Chapter 24 - Discussion

Kathy's Pov

I followed Jack like a lost puppy, David on the other hand was gone. I thought he'd be our body guard but I see two tall bulky people behind me. David was bulky but not tall as them, maybe Jack his own taste of body guards.

Okay... That was weird.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and look at Jack's back. He's still walking, are we even there yet? And who takes a meeting in a hotel? Is this a normal hotel or a disguised hotel?

"It's a normal 5 star hotel." Jack said, surprising me. "Your face is confused and I know what's running in your mind."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Then what does a hotel have to do anything with our business here in Hong Kong?"

"It's not about the hotel, it's about the owner." He said, still walking ahead of me.

I tried to walk beside him but my not so long legs can't do it. "Then—" I walked a little faster, "She must be important, I guess? Is she asian?"

"He's an American."

I nodded and walk a little slower, Americans really love to build a business in any asian countries. Asians also love the great scenery of foreign made building and shops.

"Wait... He?"

Jack suddenly stopped walking and greeted a man much taller than him, "Hello, Mr. Grace. Nice to see you again."

"Mr. Bonneville, I'm glad you made it." A deep voice greeted Jack.

Why are they so tall? And why is Jack tall, I can't see who the person in front of him.

"I'm so sorry for the delay we had some minor issue but it's all good now." Jack said and fixed his tux, he turned himself and looked at me.

A man with a white beard, maybe in his 60's and pearly white teeth. He looks expensive. "Hello, I'm Grace. I hope Mr. Bonneville is treating you well."

"I am treating her well, Grace." Jack said.

I looked both of them and they seem to know each other for a long time. I gave Mr. Grace a best smile and greeted, "Hello, I'm Ms. Hutton, Mr. Bonneville's Sec—"

"Partner." Jack butt in and I look at him, "Business partner."

Mr. Grace look at Jack and to me, "I see. Nice to meet you Ms. Hutton." He said and we shook each others hand.

"But I'm your secretary, that's what you said." I whispered beside Mr. Bonneville.

"You're my business partner if we are with Grace and to your manufacturing company. The rest of the person we'll meet, you are and will be known as my secretary." Jack whispered back.

Is Mr. Grace a friend he trust?

This is all too mysterious it's giving me butterflies.

Mr. Grace offered us seats and I just realize we are in a restaurant. Waiters gave us some menu and I didn't even hesitate to order. I'm so famished, I didn't grab breakfast when I got here.

"So..." Mr. Grace said as he chewed on his beef and gulp, "I heard about that company in Japan, the one you talk about on the phone."

Jack didn't bother looking up and just went on cutting his lamb, "Yes, that's why we're here." He said and ate a small slice of lamp.

He never change, he still eat like a princess.

"And I heard you were scammed before with that company and I wonder what was it." Jack continued, "You told me a few years ago, after I told you about mine."

"That company is very smart," Mr. Grace said, "You can't even tell that they're scammers." He chuckled, "I'm a business man for a decade and their strategy is very smart, it's frustrating."

I took a bite on my beef and listen to Mr. Grace's story.

"I want to buy a bomb." Mr. Grace said so normally and it chocked me to death.

I let out a Cough and held my mouth, trying not to disturb Mr. Grace from talking, I can't blame me. How can you tell a story that you're buying a bomb like it's a normal thing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Mr. Grace said, his voice full of worry, "I'm sorry if that surprises you. I should have explained it more."

Still coughing, Jack gave me a glass of water and I mouthed him a thank you. "I'm sorry." I said, "I'm sorry, I was just not expecting that at all."

Mr. Grace giggle, "I'm sorry if that surprises you but I meant was a Tear gas grenade, It's handy. We can use them for safety purposes especially when you run a business and you'll never know a ruckus might happen. I have each one of my business companies and building And yes... I was also meant to buy an explosive bomb but I bought it legally and for personal purposes, government is involved in it I can't really talk about it."

I nodded, slightly interested of the story, Jack on the other hand was not listening, perhaps he had heard the story before... But why would he asked what he bought?

"And what happened after that?" I asked, Jack looked at me and I immediately apologize to Mr. Grace, "I'm so sorry, you don't have to answer that, if it's too personal for your business."

"No, it's okay. That's what you came here for." Mr. Grace said and wipe his mouth with napkin. "After the government use the bombs, actually they didn't use it for 3 years after bought. When they use it by the month of Feb, they just notice that the bomb was leaking." Mr. Grace said slowly, "Leaking gun powders, a lot of them. I was there when it happened, We all thought it would explode, we thought someone sabotage the facility. We waited for a month to get inside the facility again because we were waiting for an expected explosion but there was no explosion. We entered the facility again and all the leaking bombs was everywhere that's when we realized that we weren't sabotage, we were scammed. I was scammed."

"I'm so sorry." I gave Mr. Grace an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, Ms. Hutton. It really pisses me off how can they scam people so good, I myself and a lot of expert were with me when we bought the bombs. I now and still have a huge debt from the government." Mr. Grace release a heavy sigh.

"How much is it?" Jack asked unexpectedly.
