Obey Me

She came out of the bathroom wearing a black leather bustier corset, fishnet stockings, thigh-high black leather boots with pointy heels, a red silk mini skirt, and a red silk bra. She is simply beautiful with her long black hair that she had just braided into a long braid that hangs over her right shoulder. I'm in awe from staring at her. I'm glad that she and Peter could reach an agreement. I just hope that this trial period ends on a good note with the three of us staying together while members of Club Euphoria.

Walking over to the table she picks up the black rope, "Peter," she begins, turning around, "…tie him up with this in the Shibari, harness style. With his hands behind his back, tightly."

Peter complies. I sit down on the floor with my knees spread apart, back straight, chest out and head held up and hands placed palms-up on my thighs as he starts to tie me up. The feel of the ropes wrapping around my bare skin starts to relieve the pressure I've been feeling this past year. I feel as though I am going to melt, the high that I am feeling is long-awaited!

Shibari is my preferred form of Rope Bondage that is one of the things that was discussed at our meeting. There are four different types of Rope Bondage: Rope Wrapping, which to simply wrap the rope around the upper body, or sometimes the entire body; Rope Weaving, this one is a tad more complicated technique with the rope first being wrapped around the sub's body in a zig-zag pattern and then a second rope is woven around that first rope; The Double Rope Technique, involves being bound by two ropes at once to allow decorative rope patterns to be applied quickly; and the last technique is The Single Rope Technique, it's used more often in conjunction with sadomasochism, with the sub being bound by one rope. Shibari uses the Double Rope Technique.

"Good, now tie this blindfold around your head." She instructs Peter, holding out her hand with the blue silk blindfold in it.

"Yes ma'am." He responded, taking the blindfold from her palm to place it securely around his head covering his eyes.

"On your knees." She demands him, picking up the horse spanker from the table she places the tip of it on his left shoulder. "Follow me by crawling on your hands and knees." She directs him as she heads towards me. Miss Thompson gazes at me quietly while taking her seat on the Master throne. "My feet hurt, they need to rest…" saying it so smoothly and calmly as she places her right foot and heel on Peters' chest pressing down lightly. Getting the hint, he gets on all fours, crawls to the legs of the chair feeling them to see where he is, he turns, crawling directly beneath her feet, and his face in my direction. She places her right foot over his back and the other on the floor right in front of his hand. "Unzip this boot with your teeth," she commands lifting her foot off the floor and by rubbing her boot across his face to let him know that it's him she is talking to. Following her orders, he does as instructed. Slowly he turns bringing his face between her thighs; using his teeth he begins to unzip her boot gently and slowly, freeing the soft brown flesh of her silken leg from its restraint of the leather. She kicks it off forcefully once it was completely unzipped, Peter returning to his original position, vehemently placing her foot on my roped chest, "Do the other one," her eyes shimmer like deep pools of melted brown chocolate. I crawl on my knees, the rope pushing against my skin; I can feel the soft deep grains of the silk rope rubbing intensely as I struggle to move, exhaling and inhaling with some difficulty. Peter is in a beauty position to her right with her heeled foot on his crotch that's covered in tight black nylon thongs. Reaching the edge of the chair, I take the zipper handle into my mouth and begin to gently pull it down. She reaches towards me grabbing the rope on my back she tugs on it lightly, I let out a muffled moan, trying to finish unzipping her boot, she tugs again, I groan as the sensation of the tugging ripples through the rest of the rope tied to my body. The effect sends a torrent of delicious pleasure throughout my entire body.

Tossing the other boot onto the floor, Josie lifts my chin with the horse spanker. She grins viciously, seeing the torment she had caused. Pushing me back with her left foot now on my chest, she says, "Hmm…I'm not sure of what I want to call you yet, but you…" placing her other foot on Peter's left thigh, "…you I will call 'Silent One'." Smiling she bites her lower lip and turns her gaze back to me. Removing both of her feet gracefully from us she places them flat on the floor and stands up strongly. She turns facing the device hanging from the ceiling right behind the chair to the right, while gingerly tapping her shoulder with the end of the horse spanker she looks upon it.

"Crawl this way." The words leave her lips softly sending a shiver down my spine, I know what is coming.

"Silent One, you may stand."

Standing, he brushes his face against her shoulder as if to say, 'thank you'. Josie pulls down his blindfold tentatively, "Help me strap him in." Her voice while sweet and delicate is both demanding and calm.

Peter swiftly lifts me up to my surprise. He is pleasantly stronger than I imagined. Wrapping the first few loose rope ends into the back of my rope harness and up inside the hook in the ceiling, he pulls on them suspending me in the air, anchoring the ends of the ropes to the hooks in the floor, tying them securely to hold me in place. She does the same to the other side so that my body is fully suspended some four feet off the ground with my torso facing it. She walks over to the table running her finger along the side of it pondering what to pick up. After a few moments, she picks up one of the medium-sized vibrators and walks back over to us. The evil smile that was spread across her face made me tremble with fear and delight at the same time. I smirk faintly, somewhat ashamed that I did.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked, even though I already know the answer.

Chuckling quietly, "What do you think? I might put it inside of you, but I could also put it inside of him." She gestures mildly to Peter with the vibrator, her eyes never leaving my gaze. "Or maybe, he should put it in you."

Lowering my gaze, I muttered, "Please,… put it inside of me, ma'am." I realized that every time she touches me, my pleasure and erection peak. Even now, my dick is so hard it's kind of killing me. I need release, feeling her hands massage my ass I can't help but moan. Not knowing how loud my moan was until I heard her laugh with joy.

"I haven't even put it in yet and already you are as hard as a rock." She laughed again. Just then I hear the vibrator turn on. She forces it inside of me, without warning or any lube.

"Aaahhaaa….!" I scream. I look back at her, giving her an apprehensive look. She glances back at me as if to say, 'did that hurt, so what'.

"Hope that doesn't hurt too much." She whispers teasingly.

She begins to caress me again, moving her hands along the length of my back.

"Silent One, grab that stool and more rope." Miss Thompson told him as her face met mine. Purring silently, she presses her lips to my ear, "You are such a naughty one, how much fun we will have." She whispers to me pulling away quickly with the sound of the stool hitting the floor startles me a bit.

Miss Thompson walks back behind me, my eyes following her every move. She grabs both of my ankles roughly and ties them tightly to the legs of the stool. With another piece of rope, she ties it around the base of the vibrator then the ends of the rope to the legs of the stool too. The last piece of rope that I see she reaches around my waist and begins to wrap it around my shaft once at the base and again in the middle. To secure it she slips the rope inside of my chest harness bringing it in completely so that the tip of the rope is hanging out of the middle of the harness just below my neck. It is sweet torture, to be suspended from the ceiling and teased this way. I can't help moaning and groaning from the intense pleasure that's achingly coursing through my entire body.

"Silent One, blindfold" She instructs Peter to replace his blindfold, "on all fours and follow me this way."

She walks around the chair with Peter crawling behind her. Stepping up to the platform where the bed is, she waits for Peter to crawl up next to her. Closing the curtains, she looks at me smiling coolly, just then it hits me. Miss Thompson plans to leave me here for longer than I had thought. Fear rushed over me. My legs weaken making my body drop down slightly and the vibrator sinking deeper. I moan realizing that I have to hold my weight up or else the vibrator sinks deeper inside making my already hard erection excruciatingly harder with no chance to release. I began to breathe insanely trying to hold my body up with each minute that passes. And then, I hear it. The soft sounds of her moaning sensually through the curtains. I struggle against the restraints, imagining what is taking place. Biting down on my lip, I let my weight drop. The agonizing feeling of the vibrator pushing deep inside my sore ass isn't as painful as the pain I feel in my heart. That should be me.