I Don’t Think I Heard That

"So, how's the life treating you, Josie?"

"Couldn't be better." I reply cheerfully.

Amazing how it only takes four months for someone to forget the averted disaster he almost caused at Club Euphoria.

'"Mistress? What the fuck do you mean she is a Mistress now?!"

"All of the proper forms have been signed. All parties involved have come to a consensus on the matter. She knows what she is doing, they have the proper training. If they wish to make her their Mistress, then that is their choice to make. You have seen her skills firsthand with my permission after your perpetual pleading. What exactly is your problem with this Mr. Anderson?"

"Isn't she a switch? What about that?"

"Our rules do not dictate the implications of a 'switch' becoming a registered club Mistress or Master, Mr. Anderson. She is a competent, well-trained Mistress of two slaves, whose obedience to her is unwavering. So much so that it is my belief that should she ever decides to leave the club they will leave with her."

"So…does this mean that they are now exempt from the 'no-contact' rule?"

"Yes, as their Mistress if she chooses to have them in her home to do whatever she wants them to do then she may in fact do as such. But you know this as a Master yourself. It's clearly written in the Master/Slave contract. Nothing changes in that contract."

"I can't believe this! Josie you were supposed to mine!" Steven had said with his face inches away from mine and the anger seething through his clenched teeth.

'Laughing, I had told him that I will never be his. He grabbed me angrily by the waist pulling me closer to him he whispered, "I will never recognize you as a Mistress. You are a 'slave' to me, my little submissive Josie."

Matthew rushed to remove his arms from around me and in a quick flash, I saw Peter's fist fly towards Steven's face. Dodging it quickly he stumbled back and caught himself to hurry towards Peter before Mr. Stiles stepped in between them!'

Can you believe this man!? Well, I can! It's typical Steven behavior. Let's just say that now when I come early or on time to the club, Peter or Matthew will call me to check beforehand so that all of us can walk in together.

Anyhow, that was four months ago, and he stands at my door like every day since the incident as though nothing happened, asking me to go have lunch with him. What a dick! However, being the nice person that I am I indulge his whelms most days. He may be an asshole, but he is tolerable. I mean, he is still my husband and he was the first and only man that I had ever slept with until Peter and then Matthew. Both of whom come to my house as soon as they are able and do any chores, they think need to be done without a word from me. Peter even has the habit of falling asleep on the couch every now and then. Since then, Matthew took it upon himself to cuddle up in my bed with me. Funny how that happened. But I don't mind the company, it was intrusive at first, but after three and a half months I've gotten used to their presence…kind of.

"The awards banquet for the best of the best in our little BDSM community is coming soon. Have you received the invite and the nomination forms yet? I have mine." Steven was informing me at our lunch together on this wonderful Wednesday afternoon.

"Yes, I actually just sent my RSVP in yesterday. Still going over the nomination forms." It's been almost half a year since I joined Club Euphoria, but I have met some very interesting people there with many of them being part of our small BDSM community. There are quite a few Dommes/Doms and surprisingly way more Masters/Mistresses than I had realized.

The people that sit talking in the booths early before the sex and debauchery begin each weekend are the Masters & Mistresses each at booths that are reserved for them. Dommes & Doms have booths too and are usually sitting with either another Domme or Dom or a Master or Mistress. But as I said, they are few in numbers, so they don't take up too many booths. It's not the same with subs and slaves, they are many! More than there are Masters & Mistresses. As you can imagine, other Masters & Mistresses are like Steven and me. They have three to five slaves. Doms and Dommes have numerous subs each too, given the fact that they outnumber them greatly. Competition between subs for a Dom or Domme is fierce, to say the least. They are really great people. I have made a few friends. Nominating for the different awards is going to be tough.

The awards at Club Euphoria are as follows:

Best Submissive Female

Best Submissive Male

Most Adventurous Sub/Slave

Most Devoted Slave

Most Astute Mistress/Master/Dom/Domme

Best Mistress

Best Master

The Most Achieved Master/Mistress/Dom/Domme

The Most Disciplined Sub/Slave

The Greatest Slave/Sub Trainer

The Most Outstanding Master/Mistress/Dom/Domme

The latter is the most sought after. It gives the winner the greatest distinction in Club Euphoria. They will have even more privileges granted them, receive a plaque on the wall, and is first in line when new slaves or subs enter the club. They will be suggested by Mr. Stiles first basically. From what I saw on the wall Steven won that title the last two years. No surprise. But competition is fierce for these awards and advanced titles. Treatment is different amongst the Masters, Mistresses, Doms, and Dommes. I noticed that when I first joined. At the dinners, parties, and little galas that Mr. Stiles throws the higher titles sit at a table with him. They also wear different badges to denote their title. Mr. Stiles told me when I asked him about it, that it's more for just fun and to make things a little more interesting. I guess. It's his club after all. I guess it boils down to whether you want to play along or not. I mean we pay enough and being a registered Mistress now and a VIP member, I don't have to pay the fees to attend events like these, unlike those that are just regular members. But if the parties and dinners have taught me one thing it's that these events are well worth it! Mr. Stiles knows how to put on an event.

"You should nominate me." Taking a large sip of his Pepsi, Steven glances at me lifting his left eyebrow and smirking.

"Oh, I should? For what award?"

Laughing haughtily, he replies, "You know what award, the one that I have won for the past two years."

"Ooohh…that one," I respond chuckling to myself softly as I swallow the noodles in my mouth from my delicious soba noodle dish at Panera.

"I've already nominated you for the award, Mistress Josie." Steven takes a bite of his chicken chibana sandwich and watches for my expression.

"Really? That's nice, thank you?" I say sarcastically seeing him flinch from my response and calm expression.

"Josie, you're killing me. Just nominate me already. I caress your back… you claw mine. What do you think?" Steven says winking creepily as he takes another swig of his drink.

"I'm not telling you any of the names that I will nominate. Just wait until the ceremony." Not caring at all about his fake whining pouring out of him right now.

"You know…," he trails off, then lifting his head back up he says, "I'm still never going to give you that divorce." His eyes soften as he looks at me waiting patiently for me to say something.

"I know, I mean…it's been what four, five years since our separation. I've thought about it and maybe we could try again. But that doesn't mean that I will leave the club or push Peter and Matthew to the side. They come to my place almost every day now. I'm very fond of them. I don't want to destroy our relationship."

"I'm okay with that. They are your slaves but also a couple that is together too so I know that they will understand." Looking at me as I start to chew my food more slowly, he adds, "…You didn't tell them, did you?"

"Of course…not… I mean to say that, I will tell them eventually. And I'm not saying that we should jump the gun and move back in completely. Let's just take it one step at a time with little things. Like leaving your toothbrush, getting a copy of the key, a drawer. Stuff like that. That way I can ease them into it."

"Yea, sure. Whatever makes you comfortable. We'll start back slow. You know—when I heard Mr. Stiles call you Miss Thompson I almost fell backward. But it's different at the office obviously. Not sure if the partners have nor any of the other employees have realized it yet, that you are my wife Mrs. Anderson."

"No, the partners do know. They just don't say anything."

My peaceful condo is still very much peaceful. Matthew and Peter don't make big waves. The first time that they called me to see if I wanted them to stop by it was amusing. I had them in these tight red thongs with cute little butler ties! I made them serve me drinks. Matthew feed me grapes and strawberries. Peter massaged my feet and they both prepared a wonderful dinner for the three of us. Since that first day, the other days have been a breeze. Things have become a habit. I wasn't used to their presence at first especially when they started sleeping over, but now it seems pretty natural for them to be here. I enjoy the company. The way that they interact with each other is so adorable. Of course, they have their moments. When they walk in most days it looks like they had just had an argument, but they put on whatever outfit I have out for them and get to work obeying my orders as if nothing happened.

Tonight, is one of the good moods all-around night. Not sure if it has to do with the upcoming awards banquet but all of us are in good spirits. So much so that I have decided to go ahead and tell them about my marriage tonight. Matthew even laughs and willingly puts on the cute Lolita French maid outfit that I ordered online especially for him. Peter laughs so hard once it's on him that tears start to fall from his eyes. I think he looks fabulous!

"I would only do this for you, Mistress." Matthew grins pulling his hair behind his back and off his shoulders with the feather duster in his hand.

"No, I like when your hair is down like this," I say to him. I pull his hair back to the front onto his shoulders fluffing it casually.

His beauty stuns me every time that I look at him. I have to catch my breath. I know that he notices when I do that. I notice it when he does the same. When we stare at each other like this, we tend to forget that Peter is there. He clears his throat and moving my hands from his chest I back away.

The nice servant aspect of their slavery is something that we only do here in my home. Sometimes I will have them serve me a snack at the club but nothing on as large a scale as what we do here. Unlike the strict rules at the club, there are no rules here. We drink liquor, smoke weed, and really lower our inhibitions. The outfit that I have for Peter is a full-on butler suit with the coattails and everything. The only difference of course is that it is ass less and crotchless but has a thong attached to it. So handsome!

"Ah, you two look sooo---- cute!"

"Thank you, Mistress." They say in unison.

"What would you like for us to do for you tonight, Mistress?" Matthew says kindly.

"Silent One, prepare a light snack before starting on dinner. Prince, dust around a bit."

They immediately do as they are told. Peter walks into the kitchen deciding what to fix me to snack on. Matthew walks to the fireplace and starts dusting it. I watch them intently with a smile on my face. Matthew does the coffee table next straightening up the magazines, dusting. He bends over a tad to reach the table, exposing his bare ass and genitals. Nope, I didn't want him to put anything on underneath the dress. It is better this way. I get to see an eye full when he bends over.

"Um…you missed a spot…over in that corner." I point to the farthest corner of the smooth gray modern table that he actually already went over. His head turns a little so that the right side of his face is now facing me. He smiles at me seductively, bending over deeply as he reaches across the table to dust the corner. Matthew's fully exposed cheeks shining at me with his balls and dick dangling and glistening. You see, before I let them put on the outfits that I have chosen for them each night, I make them oil up first. Either I slowly and meticulously rub them down with rose merry oil or I have them rub each other down nice and slow. Mmmm…I love watching them!

Peter walks over with one of my sterling silver trays in his hand with blueberries, red grapes, and strawberry dip displayed beautifully on it and presents it to me.

"Thank you Silent One, good boy." I smile warmly taking a grape from the plate, turning my gaze back to Matthew's plump…round ass still in the air.

Stopping his table dusting he rises to his feet and walks over to the patio door to dust the thin linen curtains. It's late summer now, so there isn't a need for thick curtains.

"Mistress, would you like for me to feed you?" Peter says to him gently.

"No, start dinner."

"Yes Mistress."

"Wait…here. Bend down." I pick up a blueberry dip it in the strawberry dip and hold it out for him.

He opens his mouth obediently bending closer to take it into his mouth.

"Closer." As he brings his face closer to mine, I lightly rub the blueberry with the cream on the end of it around his luscious lips alluringly before placing it between them. Lifting his tongue, he sweetly wraps it around the blueberry before taking it into his mouth whole.

"Mmmm…" I lick my fingers watching him chew it temptingly before licking his lips and standing back up straight. He heads back to the kitchen.

Continuing to eat my light snack I watch Matthew as he remains dusting around the room.

After dinner I let them rest a while before having Matthew massage my shoulders as I lie between his legs and Peter massage my feet.

"Is it okay if we sleep here tonight?" Matthew inquires as he gently continues to massage my shoulders.

Peter lifts his head to hear my response.

"Why not? I'm fine with it now."

A light smile spreads across Peter's face as he bends his head back down.

"However," I start slowly clearing my throat slightly, "there is something that the two of you should know."

Looking up while still massaging my feet, Peter gives me his full attention. Matthew's hands are still working their magic as he whispers, "We're listening Mistress."

"You two know Steven Anderson at the club, right? Both of you almost fought with him. Well," clearing my throat a little more, I watch Peter's face as I say, "He's one of the partners that I work with at my firm….," adding quickly as I see Peter's expression change and Matthew's hands start to tense up, "…and my husband." I bite down on my lip waiting for their shocked response that I know is inevitable.

Peter's facial expression is surprisingly serene and yet melancholy as he shrugs his shoulders and says in a low voice, "Well…I thought it was something like that, actually, I thought he was just your boyfriend or your ex-boyfriend…but never your husband. It explains his messed-up attitude about your role at the club."

I feel that Matthew's hands have stopped moving and have been resting on my shoulders for a few minutes now. Reaching up I take his right hand into mine and turn to the side to see his face. His head is bowed, eyes lowered, biting his lower lip profusely. I lift his chin, and look into his eyes, he turns away roughly, his breathing heavy. He's livid.

"I wasn't going to tell you two, because we have been separated for four years but he refuses to give me a divorce. And honestly, since working together for the past few years, we have become close again. Even with what happened at the club four months ago I have to admit that I still have feelings for him. And that is why we have decided to give us another try. This is the reason that I am telling you about our marriage, he will have a copy of my house keys and will be here every once in a while."

It's at this moment that Matthew looks up at me, his eyes big looking like a deer caught in headlights. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me. I feel Peter move on the couch. In a flash, he is at Matthew's side placing his hand on his shoulder.

Later that night, I send them off to the guest room that I prepared when I got off work earlier. I try to make it so that Peter and I don't have sex when they come here. And although Matthew likes to sleep with me, we haven't had sex since that first time. I don't want to upset Peter again. Even though our relationship has changed it is still best that only Peter and I have sex at the club ONLY. As my mind races thinking about this and about the way in which Matthew looked at me when I told him about me and Steven, my door opens and Peter walks in with Matthew behind him.

"Is it okay if we both sleep with Mistress?" Peter says to me with puppy dog eyes.

I sit upon my elbows slightly to look at them before giving my answer. Matthew has his head bowed again but isn't saying anything and his expression is hard to read.

"Yes, come in."

Peter lies down on my right side and Matthew at my left. Lying back down I turn to my side facing Matthew, his eyes are tender now and his lips curve into a tiny smile. I feel Peter's arms wrap around my waist, his hands gradually moving up my torso, and softly cupping my breasts he pulls me closer to him. His warm breath on the back of my neck, he presses his lips on my shoulder blade. Moving in closer to me, Matthew reaches his hand towards the strap of my nightgown and slides it off sensually as Peter lifts up to start nipping at my neck. Closing my eyes, I moan softly bringing my hands up around Peter's whose are still cupped around my soft tender breasts, my nipples hardening. The warm touch of Matthew's lips meets mine, his hands and arms wrapping firmly around me he squeezes my butt cheeks tightly. The wetness between my bottom lips makes my passion throb. Peter's hands now feverishly pulling at my gown, I pull away from Matthew to turn on my back as Peter practically rips it off me. He climbs on top of me. Matthew kissing and licking any exposed flesh that he can find. Such naughty men…. the two of them are insatiable! How I can't wait to punish them tomorrow night!

"Welcome Mistress Thompson, greetings to your pets this evening. William will show you to your table." Anna, one of Mr. Stiles' servants is the designated greeter or hostess at every event. William is his second-in-command butler. Whatever Joseph, the head butler needs him to do or if Joseph is unavailable William fills in.

The banquet hall on the other side of his estate far away from the club is enormous and very grandiose. It has vaulted ceilings with beautiful purple drapes hanging from them and running alongside the walls tasseled and bordered in gold. The tables are covered with similar fabric and designs with his family emblem embroidered on the ends. (The Stiles family crest is a golden wheel encasing a coiled-up snake, the wheel is engraved with a bow/arrow, a sword, a dagger, an ax, and a broader sword all sitting in a shield). The centerpieces are gorgeous glass vases with tiny gold and purple pebbles inside of them and white and purple orchids sticking out arranged so that the colors pop when you approach the table. Some of the lights in the hall are lightly dimmed but there are still two candles on either side of the centerpieces on each table for an added ambiance. The chairs have plush purple velvet pillows and are made of ebony with a beautiful wax finish. Each event that he throws has different sets of colors that he chooses but no matter the temperature outside he likes to use leather or velvet for his fabric choice. Each Master, Mistress, Dom, and Dommes sat at tables reserved for them and their slaves/subs. The chairs are placed especially so that they are facing the stage and podium in the front of the room. VIPs are seated in the front two feet from the stage. Mr. Stiles' table is actually next to ours sitting with his wife Mirabel. Steven's table is on the other side of us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Mistresses, Masters, Doms, Dommes, slaves and subs. Welcome to the 7th Annual Euphoric BDSM Awards Banquet." Daniel greets everyone. He is Mr. Stiles' assistant and is the Master of Ceremonies. "Let's give the late arrivals a few more moments before we begin."

"Ok…" he begins quietly as the late arrivals in the back take their seats. "Good Evening everyone. We will start this evening by introducing Club Euphoria's founder Mr. Stiles. Mr. Stiles is a great man that with the help of his wife, built Club Euphoria from the ground up housing it here at their grand estate. It's hard to believe that it has been a total of eight years since the club was founded with now more than two thousand members." He pauses.


"It started with only ten members. Friends, neighbors, and co-workers of the Stiles' that wanted to let themselves loose by enhancing their sexual experiences and enjoying the flesh of others. After the first year of being open, there were two new members that wanted to be more adventurous with sex that eventually led us to creating our own little BDSM community within the club. Newer members nowadays by mistake assume that Club Euphoria is a BDSM club exclusively. But as we all know, it is just an additional feature to the club that makes Club Euphoria much more than an orgy fest, but a community. A community with open-minded, audacious, and very sexual beings!" Daniel smiles amused as we all applaud. "We owe the glory of our large beautiful community or much rather our family to its generous founder, Mr. Stiles."


"Good Evening everyone!" Mr. Stiles begins. "Thank you, Daniel, for that introduction. Wow…! Eight years strong! Amazing, this is our 7th Annual Euphoric BDSM Awards Banquet. I love it. It is great to have such wonderful members as you that make these events possible and thereby quite enjoyable. It is also great to see the non-BDSM club members engaging in this event. Our members are truly amazing. If it was not for all of you, we would not have gotten this far. Of course, without our members that engage in BDSM, we would not have such a strong community and be able to hold events such as this."


The time for awards being handed out came as we were served a fantastic dinner. On the RSVP we had quite a few choices for meals; chicken, lamb, fish, vegetarian, and beef. The evening is going well. I think that the right people are being awarded. Jessie won Best Sub, Matthew won Best Slave and Most Devoted, and Peter won Most Adventurous Slave and Most Disciplined. Steven won the Most Astute Master while I also won the same award along with the Most Achieved Mistress award which is a great shock to me! The last awards to be presented and handed out are The Most Outstanding Master/Mistress/Dom/Domme awards. It's no surprise that Stacey won it for Domme, she is good. I've seen her work and I nominated her! Andrew won for Dom; he's deserving of it. Of course, I was not at all surprised to hear Steven's name called for Most Outstanding Master, which makes three years in a row now. But what came next was too much for me to handle.

"And the Most Outstanding Mistress award goes too…. Mistress Josephine Thompson!"

*Clapping and Cheering*

Walking up to the stage I see Steven grinning from ear to ear. I accept my award and turn to see the crowd standing to their feet and applauding continuously. Megan asks me if I would like to say anything after handing me the award.

"I don't know what to say." I walk up to the podium to say simply, "Thank you for whomever nominated me for this award, and to the voting committee thank you so very much for this. It's an honor to receive such a title. Thank you so…so very much everyone."