has radiation, Kathy. It's almost a part of each new technologies today." He said.
"Well that's bstupud."
"Type well, Kathy."
"I mean stupid. Not you. The one I texted."
"I know."
"So what does a call do on the phone?"
"Do you want to know?" He texted a little bit longer than usual.
"Yes. Kind of."
"I'll call you tomorrow."
"What? What about now?" I texted him and I waited a couple of minutes but I didn't receive any message from him. I texted him again.
"Can you call me, I want to know what a call do on the phone."
"Are you there?"
A couple of minutes, I still haven't received anything from him. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes and gently put the phone under my pillow, hoping my parents won't see my phone tomorrow.