Chapter 71 - A Date

Kathy's Pov


Everything was dark but I heard a lot of different noises, some are beautiful to hear but there are others too difficult to listen and of course, I always love listening to the noise that is pleasant to my ears. I kept on listening to it for it has help me with my problems.

The noises that makes me feel at home are the howls of the dogs, the air, the trees blown by the wind and the small whistles birds made.

Each nigh I spend here at my attic and listen to the most beautiful songs I hear by the outside world but when I looked down at my door, laying on the floor, I can hear glass shatters and a few curse words that I don't want to hear, everything is just dark whenever I lay my eyes inside our house. I want to go outside everyday and never come back, but the little light I see inside our house makes me feel safe and that little light is Dustine.