Chapter 20

Ten days later, things in the Crystal Restaurant became more and more intense. Since the person who booked the restaurant was not exposed, countless people were very curious about this matter, and even guessed a lot of local rich boys in Basin City. After the rich princes dispelled the rumors one by one, this matter was cast into even greater doubts.

As for the Su family, it was not surprisingly mentioned again, and it became a joke for many people after dinner, because this time was too coincidental, and it was difficult not to recall it.

The relatives of the Su family were all angry. If it hadn't been for George Han, they wouldn't have become other people's jokes. Almost everyone in the family had turned off all recent meals. Even the old lady of the Su family hadn't come out and waited for the show Then go out again.

"It's really irritating. What does George Han's trash have to do with us? Those people share the Su family, making it look like we are embarrassed."

"Why didn't George Han die? He died a hundred, so we don't have to follow him to shame."

"Amelia Su is also a dead star. Without her, how could this mess come from?"

Several Su family juniors gathered together, and everyone was angry.

Harry Su was different from the others, with a faint smile.

"Harry, why are you laughing, aren't you angry?" someone asked Harry Su.

Harry Su looked indifferent and said: "The bigger the noise, the better, it is good for Amelia Su to shame Su's face."

Others looked at Harry Su puzzledly, and Su Yihan smiled and said: "You gang of mindless things, Amelia Su is embarrassed, so grandma won't let her become the successor of the Su family. She will become the head of the Chengxi project. It's easy to save a little bit of grandma's favor. After this incident, grandma probably hates her again."

Others realized this after hearing this, and sighed again and again.

"And our Su family will not always lose face. When I marry into the Han family, who would dare to say that ours is not." Su Yihan proudly said.

Harry Su glanced at Su Yihan, then agreed: "Yes, Amelia Su's shameful face, you still have a chance to help the Su family find it back. Although Su Yihan has the best chance, you also have a chance.

Su Yihan smiled disdainfully, did not put other people in his eyes at all, and had already determined that he was the candidate for the Han family.

"You'd better give up this idea, lest you be disappointed in the future. Who can be better than me?" Su Yihan smiled.

If Amelia Su hadn't been married, Su Yihan would not have such strong self-confidence, but it is a pity that Amelia Su had been married to a useless person, so why would Su Yihan put others in his eyes?

"In five days, the real answer will be revealed."

"By the way, are you going to see it? I heard that the high-rise housing of the nearby hotel has been booked out. Those people are just to see who has the restaurant."

"I am definitely going. This kind of excitement is not common every year."

"Yihan, are you going?"

Su Yihan has already booked the room, and it is the best location, most hopeful to see what happens in the restaurant. But she has always looked high, and she claims to marry the Han family. Isn't it a loss to join the fun, and said: "I will not go anymore. When I marry in the future, I will definitely be better than this one. It was a sensation."

For Shen Lingyao, who has had no news about the little piano prince for more than ten days, her life is very tormented, as if she lacks spiritual food, she is depressed. Recently, she has been at home and has not gone out. Her whole body is unkempt and there is no beauty. Some gestures.

Lying on the sofa like a puddle of mud, wearing silk pajamas, her figure is drawn vividly and exquisitely. A pair of slender legs is what she is most proud of. Even if she hasn't taken a bath for several days, she still exudes an extreme Strong temptation.

The phone rang, Shen Lingyao stretched out her hand and grabbed it on the coffee table aimlessly. She really didn't touch it, so she was willing to raise her head and open her eyes.

At first glance, it was an unfamiliar number, and he hung up mercilessly and continued to be mud.

After a while, the bell rang again, and Shen Lingyao, who looked impatient, picked it up and scolded: "I don't want to take a loan or buy a house, and I don't have a car to buy insurance. I'll bother to rest. I'll follow the signal to kill you believe it or not."

"Eating gunpowder?" A familiar voice came to my ears.

Shen Lingyao asked doubtfully: "Who?"

"George Han."

When Shen Lingyao heard these three words, she was startled slightly, and then she gave a hostile sneer. He tried George Han before and regarded him as blind, thinking that he was not interested in his own beauty, but he did not expect him to hit him in private. Here comes the call.

Sure enough, men don't have a good thing.

"It's the fox that always shows its tail. You finally can't help it?" Shen Lingyao said coldly.

"I want to ask you for a favor." George Han said, Shen Lingyao would have expected this call to be misunderstood, but after explaining his intentions, I believe he can solve the misunderstanding.

"George Han, Amelia has suffered so many wrongs with you. You are now thinking about her girlfriends. People like you are going to be slashed." Shen Lingyao doesn't believe that George Han is looking for her. It must change. I want to ask her out.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in your beauty. I find you related to Amelia." George Han said.

"It has something to do with Amelia?" Shen Lingyao wondered if she really misunderstood and acted passionately, and asked, "What do you say about it."

"On the 22nd, you brought Amelia to the Pearl Tower, but this matter cannot be let her know in advance." George Han wanted to give Amelia Su a surprise, but how to trigger the surprise is a problem. Let Shen Lingyao come forward.

"On the 22nd? Go to the Pearl Tower. Are you crazy? Don't you know what will happen to the Pearl Tower?" Shen Lingyao suddenly exploded. Now everyone in Basin City is discussing this matter, and it will take three years. In the previous wedding, George Han didn't hide away, but he even got up to beat others.

"The 22nd is my wedding anniversary with her. I prepared a little surprise for her, so I will let you help." George Han said.

"Brother, even if you are preparing for a surprise, can you choose another place? With so many restaurants, what do you have to do in Mingzhu Building." Shen Lingyao said silently, although it means that there are several other high-end restaurants besides Crystal Restaurant in Zhu Building. It is the best choice for Cloud City, but it is not the best at this time.

"Rose Restaurant, or Grand Hyatt?"

"At that time, you will know, you do me a favor, I will introduce you to the little piano prince, how about?" George Han said.

Shen Lingyao was stunned for a full three minutes, and then went crazy.

After screaming a few times, he asked George Han, "George Han, do you know the little piano prince? You who kill a thousand swords won't lie to me?"

"I really know each other. As long as you help me, I'll introduce it to you." George Han said.

"Good." Shen Lingyao said without hesitation: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task, but if you dare to lie to me, I will make you the last eunuch in China."

"That's it, don't show your feet to let her know."

After George Han hung up the phone, Shen Lingyao bounced around on the sofa and finally learned about the little piano prince, and also had a chance to meet him. For Shen Lingyao, she couldn't be excited by herself.

Five days later!

The day that caused a sensation in the whole city finally arrived. At seven o'clock in the evening, the night has not yet completely fallen, but the Crystal Restaurant is already the brightest star in the whole cloud city.

The nearby streets are full of crowds. As long as you can see the Crystal Restaurant's hotel this night, the rooms are all full, and these people all want to see the grandeur of the Crystal Restaurant and see which son brother made the courtship. With such a big movement, who is the enviable woman who has such a privilege.

"Shen Lingyao, what are you going to do and let me put on a dress. Even if you are a very important friend, you don't need to be so formal?" At home, Amelia Su wears a red long evening dress, noble and elegant, with a charming atmosphere.

Shen Lingyao has done a good job of concealment these days, without making Amelia Su even aware of it.

"Anyway, you are right to listen to me. My friend will surprise you, and you know it." Shen Lingyao smiled, excited for Amelia Su and at the same time excited for herself, because after tonight, you can Meet the little piano prince and meet the male god she dreams of.

"I know it too?" Amelia Su was puzzled. Shen Lingyao's friends, she probably knows, but they are all acquaintances. They only have dinner together. How can they wear a dress to meet people?

"Shen Lingyao, you tell me the truth, is there something that is hiding from me?" Amelia Su suddenly looked at Shen Lingyao suspiciously.

Shen Lingyao was too guilty to look into Amelia Su's eyes, and quickly dodged, and said, "No, how could I hide it from you?"

"What new tricks have you come up with? I have played pajama parties and beggar parties before. This time it won't be a dress party, right?" Amelia Su said.

Shen Lingyao was taken aback, and then said with a smile on his face: "You little clever ghost, I can't hide anything from you, am I worried that you don't want to participate? Last time the beggar party, you vowed not to join me again It's a party."

Amelia Su glared at Shen Lingyao and said, "You can think of the leftovers after eating rotten rice."

Shen Lingyao haha, after the two changed their clothes, they finally went out.

The car drove all the way to the basement of the Mingzhu Building. Although Amelia Su was a little surprised how Shen Lingyao would hold the party here, she seemed to mind when she asked, so she resisted asking.

There was a woman standing in front of the elevator in the basement. When she saw Amelia Su and the other two, she stepped forward and asked, "Is it Miss Su?"

"I, I am, are you?" Amelia Su asked suspiciously.

"Please follow me." The woman said with a smile.

After getting on the elevator, Shen Lingyao thought to herself that although George Han was useless, it was good to think carefully, and there were people receiving them.

But when Shen Lingyao watched the woman press down the top-floor elevator, she suddenly panicked and said, "Beauty, did you press the wrong floor?"