Chapter 004

"What are you guys doing in front of the entrance way?" a sudden deep gentle voice ask.

"Dad!" Virendra exclaimed and went to hug his father who is amuse at his own daughter acting like a little girl again.

"Guess what dad!" she excitedly claimed.

Looking at her daughter's excited form, he can't but feel soft heartened thinking how this woman is already a wife of a man and not just his daughter anymore. He kissed her head as he walks inside to guide them to the living room.

"Did you won the lottery baby?" he ask making Virendra giggle.

"You asked the same thing as Gizem." she laugh which made Hera snort quietly but it didn't go unnoticed by her husband.

"But anyway!" She announce smiling big.

"I've made an appointment with the Bort Palace tomorrow morning!" she exclaimed and the three were so happy for her. Symmone and Gizem were quickly to their feet as Symmone punches the air while Gizem hugged his wife.

"Great job love! This is a news to celebrate!" Gizem exclaimed.

As the four sat in the living room, no one knew that a certain man was eavesdropping on in their conversation. Within a small amount of time, he quickly left the house and walked towards his car.

[Dad, you won't believe this.] Jean quickly called Hector to reveal the information he have heard.

[Virendra just talked to aunt Hera and uncle Symmone that she got an appointment with Bort's] Jean explained.

[What?!] Hector exclaimed.

His features darkening as he can't believe that within 24 hours, Virendra was able to create an opportunity as big as this without so much trouble. Without speaking, he hung up the call and quickly got into his own car. Trees and houses passes like a string of light.

Hector was able to reach home within a few minutes and barge in on the happy family in the living room.

"I heard from a little bird" he started which made the four turned towards their heads on him.

"Hector" Hera called while smiling.

"Have you heard? Virendra made an appointment with the Bort's Palace!" she happily exclaimed. Extremely proud of her own daughter.

"At least she's worth of something" he snicker snidely, trying to hint of how useless Gizem may seem.

"Uncle, do you know what time grandmother would come home?" Virendra politely ask as she stands up.

Hector just sharply observe them as he says 'no' to her question. "But I heard she might be early home today." he added.

Mr. Halia, the house's butler, brought in a set of tea with two other new maids. As the set was put down the mini table in the middle of the room, the shorter maid with light brown hair starts to pour some of it to each tea cups. As it is Gizem's teacup's turn to be filled, Hector deliberately tripped the maid which happen to spill the tea towards Virendra beside Gizem, luckily Gizem was able to put the paper bag in front of her wife quickly which shielded the two from such burns.

Gizem was visibly mad as he knew what his uncle deliberately put in Virendra's way. He quickly stand up which shocked the man. "Just what do you think you're doing?!" he shouted with so much anger in eyes.

"You! You dare raise your voice against me!" Hector shot back, the shock was visible in his form. He also stand up and tried to size the big man.

Gizem almost went at his uncle-in-law if it wasn't for Symmone who stood between the two. Virendra tug at her husband's hand gently as Hera caresses' her husband's.

"Brother, I know you hate Gizem, but I won't let you go if you did anything deliberately to hurt Virendra as well, intentional or not." Hera solemnly spoke with so much authoritative pitch.

If hector wasn't intimidated with the two man, he was with Hera. Hera is a headstrong woman and has the background to back up her strong actions. As Symmone sat at his wife's gentle tug, Hera stood and intimidated Hector further. Hera used to prank her older brother so much that the reason of Hector's trauma with fire was caused by her.

Hera smiled warmly, her eyes almost gone. Hector knew better once he saw her younger sister's old smile. A smile that tells not a threat but a promise to wreck the man if ever he further messes with the three.

"If you don't have anything more to say, just leave us alone. We would like to celebrate peacefully."

Hector's face contorted in disdain as he was so annoyed by his own sister's actions. He just left the family than continue to mess with them. His form left the room meanwhile the maid who spilled the tea started to profusely apologize for her clumsiness. As Virendra's kind heart would get her, she just dismiss the thought knowing it wasn't her fault, which made the maid showed her gratitude by happily attending to the family.

White see through stringed thick blazer and dark green dress under worn by an old woman entered the big house. Her red emerald earrings dangling as she walk, her heels clip clop against the marble floor.

"Grandmother!" Virendra spoke as she sees the older woman enters the room.

The others stood up to greet the elder out of respect as Lady Sonya sat on one of the sofas. The four not suspecting that she's there with a different reason.

"I've heard from Hector on my way here." Lady Sonya started. Her voice monotone yet a hint of authority.

"Yes grandma, tomorrow they want to speak of about the Blue Tears of the Goddess!" Virendra excitedly answered. She can't seem to contain her smile which is plastered on her delicate face.

"And Hera..." Lady Sonya looked at her daughter, the hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"Stop disrespecting your brother." Symmone was stunned when they heard that. Even Hera's mouth fall agape as she can't believe of what she is hearing as well. The four instantly know that Hector must have not tell all the story or not the truth.

"But mama, I won't just stand here and let hi-" before she could explained out, her mother stopped her from speaking.

"Whatever your reasons are, you shouldn't disrespect him. He's still your older brother!" She scolded.

"I didn't raise you to become such a lady with a rascal attitu-"


The echoing sound stunned everyone in the room. Lady Sonya shut up as the ripple of numbness surge through her left cheek before the pain sets in. The slap angered her more which made her loose her composure.

"How! HOW DARE YOU!" Lady Sonya shouted while Gizem's eyes are so strained on glaring at the old woman. Hera and Symmone along with Virendra and the maids were all shocked.

Gizem just slapped Sonya, the head of the house.

"You! HOW DARE YOU?!" Gizem shot back with so much hatred. It hasn't been long when Hector just left and the anger just boiled to his head as he listens to the older woman insulting his mother-in-law. He didn't care of the consequences, he just couldn't take it.

"You didn't even know what that old man said was true or not yet you have the nerve to insult of how she grew up?!" He lectured. Lady Sonya tried to speak but only got berated by an angry Gizem.

"Mother Hera grew up into a great lady far more than you or any lady of this house!" He pointed at Sonya. At this point, Gizem was being held back by Symone trying to calm everyone amidst the situation.

"HA- HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR HAND ON ME?!" Lady Sonya shrieked at him, trying to push part through Mr. Halia and Hera's grip. "You won't get away with this you bastard!" she shouted.

"You're the one who would never get out of this hellhole you old hag!" Gizem insult back. "You might not know but all your other relatives are just waiting for you to die and nothing more!" he continued.

"See how bastard that child is?! No wonder your parents chose to leave you so early!" Lady Sonya shouted which made Gizem stopped. "Ha! Now what?! Got cat your tongue?"

It wasn't to wallow in pain and longing that he stopped but in victory. "At least they have the nerve to admit what went wrong, unlike you who have to acknowledge the bastards of your late cheating husbands." Gizem calmly spoke, at this time, Symmone already let go. Gizem knew that the older lady hate to talk about her late husband and Henry's mother's infidelity.

Henry is the youngest older brother of Hera, who was born between a local maid and her father. The maid died of childbirth, prompting the couple to take the kid in despite the protests of Sonya. So whenever she was reminded of the infidelity, she was also reminded of how she was left with four kids to raise alone. Due to the death, she was luckily not divorced.

Lady Sonya froze on her spot, anger and pain in her system after hearing Gizem's words. It's not grand but hurtful still. Without a word, Lady Sonya just took her hand bag and left the room towards the grand staircase to her room. The head maid and butler following after her.

Gizem stood there wihout remorse of sympathy or empathy in him. He was just mad all in all. Hera shock the three when she came and hugged Gizem out of nowhere. But before they could say anything, she spoke.

"Thank you."

It's silent and small but genuine and full of appreciation. her small sobs then can be heard as Symmone and Virendra hug the two. Gizem wasn't able to stop herself as he hug the gentle woman back.

As a child, Hera might be on the naughty side but she's generally gentle and sweet. Maids and other people loved her soft nature but always looked down upon by her own mother and siblings, not knowing why. In turn of such treatment, their father tend to dote on the youngest Hera, going out of his way to sometimes get even the most expensive things for the little girl.

So after hearing what Gizem spoke out awhile ago made her remember her father. And is also thankful of how he sees her.

"I'm sorry for my actions." Gizem truthfully apologized to Hera, referring to the fact that she is still Hera's mother and his grandmother-in-law.

"But I won't say sorry for slapping her." he spoke seriously and it just made Virendra and Hera giggle in unison. Making the two husbands smile as they, Gizem and Symmone watched their wives.