Chapter 21

"No, it is indeed the top floor." The reception woman said.

This sentence made Shen Lingyao's eyes straight.

how is this possible! How could George Han's uselessness celebrate his wedding anniversary at the Crystal Restaurant.

And today, the Crystal Restaurant is clearly reserved.


A crazy idea exploded in Shen Lingyao's mind like Chunlei.

Could it be… Could it be said that George Han is the mysterious figure who undertook the Crystal Restaurant?

At this time, Amelia Su also looked sluggish. The Crystal Restaurant on the top floor was taken down by someone half a month ago. Even if Shen Lingyao had great face, it was impossible to hold a party in the Crystal Restaurant.

"Yaoyao. Does this matter have something to do with George Han?" Amelia Su thought of a possibility, her breathing became inexplicable.

Shen Lingyao's brain has lost the ability to think. Although she finds it unrealistic, besides this explanation, are there other possibilities?

"Welcoming Xia, it is indeed George Han who asked me to bring you here." Shen Lingyao admitted, an inexplicable envy was born in his heart. If it was George Han who prepared this great surprise for Amelia Su, isn't Amelia Su the happiest woman in Basin City today?

At this time, the elevator reached the top floor, and the two were led into the restaurant.

In front of the piano in the middle of the restaurant, a man in black clothes was sitting, only his back could be seen.

But this figure is too familiar to Shen Lingyao. The strong visual impact made Shen Lingyao grow up!

The little piano prince, George Han!

With the sound of the melodious piano, the sound reinforcement effect of the Crystal Restaurant almost calmed all the crowd watching, and the crowd of tens of thousands of people was strangely quiet at this moment. Everyone's eyes focused on the UFO Tower, even if they couldn't see clearly, they could feel the happiness of the heroine tonight.

The surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows are rippling with special effects of red rose petals, dancing with the sound of the piano.

Amelia Su smiled happily at the corner of her mouth, but tears fell from her cheeks like pearls that were broken.

Shen Lingyao also started crying. If this figure belonged to her, it would be a happy thing.

Qu Bi.

George Han turned around and made a gentleman's salute to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su walked towards George Han step by step with pear blossoms to bring rain.

With every step, a gorgeous rose grows at the foot, and this scene makes those who watch the excitement dumbfounded.

They can't see the heroine, but they can see the picturesque special effects.

At this moment, all the women felt uncontrollable envy, and people in the hotel rooms could see this scene more clearly. Even more jealous.

Su Yihan frowned. The room she was in was the best place to see, but because of the distance, she couldn't fully see the appearance of the two in the crystal restaurant, but she had a familiar feeling, especially the woman. , Seems to know.

"Amelia Su!" Su Yihan suddenly flashed a picture in his mind, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"No, how could it be her, it must be my dazzling eyes." Su Yihan shook her head. Amelia Su married George Han's trash, and George Han was qualified to take over the entire Crystal Restaurant. Isn't this a joke?

Although it is very similar, it is just like.

"Did you prepare?" Amelia Su asked, who walked to George Han at the Crystal Restaurant.

"Didn't you say that you can't play the piano, you lied to me?" It should have been a warm scene, but Amelia Su suddenly looked at George Han coldly.

"Three years, you have suffered a lot of wrongs, starting today, you are my woman. No one can bully you again." George Han looked at Amelia Su sincerely.

Teacher Amelia Su Xing's expression was full of tears, as if all the grievances broke out at this moment.

"Do you know that, they all say you are useless."

"Do you know how uncomfortable I am after hearing these words."

George Han hugged Amelia Su in his arms and said softly, "I know."

Shen Lingyao on the side was already moved like a tearful person. Only at this moment did she feel that the grievances suffered by her girlfriends were worth it. No matter how George Han did this, at least for now, Amelia Su is happy and able to Make the women of Quanyun City envy.

Just, why, why are you the little piano prince?

Shen Lingyao knew. My dream has been completely broken.

This night, the rose petals of the Crystal Restaurant floated all night. Compared with the sensational courtship two years ago, the only drawback is that until the end, people watching the show do not know who the protagonist is.

That night, when George Han slept on the floor, Amelia Su on the bed suddenly asked, "Is it cold?"

This is the season of early summer. The woman with white legs on the street is like a bamboo shoot after the rain, how can it be cold.

George Han blurted out subconsciously: "It's not cold."

After saying these two words, George Han was stunned for a moment, and then he felt regretful. I want to slap myself twice and give the sub-question together, and the answer is abruptly into a proposition, which is hopelessly stupid.

George Han couldn't breathe with heartache. I missed this opportunity. I don't know how long I have to wait.

"What did you say just now, I didn't hear it clearly, should you ask again?" George Han said.

Amelia Su's face with her back facing George Han had already gritted her teeth, she finally summoned the courage to ask this question, but she didn't expect George Han, a stupid pig, to answer her like this.

"Go away." Amelia Su said coldly.

Hearing this word, George Han covered his face in despair, more uncomfortable than missing a business worth tens of billions.

the next day. When Amelia Su arrived at the company, everyone looked at her with weird eyes.

"She is not crazy, how could she be so happy."

"Perhaps it is. Yesterday's events must have irritated her. It is also the 22nd. Look at her and then look at others. Goodbye."

"Who made her so unlucky. Marrying a door-to-door messy."

What happened last night has caused a sensation in the entire Cloud City. The crystal restaurant where the roses are floating wildly on various social software, some people are envious of Amelia Su at the same time.

Most people in the company even thought that Amelia Su might find an excuse not to come to work today, but she didn't expect that not only was she here, but she was also very happy.

Su Yihan handed over the documents to Amelia Su and came to Amelia Su's office. Looking at the corners of Amelia Su's mouth raised unconsciously, she despised in her heart.

"You can still laugh, do you know how embarrassed our Su family was yesterday." Su Yihan said coldly, now I look at Amelia Su. It is indeed very similar to the figure of the woman in the crystal restaurant last night, but it is a pity that such a good thing will never fall on Amelia Su. Because her man is a trash, a joke for the entire Cloud City.

Amelia Su was in a very good mood today, and she was too lazy to care about Su Yihan, and said: "Today you go to the west of the city to inspect and see the situation. Come back and report to me."

Hearing this, Su Yihan's face was very ugly. Before, Amelia Su did all the hard work on the construction site. When was it her turn? And now the ultraviolet rays are so poisonous, she doesn't want her skin to be tanned.

"If you want to go, you really think you can order me when you become the project leader?" Su Yihan said.

"It's okay if you don't go, I will ask my grandma to change me an assistant, and you can go home and rest." Amelia Su said lightly.

"You…" Su Yihan pointed at Amelia Su with a green face, and went home to rest! Although the Su family has money, everyone works in the company. Those with higher positions are paid for their jobs. Those with lower positions rely on wages. Su Yihan is the latter.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are Miss Su Family, but the old lady Su Family will not give them any chance to idle.

If this matter really spreads to grandma's ears, Su Yihan won't want to have any good feelings in front of grandma in the future.

"Amelia Su, do you really want to do this to me?" Su Yihan gritted his teeth and said.

Amelia Su is not targeting Su Yihan, but this matter really needs someone to do it.

"It's just running on the construction site, and it's not very tired. I used to run a lot. Except for heat, sore feet, tired like a dog, nothing else." Amelia Su smiled.

"Amelia Su, you remember it for me. You will feel better when I marry into the Han family." Su Yihan finished speaking and left the office angrily. She believed that one day she could ride on Amelia Su's head. Just wait for the man from the Han family. Just show up.