Chapter 005

The walls of the big building were glistening under the sun. The sunlight passing through the clear walls of glass as people, customers, clients and staffs walk around to their own destination inside the palace.

The Bort's Palace is not only the most successful business there is but also owns the grandest and highest quality of buildings as well. It shows who dominates the business world in any industry they enter and are in. Yet, despite the popularity of the business and achievements, the family who owned the business are very private that only exclusive number of people were to have seen their face only. Even the employees doesn't know the faces of their top boss unless they work directly under them.

Virendra is barely holding her awe as she walks once again inside the glamorous building. Her eyes reflecting the glistening lights of the big chandeliers as she walks towards the waiting area where a pair of man and woman are assisting potential investors and such.

"Please do wait here mrs. Bruce, sir Alek would be with you shortly." the woman spoke to her as she get there. She sat on the soft single sofa as she straightens her clothes one more time out of nervousness.

A pair of couple was then seated in front of her across the mini table that is filled with the building's magazines. The two were lively and chatty, somehow uplifting her spirits and removing some of the tension she's feeling.

"Are you here to invest too darling?" the older charming woman asks softly at her.

"Oh uhm, Actually I'm here to propose a deal for investment ma'am." Virendra spoke formally an politely.

"Is that so!" The woman exclaimed. "I'm sure you'd do well! Just be sure to smile and be calm dear." The woman advised her like how her mother would to her when she was still starting.

The three chatted more until Virendra is called to the 13th floor of the building for her own appointment with "the" Alek Franks of Bort's.

Alek Franks is the man whom you should impress first before your idea and deals are considered by the company. He's a man of principles and quite a workaholic. He is the one who handles new investment deals and potential buyers. He is the best of the best in his own field.

Virendra followed the woman who led her to the lift up to the 13th floor. The lift was silent and quite nerve wrecking for her but thinking of his husband's words from the previous night gave her a boost. She walked out of the box and walked towards the door the woman pointed at.

*knock knock*

Her fist echoed as it gently knocks on the hard wooded door. The silence was broken by a heavy voice that told her to enter. The knob in her hand turned, and she's inside.

Gizem was walking at the side of the road from the market nearby when Lance spotted him. He was quickly called out and the two went to a nearby café just to chat. But because of a false accusation from before, the two were getting some side eyes but no harm done since it was publicly made that he sued the old woman who spread such blatant lies.

"How's Virendra man? I heard he's in Bort's palace right now." Lance opened.

Gizem smiled widely if proud of his wife's achievement. "But are you sure he won't eat her alive in his confrontation room?" lance jester and Gizem just sat there smugly.

"He won't if he loves his job." He just spoke quietly. the two were catching up from things in their lives and that's what they just need more of.

"But enough of me, I heard your betrothal ceremony is in a week?" Gizem remembering his friend's little secret charade.

The man's façade became soft reminiscing the unusual event in his time. It is in fact an unexpected turn of events for his love. He met her at an alleyway next to some dumpster. Yes, she's a homeless woman but her personality made him fall.

"How's your brothers coping with the information?" Gizem ask again.

"They're mad and thinks she bewitched me, but I think she did too." Gizem's puzzled face made the man chuckle. "The same way you are with Virendra." Lance continue and Gizem understood it all. After all, in his eyes, Virendra is an enchantress.

After a supposedly intense talk, Virendra walked out of the room smiling, her first action is to call a very important person.

*ring ring*

The sound of a ringing phone broke Lance and Gizem from their conversation.

"Hey love, how'd it go?" Gizem asks with so much loving in his voice.

Upon hearing her husband's voice, she couldn't keep in her excitement anymore. She was quick in blurting out the result than explaining.

"I sealed the deal!" she squealed making some of the people around look at her direction.

Gizem smiled despite her not being able to see it. "Drive safe, I'll meet you at home love." he spoke.

"Why? Where are you?" virendra ask out of curiousity.

"I was with Lance. Do you want something on the way home? I'm still in downtown?" he offered.

"Uhmmm" there was a cute response and a silence.

"Chocolate fruit cake?" Gizem ask knowing that when his wife sounded that, she's wanting it.

A soft giggle past through the line and Gizem's smile widen. "Yup, you do know me." Virendra exclaimed.

"Okay hun, I'll see you soon." Virendra's kissing sounds ended the call and Gizem's smile cannot be contained meanwhile Lance is mocking his friend.

"Okay hun, I'll sEE yoUU sun~ mwah mwah~" Lance mocked Gizem which made him throw a napkin at him.

"Just go home, I'm leaving." A smiling Gizem stood up and so does Lance.

"Well see you around mate." Lance spoke.

"See you around bud." Gizem mocked and the two walked in their own separate ways.

Walking along the pavements, Gizem made sure to stop by his wife's favorite cake shop. He made sure to buy a whole cake instead of a piece. This cake is her favorite after all. Some of the staffs were giving her the side eyes which is understood after the gay fiasco with Lance.

"That'll be 78.99 sir." the young man across the counter ask while he fished out his wallet and gave the man a 100.

"Your change sir." the man gave him the change making sure he brushes his hand on Gizem's.

"Please wait your cake here sir." the man answered making sure to roll out his r's. Gizem is paled after the encounter. He jut took the cake when handed and left quickly. The man had quite physique but he didn't thought that he's like that.

Running inside the house with the cake he bumped into one of his uncle-in-law, Chadwyck.

"Watch it!" he hissed at him. "You're already a nuisance and now you want to cause troubles?" he angrily snitch.

"Sorry." Gizem just blurt out and was about to leave the scene when he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt.

"I'm still not done talking to you, you arsehole!" Chadwyck threw a punch at his face. Gizem fall back from the shock of the punch. The box of cake fell and rolled down the entryway.

"How dare you slap and disrespect the woman who took you in?!" He shouted before pulling Gizem by his shirt up, throwing another punch at the man's face. This time the cake was smashed when Gizem landed on top it. The sugary sweet smeared and mess on the floor and on his back.

Gizem's face is already bloody from his nose when Virendra walked on the scene. Gizem never threw out a punch. Virendra yelled at her uncle to stop to no avail. That's when Jannet and Hector walked in as well along with lady Sonya. The three edged Chadwyck more to hurt Gizem.

At this rate, Chadwyck would kill the man when she, Virendra stepped in. Her husband is a bloody mess and the four seems to really wish to kill him. As she stepped in, she was punched on the cheek, making the four shocked.

"V-Virendra!" Chadwyck exclaimed before letting go of Gizem and going to her niece when suddenly, he was put down the ground. Another punch went to his face and it instantly blow his nose to bleed. Virendra is still in shock, her right cheek is red but more of that is Gizem's raging eyes.

Gizem went on top of the older man and continuously threw heavy punches at his face. Four teeth went flying as he mercilessly threw punches until Hector have to pull him off of his brother. Hector threw him off and went to check Chawyck whom already lost his consciousness.

Gizem didn't care about it though, he just went to his wife and see if he's okay. He's the one with a pumped face yet he's far more angry that she's hurt.

"What have you done?!" lady Sonya yelled and Jannet is calling for help.

"If something happens to him, I'll sue you!" Lady Sonya yelled out in frustration and anger.

"Chadwyck! Hey wake up man!" Hector tried.

"Is your cheek okay love?" Gizem whispered at her which made her smile despite such tragic scene. For some reason she's conflicted on why she's happy to hear him and not get mad at what he had done.